• Published 27th Mar 2019
  • 11,562 Views, 3,502 Comments

Mass Effect: Element of Kindness - CommanderApplejack

[CYOA] While exploring an old ruin an unfortunate accident sends Fluttershy halfway across the galaxy, how will the shy pegasus cope with being stuck away from her friends?

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Collector Vessel - Active

Chapter 125

Collector vessel - Active

Get up close and personal 43%

Fluttershy swiftly made her decision as she clamped her sniper rifle to her side and slid into cover next to Rainbow, waiting for the platform with the collectors to arrive. Their own platform shook slightly as the second one connected, Fluttershy immediately spurred into action and jumped from cover. A small squad of four collectors were already shooting at the group as Shy landed smack dab in the middle of them, a pulse of biotic energy staggering all four of them as she jumped on to of the closest and skewered it with an omni-blade. Grunt roared as well, charging after her and headbutting one of the others right before blasting the third with his new heavy shotgun. The fourth and final of the first batch quickly found the combined fire of Rainbow, Shepard, and Garrus to be too overwhelming as well and got cut down in mere seconds.

“Ha! Is that all they've got?!” Grunt laughed as he reinserted a thermal clip into his shotgun.

“Would you kindly not tempt them like that!” Dash shouted back as two more platforms got close, one having another solid ten collectors, the second platform held two of the heavy husks, scions, which used their artillery like biotic attack to fire from a distance as the platform circled the three joined ones.

“Rainbow! On me!” Fluttershy called out as she focused her attention on the circling platform. “We take care of those!”

“Got it!” Dash responded as Fluttershy opened her wings and launched herself like a bullet towards the circling platform, Rainbow close behind as they slid behind cover next to her friend. “Got a plan?”

“Well, these two, unlike the collectors, don't have wings, so they'll make a nice splat when they hit the ground,” Fluttershy smirked. “We hit the right one first, you give it a good buck and I'll fling it off.”

“Sounds good to me!” Dash smiled, jumping from cover and flying at even faster speeds towards the aforementioned scion, bucking it with all her might. Fluttershy lit her wing immediately after, knocking the staggered scion back a couple more meters and sending him off the platform to plunge to his death. “Score!”

The second one though now had the chance to return fire and even though Dash was in the open, it chose to fire on Fluttershy instead. The large explosive blasts of biotic energy exploding against Fluttershy’s cover, forcing her to keep her head down to avoid her shield draining fully. This though gave Rainbow the perfect opportunity to strike as she too used her biotics, charging at it in the blink of an eye and sending it flying off the platform too.

Down at the large amalgamation of platforms, the other three members of the squad were just finishing off the last few collectors. Grunt stood in the middle of a pile of corpses, widely grinning as he cradled his new toy. EDI appeared on the console as Fluttershy and Dash landed back with the others.

“I have regained control of the platform, Shepard,” the AI announced as it slowly started moving back down.

“Great work, EDI. Did you get what we needed?” Shepard asked as the platform landed down on the surface of which it came.

“I have successfully found data that’ll help successfully navigate the omega-four relay. I also found that the signal the turians sent was a trap, the collectors sent it. It is unusual.”

“Seems logical to me that they’d send the message as bait?” Shepard asked, not waiting on the platform and started to lead the group back to the shuttle they used to come in.

“No, it is unusual because turians emergency channels have secondary encryption. It is corrupted in the message. It is not possible the Illusive man could possibly have thought this message was genuine.”

“Can you be sure of that?” Garrus asked.

“I found the anomaly with Cerberus detection tools. He wrote them.”

“Damnit. I’ll have some choice words with the bastard when we get back,” Shepard growled before Joker opened the communication channel again.

“If that getting back could be done fast, that would be appreciated. The collector ship is powering back up!” He called out. “You need to get out before weapons come online! I’m not losing another Normandy!”

“You heard the man! Let’s get a move on!” Shepard called out as he sped up to make as much ground as possible, engaging the few collectors that got in their way. Tearing their way through the ship back to the shuttle they eventually ran into a somewhat bigger snag.

“Praetorian!” Fluttershy called out as she recognized the massive being they’d fought on Horizon as well.

“Damnit! Fluttershy, pass me that rifle!” Shepard called out, Fluttershy obliging and giving the massive anti-materiel rifle over to the commander before opening up on the large husk-insectoid thing with her own sniper to do as much damage as possible. A couple of ear-splitting bangs from the Commander later, the reaper abomination had lost a good set of limbs before it even managed to put up his shield. “Throw everything you’ve got at it!” SMG and assault rifle fire smashed into the thing as its shield didn’t do it much good, getting downed really quickly, and it was shredded by a second salvo from the sniper rifle along with everyone else’s fire.

“Hell yeah!” Rainbow laughed as she lead the charge with Grunt ahead past the corpse and over the last stretch towards the shuttle, EDI having to reroute their path once before they got to the shuttle.

“Those weapons are about to come online Commander! Might wanna double-time it so we can leave before, you know, they Blow the Normandy in half!” Joker warned them as they powered up the shuttle and raced for their own vessel. “Strap in people! We’re going to make them work for it this time!”

Shepard rushed towards the cockpit, Fluttershy hot on his heels as she wasn’t going to let the same thing happen twice to the commander where it to come to that. “I can’t dodge this guy for long EDI, get us the hell out of here!” Joker shouted as a lance of energy passed beside the stealth ship.

“Specify a destination, mister Moreau.”

“Anywhere but here!” Joker shouted at the AI as another lance shot by, the ship starting to hum as it prepared to jump.

“Very well, engaging mass effect core.”

Author's Note:

2 more missions on the planning before the collector base :rainbowdetermined2:

[Paragon] or [Renegade] are colored when available, though normal options might also contribute to one or the other. As for the shippers under us, [Romance] is now also a thing.
When an option is not available due to various reasons it will be colored [Grey]

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