• Published 9th Jan 2023
  • 3,325 Views, 112 Comments

Buzzwole stuck in Equestria - Cadia_prime

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Chapter 13-Luna’s Fight To The Finish-Part 3

Nightmare Moon POV:

This was not supposed to happen. She waited centuries for this chance,THIS MOMENT, to finally get what she deserves.…..Recognition. Yet life throws another problem in her way.

In this case, a Pest problem.

She barely had time to react to the yelling behind her before she felt something punch her in the face. She slams against the throne as it breaks from the collision. She gasps in surprise as her cheek flares up in pain. She looks up to see a beast that was meant to be extinct, and stated as myths from then on look at her with determination in its eyes.

’A BUZZWOLE?!? How could one have survived?!’,She thought. She remembered tales of these beasts from her youth as her and her sister’s mentor spoke of stories fighting against them during his younger years. She was told that these beasts had all died out in the Great Hunts, yet here one stood, fighting against her with no reason at all but of its own. But didn't her mentor also mentioned its eyes being red?

Before she could speak in outrage, she felt her instincts tell her to move out the way from where she laid. She quickly turned to her shadow form as she barely escaped the falling debris of rocks that crashed on the spot she once occupied.

The beast tried to grab her shadow as she passed by it but failed as it slipped through easily. However it followed her direction, looking intently at where she was going.

She growled as she turned back to her full form. She glared at the Buzzwole as it rushed forward for another attack. She quickly set up a barrier that blocked the impact of the attack, the barrier cracking as she yelled at it.


She did not know how to kill such a beast, but as long as she has her crystal necklace, she will prevail. She watched the beast continue to yell as it continued its barrage of punches against the barrier, larger cracks forming with each hit. She fired a beam of magic at its chest as it stumbled back from the hit, allowing her breathing room to strike back.

She turned into shadows once more as she summoned two blades. She quickly moved behind the beast before striking across its back, sending it crashing towards the wall in front of it. She smirked, but it quickly changed to a more worried look as the beast rose once more, looking almost unscathed from the attack.

She fired bolt after bolt of energy at it, using more and more of her crystal’s power to at least damage it in some way. Yet all it did was slow it's movements towards her. She started to slightly panic now that she begins to realize how ineffective her attacks are becoming. She still had one last trump card, and decided now would be a good time to use it.

Before she could even react however, the beast rushed forward and grabbed her by the throat. She cursed under her breath as she couldn't use the spell now. She gasped for air as the airflow in her throat was nearly blocked. It looked at her for a moment before her necklace pulsed with dark energy, garnering its attention, as it's eyes began to blow red…..

Arthur POV:

I had the princess within my grasp. She was rather difficult to fight against, but I quickly realized two things.

1. She was using dark type attacks
2. She could only uses ghost type moves to dodge attacks she can see or move around

All of her moves were weak against my typing. This was a godsend. While the ghost type moves prevented me from even touching her, all of her other attacks at me were weak against my body. While it did stagger me slightly, my direct first attack on her did more damage.

All I needed to do now is find a way to reverse the corruption within her. From all the books I read on corrupted magic, which were close to none, it didn’t speak of any way to reverse such corruption than to destroy it.

I looked at her intently, she was scared. While her face showed anger and hatred, her dark blue eyes only showed fear and sorrow. Before I could gaze upon her eyes any longer, her necklace glowed a dark pulse, and whispers were heard all around me.

Kill her……..she cannot be saved……… take me instead………use my power……….bring your wish to life………send you back home……….with your friends………your Family…….

I felt my hand clench as around her neck, as if knowing this crystal is telling the truth. I felt my worries on my problem to return home slip away as I continue to gaze upon His Glory.

All I had to do was ki-


I felt a small stone hit my head from above as I gaze away from the crystal to see Queen Night Star enter through one of the holes in the ceiling.

”Let her go Arthur! You are going to kill her like that! I don’t know what’s gotten into you but snap out of it! ”, she yelled. I quickly remembered what I was doing and my eyes widen in fear of what I was close to doing, and the promise I was about to break.

I look at her as she looked at me with worry and sadness. I loosen my grip on Nightmare Moon’s neck in shame as she crawled down from the ceiling and the wall. She hesitated for a moment before she crawled towards us.

I looked back at her then at Nightmare Moon, who was staring at Queen Night Star, with tears in her eyes. I quickly noticed that her eyes changed as well, turning from the dark blue coloration that I had seen before to a lighter blue. She looked regretful, as she spoke. “N-Night Star? Is thou truly here?”

Queen Night Star looked at her and nodded, with tears in her eyes as well.”H-Hi Luna….”

Before any one of us could respond or act in any way, the crystal pulsed once more with dark energy, as Nightmare Moon screamed in pain and anger. Her screams made me let go of her neck and stand back in fear as they echoed through the throne room. She collapsed on the ground as she continued screaming and flailing in agony for a few moments longer before stopping.

She laid on the ground for a few moments longer as I looked back at Queen Night Star, who had also started to recover from shock as well and looked heartbroken to see her Owner in pain. I looked back to see Nightmare Moon rise from the ground as she opened her eyes. Her eye shifted back to what they were originally as she glared at Queen Night Star.


Each word brought more tears to my friend as she looked at Nightmare Moon, as she is filled with shame and guilt, but quickly changes to rage and determination.

”I never left your side Luna, I was always there when you needed me. This isn’t you! I know this isn’t you! You would never say such things to me! It’s the Faust-Damn crystal!” She yelled back at her, before turning to me. ”Thats the source of her power! Remove it and we could bring My Luna back once and for all!”

I nodded as Nightmare Moon fired a beam straight towards my friend, aiming to destroy her before she could say any more. I quickly move in front of her as I shrug off the attack, grunting slightly as I look back at her. I wanted her to go to safety, but she gave me a defiant look in return.

”I won’t leave your side this time Arthur! I’ll distract her while you get that crystal off of her neck!”

Nightmare Moon looked frantic as I look back at her. Queen Night Star crawled up the wall as she shot web after web at her corrupted Mistress, getting her more angry and focused onto her. I used this chance to rush towards Nightmare Moon as she screams in anger while charging a beam.


She removed the last of the webs as she fired a beam of dark energy towards me. I held up my arms in defense at the last second as the beam collided on my arms. I slid back slightly from the attack as I grunted in pain. I felt myself being pushed back as my legs slid across the floor. Queen Night Star looked at me with worry as she tried to make Nightmare Moon lose focus again but to no avail. She was going after me.

”You can do it Arthur! I believe in you!”, Queen Night Star shouts from the sides lines, cheering me on. I saw hope and determination in her eyes as I look at her.

My friend depends on my victory, and she lays her hopes onto me. I will never let those hopes die. I felt my body strengthening as I stomp forward, slowly beginning my way towards her. Hope filled my strength as I reached closer with each step.

”NO! THOU CANNOT WIN! THOU WILL NOT SUCCEED!” ,She cried in outrage. She fueled more of the crystals magic in the beam, making it stronger.

But to no avail. I pushed forward as I stood in front of her and reached with an arm quickly and grabbed the crystal.

”NO! NO NO NO! LET GO!”, She yelled, now panicking.

I ripped the crystal necklace off of her as she screamed. I felt the whispers return stronger than before, telling me all of what it could achieve for me, but I already had one goal set in mind.

Finishing this fight.

I crushed the crystal with all my might as Nightmare Moon looked greatly weakened. I heard my friend cheer loudly as Nightmare Moon collapsed, seemingly defeated.

I let my hand drop all the shards as Nightmare Moon glares at me.

”You’ll pay for this foul beast…….I will finish what I have started…..you haven’t won yet…”, she said, as she ignited her horn. My eyes widen as I never knew she had any magic left.


I rushed forward to grab her before she could escape, but it was too late. She popped with a teleport as I grabbed only air.

”FAUST DAMNIT! WE WERE SO CLOSE!”, Queen Night Star yelled behind me on the wall.

My fists clenched as I yell out in outrage. I slammed my fists down on the stone floor as they make a small crater. We had won the fight, yet failed to complete the objective. Our only hope now would be that she will return to the castle once again.

Author's Note:

Hope you up enjoyed this chapter, took a bit of time to complete this one. Next chapter will the the final part, and more answers will be unveiled.

Name: Arthur Henris
Pokémon: Buzzwole
Type: Bug-Fighting
Level: 73
Moves: Focus Punch, Fell Stinger, ??????, ????????