• Published 9th Jan 2023
  • 3,324 Views, 112 Comments

Buzzwole stuck in Equestria - Cadia_prime

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Chapter 2- Mighty Flex

I become overjoyed at the fact that I became was the one Pokémon that I loved the most. I hopped around on my four legs in a circle as I got giddy, which was a bit hard when your used to being on two legs rather than four. I would have looked hilarious to anyone who saw, if that is, there was someone around to begin with.

“Fuck yeah! This is so damn cool! I’m a goddamn Buzzwole, one of the best Pokémon there is to get!” I shouted to myself as I flexed my newfound muscles.

‘I wonder if I have any moves? Maybe I have some good ones.’ I thought to myself as I metaphorically grinned, considering now that I have a stinger for a mouth. I looked around for a perfect target. I spotted a dead tree not far from where I stood ( and also woke up from). I chuckled as I walked towards the tree at a decent pace while getting used to the legs a bit as I thought of moves to try.

“Let’s see, thunder punch? No wouldn’t work that well, maybe fire punch perhaps?……nope, I do not want to cause a forest fire, wait, do all fire moves cause forest fires in grassy environments?” I muttered as I thought of how different moves would work considering that I truly am a Buzzwole and not some crazy dream I’m having. I shook my head before I could get myself into deeper into the rabbit hole of what’s happening right now.

“Alright, let’s just try Focus punch then, shouldn’t be too much of a problem since it’s just a fighting type move” I said to myself, muttering as I aimed at the tree with my arm and tried to focus my mind and took a deep breath in and out. I thought maybe when other Pokémon used this move they did something similar to gather their strength.‘Aim for the tree, the tree is your enemy, aim for nothing but the tree…….NOW STRIKE!

”FOCUS PUNCH!”I yelled as I struck the tree with all my might, as the impact reduced the dead tree to splinters as a loud BOOM thundered from the impact. My eyes widen in disbelief as I reduced that tree to tiny splinters. I looked at my arm to find no damage at all from the hit.

“I…I did it…I actually did it….I DID IT! HAHAHA!” I cheered and punched the air in joy. I became possibly the first human in real life to use a Pokémon move! Me, Arthur Henris! I continued to cheer for a bit longer before another thought came to mind, one that should have been a priority to begin with.’Where am I?’

I froze, as I truly had no idea where I was. Could I be in the Pokémon world? I looked around and saw no other Pokémon at all, just a few birds flying above the tree line , normal birds, not Pokémon. They looked like an average bird you would see in the park or forest back home.’If I’m even home at all that is…,’

‘If I’m not in the Pokémon world, then where am I?’,I thought. I looked at my back to my wings, which reminded me that I could also fly, but without knowing what’s out there and without any experience at all in flying, I didn’t use them.

I decided to walk deeper into the forest, to at least find something that could help me figure out where I truly was. As I walked along I saw more animals, from deer to even some rabbits hopping away from me in fear. However what caused me to freeze in complete shock and fear was seeing a hybrid of a lion, bat and scorpion in the distance feeding off on another animal. It looked like some monster from Greek mythology come to life. I walked quickly to get as far away from the beast as I didn’t know if a Pokémon like myself could handle a fight against that thing.

As I continued my pace I noticed it got darker as night took hold and I was getting scared. I didn’t want to die here to quickly after achieving something so great. Luckily for me however I found myself in front of a bridge at a cliff side. The other side was covered up by some sort of fog or mist of sorts, but my main focus was the bridge. While it looked old and rotten from constant weathering of the elements, it provided me a sense of relief as where there may be signs of intelligence, it also means shelter.

However I looked down to see that it was very steep, and considering my weight I wouldn’t be able to get more than one leg on before the bridge would snap. So I decided to use my wings at last. I struggled to use my wings as they were very new but soon enough I heard a buzzing sound as I turned my head to see my wings flapping.

I silently cheered at another success for myself as I slowly lifted myself off the ground. I flew across the the cliff to the other side, nearly falling once or twice due to lack of focus on my flying as I landed roughly on the soft ground on the other side falling onto my face.

“Fuck! That hurts…” I groaned as I got back up rubbing my stinger on my face. I look up to see the mist clear to reveal a large ruined castle, worn down by time but still standing.

“Holy fuck…….how did I not see this before?” I was shocked at the size of the castle as I see a large gate opening on top of some damaged stairs. I walked through the gate to see a massive room with many halls, with two tapestries, one dark purple and one golden, both worn by time as two tapestries depict a sun and moon respectively with a dark blue and white ponies with horns and wings below them.

“Well this is new…wonder what I’ll find here?”