• Published 9th Jan 2023
  • 3,325 Views, 112 Comments

Buzzwole stuck in Equestria - Cadia_prime

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Chapter 5- Finding Answers but only getting more questions

Arthur’s POV:

I returned back into the room I had planned to stay in, trying to understand what had transpired with the wolf core, heart or whatever it was. ‘I already knew that Buzzwole ate by draining their victims with their stinger, like in the anime, but…. outright killing them? That seems a bit wrong…’ I thought. ’Though considering that whatever I ate not only made me regain my energy, but also removed my hunger, then I’ll have to eat more of those wood wolves. That made me think about how I would hunt if I am to survive. I then looked back at the books that I had collected earlier from the fallen bookshelf.

‘If those books came from upstairs, then there has got to be more on the ecosystem and creatures that surround this area.’ I looked out the window to see that it was dark outside, with a near full moon shining brightly in the sky. The moon looked strange, as if there was a pony shape head made up from the craters making a side portrait. I shook my head to stop myself from questioning anything more about this new world that I was stuck in. I needed rest if I am to do anything tomorrow. So I went to the bed and removed the covers. I dropped anything that was dusty or moth eaten to the side of the bed before getting on of what remains of the sheets and laid down. The bed creaked and shifted due to my weight but held firm once I had relaxed.

“First day in a new world and I managed to fight off 3 wolves and befriended what could be considered one of the most dangerous creatures of Greek mythology, I hope things calm down tomorrow, I’d rather not do any more of that for a long while.” I muttered as I drifted off to sleep. Only later would I know what huge mistake I did by saying that, but that’s tomorrow me’s problem, not mine. I had a dreamless sleep that night. I later awoke to the sun shining on my face, which annoyed me to no end.

I grumbled as I got up and tried to reach for my phone on my bedside, only to come up empty handed and only grabbing air. I was confused at first until my mind replayed yesterday’s events as I remembered where I was after a few moments.

“Fuck….guess this wasn’t a dream…. I was hoping it was.” I sighed to myself as I got off the bed, it creaking and bending due to my weight. I went to the desk to look at the books and decided to start reading by grabbing a book. ’Rather get it started now than later, don’t want any more interruptions to my day before I finish getting at least some information from these books.’ I thought to myself as I grabbed two more with my left hand as I read with my right, before sitting down on the couch and dropping them beside me.

I didn’t take notice of the small skittering that ran above me as I read into more ideas and theories in teleportation by this author named “Starswirl the Bearded”

StarSpider POV:

He rushed back out of the room as fast as possible as to not be seen by the gigantic creature below him. He needed to tell Mother of this new development. As he left the room he crawled towards the ceiling hole that made entrance to the library on the second floor. As he entered he passed by countless others of his kind, all moving around and making webs around available space, some also stopping to chat with others. But he could not stop, he had to tell Mother about the information he gained on the creature that had started to dwell on the first floor guest bedroom.

He soon reached a massive web at the end of the library, made up of multiple individual webs, all tied and placed together to make a proper space for their Mother to rest and get food. It was called the Webway. He was stopped by more larger and bulkier star spiders. They were the protectors and guards of their mother, and were extremely fast and durable, able to fend off any predators for their Mother and her other children to escape.

“HALT, state your business with Mother.” said the guard.

“I come bearing information about the Prideful One.” He said. He shuffled uncomfortably as he said the name.

”You may pass, Mother has been expecting your return.” The guard replied. Both guards moved out of the way as he crossed through and entered the Webway.

He stopped as he bowed before the presence of Mother. She was a large Star Spider that stood 2 feet tall. Her bright star on her abdomen glowed as she lowered herself down from the Webway. ”What news do you carry of the Prideful One that dwells beneath us?” She asked, her voice soft and motherly to her child.

”It, or rather he is intelligent Mother. He reads books of knowledge to understand and shows compassion to other creatures than himself. He does not appear to be like the others you have told us about Mother.” ,He replied as he stood back up to look at her.

”Excellent! Tell the guard to prepare themselves as they shall escort me to meet with him. We must gain his help before the day my Mistress breaks free from her prison if we wish to free her from the darkness” She stated, as her heart swelled with hope.

”Understood Mother.” He bowed once more before scurrying off to relay the message.

Mother returned to her web as she looked at a picture of her Mistress hanging from a web above her. She lost her nearly 1,000 years ago, but now she has a chance to finally reunite with her and free her from the cursed darkness that influenced her mind. She should have done better for her back then; and she shall now with the Prideful One’s help.

Below her laid a book on a small table stuck against a column with webs to provide a place to store her items on a flat surface. The book opened on a page depicting a large muscular insect like creature, flexing its muscles while attacking pony soldiers. Above it stated the name, ”THE PRIDEFUL ONE, BUZZWOLE “. She closed the book now that she didn’t need it anymore, each page flipping through depicting different beasts from one that looked like a jester to one that had a gaping mouth at its center; before finally landing on the front cover of the book, the title reading, ”Equestrian Monster Mythology: The Ultra Beasts”

Author's Note:

How’s that for an awesome cliffhanger for what’s to come? I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Leave a comment if you’d have any future ideas that I could do.