• Published 9th Jan 2023
  • 3,325 Views, 112 Comments

Buzzwole stuck in Equestria - Cadia_prime

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Chapter 3- Exploring the Castle

I walked around inside the castle as I stood in front of one of the tapestries that hung from what remains of a ceiling. I was more surprised by the fact that the ceiling still stayed strong even from the large holes that filled much of the place. “Looks like an aftermath of a battle” I comment to myself.

I looked at the tapestry once more as I stood confused by what type of creature or Pokémon it was. ‘Doesn’t look like any Pokémon I know, neither does it match to any mythological creature as well, guess I should have paid more attention during the mythology lesson back in high school…..I could still hear Mr. Toshiba talking in that lazy voice of his’ I thought as I chucked a bit.

I decided to walk through one of the halls as I saw more items. Some depicted more images of the sun and moon, and I even saw a full suit of armor, though peculiarly it looked like it was meant for a body shape of a horse. I thought back of my high school days while walking around and inspecting some of the items. While it was not too long ago I still missed being able to be around the crazy antics of high school and being with my friends. They’d always had something new and fun to do each week. My younger sister often joined in on the crazy ideas that they often did, her favorite being the spice challenge. ‘Oooh boy, I still remember how I had to explain to Mom and Dad why my sister looked so red……’ I had stopped walking as I remembered that I didn’t know a way back from all this. I didn’t know if I could go back at ALL.

‘Does my family know where I’m at? Am I stuck here? Will I never see my family again?’. So many thoughts poured into my head as I truly didn’t know. I felt tears run down my face as I touched them with my hand. I didn’t know when I had started crying. I felt lost. So utterly Alone. I felt my hands curl into fists as my body shook with anger.

”GGRAAAAA!” I screamed as I punched a wall, making a large hole as cracks appeared at the edges. I hated it. I hated the fact I could do nothing in this situation at the moment. Even with super strength I was helpless. I continued to punch more of the wall down as I tried to let off steam. When there was no more wall to punch I moved to whatever I saw was available. I didn’t know how long I kept up for but soon I was tired. I shook my hands as they felt sore. I panted as I sat on the rubble I made.

I could do nothing. I was stuck here as a Pokémon with no chance of seeing my family and friends ever again. “I don’t even know if there are even other Pokémon here to begin with….”

Then it hit me. Literally.

Due to my outburst and rage the walls couldn’t support the second level anymore as the floor collapsed on top of me. While I was fine in the end it didn’t mean that it didn’t hurt at all.

“Fuuuuuuuuuuck” I muttered as I slowly pulled myself out of the rubble and moved the larger stones off me with my arms. As I dusted myself off I saw that there was books strewn about from a broken wooden bookcase. I tilted my head in confusion as I looked up to see a full library of books from the edges of the hole of the first floor ceiling. I looked down again to grab one of the books off the floor as I tried to read the title.

“Theory on the Principles of Magic?” I repeated. Sadly that was but all I could manage to read as the book was badly damaged and old, even showing some heavy binder damage that made it seem that the pages would fall off at any moment. I carefully opened the book as I looked at the context inside. While most of it I didn’t understand nor could comprehend, I was able to read a few key pieces, one of which being teleportation.

‘If this book is any reliable this day and age, it means that there are spells of teleportation, and if the beings here are still alive out there somewhere…….I could find a way home…..I could actually get home!’ With a newfound goal I picked up other books that had at least a word on magic, spells, or anything I could understand from it. I took them away from the damaged hallway to find a new area to keep them safe for further study. Due to my hands being full I busted down multiple doors with my shoulder to find a room that was at least capable for someone to live in for the time. By the seventh door I found what seems to look like a guest bedroom, with a somewhat Victorian era style.

There was a large bed with blankets that looked dusty and moth eaten, yet still had a touch of royal flair to it, a wooden desk that had drawers built on either side, something akin to a couch yet looked more like a mini bed by how much cushion there was on it, and finally a closet that looked to have seen better days due to being directly underneath an area that was dripping water.

’This will have to do for now’ I sighed internally as I set the books down on the desk, and counted a total of 7 books that were useful to me at the moment, all at varying degrees of damage. I was about to begin reading when I felt my stomach growl in hunger. I didn’t know what I needed to eat to survive, the only knowledge that I had on buzzwole in that category was that blood and berries seem to be the only types of food to sustain itself.

I looked at my hands as I didn’t know how to hunt or even catch the prey around in this new world I was stuck in for the time being. Before I could start thinking of ways to solve my hunger problem, I heard a loud ”ROAR!” outside the room, sounding not that far away from where I stood. I froze up in fear as to wonder what beast made the sound, and whether if will find me. Despite my fear to not see where that roar came from, I put on a brave face (metaphorically) and reminded myself that I at least know a move I could use and that I could fly. As I walked out my room my only thought was, ’ I hope whatever made that sound can’t handle the attack I have, if it does…..I better pray for an even fight….’

Author's Note:

I decided to make a little sheet below to make it easier to see what attacks Arthur knows and whatnot like an actual Pokémon. Leave a comment below on attack ideas that you would like to see him learn. I plan to have him learn 3 more attacks on later chapters so any idea would greatly help! I hope you like this chapter, I’ll try to post one later on this week.

Name: Arthur Henris
Pokémon: Buzzwole
Moves: Focus Punch,????,????,????