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Swarm of the Century/ Trouble in Neighpon!

*Chrysalis’s POV*

*Blissful sigh* It’s been so long since I had that kind of fun with Mandible… Wait a minute, I sensed something dangerous in the air, and for a strange reason it was coming from Fluttershy’s house.

Spottedleaf was relaxing on a lawn chair outside the library while enjoying the weather. Yellowfang was working at the hospital.

I soon hear Rainbow and Azure tussling with each other over a rubber chicken.

*Giggle!* I wonder how those two will be in heat on a full moon at night. I still can’t believe it’s been a while since Cadence and I considered each other rivals.

Twilight was itching at a bite mark on her neck since she had gotten bit by Rainbow.

“Are you alright?” I asked.

Twilight spoke "Yeah but the noise of that squeaky toy is driving me nuts plus Princess Celestia is coming for a visit, I haven't seen her since she got married."

“Well, I sensed something strange at Fluttershy’s house.” I said.

Spottedleaf spoke "It's probably nothing."

“I dunno.” I responded.

Spottedleaf spoke "Plus I don't think we need any interruptions."

I still couldn’t shake that bad feeling.

Mandible chuckles "Hey Chryssie."

After hearing that voice, I couldn’t keep my wings from fluttering. “Hey Manny.”

The two of us kissed for a minute before we gave each other a love bite, making both of us blush at that.

Danyelle was sparring with Pharynx.

Danyelle spoke "Not bad."

Pharynx spoke "Least we can keep our skills sharp in case something happens."

Danyelle's fur fluffs up suddenly.

Danyelle spoke "Something’s wrong."

“You sensed it too?” I asked.

Danyelle spoke "Yeah..."

“Wanna head to Fluttershy’s house?” I asked.

Danyelle spoke "Yeah, I think it might be that kind of problem..."

“And it better not be what I think it is.” I dreaded.

Danyelle spoke "I hear something... and a lot of it..."

Soon we arrived at Fluttershy’s cabin.

Danyelle asks "Fluttershy-chan, is everything okay in there?"

I opened the door before a huge swarm just burst out.

Danyelle spoke "Holy cuss...."

“…Was that what I think it was?” I asked.

Danyelle growls "Parasprites..."

Danyelle started to sing, getting the attention of all of the parasprites.

“*Whew!* So you already encountered them.” I sighed in relief.

Danyelle spoke "They multiply fast though and music's the only way to stop them. Plus I can tell that Pinkie-chan's thinking the same thing."

Pinkie asks "Where’s an accordion?!"

Danyelle spoke "I got this under control."

Pinkie asks "Really?"

Danyelle spoke "Yeah."

A flash of light was seen under Danyelle's dress as the image of a lightning bolt and treble clef was seen on the hybrid's hips.

Danyelle asks "What was that?"

Twilight spoke "Uh… Danyelle? I think you got a cutie mark."

Danyelle spoke "Guess it was because of my Pegasus half that caused it."

I spoke "And it seems the pink one's got a big grin on her face."

Twilight spoke "Yep. That means Pinkie’s gonna make a party."

Danyelle spoke "No offense Pinkie-chan but I don't like loud noise. It's a cat thing you know."

After the parasprites were cleared out of Ponyville, Celestia and Pyre arrive as Pinkie was setting up a cute-ceañera for Danyelle.

Danyelle spoke "Hello Celestia-hime."

Celestia spoke "Hello, Danyelle."

Danyelle whispers in Celestia's ear.

Danyelle whispers "So, when will you and Pyre-Ōji be having foals?"

Celestia blushed as bright as the sun at that.

Danyelle was giggling as Pyre's wings shot up on end.

Celestia spoke "Well-Uh-We’re having a hard time deciding on a honeymoon."

Danyelle snickers "Or a honeysun."

Danyelle's nose twitches.

Danyelle giggles "Something tells me that you've got a foal on the way already Celestia-hime."

Celestia spoke "*Blushing* O-Oh! Uh-Really? Um…"

Danyelle spoke "My nose never lies."

Celestia spoke "…*Smiling* Actually, I know where the honeymoon will be for Pyre and I."

Danyelle spoke "I heard that Neighpon is rather nice this time of year."

Celestia giggles "Heehee! Why not."

Pyre spoke "But Celly, Luna doesn't have the same magic you have."

Celestia spoke "Well, it’s a good thing I know a fellow solar alicorn."

Spike burped up a letter from Rising Sun herself.

Twilight spoke "According to this letter, she can't leave Neighpon though. Something about hostile monsters..."

Spike spoke "Not to mention someone’s already on their way to help. But some of us should head there too in case they need help."

Twilight spoke "I can't help since Nyx needs me more. Rainbow's got a foal on the way so she can't help."

“I’ll go.” I said.

Danyelle spoke "As will I since I know my way around Neighpon."

“I gotta help so I could make up for what I did back then.” I explained.

Mandible spoke "Oh no you don't Chryssie, I have plans for you."

Heehee, oh that Mandible. Well, two can play that game. I swish my tail around Mandible’s neck as I said, “Oh, you’re a very naughty changeling king, aren’t you, Manny? How’s this: I help Danyelle out with this mission, and when I return, I’m all yours for 2 whole weeks?”

Mandible sighed blissfully as he was putty in my hooves. Aw yeah, this changeling queen’s still got the touch.

Mandible spoke" *Lovingly* Of course, Chryssie."

“Thank you, Manny. And here’s a promise to seal that deal.” I smiled before I kissed him on the lips as he kissed back with our tongues dancing with each other. We soon ended that kiss with a wet smack.

Mandible spoke "Be careful, honeybug."

“I will, sweetiebeetle.” I cooed back as Danyelle and I readied to head off.

Danyelle spoke "It's a long flight to Neighpon though."

“So? I can handle it. Besides, I think my wings could use the exercise.” I responded.

Danyelle spoke "I doubt Sunbutt could keep up with me though."

I snickered at that as I whispered to Danyelle, “Don’t let Cakeflank hear that.”

Danyelle fell over in laughter from that.

Danyelle's ears perk up suddenly.

Danyelle spoke "Uh Bugbutt, you might want to run."

I knew what she meant by that as I immediately took off, flying to Neighpon. “See ya a Neighpon, furball!”

Like a blur, Danyelle flew after me.

Danyelle spoke "LIGHTNING BOOST!!!"

Danyelle zips past me like a bolt of lightning.

Danyelle laughs "Eat my dust Bugbutt!"

“Oh, it’s on now!” I smirked as I flew faster, catching up with Danyelle, racing each other towards Neighpon.

A voice spoke "FIRE DRAGON ROAR!!!"

A blast of fire hits me, sending me careening towards the ground.

Danyelle spoke "HANG ON CHRYSALIS! I'M COMING!!!"

Danyelle flew fast, breaking the sound barrier as she pulled off the sonic lightningboom thus saving me from becoming a buggy pancake.

Banking back up into the sky while holding onto me, Danyelle asks "You okay?"

“Yeah. *Pant!* Thanks.” I said in gratitude.

Danyelle spoke "Least I figured out the lightning bolt part of my cutie mark.... Though I kinda lost my clothes in the process... High speed can do that to someone with clothes..."

Danyelle was covering herself while blushing in embarrassment.

Danyelle spoke "I wonder if I could get a custom Wonderbolts outfit..."

“If Rainbow mane told me right, you have to be a Wonderbolt to get that.” I remembered before I brought out a spare change of clothes for Danyelle. “Good thing I planned ahead.”

Danyelle spoke "Smart-Ears."

“Speed-tail.” I quipped back as I gave Danyelle that dress. “Anyway, we should get going.”

Danyelle spoke "Yeah but that was Azure's nickname."

“…You could’ve told me that sooner.” I said as we were close to Neighpon.

Danyelle soon lands on one of the balconies of Rising Sun's castle.

Danyelle spoke "Chrysalis-Joō, I'll explain why we came here. Oh Rising Sun-hime, it's good to see you again."

Rising Sun spoke "Danyelle, it's good to see you too."

Kneeling down, Danyelle spoke "Celestia-hime and Pyre-Ōji sent me here with Chrysalis-Joō to help you and the others fend off the monsters that plague Neighpon. They along with Luna-hime and Noble-Ōji couldn't come help since they have to protect their kingdom. Twilight-chan and her friends couldn't help either since they either have kids on the way or have kids to look after."

Rising Sun spoke "Oh, thank you, Danyelle-Chan. Lightning Edge is having trouble too."

“I’m sorry, who?” I asked in confusion.

Rising Sun spoke "Lightning Edge is a kirin that lives here, who has fire, lightning and light affinities. She’s one of my dear friends."

Danyelle spoke "I know a kirin that has earth and light affinities, his name's Mint Chip."

A female yelps "Gah!"

A female kirin with umber fur, white-blonde mane/tail, amber eyes, a red horn, black scales and hooves, wearing a red scarf and wielding two daggers was knocked back.

Rising Sun asks "Lightning Edge! Are you okay?"

Lightning groans "Ugh… I think so."

Danyelle asks "What kind of monsters are we dealing with?"

Lightning spoke "Oni."

Danyelle "Oni huh? Anything else?"

Lightning spoke "No. but they’re seriously tough!"

A male spoke "Sounds like you could use some help there."

We looked behind us to see an Abyssinian tom with green and medium-blonde fur with sunglasses and a white shawl while carrying a guitar case and a bouquet of roses.

Danyelle's wings shot up on end.

“And how would you help us?” I asked before the tomcat smirked while dropping the guitar case

“The name’s Tyson.” The tomcat introduced himself before he tapped the guitar case with his right foot, causing it to open and a square sword to come out it as he caught it with his open right hand. He then spun the bouquet, unraveling it as the roses scattered, revealing a double-barreled firearm. “I’m more than I look.”

I snicker "Well, you embarrassed the hybrid."

Danyelle spoke "*Blushing in embarrassment* Chrysalis!"

I spoke "Your wings say otherwise."

Tyson asks "Are we gonna tease all day or are we gonna beat some Oni?"

Danyelle yowls as she flew into battle, blasting oni with her Lightning Neko Yowl.

Tyson spoke "Lightning, good to see you again."

Lightning giggles "Heeheehee! You too, Tyson."

Danyelle yowls "A LITTLE HELP HERE?"

Tyson spoke "Sure. Oppression!

Tyson shot with his firearm once, using the recoil to leap backward before he threw a net of explosives woven by their primers. When a group of Oni charged, they ran onto the net as Tyson smirked before the explosives detonated, catching the group of Oni in the blasts and burning them.

Lightning spoke "Still clever as usual I see."

Tyson spoke "And you’re just as fast as ever."

A female voice spoke "CELESTIAL BLAST!!!"

A male spoke "FIRE ROAR!!!"

Several Oni got destroyed.

Danyelle gasps "No feathering way.... Natsu! Lucy!"


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