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Mega Monsters

*Therron's POV*

Looked like we were heading back to Ineighba.

Vince spoke "Yeah but not all of the Alliance is going though."

Gertrude spoke "I'm coming along."

Thunder Spark spoke "Count me in too."

Twilight still insisted on coming along.

Flash spoke "No Twilight, I have no idea how a warp ring will affect your unborn foal."

Twilight spoke "The foal and I will be fine, Flash."

Mrs. Sparkle spoke "Absolutely not Twilight Andromeda Sparkle!"

Rainbow asks "Wait, Twilight's middle name is Andromeda?"

Twilight spoke "*flustered* This is why I never mentioned anything about my middle name...."

Danyelle snickers "Hey Skittles, want to know what Shining's middle name is?"

Rainbows snickers "What?"

Danyelle snickers "His full name is Shining Starsparkle Armor, I heard it from Cadence."

Cherry spoke "Momma, I hungry..."

Twilight spoke "Oh..."

Danyelle spoke "I can't help since I'm too close to my due date."

Gertrude spoke "Dang..."

Danyelle spoke "Those with young children or children on the way can't do much. *nose twitches* and something tells me that you have chickubs on the way Gertie."

Gertrude froze at that.

Danyelle spoke "My sense of smell never lies."

A little chickub that was a few shades lighter than Gallus was biting on the male gryphon's tail.

Gallus spoke "Arthur, that hurts... Stop biting my tail."

"What's going on?" I asked.

Gallus spoke "I don't know what it is with him but he's at that stage were he's biting anything that moves."

"Ah, hunter's instinct?" I assumed.

Gallus spoke "I believe it comes from his Changeling half."

"What?" I asked in confusion.

Gallus chuckles "Old habits though."

A gryphon hen with Ocellus' colors was resting on a beanbag.

Fluttershy asks "Is that…?"

Gallus spoke "Yep, that’s Ocellus."

Ocellus yawns cutely. "Oh hey Gally-wally..."

Many of the females giggle.

Gallus blushed at that.

Ocellus tried to revert back to her normal form but she couldn't.

Ocellus whines "Gallus... I can't shift back..."

Gallus spoke "Maybe something happened."

Danyelle parts the feathers on the back of Ocellus' neck before finding a unremovable collar.

Danyelle spoke "Gallus, you might want to look at this..."

Gallus spoke "Huh? Oh boy…"

Chrysalis was trapped in alicorn form since she also had the collar on.

Chrysalis spoke "This stinks worse than a warthog..."

Danyelle spoke "This is gonna take a while to figure out how to get these collars off."

Chrysalis spoke "These collars can't be removed by any means."

Twilight pounces on a nearby bush, pinning a thug from the disbanded Medici Mafia down on the ground.


The thug tried to keep his mouth shut.

Twilight digs her front claws into the thug's neck.

That made the thug crack quickly.

Twilight growls "Unless you want me to call in my OC-verse counterpart... TALK!!"

The thug spoke "Okay okay! I’ll talk I’ll talk!"

Danyelle growls "Well?"

The thug spoke " L-Lorenzo made them to prevent spies from getting in or out."

Twilight growls "Lorenzo is dead! My OC-verse counterpart killed him!"

The thugs stammers "I-I meant in the past!"

Twilight snarls "You better take the collars off Ocellus and Chrysalis RIGHT NOW!!!"

The thugs stammers "I-I don’t have the remote!"

Haru growls "Phoebus... I should have known! That sleezeball's taken control of what's left of the Medici Mafia!"

“Looks like we’ll need to go to two places now.” I noted.

Yuki spoke "He's holed up in Ineighba though."

“That certainly make things more simple.” I responded.

Muta spoke "You might as well count me, Haru, Yuki, Lune, Humbert and Vince in."

All of a sudden, the cutie marks of the Alicorns of Harmony were glowing as Spottedleaf's fur heated up.

Twilight spoke "Guess I’m coming along after all."

Spottedleaf calls out "Uh Twi, we got called to an unnamed town!"

Starlight suddenly showed up, with her cutie mark glowing as well.

Sugar Belle spoke "Seems like a problem has popped up."

Starlight asks "What’s going on?"

Twilight spoke "Seems like the nine of us got called for a friendship mission."

Starlight spoke "I've got a bad feeling about this..."

Sugar Belle spoke "Same here…"

Frostleaf spoke "Same."

Flash, Cheese, Azure, Flowerstep, Blizzardstar, Big Mac, Crosswind and Sunburst nod in agreement.

“Well, what’re we waiting for?” I pointed out.

Twilight spoke "We'll see you cats later then since we alicorns are heading somewhere else."

The 13 alicorns, three chakats and two Abyssinians head to the train station.

Danyelle spoke "Well, there they go."

*One warp ring later*

Vince asks "So, where's this troublemaker?"

“Who knows what Phoebus could be planning.” I said before things started getting foggy.

Lune spoke "My dad's an idiot, I never invited him to my wedding."

Emerald asks "Do you think he could be trying to bring the mirror world into our world?"

All of us looked at Emerald at that.

Emerald spoke "What?! I was just saying!"

Lune spoke "It's a possibility though since my dad's insane."

“Well, let’s try to find out what’s going on.” I said.

Vince's fur bristles up suddenly.

Vince spoke "Something’s wrong!"

Yuki was growling, as was Haru.

I ready myself for battle.

Kara soon got grabbed.

Yuki yowls "Kara!"

A sinister voice spoke "If you had done as I told you to Lune, this would have NEVER HAPPENED!"

Then I sensed enemy Shadows before I immediately attacked alongside my heartbeat with arm swings and kicks. I then did a spin kick on an enemy before jumping into the air. “Rhythmic Assault!” I shouted as I struck downward, attacking an enemy on the ground as the impact sent out a shockwave that attacked surrounding enemies, clearing a bit of fog and revealing Phoebus holding Kara captive.

Kara teleports out of her grandfather's grip.

Lune growls "This is between me and the old man."

The two toms growl at each other, Lune never takes his gaze off his dad.

“Very well, then we’ll hold off the breaching Shadows.” I responded.

Haru growls at her shadow.

“This is going to be tough.” I said.

Yuki spoke "Agreed, we don't have Spottedleaf's help nor Danyelle's help. We're on our own."

Emerald attacked the shadows with her kicks.

Several shadow chains and blood chains restrain all of the shadows from moving.

Flintfur sang https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HuwnltTO1V4 as the voices of my friends and allies call out.

Flintfur: You're never gonna bring me down
You're never gonna break this part of me
My friends are here to bring me 'round
Not singin' just for popularity

Everyone: We're here to let you know
That we won't let it go
Our music is a bomb and it's about to blow

Bone: And you can try to fight
But we have got the light of friendship on our side

Sugar Song: Got the music in our hearts
We're here to blow this thing apart
And together we will never be afraid of the dark

Shadowfang: Here to sing our song out loud
Get ya dancin' with the crowd
As the music of our friendship survives survives

Haru and Yuki: Got the music in our hearts
We're here to blow this thing apart
And together we will never be afraid of the dark

Humbert: Here to sing our song out loud
Get ya dancin' with the crowd
As the music of our friendship survives survives survives!!!!

Sugar Song soon got her cutie mark which was three music notes.

Flintfur growls at his darker self.

Scourge taunts "Hehe, what’s wrong? Afraid of the dark?"

Flintfur growls "You don't scare me anymore! I have a new outlook on life now and if you even THINK of hurting my friends... Well you won't LIKE it when I get mad!"

Scourge laughs "Hahaha! Yeah, right. Try me."

The rest of the Crusaders pop up.

Applebloom spoke "Ya mess with one Crusader, ya mess with the whole lot!"

Even Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara were among the Crusaders.

Flintfur growls "You are just a bad memory!"

Scourge spoke "HA! Nice try, pipsqueak!"

Sugar snaps "You leave my friend alone!"

Scourge scoffs "*Mockingly* Oh, I’m so scared."

Something deep within Flintfur snaps before the black tom roars loud, sending Scourge flying into a wall.

Scourge scoffs "Tch. What was that? A squeak?"

A second, much louder roar was heard.

OC-verse Twilight spoke "Try THAT on for size you pipsqueak!"

Scourge scoffs "Still not impressed."

Flintfur was moving like a blur as he grabs his darker self by the tail before spinning around fast, causing Scourge to get extremely dizzy.

Scourge groans "Ugh… This is… URP! Nothing…!"

Flintfur doubles the speed.

Flintfur spoke "My name is Flintfur! It was given to me by Spottedleaf! And it will be my name forever!"

It was clear to the other Crusaders that Scourge was close to throwing up.

Bone spoke "Scour... No, Flintfur's been running from his past ever since he was reborn."

Flintfur spoke "And I'm DONE running from my past! It doesn't matter if I'm called Tiny, Scourge or Flintfur. My past is what shaped me into the tom I am today!"

Scourge spoke "You really don’t know anything, you pussycat."

A more timid version of Scourge appeared.

Tiny spoke "Enough is enough... You and I are one in the same cat as our current form."

Flintfur spoke "My kithood self is right. You and him are both are a part of who I used to be."

Scourge was still not happy about that.

Flintfur spoke "I haven't been too honest with myself..."

Rebecca asks "*Appearing* What’s going on here?"

Heatwave explained everything to Rebecca.

Rebecca spoke "Oh jeez, and just when I looking for someone."

Flintfur spoke "Look Scourge, you and I are the same cat. Regardless of what I had done in the past. It took Spottedleaf and six ponies to open my eyes to what friendship really is. I've changed for the better and now, I fight to protect the folks I care about."

Scourge scoffed before giving a smirk as he suddenly vanished in a blue light.

A flash of light had engulfed Flintfur before a pair of ink black wings tipped in pure white burst out from the tom's back as the image of an unusual shield appeared on his hips.

Rebecca spoke "Whoa, this is new."

Applebloom patches through to her siblings.

Applebloom spoke "AJ! Big Mac! We got another alicorn! Male this time but he's got a cutie mark that none of us can figure out!"

Applejack gasps "What?!"

Applebloom turns the compact towards Flintfur's hips so Applejack could see the tom's cutie mark.

Twilight spoke "*in background* I better let Celestia know about this since this was one ascension she didn't sense."

Flintfur asks "But what does this even mean?"

Twilight spoke "*in background* No idea."

Yuki spoke "I read in a book about the fabled Knights of Harmony. It's said that the leader had a cutie mark just like what Flintfur has. But no creature has seen them since before Discord's reign."

Lune was holding Phoebus in a headlock.

Yuki spoke "According to the book, there was a group of creatures that sought peace among all creatures. The previous leader of the Knights of Harmony had been a pony though. There was others too... I believe one was a dragon, one was a renegade Changeling, one was an Abyssinian, one was a Diamond Dog, one was a chakat, one was a hippogriff, one was a gryphon, one was an Ornithian, one was a yak and one was a Mobian fox. But that was long before our universe and the OC-verse split apart. Nowadays, many forgot who the Knights of Harmony were."

Rebecca’s head suddenly blew up in confetti before her head grew back without any damages. “Two words: Mind. Blown.”

Yuki spoke "Yeah but it's been 9000 years since anyone's seen the Knights of Harmony."

Quick asks "Has it been that long?"

Yuki spoke "Yeah. I do believe that our universe and the OC-verse were once the same universe."

Emerald spoke "Ugh… All that is making my head hurt."

Silverstorm spoke "Same... And I feel funny..."

Emerald asks Huh? Whaddya mean?"

Blizzardstar spoke "*in background* I was afraid of this.... Silverstorm's first heat cycle has started..."

Emerald spoke "Whaddya…? Oh-"

Emerald closed her mouth.

Blizzardstar spoke "*in background* Yeah... Chakats have their first cycle at 13 but they aren't full adults until they're 19."

Lune searched Phoebus while still holding him in a headlock.

Yuki spoke "Lune, I think we should kill him."

Lune spoke "Got it!"

Lune brought out some kind of device as Phoebus hissed.

Lune spoke "Looks like we found out what’ll get rid of those collars."

Yuki spoke "I hope it works..."

Lune spoke "*Still holding Phoebus in a headlock while keeping the remote away from him* Given how he’s trying to take it back, looks like it’ll do the trick."

Haru slashes Phoebus' neck badly, killing the old tom.

Vince still looked uneasy.

Haru spoke "He tried to force me to marry him one time... Back before I became immortal."

A voice spoke "Hehehe, that’s not what he’s worried about. It’s me."

Another Vince showed up in some kind of armor.

Roll growls "Leave my mate alone!"

The dark blue tom taunts "Hehehe, is that really something you’d say to your lover?"

Danyelle shows up on Spitfire's back.

Danyelle growls "Darkness be gone!"

Danyelle fires a devout bead at Shadow Vince.

Shadow Vince spoke "Mega Buster."

Shadow Vince’s right arm suddenly turned into a blaster and shot the devout bead, deflecting it back at Danyelle.

Danyelle shouts "RAGING THUNDER!!!"

A powerful bolt of lightning crashes down on Shadow Vince, paralyzing him.

Danyelle growls "No amount of darkness will drive my family apart! KOA!"

The white fenrir leaps out of Danyelle's shadow before clamping his fangs on Shadow Vince's right arm, restraining the tom.

Emerald spoke "That was quick."

Danyelle spoke "I hardly go anywhere without Koa though."

Emerald spoke "He’s your Persona, so that might be a never."

Danyelle laughs.

Danyelle spoke "Koa's not my persona, he's my familiar. No, not just that. He's also my pet."

Emerald asks "Okay?"

Danyelle spoke "I adopted Koa as a pup, not realizing he was a Fenrir."

Emerald spoke "Oh."

Vince spoke "Can we talk about this later? My darker self just punched Koa!"

Danyelle asks "WHAT?!"

A howl rang loud, causing Shadow Vince to freeze up.

Spitfire asks "Was that a female Fenrir?"

Danyelle spoke "Oh boy…"

Koa woofs.

Danyelle thoughtasks "{You want to run that by me again Koa?}"

Koa froze at that.

Danyelle thoughtspoke "{*giggle* I should've seen this coming. You have a crush on the bitch!}"

Koa blushed with his ears down and tail between his legs in embarrassment.

Danyelle thoughtspoke "{*giggle* Just wait until I tell Cadence~!}"

Koa’s fur looked like it was turning beet-red, as if he was blushing.

Danyelle thoughtspoke "{Just tell her before some other Fenrir claims her!}"

That got Koa’s attention.

The Fenrir bitch was staring at Koa.

Danyelle growls suddenly when she sensed another alicorn.

Danyelle thoughtspoke "{Koa, back off. That stallion isn't one to be trifled with.}"

Koa backs away from the alicorn stallion.

To be Continued

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