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Dragon's Gold

Author's Note:

Crossover with Treasure X Season 2

*Ember's POV*

Well, Applejack, Applebloom, Heatwave, Pebble, Spike, Lucy, Natsu, Wendy and I were following my mom back to the Dragon lands.

Since Pebble Heart didn't have wings, Natsu had to carry the tomcat.

Dan and Runo were with us.

Runo spoke "Careful guys, I sense something approaching."

Grandeeny spoke "That would be the book we're heading towards to. That means we're almost there."

Wavern spoke "What Runo meant was that monster that Applejack and Applebloom ran into..."

Grandeeny spoke "I don't blame you for that."

We soon arrived at our home and found the book. It was gold and red, with some dragons fangs in the corners and a coin shaped like a dragon eye at the center.

Grandeeny spoke "I'll check around the area. I'll be back soon."

Mom flew off.

Pebble spoke "This looks like the book that Daring has!"

The coin glowed, as if calling us as we moved towards it before Heat Wave grabbed the coin.

Heatwave spoke "Huh. I wonder if..."

Heatwave opened the book, revealing a map, but it mostly showed flames as the compass was at the center of it with a dragon's head on it.

Pebble spoke "Maybe Goldcrown and his friends need our help again."

Applejack spoke "Right."

Applebloom spoke "Then let's go."

Heatwave nodded as he searched across the map with the coin before it stopped on a spot that burned before dragon flames engulfed us and dragged us into the book.

*At an unknown location*

There was a unicorn skeleton stallion wearing a navy hooded robe with gold-lined dollar sign decorated loincloth front, navy hoof coverings, a light yellow bandage wrapped over his left eye socket and side of head, a golden belt with four round potion holders and a stylized skull medallion while wielding a golden clawed magic staff that held an orb with dollar signs on it. "They say a watched block never digs itself."

There was a blue Abyssinian tomcat skeleton that looked mutated to have a smaller extra arm growing out of his right shoulder and having a pink mohawk while wearing tattered red shorts, a damaged white sock on his right foot, a gold link around his left ankle, double gold bracelets on his elbows and wrists, a gold visor with dollar signs on them and a gold necklace with a container on it as he wielded a golden hammer. "Whoa... Deep."

Unicorn asks "Fortune! I have an idea, stick with me here! How about, *Gives Fortune a large red digging multi-tool* YOU dig it?"

Fortune spoke "Dude, I'm always the one digging-Okay."

But then we fell from the sky and crashed onto the block, shattering it while we sent Fortune, the unicorn skeleton and 2 other skeletons flying a bit as well as revealing some kind of chest.

Applejack groans "Not again..."

Fortune laughs "I summoned other skeletons to do it for us! Yeet!"

There was a male diamond dog skeleton with gold teeth, wearing a slate pair of goggles with gold gears over the eyes, a gold skull-shaped antenna, red piping that sticks into his mouth, yellow gloves with silver studded wristbands, tatter purple shorts, a thick golden belt with a stylized "G" that resembles a dollar sign, white sandals and a gold chain around his right ankle while wielding a golden split club with blades on it. "Bones! Haha! Treasure!"

There was a light grey male zebra skeleton having blue dreadlocks with a gold tag on them, gold paint on both of his eyes, wearing a navy loincloth and cape, gold rings on his chest, a gold anklet on his front right leg, and a medallion with a stylized G on it while wielding a golden bone staff. "Ravenger, calm down."

Heatwave asks "Alright! We returned! Wait, skeletons?"

We looked at ourselves and found out that we were transformed into skeletons ourselves.

Pebble hisses "Hold on! You're not Goldcrown, and you're not Loot-Loot, Fin, or Blade!"

Unicorn skeleton spoke "I am Gold Spell the Sorcerer, the Abyssinian is Fortune Freak, the diamond dog is Rich Ravenger, and the zebra is Shamon Shiny.

Applebloom asks "Wait a gosh-darn minute! Is this Xio?"

Gold Spell spoke "*As Ravenger opened the chest and pulling out a golden treasure out of purple goop* This is Apexia."

Pebble asks "Do you four know anything about a jerk named Exis?"

Gold Spell grabbed Pebble’s shoulders at that. “Exis?! You know of this scourge?! What do you know?!”

Pebble asks "Uh… That he’s the bad guy?"

Applejack explained to the four about her group's run-in with Goldcrown's group.

Gold Spell spoke "He truly is evil! We must unlock the heart of a dragon before he-*Gasp!* Minions! Run!"

Green earth pony/orc skeletons wearing silver helmet with a gold dollar sign on them each, brown leather tunics, silver shoulder pads, a green skull bracelet on their right wrists, gold skull chains on their ankles, and brown sandals with gold straps while they were each wielding a cracked sword with a skull hilt charged at us as we escaped into a cave before the enemies ran past us.

Heatwave asks "Hold on! Dragons?"

Ravenger asks "Where?! And whose tooth is this?"

Ravenger brought out a golden dragon’s tooth.

Applebloom spoke "Hey, that there’s a Golden Treasure! Me, mah sis, Heatwave and Pebble know about them!"

Applejack spoke "*As Heatwave brought out the coin* But we only got this right now."

Gold Spell spoke "Ah. They who have the Dragon’s Eye have been chosen to hunt for ultimate gold."

Fortune spoke "They’re the chosen ones? I thought they’d be, you know... *Tall, strong, then cool grunts*"

Applebloom pulls the golden Tanto sword out from her hammerspace before slicing the enemy skeletons to pieces.

Applebloom spoke "Don’t need to be tall, strong or cool ta find treasures."

“Got that right!” Heatwave agreed as he brought out the map and used the eye to find a golden dragon fire, horn and tongue, with each of those three being at different locations. “There they are!”

Gold Spell spoke "We need to split up into three groups! Ravenger, you know the Wastelands! Fortune, head to Bottopolis! Shamon and I’ll take Barbaric Forest, then we go dragon-hunting!"

Ravenger and Fortune spoke "*High-five and back-five* Yeah!"

Ravenger took Pebble, Spike, Wendy and Applejack with him while Rich brought along Natsu, Lucy, Dan and Runo, leaving Nashi, Applebloom, Heatwave and me with Gold Spell and Shamon Shiny.

Gold Spell spoke "Well, come on, chosen ones! We’ve got a whole new chapter to get through! With dragons! And gold treasure! AND… actually, I don’t have another one."

Nashi tail slaps Gold Spell on the back of the head.

I spoke "Excuse me? Spike, Lucy, Natsu, Nashi, Wendy and I are dragons you know."

Gold Spell spoke "No offense, that is."

Nashi chirps.

I spoke "Smart kid though."

Heatwave pulled the Golden Dragon treasure out from Applebloom's hammerspace.

Applebloom gasps "How did that get there?"

Gold Spell spoke "The Golden Dragon’s Soul! Well done! But that’s not what we were after."

Soon, we got to Barbaric Forest and fell down a cliff, but survived as only Gold Spell fell apart before Heatwave spotted a block.

Heatwave spoke "That has to be where the Golden Flame is!"

Gold Spell got himself back together, but not before some kind of vine scratched him on the cheek as he started clipping his front right hoof in rhythm with his head bopping side-to-side, catching our attention.

I ask "You okay dude?"

Gold Spell spoke "What? *Gasp!* Great Urbes’ ghost! Stand back everyone! This treasure is protected by a Boogie Briar. One scratch could have you dancing for hours."

A vine scratched Gold Spell’s front right leg, making it dance as well, as we stifled our giggles.

Applebloom snickers "Great StarClan, you are too funny!"

“We’ll be careful.” I snickered as Applebloom, Heatwave, Nashi and I went to the block and started digging.

Gold Spell spoke "You’d better be! *Dancing while defending against vines with his weapon* Finding Golden Treasure is serious business! *As the four of us defended ourselves against the vines* Without them, we won’t be able to unlock the hearts of Apexia’s dragons!"

“Yuck.” I gagged at that.

Gold Spell spoke "*Still dancing* Show some respect! *As we dug into the block, digging out a chest and golden robot skeleton parts* Scaly armor defends the most paramount prize!"

We were confused at that.

I set the vines on fire.

The vines burned, only for more to grow out of the ground and replace them as a male golden ornithian skeleton robot with a small blue left eye and a large red right eye, along with a gold antenna on his left side, an emblem on him with a pyramid of gold bricks decorating it, along with grey tubing reaching from, defined toes, with a flat grey sole on the bottom of his feet while wielding a blue laser sword that’s attached to his left arm reassembled himself. “Greetings, my name is Cybergold.”

Gold Prize spoke "A special treasure in dragon hearts that grants untold power. We must tame them first."

A vine was about to scratch Cybergold before he sliced it.

Gold Spell spoke "And a powerful sorcerer like myself."

Applebloom asks "*As Heatwave opened the chest of purple goop* Sorcerer? Like doing magic tricks like Trixie and her husband?"

Gold Spell spoke "*Appalled* Tricks?! *As Heat Wave brought out a golden dragon head with golden flames covered in purple goop* I don’t do tricks! I perform amazing feats! Observe!"

The orb burned blue as we awed in amazement at that.

Gold Spell spoke "Unearthican reanimaton scalerapus!"

Gold Spell stabbed the staff into the ground, before Treasure Orc zombies rose from the ground, much to our worry.

Heatwave asks "Uh, Gold Spell? Did you mean to awaken an undead evil skeleton zombie army?"

Gold Spell spoke "Uh, no. I was… trying to do a card trick."

Gold Spell really didn’t mean to do that.

Gold Spell spoke "*Dancing while fending off zombie skeletons* A five, a six, a five, six, seven, eight! Hoo! Ha! A one-two-three! Ha!

We were fighting against zombie skeletons too.

Heatwave spoke "What gives?! I thought Golden Treasures had powers!"

Gold Spell spoke "These ones only work on dragons!"

“But the Boogie Briar works on everyone.” Heatwave and I realized with a smirk as we grabbed some vines as weapons.

“Let’s dance!” I quipped as Heatwave and I scratched some zombies with the vines, making them dance.

Applebloom spoke "Ah heard that Lionblaze befriended a Night Fury."

Nashi holds the golden dragon head in her little claws before shooting out a powerful Celestial-Fire Roar at the zombies, sending them flying as they catch on fire.

Another zombie rose before a white kirin skeleton with gold teeth, having a pompadour name and tail made from a tangle of green snakes, a gold eyepatch with two intertwined "G" logos on them over his left eye, wearing an open scaled green jacket that covers his front legs but leaves his hooves open, a tatted red loincloth, a gold belt with a dollar sign on it, and gold sandals with white soles while wielding is a golden snake-like whip fell down in a giant ball of fire and crashed into the zombie, scattering it. “Hoo! Howdy! Name’s Gold Venom. Apologies for dropping in like that, how rude!”

Thanks to a teleportation spell from Twilight, Lionblaze and Nightclaw show up.

Lionblaze spoke "Thought you'd need some help!"

Soon, the zombies in the area were defeated.

Gold Spell spoke "What has bones of perfection and a static posture? *Sing-Song* ~Me!~ The dancing’s worn off! Come, everyone! We have much to do if we’re going to kick Exis’ flank!"

We noticed Gold Spell’s hips and flanks still dancing, much to our amusement as we snickered.

Nightclaw chuffs in amusement.

Lionblaze snickers "Uh dude, your rear's still dancing."

*Spike’s POV*

Pebble, Wendy, Applejack and I were running with Ravenger.

Ravenger spoke "Golden Dragon Horn. Heatwave said that we could find the Golden Dragon Horn in-Wait… *Stops* Why are we running?! I’ve got a Bone Buggy!"

We stopped and turned around to see some kind of skeletal dune buggy.

Ravenger spoke "Why don’t we just use that? Oh… That’s right. Come on!"

Ravenger got onto the Bone Buggy as we boarded it with him. Later, we were riding in the Wastelands.

Dovewing suddenly appears on the back of a Deadly Nadder.

Dovewing spoke "Thought you five might need some help so I asked Twilight to send me and a Nadder to your location. She also sent Flutterfoot and Songleap along with a Zippleback to aid Natsu's group."

“Wow! Nice!” I smiled before Ravenger noticed something.

Rich Ravenger spoke "Ooh! That rock has a riddle!"

Ravenger stopped the buggy as we saw two stones making an x with the front one having words.

Ravenger spoke “Treasure can be found to the right. Right? Which right? Your right or my right? I know! We’ll go both!"

Ravenger tore out the steering wheel before it raced forward, riding off the x and fell down a cliff, crashing onto a block that a male kirin white skeleton with a green snake tail, having a green headpiece that resembled a snake with a red braided back and slit red and yellow eyes, wearing a green scaled sleeveless shirt with gold shoulderpads, a gold medallion with two intertwined snakes on it, a red trailing loincloth with a stylized gold skull wearing sunglasses on it, and a pair of gold tennis shoes with white soles while wielding a golden flail with a pointed tip was digging, scattering the block while knocking skeletons pieces and the treasure chest out of it as the Bone Buggy became broken.

The creature spoke "Gold Venom!"

Ravenger spoke *As Gold Venom put himself back together* Whoo-hoo! That was fun!"

Gold Venom spoke "Glad to see yer here, Slitherbling. Whoo! Thanks fer the save, mah good friends. And here I was expecting the day to be unpleasant."

Gold Venom was standing on oil as it got caught on fire, putting him on fire too.

Gold Venom asks "Uh… Well, least it can’t get any worse, huh?"

A voice spoke "Hello."

A Treasure Orc showed up and knocked Gold Venom away into the sky.

Gold Venom spoke "Goh! Me and mah big mouth! *Star KO*"

Ravenger spoke "Gah! I mean, *Draws club* Arrgh! Back off! I’ve got this… club, uh… thing. And I have no idea how to use it!"

Treasure Orc spoke "I like those odds."

Dovewing and her Nadder attack the orc with fire and electricity.

The orc blocked the attack with his weapon as he attacked us, which unfortunately, since we were turned into skeletons, made us fall apart as he kicked off Ravenger’s head.

Ravenger spoke "Oy! No fair!"

The orc laughed before Ravenger’s body kicked the orc into a pit.

Treasure Orc growls "Bones!"

We put ourselves back together as Ravenger put his head back on his body.

Ravenger spoke "We learned a lot that summer vacation. We found friendship, but more than that, we found-Wait… That’s not why we’re here! *Goes to chest and picks up dirt* Yes! Dirt! *Shakes head then picks up chest* I mean, treasure!"

Ravenger opened the chest and tasted the purple goop, which was gross.

Ravenger spoke "That was a bad idea. Actually… Was it? *Tastes goop again, puts down chest* Ew! Yes. *Puts hand in chests and pulls out the Golden Dragon Horn covered in purple goop* Ooh! The Golden Horn! Also slimy. Golden, and slimy."

Ravenger blew the horn.

Ravenger spoke "Haha! Toot!"

But then clouds darkened as thunder roared and lightning flashed.

Ravenger spoke "Ooh! I hear bowling!"

The Nadder roars loud.

“I have a bad feeling about those clouds.” I dreaded before the ground started rumbling.

A beam of light hits the clouds, dispersing them.

A golden yellow Pegasus stallion with a light blonde mane and tail along with a strange helmet on his head flew over to my group.

The stallion asks "You alright?"

But then treasure orc zombies started rising out of the ground.

Ravenger spoke "Good guys? Bad guys? *As the zombies growled* Bad guys. Definitely bad guys. No problemo! Bone Buggy, away!"

The Bone Buggy was shattered and on fire.

Ravenger spoke "Oh. Right. So it’s come to this!"

Ravenger started screaming as he ran away.

Wendy spoke "We got what we came for."

Pebble spoke "Yeah, might as well scram and find the others!"

Applejack spoke "Fine!"

We followed Ravenger as the zombies chased us.

The odd stallion fired another beam of light at the zombies, setting them ablaze.

The stallion laughs "You zombies picked the wrong pony to mess with! I'm known far and wide as Golden Justice!"

Applejack gasps "Wait! THE Golden Justice?!"

Justice spoke "That'd be me."

*Natsu’s POV*

We were in Bottopolis with Fortune Freak on some kind of surfboard with him riding the toxic waste. Man, I can’t believe that any of us would be glad that we were turned into skeletons since skeletons are immune to that stuff.

Fortune spoke "Whoo-hoo!!!"

We then fell down a wastefall, crashing on the ground.

Fortune spoke "*Cough! Cough! Pbht!* Gnarly! Tastes like my mom’s ramen. Delicious!"

That kinda weirded us out.

Flutterfoot spoke "Dude, you're weird..."

Songleap spoke "Ick..."

“Wait, when’d you guys get here?!” I asked in surprise.

The two WindClan Abyssinians spoke "Twilight."

Lucy spoke "Uh-oh. Get outta here, now!"

But the Zippleback refused to leave.

Songleap spoke "We can't get back out though."

Dan spoke "Uh, hate to break it to you, but there’s toxic waste around here, and only skeletons can survive that."

Flutterfoot spoke "My sister and I don't have any magic at all."

I couldn’t help but facepalm at that. “Is anyone here capable of teleportation?"

Runo spoke "Sorry but no, I can't use my magic when I'm like this."

Lucy spoke "You’ve gotta be kidding me!"

Runo spoke "I'm not."

Dan spoke "This place isn't exactly safe for Drago and Wavern either."

Fortune spoke "Whoa! Mysterious sign warning us of a hideous mutant squid creature? I’d be stupid NOT to dive in here!"

There was indeed a sign warning us about that as the red squid on the sign carried some golden block.

Runo spoke "Plus cats hate getting wet. Not counting Danyelle since she spent most of her life near water."

Fortune jumped off before he faceplanted at a lower level.

Fortune spoke "Ow! Stupid shallow end!"

Flutterfoot and Songleap laugh at Fortune's misfortune.

A voice spoke "Don’t worry, Fortune. I’ll help lead the non-skeletons outta here safely."

A green male changeling skeleton showed up, with a horn growing out of the left of his skull, wearing a white belt with a pair of teal pants, gold belt with a radioactive symbol on it, a pair of red boots and gold chains on his front legs, one on his left ankle and three scattered around his front right leg and a silver eyepatch with a red center around his left eye while wielding a large studded golden wrench.

Fortune spoke "Lootant Fist!"

The Zippleback refused to go anywhere.

I spoke "Some dragons are more stubborn than others."

Lootant walked towards us and faced only the Zippleback before lifting his eyepatch, showing something that scared the dragon stiff before the Zippleback scarcely nodded.

Lootant Fist spoke "Didn’t want to do that, but there wasn’t any other choice."

I spoke "Night furies on the other claw tend to be more stubborn."

Lucy spoke "Especially if one's the alpha of all dragons."

Lootant asks "*Putting eyepatch back on* Still, you don’t wanna know what’s behind my eyepatch. So, all non-skeletons ready to escape safely?"

I spoke "There's two other dragons and two other Clan Abyssinians around somewhere."

Flutterfoot spoke "Harestar gave me and Songleap orders to help you out."

The Zippleback nodded both of its heads in agreement.

Lootant spoke "Need I remind you that water down there’s toxic waste? A single touch could kill you."

Drago asks "Wait... WHAT?!?!?!?"

Lootant spoke "What part of “toxic waste” didn’t you understand? Only skeletons can survive in that."

Runo spoke "For Drago and Wavern's sakes, Dan and I are staying out of that water."

Lootant spoke "Unless someone here is made of some kinda metal, I don’t think any non-skeleton would end up well."

Dan spoke "I honesty don't know what sort of material the Bakugan are made out of."

I spoke "Plus my scarf would get destroyed..."

Fortune spoke "Dudes, my clothes are toxic waste-proof, so I think as long as you’re skeletons, your clothes are toxic waste-proof too."

The zippleback was growling suddenly since it had sensed danger.

Songleap spoke "Something's coming!"

Flutterfoot spoke "This doesn't feel like normal wind..."

Fortune spoke "COME ON!!!"

Fortune jumped in, suddenly followed by me and Lucy as our clothes were totally fine, even my scarf before we encountered some kind of giant robot squid holding a block.

Fortune spoke "That’s no squid! That’s a robo-kraken! It’s time to tenderize some tentacles! Yo! Krak-a-laken! Let’s go!"

The three of us fought the robot as it took Fortune’s extra arm.

Fortune spoke "Gah! I’ve been disarmed! Oh, I got two more. Suh-weet!"

Fortune attacked the robot and block, breaking the block apart with parts of a skeleton being revealed.

A voice asks "Dude?"

Fortune spoke "Dude! Cool Bling!"

The parts formed together to make a blue male abyssinian skeleton almost entirely bundled up, with his teeth and hands being the only visible parts of him, wearing a dark blue parka lined with white fur on the hood and sleeves, along with a gold belt over it, gold pants with white boots that have light blue bottoms, a red scarf and gold snow goggles with silver lenses while wielding a golden pickaxe.

Fortune asks "Didn’t I drop kick your head back on the surface?"

Cool Bling spoke "Huh? Nah. Could’ve been my broski."

Fortune chuckles "Bro, you have a bro? You’re a duplicate! Sick! That means I can trade you!

Fortune was suddenly grabbed by tentacles.

Fortune asks "Dudes, a little help?"

Bling sliced the tentacles before Lucy and I bashed it as Fortune grabbed his arm and the treasure chest with all of us getting to the surface.

Fortune asks "Whoo! We made it! *Guitar solo on extra arm before putting it back on as he opened the chest and pulled out a golden dragon tongue attached to a golden bone* Yo! Check it out! The Golden Dragon’s Tongue! Hey, do you hear something?"

Songleap yowls since she, Flutterfoot and their dragon were caught in a tornado.

But then a diamond dog skeleton wearing a long tattered brown tunic with short aqua sleeves and white fur on the neck, a gold buckle with a stylized G on it around his waist, a gold bracelet on his right wrist, a black mask of a wolf face with glowing yellow eyes, gold braided details on the snout, and white fur that includes the wolf's ears over his head and a pair of aqua shoes with white fur at the ankles while wielding a golden axe swooped in and grabbed the three as he took them somewhere safe.

Treasure Orc spoke "Oh bones!"

A Treasure Orc crashed onto the four of us, scattering is in a pile before a surge of toxic was pushed us underwater as we reassembled ourselves and battled him for the Dragon’s Tongue, the orc soon grabbed the tongue.

Fortune spoke "Dude!"

Fortune grabbed Bling, Lucy and I and went lower as the treasure orc crashed into an underwater pipe, dropping the tongue as I grabbed it and all four of us surfaced on the river.

Bling spoke "That seemed too easy."

Lucy spoke "Too easy if you ask me..."

But then treasure orc skeleton zombies emerged from the toxic waste as I noticed a fork in the river. “Go right!”

The four of us swam right, taking the right path as the zombies were drifted into the left path.

Bling spoke "Uh, that also seemed too easy."

I spoke "We should meet up with the others."

Fortune spoke "C’mon, man. We good. Let this relaxing toxic waste take us to safety."

Bling spoke "Or… smash us to pieces!"

We looked ahead, seeing a garbage disposal ahead!

*Ember’s POV*

We beat some zombies and we did it pretty well.

Cybergold spoke "Enemies defeated."

Shamon spoke "Indeed."

Gold Spell spoke "Hahaha! You’re all as good a warrior as Shamon, Ravenger and Fortune, my friends! Committed, dedicated, and fearless!"

But then we heard Ravenger screaming as he crashed into us and the rest of his group showed up with some backup.

Ravenger spoke "Red sky! Evil zombies! Screaming!"

Gold Spell spoke "Um… That’s weird."

We put ourselves back together, but Ravenger’s legs were switched with his arms.

Nashi was giggling since Ravenger was walking backwards.

I spoke "I heard via magic compact that the apple pony met up with someone called Golden Justice."

Ravenger spoke "Oh yeah! He’s with us!"

Applejack spoke "On top of that, Ah sense he's a nascent alicorn. Oh, that means not ascended yet in case you skellies don't know the term."

But then we heard a clank as I saw a tube exit.

“Get back!” I yelled as we did before toxic waste flushed out, revealing Fortune, Bling, Natsu and Lucy, who were scattered as the two Abyssinian skeletons high-fived.

Fortune and Bling spoke "Dude!"

Natsu spoke "I can’t believe we survived that!"

Lucy spoke "Me neither!"

Gold Spell spoke "*As the four put themselves back together* When the fellowship reunites, gold reaches its zenith!"

Bling asks "This homie always talk like a fortune cookie?"

Fortune spoke "We usually just ignore him."

Justice chuckles "There's one weirdo in every universe."

A male spoke "Don’t forget about us.

The Viking diamond dog skeleton from before arrived with the rest of Natsu’s group, along with Lootant and some more skeleton allies. One of them being an earth pony stallion skeleton that had a strip of slicked-back white hair on his head, while the sides of his head have rune-like carvings on them, wearing a white fur-made top with a leather brown loincloth, black pants, a teal belt with a gold belt buckle, a pair of teal sandals with gold straps, gold bands on his back ankles and shoulders while wielding a golden sword. Another being a blue male Minotaur skeleton that had blue crystal ice growing around his skull, covering everything aside from his eyes and forehead with various spikes and a horn also growing out of this ice, wearing a blue long-sleeved jumpsuit lined with white fur at the collar with a light blue front and golden designs, one of them being a dollar sign, a golden medallion shaped like an upside-down triangle with a stylized skull wearing shutter shades on it, blue gloves, and red boots with golden tips while wielding a a golden axe that also resembled a hooked weapon. And another being a male Ornithian skeleton whose left eye is covered with a neon green crosspatch bandage, his right eye has three gold facepaint streaks on it, wearing a neon green gas mask with gold trim, having a green squared off mohawk with four golden studs in his skull, wearing purple pants with a double tiered golden stylized skull medallion, gold studded bracelets on his wrists, and neon green chains on his elbows while wielding a bat with a shattered rock shoved on top of it. Another one of them was an earth pony stallion skeleton with parts of his body, including the left half of his face, part of the right side of his face, his torso, his front right leg, and his back left leg, were replaced with silver robotic parts, his front legs and back right leg have gold piping going through them, his left eye is replaced with a red slat, while he has a gold decoration on his right eye and a round golden medallion on his chest as well while wielding a golden axe with blue laser blades. The last ally that was with them was a male Abyssinian skeleton wearing a furry light grey tunic with a small clay strap at the front with a stylized skull on it, having blue hair with a clay saber tooth tiger hat on top of it, with gold gems replacing the eyes, a gold nose ring, and golden fangs, wearing a clay hand cover on his right arm and brown shoes with gold soles and clay fur on the ankles while wielding a golden gem-covered club with a rock in the center.

Wolf spoke "My name is Golden Wolf, and these are my allies; Erik Blingblade, Sliceberg, Plunder Punk, Blingbot and Gold Thump."

Justice spoke "I sense something bad coming!"

Golden Wolf spoke "We swiped the Golden Dragon’s Tail, Golden Chalice of Dragons and Golden Dragon’s Book just in case."

Gold Spell spoke "It’s time to use the Treasures! Bring out the Golden Dragon’s Horn, Flame and Tongue!"

Justice spoke "Forgetting something? My helmet is also a valuable treasure but it only works for me."

Gold Spell spoke "I see."

Ravenger, Fortune and Gold Spell brought out the Golden Horn, Flame and Tongue.

Gold Spell spoke "The Golden Horn shall summon the dragon."

Ravenger spun the horn and tried to blow it, but did it from the big end, blowing out a squeak.

Ravenger laughs "Angry mouse!"

Wendy spoke "*Grabs Golden Dragon Horn* Uh, maybe let me try blowing it."

Justice spoke "By all means skyfire."

Wendy took a deep breath and blew the Golden Dragon’s Horn with all her might, making it blow real loud before eight skeleton dragons flew into the air in response to that, lead by a white dragon skeleton that has the top of his skull is replaced with a golden cap with three horns on it, navy webbing on his wings, and gold studs on his legs while wearing gold foot covers with brown backs and brown laces and a golden dollar sign medallion with an emerald on the top of it. The second one was a white dragon that has a pair of downturned horns, a horn on his nose, green webbing on his wings, a spiky green mohawk, a single gold claw on each of his front feet, wearing purple wrappings on his limbs and wings, a gold pair of goggles, gold rings on his horns, a gold nose mask with red tubing, a gold clip on his chin, a gold canister on his back leg, and a gold necklace with the radioactive symbol on it. The third one was a two-headed mutated blue dragon skeleton with the tips of their snouts, along with their wing ribbing, being bright pink, as the left head has a pair of golden horns and a golden lip piercing, while the right dragon has a bright green mohawk and a golden spiked collar and golden medallion with a "2" on it, their claws being pale green, and they wear gold spiked bands on their ankles. The fourth one was a blue dragon skeleton, having various orange spikes coming out of the top of his head, along with on the tip of his tail, his wings being frosted with a darker blue as part of the membrane, wearing a white fur collar, fur cuffs on his back legs, and blue guards with white fur on his front legs, which also include gold-lined rubies, and a gold circular tag with a triangle on it. The fifth one was a light blue dragon skeleton that has darker blue fur on his cheeks, neck, shoulders, ankles, tail, and wing webbing, a short orange bowlcut hairstyle, wears a golden skull piece on his forehead, has gold teeth and fangs, a gold nose ring, a gold piece on his back, along with a gold medallion with a stylized dollar sign while his claws are longer than the other dragons, and are black. The sixth one was a light green snake-like dragon skeleton, wearing a darker green headpiece that gives him a cobra hood with red sections on the forehead, gold shoulderpads on his front legs with green details in the front, a coiled golden snake necklace with red sunglasses, green scaled cuffs with gold details on his ankles while his wings have no membrane to them, and his tail was a gold stinger. The seventh one was a white dragon skeleton that had tattered gold draping between his wings, brown horns, black teeth and claws, and a smear of gold paint around his eyes, wearing teal and gold shoulderpads, doubled gold bands on his ankles, and a golden medallion with a dollar sign on it. The eighth and final dragon was a silver robotic dragon skeleton with only his wings, hipbone and tail remaining of his non-robotic form, being white bones that poke out of his frame, having black hydraulics on his joints, with gold caps on his knees and shoulders, his eyes having a gold patch with red grates replacing them, and a stylized gold skull on his forehead, golden dollar signs on his ankles, his wings being made up of light grey data patterns while he was wearing a gold medallion with a dollar sign on it around his neck. The dragons roared as they swooped at us, dodging them before they roared again.

Gold Spell spoke "The Golden Flame shall mesmerize them."

The Golden Dragon’s Flame glowed, mesmerizing the eight skeletal dragons like they became hypnotized as Bling was a bit mesmerized himself before Fortune snapped him out of it while the eight dragons landed in front of us.

Gold Spell spoke "The Golden Tongue shall speak to them."

Fortune held up the Golden Dragon’s Tongue as it roared and growled, snapping the skeletal dragons out of it and gaining their attention.

Fortune spoke "*Whispers to us* I hope I didn’t just insult their moms."

Justice spoke "You'd get a wingslap to the face if that were the case."

Applebloom giggles "Heehee! Ya sounded like Zecora there."

Gold Spell, Plunder Punk, Lootant Fist, Sliceberg, Gold Thump, Slitherbling, Erik Blingblade and Cybergold approached the eight dragons.

Gold Spell spoke "And if your intention is pure, the dragons shall give up their treasures!"

The eight skeletons gently put one of their hands on the dragons that looked most similar to them before the eight dragons backed away and each threw up a dragon heart literally made of gold as they urged Gold Spell, Plunder Punk, Lootant Fist, Sliceberg, Gold Thump, Slitherbling, Erik Blingblade and Cybergold to open them.

Gold Spell spoke "By grandfather’s hammer, please don’t let it be stone."

Gold Spell, Plunder Punk, Lootant Fist, Sliceberg, Gold Thump, Slitherbling, Erik Blingblade and Cybergold opened the dragon hearts as something shined from within, leaving them and the eight skeletal dragons in awe with their eyes glowing gold.

Pebble and the other Abyssinians growl since they sensed something coming.

Golden Wolf spoke "The leading dragon is known as a Myth Mauler, the second one’s known as a Doomsday, the third one is known as a Toxic Twin, the fourth is known as an Ice Fire, the fifth one’s known as a Bone Breka, the sixth one’s known as a Serpent Strike, the seventh one’s known as an Asgardian, and the eighth one is known as a Cyberclaw."

Applejack spoke "We've got Night Furies, Light Furies, Nightlight Furies, Gronckles, Nadders, Zipplebacks, Monstrous Nightmares, Songwings and whatnot."

Lucy spoke "My sister and I are Celestial Furies though. Natsu's a Fire Fury. Nashi's a Celestial-Fire Fury."

Wendy spoke "Skyfire dragon."

Spike asks "Hey! What dragon am I?"

Lucy spoke "Common fire dragon."

Spike whines "*Pout* Hey!"

Natsu spoke "Sorry little bro but our mom's a common fire dragon though while our dad's a fire fury."

Spike spoke "Dang it!"

But then we heard a roar as we saw another Ice Fire skeletal dragon, which roared blue flames and flew a bit wobbly as Exis rode on it while wielding a stone hammer.

Applebloom spoke "Exis! He’s got a dragon!"

Ravenger spoke "Dragon! Look at those moves! Dragon’s got style!"

Exis spoke "Those treasures are mine!"

Exis and the evil Ice Fire flew down at us before a bright light shined, blinding them as the two flew off course and crashed before we turned around, seeing a portal opening with Goldcrown, Blade, Loot Loot and Fin walking out of it.

Fortune asks "Uh, why are those dudes walking in slow-mo?"

Fortune tossed a rock, knocking over Loot Loot, causing Goldcrown and Blade to fall as a different rock hit Fin on the head, leaving a small bump.

Pebble spoke "Goldcrown!"

Heatwave spoke "Blade!"

Applebloom spoke "Fin!"

Applejack spoke "Loot Loot!"

Loot Loot spoke "Ey! It’s AJ, AB, HW and Pebble!"

Fortune asks "Uh, ex-squeeze me? Who are you guys?"

Goldcrown spoke "*Putting front left hoof on Apple Bloom’s right shoulder* Old friends."

Fin spoke "We’ve been tracking that Exis jerk, and it looks like you could use our help."

Ravenger spoke "*Being chased by evil Ice Fire dragon* Help!"

Blade spoke "That is what we said."

Ravenger screams "*Captured in the evil Ice Fire dragon’s back claws* HELP!"

The evil Ice Fire dragon roared with blue flames as it chased us.

Exis taunts "Go! Flee! I cannot be defeated! “Undefeatable” is my middle name!"

Loot Loot and Goldcrown suddenly stopped at that.

Loot Loot spoke "Uh, really? I read on a bathroom wall that it was, Francis.”

*SNRK!* Wait-what?! *Stifling snickers!*

Lionblaze, Nightclaw, Songleap, Flutterfoot, Dovewing, Justice, Dan, Runo, Natsu, Lucy, Spike, Wendy and I burst into laughter.

Even the evil Ice Fire dragon laughed a bit at that.

Exis snaps "What?! But I-Shut up!"

The evil Ice Fire dragon snapped out of it and threw Ravenger before I caught him.

Ravenger spoke "My hero!"

I drop Ravenger on the ground, causing him to fall apart.

I spoke "I have a boyfriend already."

Natsu laughs "I got one! Instead of Francis, we should call him Frankie!"

Lucy laughs "HA! Good one, Natsu!"

The others and I just couldn't stop laughing.

Justice laughs "I agree! Right Loot Loot?"


Loot Loot laughs "Ooh! Now that’s a sick burn!"

But then Treasure Orc zombies rose from the ground as Exis, the evil Ice Fire dragon and them charged at us before the eight dragons tackled the two, with Gold Spell riding Myth Mauler, Plunder Punk riding Doomsday, Lootant riding Toxic Twin, Sliceberg riding the good Ice Fire, Gold Thump riding Bone Breka, Slitherbling riding Serpent Strike, Erik riding Asgardian and Cybergold riding Cyberclaw.

Gold Spell spoke "FIGHT!!!"

Nightclaw shot a blast of fire at Natsu, increasing his power.

Eating the fire, Natsu spoke "Now I've got a fire in my belly! FIRE DRAGON ROAR!!!!"

A powerful blast of fire hits Exis hard, knocking him off the Ice Fire dragon.

But Exis got back onto the evil dragon easily. “Sorcerer! Hand over those dragons’ treasures!”

Gold Spell spoke "*Smirks while withdrawing his staff* Well, since you asked nicely."

Gold Spell brought out a Golden Furious Fireball, before it summoned a fire demon as Plunder Punk brought out a Golden Dragon’s Potion, increasing the abilities of all of us dragons, excluding Exis’ Ice Fire, Lootant brought out a Golden Mutant Brain, increasing the strength and size of us dragons, Sliceberg brought out a Golden Arctic Thermometer, summoning an ice demon, Gold Thump brought out a Golden Stone Wheel, summoning an earth demon, Slitherbling brought out a Golden Serpent Statue, summoning a giant snake demon, Erik brought out a Golden Hammer of Glory, surging with electrical power, and Cybergold brought out a Golden Cyborg Circuit Board, increasing the defenses and speed of us dragons.

Exis spoke "Gah!"

Exis and his Ice Fire dragon were flying around, fleeing from the four demons as we and the eight dragons with their riders help the others fight the zombies.

Fin spoke "Fire, ice, earth, and snake demons?! This place is way cooler than Exio!"

Loot Loot spoke "Either my kicks aren’t level, or that dragon’s flying wonky. And I know my kicks are level."

Exis’ Ice Fire dragon was flying wobbly again.

Gold Spell spoke "Exis’ dragon has a heart of stone, which means we can trap it in… The Treasure Tomb! *Echo* Treasure Tomb. Treasure Tomb…"

Goldcrown spoke "Treasure Tomb? I thought that was a legend."

Applebloom spoke "Ya said the same thing 'bout mah cutie mark Goldcrown."

Goldcrown spoke "Also your weapon, but good point."

Skeleton zombies went through the fire, still burning.

Ravenger spoke "Bad guys! Fire! Running!"

The eight dragons charged at the zombies before enemies latched onto them, bring them down to a crash!

Gold Spell spoke "Myth Mauler, no! Quick! Give me your treasures! With Exis gone, his army will return to the ground!"

We fought the zombies to buy Gold Spell some time as he magically put the Golden Treasures of Apexia and the Dragon Treasures into a group.

Gold Spell spoke "Hold onto your flanks!"

Loot Loot, whose lower half was scattered, grabbed his hip bone and held onto it.

Gold Spell spoke "Vaults of creation, unveil yourselves!"

Nothing happened as we heard a skeleton cricket before it hopped away.

Gold Spell spoke "Uh… That went different in my head."

Goldcrown spoke "*As he and Apple Bloom approached the group of treasures with the Golden Goblet and Golden Tanto* Allow us, sorcerer."

The two added the two treasures to the group as the combined power created portals, one of them leading back home as some of the other portals got some of the zombies, and one of them leading towards the Treasure Tomb.

Gold Spell spoke "Great googily moogily! The Treasure Tomb!"

Our jaws dropped at that, while some of the others’ jaws literally dropped, in surprise and awe.

Pebble spoke "I guess this is goodbye for now."

Gold Spell spoke "The perfect trap for Exis! It works!"

Applejack spoke "*Grabs Apple Bloom’s Golden Tanto with magic* Not just yet, it hasn’t! Hey! Exis! Over here! Come an’ git it!"

Exis noticed Applejack before dispelling the demons as he and his dragon flew down at here.

Exis growls "Give it here, filly!"

Exis and his dragon were about to tackle Applejack before Goldcrown shoved her out of the way.

Goldcrown spoke "No!"

Applejack flew into all of us from our world and knocked us into the portal to our home before Goldcrown was tackled by Exis and his dragon, causing the evil alicorn to drop his stone hammer and knocking Goldcrown’s crown off his head.

Applebloom and Heatwave spoke "Goldcrown! No!"

We fell into our portal as it closed.

Ravenger spoke "Treasure? *Picks up stone hammer of glory* Treasure-Stone?! *Throws away stone hammer* Lame!"

Bling spoke "Dude! Grab some treasure and get outta there!"

Goldcrown tried to get to the portal, but it closed at the last second, trapping him in the Treasure Tomb as the Treasure Orc Zombies sank into the ground.

Blade spoke "Loot Loot, I am not a hugger."

But Loot Loot wasn’t hugging him as a sinking zombie had grabbed him.

Blade spoke "Wait! Let go of-!"

Blade was dragged underground with the zombies as Loot Loot tried to grab him, but failed.

Loot Loot asks "No! We lost Goldcrown, the others, and Blade? *Tears* We can… get them back, right?"

Fortune spoke "Dude… *Pant* We won."

Ravenger spoke "Whoo-hoo! Winning!"

Fin asks "*Picks up Goldcrown’s crown* Then why does it feel like we lost?"

Ravenger spoke "Whoo-hoo! Losing! *Realizes the situation* Oh…"

*Back with us*

We crashed back in my mom’s room.

Justice groans "AJ... get your fat flank off me..."

Applejack spoke "Ah’ll let that slide since Ah’m used to Vera’s shenanigans."

Applejack got off Justice.

Justice asks "Who?"

Applejack spoke "We’ll talk about her later."

The golden yellow Pegasus felt his face for his helmet but it was gone.

Justice spoke "My helmet's gone!"

Applejack asks "Is somethin' wrong?"

Applebloom spoke "He lost his helmet. Without it, he's jus' a regular Pegasus."

Justice spoke "I can't use my powers without it!"

*Unknown POV*

Goldcrown was backed into a wall as a big shadow crept over him.

Goldcrown asks "You’re uh… not from around here, are you?"

Something extraterrestrial growled as Goldcrown became scared, knowing he was in big trouble.


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