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Strange Grand Prix Part 2

*Indigo's POV*

Since my universe's Danyelle was too injured to move and I was still in the competition, neither her or I could escape.

I spoke "Ben, you have to take your kids along with our universe's Korra and get out of here."

Redux-verse Ben spoke "But Dany..."

"It's alright, she's out of the tournament." I responded as magic was returned to Applejack.

Flintfur and Bone both hiss loudly since a mirror from below was exposed since Redux-verse Danyelle's weight from the Plasmeon-taur form had broken a hole in the school roof.

"Quick! Before he sees you!" I urged as Ben brought out a warp ring.

Bone hisses "We're too late!!"

General Teddie spoke "What is all that noise?! Hrm? More surprise competitors?! How unexpected!"

I shot a shadow ball at Redux-verse Ben, sending him and the six kids along with Redux-verse Korra through the warp ring.

I spoke "They're not competing!"

But then a puff of smoke enveloped Orion, Asuna, Akane, Redux-verse Ash and Redux-verse Haru before it vanished with them.

General Teddie taunts "Hehe, can't say the same about your friends. Now where could they have gone?"

I growled before heading back to AJ and Miss President, as the cowgirl beat Goryuu by the skin of her teeth.

AJ asks "What happened out there?"

I growl "General Teddie happened... But the problem is, Akane's no fighter."

Applejack spoke "If she’s like Fluttershy, she could be when angered."

I spoke "True but you don't want to be near Orion when he's mad."

Karei spoke "The winner is Applejack-senpai! Ahaha, what an utter thrashing!"

Heifa spoke "Heehee! You’re telling me!"

General Teddie laughs "Heeheehee…! I love all this animosity! These cocky, self-righteous “friends” showing how they really feel by beating the crap out of each other… That’s the real thrill of the P-1 Grand Prix!"

Miss President asks "How much further are you gonna push this…? Why are you doing it, anyway!? These guys are friends! What’s so much fun about making friends fight each other!?"

Applejack and I noticed that Miss President was more upset that General Teddie was “making friends fight each other,” than why he dragged them into this mess.

Applejack spoke "Thanks, lass, but it’s alright."

Miss President spoke "It’s NOT alright! This is-!"

Applejack and I turned towards General Teddie.

“Sorry, but that wish of yours won’t be granted.” I declared.

General Teddie gasps "What?"

Applejack spoke "Did ya think that makin’ us fight would break us apart and hate each other? Big mistake on your part. We believe in our friends, that they’ll never fall for tricks like that."

General Teddie spoke "Grr… You’re so stupid!"

General Teddie turned around as the mirror went off.

Miss President spoke "U-Um… That boy’s come around."

Goryuu groans "Ugh… My head…"

Applejack spoke "Y’alright? Sorry about not goin’ easy."

Goryuu asks "Well, I know something was off. Sorry about that. Did I say anything that hurt you?"

Applejack spoke "Yeah, but ah won’t go into details."

Goryuu spoke "And for some reason, you slapped me with so much harsh bluntness, which wasn’t like you at all."

Applejack spoke "Ah don’t need to know what Ah said, but now Ah know somethin’. The enemy can somehow mess with our senses, especially with what we hear."

I spoke "The honest truth can hurt some times."

Bone spoke "And to think that Pebble Heart fella was right about this being a trap."

Twilight soon shows up with Danyelle via teleportation magic.

Twilight growls "That monster's gone too far!"

I got the two Pegasi down off the wall.

I spoke "We have to put a stop to this madman."

Miss President asks "What kind of creatures are you…?"

Goryuu spoke "Oh, we used our Personas."

We explained to Miss President what just happened as AJ and I introduced her to the others here.

Miss President spoke "…I’m gonna check out the Announcement Room. That General Teddie’s behind the whole shebang, right? And if he came from me… Then I gotta own up to the responsibility. As student body president, I can’t let this go."

“Hold on! We’ll take care of the Shadow. You have to-“ I tried to see before being cut off.

Miss President spoke "What, get out of this TM world? And how am I supposed to do that? Go on, show me the door."

She got us there.

Miss President asks "I might not be as strong as you guys, but I’m no slouch in a fight. Wouldn’t it be better if we went together. And I know it’s dangerous. But there’s gotta be somethin’ only I can do to help… Tartarus, that aside, I can’t leave after causing so much trouble… making friends fight each other! I’m goin’ on ahead. You don’t wanna waste time arguing, yeah?"

Miss President went on ahead before Goryuu, Danyelle and Twilight were trapped in the barrier again.

Danyelle spoke "Ugh… Well? Go after her."

Applejack spoke "Don’t worry, we’ll come back for y’all when this is over."

Twilight spoke "But Applejack, you know you can't fight alone."

Applejack spoke "Twi, listen. As far as Ah know, these fights are one-on-one."

Bone spoke "Flintfur and I aren't involved with this mess so maybe we could find a way to stop it before someone ends up severely injured."

Sapphire spoke "Same with Ruby and I."

“Careful, you get spotted and you might get teleported and dragged into this too.” I warned.

Pebble pokes his head out of Flintfur's shadow.

Pebble spoke "Good thing I taught these two toms how to use shadow movement."

the three toms vanish into the shadows to dodge General Teddie's gaze right before the mirror was back up.

Applejack and I went off, following Miss President before catching up with her, like she expected us to.

Applejack spoke "Look, if ya wanna help, then promise you won’t leave our side or do anything reckless. It could be life or death here."

Miss President spoke "…Sure thing. Then let’s get to that Announcement Room together."

We had a conversation about our friends while moving forward before she brought out a weird question in concern.

Miss President asks "What if… you had to kill each other?"

Kill each other…? Applejack and I were definitely caught off guard by that question, haven’t even considered that.

Miss President spoke "Haha, sorry, that was probably over the line. I don’t know why I said that…"

“We wouldn’t let that happen.” I assured as we kept moving as we realized that the invisible walls are only blocking the tournament fighters. We soon reached a locker room in the hallway with stairs before encountering an invisible wall, preventing us from going forward or back. Nowhere to go, which can only mean one thing.

Applejack spoke "Be careful, this could mean…"

Sapphire spoke "We're in for another fight..."

Then General Teddie appeared on a mirror in the entryway. Third round coming up.

General Teddie spoke "Heeheehee... are your snouts okay? Geez, you're such klutzes."

Applejack growls "Still pretendin' to be Teddie? Gettin' old, so why not show yer real self?"

General Teddie spoke "Boy, you've gotten peevish! I don't have any idea what you're talking about."

Guess riling him up didn't work.

Applejack spoke "Alright, ya want a fight? You'll get a fight."

"Who's next?" I added, playing along with AJ.

General Teddie spoke "Ooooh, now you're getting into the spirit of things! Let me guess, you're starting to enjoy beating up your friends? Just a heads up, two against two are just two one-on-one battles here. Heehee... okay! Would the next challengers come on down!"

General Teddie had no idea we were playing along as a puff of smoke erupted from the ground, and when it faded, it revealed Rainbow Dash and... Redux-verse Ash?!

Applejack spoke "Well, can't say Ah didn't think this could happen."

Rainbow Dash spoke "Hehe, yeah, same here."

I spoke "I'm not fighting my brother."

Ash taunts "Wow, so you’re saying I win by default, scaredy-skitty?"

That… ticked me off.

Applejack wingslaps me on the back of the head, calming me down.

I spoke "It's not that Ash, our universe's Danyelle was severely injured because of a dark synergy stone!"

Redux-verse Ash spoke "Yeah, I know she needs a rest, but I also know that the stuff we say gets messed up so we fight each other. You had it easy at first, fighting your friends, but now here you are, fighting your own brother. I had to keep killing, over and over... all because of you creatures!"

Yeah, I'm definitely hearing things, and I can tell the same's said for AJ if Rainbow Dash is saying stuff like that too.

Rainbow Dash spoke "It hurts... It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts..."

Rainbow Dash and Redux-verse Ash spoke "I'll give you a taste of the pain they put me through!"

It was clear now that we had to fight to stop the illusion and move on.

Karei spoke "Well, well, round three of the P-1 Grand Prix already! Word on the street is that the electric master and the speedster may have a slight advantage!"

Heifa spoke "Will Indigo and Applejack win this one?! Let's start the entertainment! Ready...! Fight!"

I fight with a clear mind against the fake Rainbow.

I spoke "AJ, you have the advantage against electric attacks."

General Teddie spoke "Uh-uh-uh. You'll be fighting Ash, and AJ will be fighting Rainbow Dash. No "if"s, "and"s or "but"s about it."

Applejack spoke "Indigo, it's fine. It's only one round and you only have to knock him out."

I spoke "If he was a Lucario-Mewtwo hybrid, I'd have my ass kicked in five seconds flat!"

*Meanwhile with Akane,*

The Growlithe-Mewtwo hybrid was carrying a poorly bandaged Redux-verse Danyelle in her arms, trying to find the shy alicorn.

Akane spoke "I just hope no one walks in here."

Redux-verse Danyelle groans in pain.

Akane spoke "I'm sorry I let this happen, Danyelle."

Redux-verse Danyelle groans "Don't be Akane... I was stupid... to touch that stone..."

Akane asks "When did it happen?"

Redux-verse Danyelle groans "A short while after the stupid tournament started... And I smell chakat..."

Akane asks "Who?"

Redux-verse Danyelle groans "I smell flowers..."

Akane spoke "Sounds like Flowerstep."

Redux-verse Danyelle spoke "Knowing our universe's Flowerstep, the one of this universe hates fighting as well."

Akane couldn't help but give a sigh of relief.

*Back with us...*

I beat Ash and AJ beat RD, even though it was a close call, as I noticed Applejack smiling.

General Teddie spoke "Pssh, wipe that smirk off your face. This isn't fun at all!"

Heh, well, General Teddie sure wasn't happy about there not being much injuries as the mirror turned off.

"Ash?" I asked in concern.

Redux-verse Ash spoke "Ugh... Sorry about that, bro."

I spoke "I just hope nobody runs into Orion... I'd hate to see what will happen..."

Applejack asks "Y'alright, Dash?"

Rainbow Dash spoke "Yeesh... Probably. You're definitely stronger now as an alicorn."

Applejack spoke "Hey, yer quicker now."

Rainbow Dash asks "Well, at least some of the others are safe. But I can tell the weird stuff you're saying before was just my ears playing tricks on me. *Notices Miss President* Hold on, who's she?"

I introduced Miss President to Rainbow Dash and Redux-verse Ash.

Rainbow Dash spoke "That's fishy. Emerald told me that she remembers the president being a male..."

Miss President asks "What're you saying? I'm the student council president. Who else would I be?"

Rainbow Dash spoke "Emerald sounded sure though. What's your name? That'll clear things up."

Miss President spoke "My name... *Stops moving* I... my name's..."

Applejack asks "Somethin' wrong?"

Miss President gasps "My... memories... No, I don't want to fight anymore... Why do we have to kill one another...!?"

Something's not right here as AJ and I tried to approach Miss President to help calm her down.

Miss President spoke "Aaaaaagh...!"

Suddenly, Miss President flailed her legs around, like she was trying to ward off demons only visible to her. Rainbow and Redux-verse Ash touched her front legs before Miss President caught them and easily knocked them aside. We narrowly managed to catch them before they slammed into the concrete wall. Talk about power. We tried approaching Miss President on all four sides, but before we knew it, she was flying through the air, jumping! That was no ordinary jump, her entire body was up higher than my head! Miss President kicked off the ceiling, changing directions before landing at a full run.

Rainbow Dash spoke "Whoa... Who is that mare?! Was it something I said? She mentioned her memories..."

Applejack spoke "There were a bit blurry, maybe she was right there in gettin' 'em back..."

Ash asks "What kind of memories would drive her crazy like THAT and run away...?"

"Sorry you two, but you're stuck since you lost." I apologized as me, AJ and some of the others readied to move forward to chase Miss President.

Redux-verse Ash spoke "Good luck Gogo."

Rainbow Dash spoke "Don't worry about us, you guys go ahead and help that mare."

We then went off back into the hallways, but even though we were moving as fast as we could, the invisible walls kept appearing, keeping us from making much progress.

Applejack spoke "If non-competitors like Miss President can go through them, we won't be able to keep up...

We kept moving before we went into a classroom, then a familiar voice echoes into our heads.

A voice spoke "...-jack... Applejack! Can you hear me!? Please answer me!"

Applejack asks "Wait... Karei, is that you?! Really you?"

Karei spoke "Thank goodness... I've been all alone since that weird fake Teddie captured me. And then you were all fighting each other..."

Yep, that's the real Karei alright.

"Where are you right now? Know where we are?" I asked.

Karei spoke "I'm sorry, I don't think there's time! I'm stuck in the Announcement Room...! Please everyone, you and the others have to hurry! If you don't he'll-eek!"

Applejack spoke "Karei...! Come in, Karei!"

No answer. Communications was cut off.

Sapphire spoke "This is bad Princess..."

Flintfur's voice was soon heard via telepathy.

Flintfur spoke "Apple... Can.... hear me? I found... real.... Teddie..."

Applejack asks "Yeah, Ah know! What’s goin’ on?!"

Flintfur spoke "Pebble.... Right... It.... trap... rid world.... alicorns..."

Applejack spoke "Get rid o’ all alicorns? Nah, something’s tellin’ me it’s more personal than that."

But then AJ and I each felt a hand brush our shoulders as we jumped away in surprise and readied ourselves. But then we saw a black male dragon with silver spines, gray eyes and a tan underbelly, having two band-aids, one on his left forehead and one on his right cheek, a cross shaped scar in his short hair-like spines on the left side of his head, and chin stubble spine/scales. He was wearing brown pants, and the left thigh of his pants is bandaged, while the right has several tears on it, reddish brown mixed-martial arts gloves and a matching cape. He seemed to have been injured by a huge animal, as he has three scars on his chest, and a few scars on his arms as well. In addition, he was carrying a machete, a bottle of water, large knife on his belt and some kind of firearm with him in a hilt on his left shoulder strap. We also noticed a Minotaur bull with him, having steel-colored eyes, unkempt brown hair on his head, also having a bit of a stubble dark pale fur for his upper half as his lower half was brown like his hair. He was wearing a black beanie along with a black and red jacket while wielding an axe.

The dragon spoke "Who’re you? Haven’t seen ya before."

The minotaur spoke "Looks like they got dragged into this tournament too."

I spoke "Applejack and I along with some others got forced into this stupid fight..."

The dragon spoke "Name’s Akihiko Sanada."

The minotaur spoke "Shinjiro Aragaki."

Akihiko asks ""Fought some of your friends on the way here, and I can tell cause the mare with the hat was in that video. Princess of Honesty, Applejack. Yeah?"

Spottedleaf pops up suddenly.

Spottedleaf spoke "I remember you two! We had worked together to stop Chronos."

Akihiko asks "Huh? What’re you talkin’ about?"

Spottedleaf asks "Don't you remember a dark tortoiseshell alicorn-nekomata hybrid?"

Shinjiro: Isn’t that what you are?

Applejack spoke "Ah think she's trying to git ya'll ta remember somethin'."

"Wait, why're you here?" I asked.

Akihiko: Tch, on any other mission, we destroy Shadows. But this mission's different.

Applejack: Destroy Shadows? Don't that mean...?

Shinjiro: Yeah, Aki and I are Persona-users if that's what you're wondering.

But then a mirror turned on as Spottedleaf went invisible, showing General Teddie. "Ahaaaa! So that's where you and your pals got to, AJ! I've been looking all over for you! Hmm? Who're the tough guys?

Applejack: You should know, you brought them here.

General Teddie: Oh my, did you figure it out? I didn't have a choice after those guys decided on their own to horn in on the fun. Don't you and Indie know what's coming next, Applejack? Don't you?

The mirror then turned off.

"Sorry, do either of you know the rule of this tournament?" I asked.

Akihiko spoke "Looks like "Applejack" is my opponent. The winner's the only one who can continue, right? Fine by me, I was waitin' for a challenge."

Shinjiro spoke "*Annoyed sigh* You moron, but since none of us are getting anywhere without a fight."

"Name's Indigo, none of us have anything against either of you, but we're kinda in a hurry." I said.

Shinjiro spoke "Don't complain if you lose though."

I readied myself against Shinjiro as AJ prepared to fight Akihiko.

"Gonna give it all I got!" I declared.

Shinjiro spoke "Remember, you asked for it."

Applejack spoke "Mess with the pony, you get the hooves!"

Akihiko spoke "Alright, ring the bell!"

I spoke "Mess with this Absol-Mewtwo, you get the claws!"

An invisible Spottedleaf yowls, indicating that the fight had started.

I fought Shinjiro, and he was real tough. Especially with that Persona of his he called "Chiron", even though Spottedleaf looked surprised.

AJ was fighting Akihiko and his Persona known as "Caesar" making Spottedleaf look more surprised.

It was a long and tough fight, but AJ and I managed to win and knock them out, barely. Applejack and I were panting as a mirror turned on, showing General Teddie.

General Teddie spoke "Wowza! Now that's the Applejack I know! That tough guy was no match for you! Heeheehee... Serves you right. Keep suffering! Friend against friend, beating the heck out of each other!"

Applejack spoke "Heh, ya don't get it, do ya? We ain't fight because o' hate. The reason we can really fight is because of our trust, respect and friendship!"

Then we heard a low growl from General Teddie, which was actually a bit scary.

General Teddie growls "*Golden eyes with a distorted voice* Stupid... You're such a dumbass! What's with you!? Trust? Respect? Friendship? So what if you don't hate each other? You're not like me...! I was forced to fight against my will...! I destroyed them with my own hooves! You should all have to go through the hell I suffered... See how it feels to destroy everyone you call a friend! If I knew this was gonna happen, I would've made the rules so you had to kill your opponents to move on!"

Now everything made sense, and I can tell AJ knows that too. This must've been something from Miss President's past, which explains the tournament her Shadow had made, she wanted us to feel what she experienced firsthand, or firsthoof. But then someone crashed through the ceiling, revealing a stallion pony in velvet blue clothing.

Applejack gasps "Theo?!"

Theodore spoke "My apologies, I clearly was not expecting anyone to be here. My name is Theodore, but you may call me Theo."

We were about to head out before...

Theodore: Please wait a moment. I'm afraid I shall have to test you two in a battle. If required, Applejack, you and Indigo can tag-team against me."

Applejack asks "Uh... Is this really a good idea?"

Theodore spoke "Again, I do apologize, but I must test you two for the battle ahead. And I must admit, I am growing quite excited."

Spottedleaf and Applejack looked at me, silently telling me not to underestimate him, even though if he's using a book as a weapon.

"Well, I guess can't hold back. Ready, AJ?" I asked.

Applejack spoke "Darn tootin'!"

Spottedleaf spoke "Let's end this mess once and for all!"

*Meanwhile with Akane*

The hybrid was trying to stifle the bleeding.

Resting on a pile of stained towels, Redux-verse Danyelle sighs "What kind of mother am I to attack my own kids...?"

Akane spoke "shh, save your strength. You're in bad shape..."

Akane pokes her head out of the janitor's office that she and Redux-verse Danyelle took shelter in before looking around fearfully.

Akane spoke "*withdrawing her head* We should be okay in here for now. I can't contact our universe's Zoey for some blue aqua because I don't want her getting involved."

Redux-verse Danyelle spoke "I'm so sorry..."

Akane spoke "It's not your fault, it was that dark synergy stone's fault. It caused you to go insane."

Akane's nose twitches.

Akane spoke "Shit, I smell someone coming this way."

Picking Redux-verse Danyelle and the towels up thus setting her into a small wood backpack, Akane smashes the tiled floor before digging through the ground thus escaping through the tunnel which was sealed up as well to stop the competitor from following.

Akane soon pokes her head up in the announcer's room.

*Back with us...*

AJ and I managed to somehow beat Theodore and that persona he used called Samael. Theo then left before Akihiko and Shinjiro got up. They then explained their mission, they were sent here to find the 5th Generation Anti-Shadow Suppression Weapon, "Labrys" the big sister of one of their friends called "Aigis". To our shock, they Anti-Shadow Weapons were robots with faces of ponies, before Spottedleaf, AJ, myself and the others moved forward, leaving Akihiko and Shinjiro. Soon, we heard a familiar voice.

Miss President spoke "That's enough...!"

That was Miss President's voice as we soon got into the Announcement room.

General Teddie asks "Hmm...? You're finally here. Hello, Applejack. Congratulations! How does it feel to have won the P-1 Grand Prix?"

General Teddie smirked at us as we saw Karei and Miss President.

Karei spoke "There you are, guys! You're late!"

Then Seiko showed up, followed by a female robot alicorn.

Karei spoke "Senpai! Listen everyone! It's all been him from the beginning! He can make whoever's looking at him see him as someone else!"

Seiko asks "So he's not actually taking on other forms...?"

Karei spoke "No, he's just distorting the things you see and hear!"

Applejack asks "*To General Teddie, who now has golden eyes* Who in Equestria are you?"

General Teddie spoke "*Distorted voice* Hahahahahaha! You still can't tell? Seriously, the level of intelligence around here...! Fine, then. Here... Get a good look!"

General Teddie chuckled darkly as black goop emerged from his zipper neck before it covered him and transformed into an orb of black goop. It then transformed into Miss President, but she had strange wings on her back and everything flesh about her was mechanical except her face and mane as she was still wearing the high school outfit. The wings suddenly blasted off of her, transforming into a HUGE axe as her front hooves gained mechanical fingers before she stood upright and grabbed it. Before looking at us with golden eyes and a dark chuckle.

Miss President's Shadow spoke "I am a shadow, the true self..."

Miss President spoke "That's... my face..."

Miss President's Shadow asks "How about it? You wanted to see what I am, didn't you!?"

Miss President asks "Why... why does she look like me!?"

Karei spoke "That's its true form. That thing... is your Shadow."

Miss President asks "This... is a Shadow? She really came from inside me...?"

Aigis spoke "Labrys..."

Seiko spoke "I don't know what your past was like... It must have had some painful memories. But you have us with you now! We're going to get you out of here!"

Shadow Labrys laughs "Ahahahaha! You hear that, me? Your "friends" are trying to tell you something. Too bad they don't understand at all... These clowns are so hopelessly naive! I wish I could've made them feel my pain... What it's like having to murder one another...! That sadness and pain and anguish... Everything went black, and I was always left alone! I'm a weapon! A machine made only to fight! No organic can understand my suffering...!"

Labrys spoke "Stop... I've had enough! I'm a pony! I'm not like that!"

Shadow Labrys spoke "Hahahaha...! Oh, you're still clinging to that? Then take a look at what you really are!"

Shadow Labrys' eyes gleamed with a golden light as Labrys was transformed, becoming just like her Shadow with her axe turned into wings on her back.

Labrys gasps "No...! Nooooooooooooooo! You're lying... This isn't real... I'm not a machine... You're... You're not me!"

Shadow Labrys laughs "Haha... Ahahahaha! Finally... You've finally said it...! Now... I can be myself! Yes... the power...!"

Shadow Labrys roared as something emerged from underneath behind her, which I could only describe as a monster from Hell.

I don't know how, but Shadow Labrys' transformation actually summoned her Shadow Persona. But then I noticed Akane.

Redux-verse Danyelle opens two warp rings before Redux-verse Midnight gallops full speed out of one and Mistybreeze along with a pair of demonic ponies gallop out of the other.


Twilight and the others who had lost soon pop up.

Danyelle spoke "I'm patching through to the rest of MeadowClan and the other Clans!"

But there was only static as an invisible and impenetrable barrier appeared, trapping me, Applejack, Seiko and Aigis with Shadow Labrys and Asterius.

Midnight howls "ORA!!!!"

A flurry of fists shatter the barrier.

Midnight spoke "Thought you could get away with HURTING A FRIEND OF MINE? WELL THINK AGAIN!!!"

But then Midnight and something invisible were constrained by chains as the barrier went up again, far tougher than before.

Shadow Labrys spoke "Don't interfere!"

But the foxcat demon dug underground, popping up inside the barrier as Akane followed.

Redux-verse Danyelle spoke "You forgot that the competition isn't over since there is one person that didn't fight!"

Shadow Labrys spoke "I said don't interfere!"

Chains lunged at the two before AJ, Seiko, Aigis and I got in front of the two and deflected them.

Applejack spoke "Yer fight's with the four of us! No one else!"

Despite the wound on her back, Redux-verse Danyelle's eyes glow white as she flew out of the backpack before delivering a Double Kick at Shadow Labrys.

Avatar Mode Redux-verse Danyelle spoke "*fur turning stark white but the fur around the wound was as black as ink due to bits of the dark synergy stone still lodged in her back* I'm not running away from a fight!"

Shadow Labrys spoke "Fine then! You wanna die? Be my guest!"

The five of us charged as we started fighting Shadow Labrys and Asterius.

Avatar Mode Redux-verse Danyelle teleported before Shadow Labrys' attack hit her.

I spoke "NIGHT SLASH!!!"

A white hot Flamethrower shot out of Avatar Mode Redux-verse Danyelle's mouth since she didn't feel any pain.

Seiko performed a Cross Slash with Izanagi as Aigis summoned her persona, Pallas Athena, as she did a Goddess Shield charged attack with her. Applejack attacked with Terra as all five of our attacks landed on Shadow Labrys, dealing plenty of damage.

Avatar Mode Redux-verse Danyelle yowls "CHAOS SPEAR!!!"

a spear made of chaos energy hits Shadow Labrys hard.

Applejack summoned a card and shattered it with a headbutt.

Applejack spoke "INCOMIN'!"

Applejack charged as we got out of the way before Applejack reached Shadow Labrys before turning a full 180 before kicking her high into the sky as Terra appeared before a light covered her before it faded, revealing Atlas in Terra's place before he tore the sky asunder as he called down a Gamma-Ray Burst, with the beam hitting Shadow Labrys dead-on as she was blasted down to the ground. But when she was one foot close to the ground, Applejack kicked her again, straight forward this time as the ray moved with Shadow Labrys, still dealing her damage while crashing through many walls before crashing into a steel one, causing her to stop as the ray faded, with Shadow Labrys knocked out.

Applejack spoke "YEEHAW!!! That's what happens when ya mess with a pony!"

Our jaws dropped at that.

Redux-verse Midnight growls "But this isn't OVER!!!"

Avatar Mode Redux-verse Danyelle gives Applejack a fistbump.

Avatar Mode Redux-verse Danyelle spoke "That was wicked awesome...."

Avatar Mode Redux-verse Danyelle powered down before fainting.

Akane spoke "Danyelle!"

Shadow Labrys spoke "Aaaaaaaaaagh...!"

The power around Shadow Labrys vanishes as Asterius burned away.

"Labrys..." AJ, Seiko, Aigis and I couldn't help but noticed.

Emerald spoke "*Shows up* There they are! Seiko-kun! Labrys! Everyone!"

The others showed up too.

Kaze spoke "Man, as soon as that invisible wall thing disappeared, I knew you did it!"

Shima spoke "Mm-hmm! We ran into Akihiko-san and Shinjiro-san along the way. They told us about Labrys and everything."

Kanji spoke "A little late, wasn't it!? If someone told me what was going on form the start, I would've..."

Teddie spoke "You fell into the TM when you were half asleep! Fur crying out loud, you really know how to blow it when it counts..."

Kanji asks "Hey, what'd you go and tell them for!?"

Sunao spoke "Er... I don't think this is the time for that!"

The rest of the Ineighba Investigation team was here too. We were explained some things.

Seiko spoke "These are my friends... We've all faced our weaknesses at one time or another..."

Labrys asks "Your weaknesses... You all... faced your Shadows?"

Karei spoke "Sheesh, enough doom and gloom! If you don't hurry and accept her, she'll get all lonely!"

Labrys spoke "But... I'm a weapon who didn't want to fight... and I dragged you all into this..."

Goryuu spoke "No point in thinking about it now, this Grand Prix's already over."

Emerald asks "Your jumping skills were amazing, but you're surprisingly sensitive, aren't you?"

Kaze asks "Uh, what does that have to do with her jumping skills?"

Aigis went towards Labrys.

Aigis spoke "Nice to meet you, Labrys... or rather, Sister. I am Aigis, the 7th Generation Anti-Shadow Suppression Weapon. ...I am your successor."

Labrys was definitely surprised, same with half of the others.

Aigis: My mission to retrieve you has brought me and my colleagues here. They are waiting for you."

Labrys spoke "...Are they gonna lock me up again? Well, considering all I did, of course they will..."

Aigis spoke "We can discuss that later. Right now, there is an important task you must carry out."

Labrys spoke "I gotta do this, huh..."

Seiko spoke "It's okay. We're all right here with you."

Labrys knew that he was right as the rest of us agreed.

Labrys spoke "Yeah... *Faces her Shadow* That's right... You're me. You're the way I was on the inside, screamin' to be understood... the pain wantin' to be known... You're all I couldn't say. You were always inside me... You're me, a machine with a heart. I'm sorry I ignored you all this time. I was the one who left you all alone..."

Shadow Labrys silently nodded before Labrys hugged her Shadow self.

Labrys spoke "No... You are me after all...!"

The Asterius symbol below glowed blue and vanished as Shadow Labrys transformed into Labrys' persona.

Labrys spoke "This... is my Persona..."

Later, we went to the rooftop, only to be surprised that the TM world regained its studio-like appearance the others were used to.

Redux-verse Danyelle was on Redux-verse Midnight's back since she was in no state to move.

Akane spoke "Before we part ways, my universe's Danyelle is dire need of surgery to remove the remaining bits of dark synergy stone or she'll turn into Shadow Danyelle again."

“Right.” I agreed as we encountered a female hippogriff with red mane and tail while wearing a white fake fur coat that looked real over a black catsuit, having a rapier and carries an Evoker in a holster on her thigh, along with elves.

Akane spoke "Could you help us? We got a wounded nekomata."

The hippogriff summoned a Persona and used Diarahan to heal Redux-verse Danyelle while removing the last bits of Dark Synergy Stone.

Akane spoke "Thank you so much miss."

The hippogriff asks "I’m Kori Shitagaki, Labrys’ handler. It seems you met Akihiko, Shinjiro and Aigis, correct?"

I spoke "We did, I'm Indigo Ketchum. Boltbrain over there is my brother, Ash."

Redux-verse Ash spoke "Gogo!"

Twilight spoke "I'm Princess Twilight Sparkle. The others are Princesses Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie, Fluttershy, Rainbow, Danyelle and Spottedleaf."

Flintfur pops out of Twilight's shadow with Bone and Pebble following.

Bone spoke "I'm Bone, the shortstack is Flintfur."

Flintfur whines "Bone!"

Pebble spoke "I'm Pebble Heart."

I spoke "The others are Orion, Akane, Asuna and Haru."

Redux-verse Midnight spoke "And I'm Midnight Storm."

Kaze asks "So, um… what’s going to happen to Labrys now?"

Kori spoke "Well… you deserve to know. We were thinking of sealing her away again. But our report from Aigis says that thanks to you, Labrys has acquired a Persona. She’s hardly a rogue test unit anymore. Besides… she has a heart. We would never treat anyone with a heart so poorly."

Kanji spoke "Yeah! We did it!"

Emerald spoke "Thank goodness…! I’m so happy for you, Labrys!"

I chuckle "My universe's Danyelle and this universe's Applejack were the ones that stopped her."

Danyelle spoke "I'm going to be hosting a Hearth's Warming party in Ponyville and you guys are all invited."

Redux-verse Danyelle spoke "Awesome! I'll invite my friends!"

Twilight laughs "Hey, don't forget about the folks in the OC-verse!"

Kori giggles "I suppose we could come along."

Akihiko spoke "…Good job, guys. Let me say thanks."

Labrys asks "You’re… not gonna lock me up again? No foolin’?"

Kori spoke "We only seal away objects. If I did that to you, knowing you have a heart, I’d be no different than the Shitagaki Corporation of old. Labrys… you’ve been blessed with good friends."

Twilight spoke "That's what clanmates do for each other, we help those in need."

Labrys couldn’t help but smile.

Labrys suddenly goes silent.

Labrys’ head dropped suddenly like a puppet with no strings with her eyes suddenly turning gray. I noticed Akihiko keeping his guard up before a bizarre voice came from Labrys.

An eerie voice spoke "It’s not over yet…"

Okay, THAT wasn’t Labrys’ voice!

Kori spoke "What…!? It’s the same communication system as ours!"

Akihiko spoke "Everyone, step away from Labrys!"

Shinjiro spoke "Get back if you don’t wanna die!"

We listened to the three as we all spread out and watched Labrys from a distance.

Aigis spoke "I cannot gain access. She is being hacked! It isn’t coming from inside this facility… The signal originates elsewhere!"

Shinjiro asks "Wait, outside this world?"

Akihiko asks "You mean outside the TM!?"

Both Danyelles were growling.

Leafstar spoke "*via compact* Guys... Can... me? Something... trapped... Clan... warriors!"

The eerie voice spoke "Do not worry, they will be released unharmed in due time. This is just a little extra resistance. Now, entertain me!"

We dodged Labrys' axe as we knew we had to snap her out of it.

Seiko spoke "We'll save her, no matter what you try!"

Applejack spoke "We won't let her be hurt like this anymore!"

Redux-verse Midnight grabs the axe and yanks it out of Labrys' grip.

To be Continued

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