• Published 6th Sep 2023
  • 1,993 Views, 114 Comments

Ranger in Equestria - Lady Umbra

​Tommy gets hit by one of Rita's spells, leaving the Rangers shocked and mourning his apparent loss. Meanwhile, Tommy wakes up in a strange land filled with talking dragons.

  • ...

A Sinister Pact

As the sun sank below the horizon, casting a haunting darkness over the scene, ​Sunset's eyes burned with malevolence as she unleashed her wrath upon Fluttershy. Fluttershy's entire body trembled, her voice barely a whisper, as she cowered in fear before the vindictive Sunset.

"V-Volunteer at the animal shelter?" Fluttershy stammered, her voice quivering. "I-I didn't mean to upset you, Sunset. I-I just thought it could be a way to, um, help those defenseless animals."

A wicked smirk twisted Sunset's lips as she reveled in Fluttershy's vulnerability. The pitiful sight before her only fueled her desire to inflict more fear. "Helping defenseless creatures like them? How utterly pathetic," she sneered, her voice dripping with disdain. "Why would I waste my time on such insignificant beings when there are far more important matters to attend to?"

Sunset snatched the flyers from Fluttershy's grasp and ripped them apart with swift, purposeful motions. The sound of tearing paper echoed in the twilight, amplifying the tension in the air. Without a second thought, Sunset then crumpled the torn remnants and callously threw them away, their once hopeful messages cast aside like insignificant scraps.

Fluttershy's eyes welled up with tears, her fragile form shrinking further. "I... I'm sorry," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "I-I didn't mean to suggest something so stupid."

Sunset's laughter echoed in the dimming light, a twisted symphony of cruelty. "Stupid? That's exactly what you are, Fluttershy. A pathetic, weak-minded fool," she taunted, her words laced with sadistic pleasure. "You should learn to keep your opinions to yourself if you don't want to be humiliated."

Fluttershy's shoulders slumped, her once vibrant spirit crushed beneath Sunset's oppressive presence. The fear that coursed through her veins as she absorbed Sunset's verbal assault threatened to consume her.

As the full moon began to rise, casting an ethereal glow upon the surroundings, ​Sunset's steps grew contemplative. The darkness of the night seemed to mirror the shadows within her own heart, yet her thoughts couldn't help but wander to another figure – ​Celestia, the one who had once been her mentor and guide.

Sunset's memories intertwined with her current frustration, and she couldn't help but wonder about Celestia's unwavering commitment to friendship. A bitter smirk tugged at the corners of her lips as she muttered to herself, "I wonder if that glorified cake muncher is still spouting that friendship bullcrap."

While the sound of her own words resonated with a touch of sarcasm, deep down, Sunset couldn't deny the nagging curiosity that gnawed at her. It had been years since she had severed ties with Celestia and the world of ​Equestria, venturing off to the human realm to forge her own path. But the memories of their past interactions and Celestia's unwavering faith in the power of friendship remained ever-present in her mind.

Sunset was enveloped by a sea of orange light. Startled by the unexpected phenomenon, she couldn't help but exclaim.

"What the...?" Before she could gather her thoughts, the brilliant light soared into the sky, carrying her rapidly towards the rooftop of ​Canterlot High.

Confusion clouded her mind as she set foot on the familiar grounds of the school. Sunset's eyes darted around, attempting to grasp the reason behind her sudden appearance.

"Canterlot High?" she murmured, perplexed. "What am I doing here?"

No sooner had the words left her lips than a melodious voice echoed through the air. "I brought you here,"

Turning around, ​Sunset found a ​man standing in the shadows. She was filled with a mix of curiosity and apprehension as she mustered the courage to demand, "Who are you?"

The man, calm and composed, took a step forward and replied in a mysterious tone, "Someone who sees your potential"

With a slight shift in his stance, the man stepped out of the shadows and into the moonlit scene, revealing himself fully to Sunset's gaze Clad in slim-fitted t-shirts, well-fitted jeans, and combat boots, he exuded a sense of confidence and mystery. Adorning his wrist were gleaming golden bands that sparkled in the moonlight. Yet, what caught ​Sunset's attention the most were the darkened veins, visible against the pale skin of his face, an eerie sight that sent shivers down her spine.

Ignoring the unease creeping within her, Sunset met the man's gaze with a glare of her own, refusing to be intimidated. She furrowed her brows and lashed out with determination, her voice tinged with defiance. "And what is it that you want from me?" she demanded, her tone brooking no ambiguity.

A cryptic smile curled upon the man's lips as he leaned in closer, his eyes never leaving Sunset's. "The question you should be asking, Sunset," he replied, his voice carrying an unsettling air, "is not what I want from you, but rather, what I can offer you."

Sunset's glare intensified, her frustration growing with every elusive response. Yet, she couldn't deny the curiosity gnawing at her. She took a deep breath, steadying herself before pressing on. "Alright then," Sunset countered, her voice laced with determination. "What is it that you can offer me?"

The man grinned madly. "Power"

The man's voice carried a weight of persuasion as he continued, his words captivating ​Sunset's attention.

"You desire power, crave power," he repeated, his voice low and hypnotic. "Power beyond anything you could ever imagine. What if I told you I could give you that power?"

Sunset leaned in slightly, her curiosity piqued. The thought of obtaining such unimaginable power stirred something deep within her, igniting a spark of ambition.

"I'm listening," Sunset responded, her voice laced with a mixture of caution and intrigue. She knew that power came with a price, and yet, the allure of what lay beyond was too tempting to resist.

The stranger's piercing gaze intensified, his eyes narrowing as he detected ​Sunset's hesitation. He understood that obtaining power came at a cost, and his own ambition would not be easily thwarted.

"No power is free," the man asserted, his tone firm yet tinged with curiosity. "Before we proceed, you must tell me how you came here from ​Equestria. Your presence in this realm is not a mere coincidence."

Sunset's mind raced, contemplating the weight of her decision. She had arrived in this mysterious world, separated from everything she knew, and revealed in the freedom it offered. But disclosing the truth about her origins posed risks she was not willing to take lightly.

"I can't help you," Sunset replied, her voice cautious yet determined. Her experiences in Equestria were a part of her past, a distant chapter she had closed. Revealing her true identity could lead to unforeseen consequences.

The air crackled with anticipation as ​the man, sensing ​Sunset's hesitance, decided to present her with an intriguing proposition.

"Then how about a little incentive?"

With a sly smile on his face, he swiftly retrieved a power coin from his hidden pocket, its surface glinting as he flung it towards Sunset. Caught off guard, Sunset instinctively reached out and grasped the coin, feeling a surge of energy pulse through her veins.

As her fingers closed around the coin, Sunset's body began to undergo a remarkable transformation. A vibrant radiance enveloped her, and in an awe-inspiring display of power, her physical form morphed into that of the ​man's Phoenix Enforcer. The suit materialized around her, perfectly fitting every contour of her body with impressive precision.

Adorned in vivid orange and golden armor, Sunset now stood as a symbol of untamed strength and unwavering determination. Her eyes blazed with newfound confidence, empowered by the fusion of the ​Phoenixzord's essence and her own unwavering spirit. In her hand, she felt the weight of the ​Phoenix Blade, the ultimate weapon of her arsenal.

As the transformation completed, Sunset knew that she had been granted an extraordinary gift. The power coursing through her was beyond her wildest dreams, capable of defending the innocent and standing up against evil. She couldn't help but feel a sense of exhilaration

As ​Sunset marveled at the surge of power coursing through her veins, she couldn't help but be enamored by the incredible strength she now possessed. Every fiber of her being felt electrified, her senses heightened, and her determination amplified. The realization that she had become stronger than ever filled her with a sense of sinister glee

"Now you feel the power I offer" The man then began to glow a mix of green and white "I'll let you have your first taste of real power"

the Mysterious man morphed into his own formidable Ranger form, the atmosphere shifted. His dark presence commanded attention, and his voice dripped with a mix of malice and superiority.

"Now hit me as hard as you can." the Ranger taunted Sunset, challenging her to strike him with her newfound might.

Without a second thought, Sunset unleashed her full force, throwing a devastating punch towards the mysterious ranger . But to her astonishment, he stood unwavering, almost unaffected by her blow. His laughter echoed through the air, dripping with both amusement and superiority.

"Intoxicating, isn't it?" Drakkon sneered, as he took back the power. "But I said you'd only get a taste of that power"

The electrifying energy still pulsating within ​Sunset's veins came to an abrupt halt as ​Lord Drakkon reclaimed the power he had bestowed upon her. His mocking tone reverberated in the air, taunting her newfound strength as if it were nothing more than a fleeting illusion.

Sunset's mind raced, realizing that she had been played. She had naively believed that this mysterious man could offer her the power she yearned for, only to have it swiftly snatched away. However, in the midst of her frustration, a flicker of hope emerged as an idea formed in her mind.

"Wait!" Sunset's voice rang out, cutting through the tension that filled the space between them. Her words carried an urgency and determination that couldn't be ignored. "There is a portal, a gateway that leads from ​Equestria to this world."

"Good, now tell me where it is?" the Ranger demanded

"Even if I tell you where it is, you won't be able to use it," Sunset countered, her voice steady despite the underlying vulnerability. She knew that revealing the location alone wouldn't grant the ranger access to the gateway. There were safeguards, mythical forces, and intricate mechanisms governing its usage.

the man's smirk widened, his confidence undeterred. "And why is that?" he taunted, his voice dripping with arrogance. He believed himself to be capable of unraveling any obstacle in his relentless pursuit of power.

"Because the portal only works once every ​30 moons," Sunset explained, her voice measured and filled with a knowledge borne from experience. "Not once a month, but once every 30 full moons."

the Ranger's eyes widened in comprehension, realization dawning upon him. A mix of frustration and curiosity flashed across his face as he processed the significance of Sunset's revelation.

"What do you mean?" the man inquired, his tone laced with a newfound urgency. He understood the implications of the portal's limited accessibility and the impact it would have on his plans for domination.

"There's a reason I haven't returned to ​Equis," Sunset continued, her voice tinged with a hint of sadness. "The portal's cycle takes ​two years and six months to complete before it can open again. And even then, it only remains open for three days."

The Ranger's expression hardened, his mind racing to grasp the consequences of missing the narrow window of opportunity afforded by the portal's activation.

"So if I miss that time frame," the ranger's voice filled with a newfound gravity, "I'll be trapped in ​Equestria?"

​Sunset nodded solemnly, her eyes meeting the man's gaze with unwavering determination. "Yes, trapped. The gateway will seal shut, leaving you stranded within the realm of Equestria until the next cycle begins.

The mans eyes flickered with a glimmer of intrigue as a realization struck him. "Have you heard of the ​Elements of Harmony?" he asked, his voice infused with a newfound sense of urgency.

Sunset paused for a moment, assessing the ranger's question. She replied with a blend of caution and knowledge, "Of course I have. They are an integral part of ​Equestrian history. The Elements of Harmony are undoubtedly one of the most powerful weapons Equestria has ever possessed. ​Princess Celestia herself used them to banish ​Nightmare Moon and restore balance to our land."

The Ranger's smirk deepened, relishing in the opportunity to shatter ​Sunset's assumptions about ​Princess Celestia and the ​Elements of Harmony. He savored the tantalizing pleasure of revealing a secret that had eluded her.

"Times have changed, my dear Sunset," the man declared, his voice dripping with triumph. "The Elements of Harmony are no longer under the control of Princess Celestia. They have chosen new bearers, six ponies from a small village called ​Ponyville."

A look of incredulity washed over Sunset's face as she struggled to comprehend the magnitude of the Ranger's revelation. Her foundation of trust in Celestia wavered, replaced by a torrent of uncertainty and confusion.

"How can this be?" Sunset's voice quivered, still clinging to the remnants of her belief in the princess's unwavering dominion. "Celestia would never allow anyone other than herself, especially not some peasants from a low-class village, to wield the power of the Elements."

"You don't know, do you?" The Ranger asked the former pony

Sunset furrowed her brow, her expression morphing into a blend of confusion and concern. "Know what?" she asked, her voice tinged with curiosity.

A sly grin crept across the mans face "There is a time dilation between this world and ​Equis," he explained, relishing in the look of horror that washed over Sunset's features.

Sunset's eyes widened, disbelief etching itself onto her face. The realization of what the Ranger was implying struck her like a bolt of lightning. "Huh?" she stammered in shock, her mind racing to comprehend the gravity of the situation.

The stranger, basking in his moment of control, allowed his grin to grow wider. "By my estimation, you've been away from your home for at least a millennium or two," he revealed, relishing in the impact of his words.

Sunset couldn't believe what she was hearing. The thought of being separated from her home, her friends, and everything she knew for such an incomprehensible amount of time sent her mind spiraling. She struggled to find the right words, the weight of the revelation leaving her momentarily speechless.

"What?" she finally managed to stammer, her voice a mix of shock and disbelief. The reality of the immense stretches of time that had passed while she was away hung heavy in the air, suffocating her senses.

The mysterious Ranger's expression of superiority remained unwavering. "​Luna has been freed," he stated matter-of-factly, his animosity seeping through his words. "And even the Lord of Chaos was unleashed before being defeated by those same low-class ponies."

Sunset's frustration surged forth, mixing with the disbelief and shock she felt. She gritted her teeth, her voice laced with a tinge of bitterness. "Damn that cake muncher," she muttered under her breath, a hint of resentment coloring her words.

​The Ranger arched an eyebrow, his intrigue piqued by Sunset's outburst. "You blame your mentor?" he inquired, a glimmer of curiosity shining in his eyes.

Sunset's expression hardened, her gaze fixed in determination. "If she hadn't restricted my library privileges," she seethed, her voice tinged with a mix of frustration and regret, "I could have read about the Dilation. But no... I had to focus on friendship." Her tone dripped with sarcasm as she expressed her disdain for the concept.

smirked, sensing the conflict and resentment brewing within Sunset. "What good would have come from making friends with ponies who could never hold a candle to my talents or status?" Sunset questioned, her voice filled with lingering arrogance and a touch of defiance.

The air grew heavy with unspoken tensions and regrets. Sunset had once believed her path was the only one worth treading, but the revelations of lost time and the accomplishments of those she had dismissed as inferior began to chip away at her preconceived notions.

"I'll make you a deal"

​The mans proposition hung heavy in the air, adding an unexpected twist to the tense atmosphere. ​Sunset eyed the flashing power coin, a combination of skepticism and curiosity flickering across her features. "A deal?" she echoed, tilting her head slightly.

The mysterious Ranger smirked, thoroughly enjoying the allure of his offer. "Indeed," he replied, his voice carrying a subtle undertone of ambition. He extended the power coin towards Sunset, the light reflecting off its surface. "I'll grant you the power of the ​Phoenixzord, a force that can help you get what you want. But in return, when the portal opens again, you must retrieve and deliver me the ​Element of Magic."

Sunset's eyes narrowed as she contemplated the terms of the deal. It seemed almost too good to be true. The kind of power she had long sought after, the means to claim what she desired, offered up on a silver platter. "That's all?" she questioned cautiously, her voice hinting at a mixture of suspicion and curiosity.

The man's grin widened, his eyes gleaming with ambition. "Indeed," he reiterated, his voice dripping with a hidden agenda. "Retrieve the Element of Magic for me, and the power of the Phoenixzord will be yours to wield."

The ​Mysterious Ranger's words hung in the air, invoking both intrigue and a sense of unease within ​Sunset. She pondered the gravity of his conditions, her mind calculating the possibilities and consequences that lay ahead. His insistence on secrecy heightened her suspicion, yet the allure of having the power to command the morphing grid was undeniable.

A flicker of determination flashed across Sunset's eyes as she made her decision. Though apprehensive, she had always been one to seize opportunities presented to her. "No one will know," she stated firmly, her voice brimming with conviction. "I will keep the source of this power and our agreement a secret. I understand the consequences."

The Mysterious Ranger's smile deepened, satisfied with Sunset's compliance. "Very well," he answered, a note of satisfaction lacing his words.

Sunset's heart quickened with a mix of anticipation and trepidation. She reached out, accepting the power coin from the Mysterious Ranger's outstretched palm. As the cool metal pressed against her skin, a surge of energy coursed through her, intertwining with her very essence. The power of the ​Phoenixzord now resided within her, an immense force waiting to be harnessed.

"Now," the Mysterious Ranger spoke, his voice carrying an air of finality. "Go forth, Sunset, and fulfill your end of the deal. Retrieve the ​Element of Magic when the portal opens again, and the true power of the morphing grid shall be yours to command."

"The portal opens in two months, it'll be done," she confirmed, her voice laced with determination.

The Mysterious Ranger fixed his piercing gaze on Sunset, his expression stern. "Do not fail me," he warned in a commanding tone, accentuating the weight of their agreement.

Sunset met his gaze, her own eyes shimmering with newfound purpose. "I won't fail you," she assured him, her voice filled with newfound determination. However, a question lingered at the back of her mind. "Um... What's your name?" she asked, her curiosity finally breaking through.

The Ranger's lips curled into a wry smile, revealing a hint of secrecy. "Drakkon," he revealed, his voice tinged with an air of mystery.

Author's Note:

In a surprising turn of events, ​Lord Drakkon's influence has made its way to Canterlot High, leaving no character untouched. Now, ​Sunset Shimmer finds herself equipped with a unique power coin and ​Zord, Now just to point out that Sunset's Morpher will be different from the Mighty Morphin Morphers

Edit: 11/13/23
Okay people I've hit a bit of a snag in the next chapter. So until that's fixed I'm going to take a break and work on some of my other fics

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