• Published 6th Sep 2023
  • 1,993 Views, 114 Comments

Ranger in Equestria - Lady Umbra

​Tommy gets hit by one of Rita's spells, leaving the Rangers shocked and mourning his apparent loss. Meanwhile, Tommy wakes up in a strange land filled with talking dragons.

  • ...

Unseen Threats

Tommy stood in the ballroom, enveloped in a sense of awe that lingered from the remarkable wedding ceremony. ​Shining had bestowed upon Tommy the honor of serving as his best man, standing alongside ​Twilight. As his gaze drifted across the room, Tommy couldn't help but be captivated by the sheer elegance of Twilight's friends, adorned in their enchanting dresses. The magic of the day continued to astound him, especially as he bore witness to ​Rainbow's breathtaking Sonic Rainboom long after the wedding vows had been exchanged. Truly, Tommy couldn't help but appreciate ​Pinkie's exceptional talent for creating a festive atmosphere that enhanced every celebration.

Adjusting his shirt with a thoughtful gesture, Tommy's eyes were drawn to the newly pronounced husband and wife as they moved in perfect harmony on the dance floor, their connection palpable to all who beheld them.

As ​Tommy stood in awe of the newlyweds, feeling the residual magic of the wedding ceremony, he was gently interrupted by ​Fluttershy, who nervously tugged at his sleeve. "Um... T-Tommy?" she stammered. Caught off guard, Tommy turned towards Fluttershy, only to find himself captivated by the beauty of her dress. Its delicate design and soft colors complimented her gentle nature, enhancing her ethereal presence.

A warmth spread through Tommy's heart as he found himself unable to look away from Fluttershy. The intricate details of her attire seemed to mirror her graceful personality, and he couldn't help but admire how perfectly it encapsulated her essence. She emanated a quiet strength and elegance that left him mesmerized.

"I'm sorry, what did you say?" ​Tommy inquired, leaning in closer to hear ​Fluttershy's soft voice.

Fluttershy, blushing with a gentle rosy hue on her cheeks, stammered out her words, her shyness evident. "W-would you... I mean, if it's alright with you," she continued, fumbling with her nervousness. "Can we..."

In her timidness, Fluttershy took an unsure step forward but ended up tripping over her own feet. Acting swiftly, Tommy caught her before she could hurt herself, their close proximity causing Fluttershy's blush to deepen as her face pressed against his chest.

Amidst the embrace, Fluttershy could hear the beating of his heart, which sent a warm flutter through her own.

Concerned, Tommy asked, "Are you okay, Fluttershy?"

As she looked up at Tommy, her cheeks flushed even more, overwhelmed by a mix of embarrassment, desire, and want.

A warm smile graced Tommy's face, causing Fluttershy's flush to deepen even further. "Would you like to dance, Fluttershy?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine interest.

Unable to find her voice, Fluttershy simply nodded, her gaze fixed upon Tommy's captivating deep brown eyes, as if lost in the connection they shared.

Unbeknownst to them, the pink magical glow that had covered Fluttershy's foot dissipated. Meanwhile, on the dance floor, the glow on ​Cadance's horn vanished as she smiled at her husband, ​Shining.

"You couldn't resist, could you?" Shining remarked, playfully teasing Cadance as he leaned in for a kiss.

Cadance chuckled softly. "Sometimes a pony just needs a little nudge," she said, watching with delight as the mare and the human danced

At the end of the current Song, an ​earth pony approached the microphone, all eyes turned towards him. He was dressed in a stylish white studded suit, his dishwater blonde hair fashioned into a combed back pompadour with distinctive long sideburns. As he began to sing the enchanting melody of "Can't Help Falling in Love with You," a serene atmosphere settled over the room.

​Fluttershy and ​Tommy found themselves caught in a slow, romantic dance, their movements synchronized effortlessly. The soft, melodic notes of the song enveloped them, as they swayed to the rhythm, their connection deepening with each step. Their eyes locked, expressing a profound affection that transcended words.

Their eyes locked, and in that moment, time stood still. The soft whispers of the song wrapped around them like a warm embrace, accentuating the depth of their emotions.

Fluttershy's delicate hooves barely skimmed the floor as she moved gracefully, her every step mirroring the melody's gentle rise and fall. Tommy, his heart filled with an overwhelming adoration, matched her movements with equal finesse. Their dance became a ballet of affection, a silent conversation between two souls entwined in an unbreakable bond.

Fluttershy, known for her sweet and nurturing nature, revealed a newfound confidence in her steps. Her eyes shimmered with love, and her wings fluttered gently in harmony with the music. Tommy, usually strong and reserved, allowed his heart to guide his steps as he twirled Fluttershy with unwavering strength and devotion.

Meanwhile, amidst the bewitching scene, a group of female guards stood in the room, their gazes fixed on Fluttershy and Tommy. A mixture of anger and jealousy flickered across their faces as they bit their fingers, their hearts yearning for the love of the human.

One of the ​guards, brimming with envy, couldn't help but hiss, "That..Lucky...Bitch," as her frustration grew, causing her to inadvertently draw blood.

​Twilight and her friends gazed upon ​Fluttershy and ​Tommy's captivating dance with a mixture of longing and jealousy. ​

"I can't believe Fluttershy got to him before me" Rainbow grumbled quietly under her breath, unaware that her discontent had reached the ears of her companions.

Rarity, always poised and composed, brought her wine glass to her lips before addressing Rainbow's turmoil. "Rainbow, my dear, let us not succumb to such bitterness," she said calmly. "We must respect Fluttershy for having the courage to ask him first. Trust me, I would have done the same, especially when he looks so dashing in that suit."

"I agree with ​Rarity," ​Applejack nodded in agreement. "Honestly, out of all six of us, ​Fluttershy was the last pony I expected to ask him to dance."

As the conversation continued, ​Twilight's silence became conspicuous as she set down her glass and quietly exited the ballroom. Unbeknownst to her other friends, ​Pinkie Pie, always perceptive to her surroundings, noticed Twilight's departure and promptly followed her.

"Twilight, are you okay?" Pinkie asked, concerned for her friend's well-being.

"I'm fine, Pinkie," Twilight reassured with a smile. "I just thought I'd assist Celestia in searching the archives to find the crystal."

Pinkie's left eye twitched briefly before her expression turned somber. "Why are you lying, Twilight?"

Twilight let out a weary sigh, feeling caught off guard by Pinkie's keen sense. "Sometimes I truly despise your Pinkie Sense."

Without further explanation, Twilight stormed off, leaving Pinkie on the verge of calling out after her friend when a peculiar sensation twitched in her knee.

"Pinchy knee?" Pinkie muttered to herself. "Something is following me."

Suddenly, a wave of involuntary actions overcame Pinkie. Her eyelids fluttered rapidly, followed by a tingling sensation in her mane, and then a tickling feeling spread across her fur.

"Fluttering eyelids, tingly mane, and tickling fur." Pinkie said, analyzing the sequence of sensations, "Something is watching us."

With a mix of caution and curiosity, Pinkie scanned her surroundings, searching for any signs or clues as to who might be observing them, unaware of the unexpected events that would soon unfold.

As the song came to an end, ​Fluttershy and ​Tommy continued to sway on the dance floor, lost in their own little world.

"Um... Fluttershy?" Tommy gently broke the silence, trying to get her attention.

Fluttershy, still caught up in the moment, hummed with a blissful smile, her head nestled against Tommy's chest.

"The song is over," Tommy informed her, realizing they should probably part ways.

Fluttershy's eyes snapped open, and she glanced around, suddenly aware of their surroundings. "Oh... Right..." She quickly pulled away from the Power Ranger. "Thank you for dancing with me."

Before Tommy could utter a response, Fluttershy hurriedly made her way back to her friends, finding solace in sitting down and then hiding behind her long pink hair, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

​Tommy's attention was abruptly diverted as he heard a familiar voice calling out to him. He turned around to find ​Princess Celestia standing before him, her regal presence commanding attention. However, due to their considerable height difference, Tommy found his gaze unwittingly drawn to an unfortunate location—the vast expanse of Celestia's deep cleavage.

The Princess was adorned in a stunning, sparkly, strapless dark pink dress, accentuated by a daring leg slit. Golden horseshoes adorned her hooves with elegance. Though the dress hugged her figure, accentuating her curves, Tommy couldn't help but feel a bit uncomfortable with how close her ample bosom appeared to spilling out.

In a brief moment of awkwardness, Tommy took a step back and quickly averted his eyes, trying to focus on anything else.

Enjoying Tommy's unease, Celestia leaned forward, purposely emphasizing her cleavage. "What's the matter, Tommy?" she inquired, her arms pressed against her breasts, creating the illusion of even more substantial proportions.

"N-nothing, your Majesty," Tommy stammered, attempting to regain his composure amidst the unexpected distraction.

"Well I'm glad I ran into you, I wanted to thank you again for not only helping reveal the true Cadence but also saving my kingdom, for saving all of Equestria."

"Your niece is the real hero, if there's one thing I learned it's that you don't need some super powered suit to do what's right."

"You are a most humble man Tommy but still, I should reward you for your efforts."

"Thank you, your Majesty," Tommy responded with a respectful bow. "I am truly grateful for your kind offer. I humbly accept any reward that you believe is appropriate."

"I'm glad to hear that, but let's make the most of our evening for now," ​Princess Celestia remarked with a warm smile, handing ​Tommy a glass of cider. They raised their glasses in a toast, enjoying the festive atmosphere of music and laughter surrounding them.

Just as Tommy was about to take a sip, his keen ranger instincts kicked in, sensing a disturbance. He noticed a shimmer in the air and observed some glasses falling inexplicably.

"Umm...excuse me for a moment," Tommy excused himself, moving toward the source of the shimmer.

As he approached, a sudden gust of wind caught him off guard, causing him to turn around quickly. To his surprise, he found ​Pinkie Pie gripping his wrist anxiously, her face displaying a deep concern.

"Pinkie?" Tommy questioned, trying to comprehend the gravity of the situation.

"We have a problem," Pinkie Pie urgently warned, her voice tinged with worry. "There's something watching us, Tommy. It's relentless, and it possesses the power to turn invisible."

Perplexed by this revelation, Tommy speculated that it could be one of ​Rita's Monsters. However, a question lingered in his mind. "How are you able to detect something that's invisible, Pinkie?"

Pinkie Pie, with a touch of mystery in her voice, explained her unique ability. "I possess a very special sixth sense," she revealed. "It allows me to sense certain things that are happening or will happen, even those that evade normal perception."

"If one of ​Rita's monsters is here, then we need to find and stop it," ​Tommy asserted with determination, ready to take action against any threat.

However, ​Pinkie Pie's response carried a somber tone. "We won't be able to find it," she confessed, her voice tinged with disappointment.

Confused by Pinkie's sudden change in demeanor, Tommy fixed his gaze upon her, noticing her hair standing on end, her ears flopping, and goosebumps covering her arms. Sensing his confusion, Pinkie explained the significance of her physical reactions.

"Tense mane, fluttering ears, and goosebumps," Pinkie murmured, her eyes meeting the ranger's. "That means whatever was watching us is gone."

Tommy's expression shifted from determination to cautious relief. Although the threat had momentarily disappeared, he knew they needed to remain vigilant, aware that Rita's monsters were resourceful and unpredictable. With this new understanding, Tommy and Pinkie exchanged a mutual understanding to stay alert and be ready to face whatever challenge may come their way, even if it remained just out of sight for now.

In a hidden corner of ​Canterlot, ​Camostrider concealed himself in the back alleys, his camouflage deactivated as he tried to make sense of the recent encounter. The ​Pink Party Mare had relentlessly pursued him through the castle, and only momentarily backed off when he resorted to shoving a few servants to the ground.

Despite Camostrider's speed and near-perfect camouflage abilities, the Pink Party Mare always seemed to locate him effortlessly. Frustration gnawed at him as he realized that this constant detection hindered his ability to gather valuable data on ​Oliver's allies.

"I cannot effectively gather intel on these allies if she continues to track my every move," Camostrider growled in frustration.

Suddenly, the voice of ​Lord Drakkon resonated within Camostrider's mind, interrupting his thoughts.

"Then eliminate her," Lord Drakkon commanded, his tone cold and unwavering. "Seize the first opportunity to eliminate the pink one."

Surprised by the order, Camostrider questioned, "What?"

"Dispose of her," Lord Drakkon reiterated, his instructions firm. "Kill the pink one without hesitation."

A wicked grin crept across Camostrider's face as he embraced the malevolence of his master's demand. With his body seamlessly blending with the surroundings before ultimately disappearing, Camostrider vanished from the scene, determined to carry out his dark mission with relish.

Rainbow turned to the pink mare with a curious expression. "So, you're saying something was actually watching us?" she inquired.

Applejack, adjusting her hat, chimed in. "Yep, Rainbow. Pinkie mentioned her Pinkie Sense kicking in. And you know the drill—if Pinkie's a-twitchin', you'd better listen"."

"I don't know what it was" Pinkie looked at her friends, concern etched across her face. "but whatever it was, it definitely didn't have friendly intentions."

Rarity reassured ​Pinkie, determination in her voice. "Rest assured, Pinkie dear, we won't let whatever it is get away with causing trouble."

​Tommy shared valuable information with the group. "This creature has the ability to turn invisible," he informed them. "We're completely in the dark about its appearance and other potential abilities."

​Applejack nodded, her confidence shining through. "We've faced our fair share of challenges, ​Sugarcube," she said to Tommy. "But dealing with something that's invisible is new territory for us."

Contemplating their next move, Tommy crossed his arms, his brow furrowed. "This time, we're at a disadvantage. Normally, it takes my entire team to take down one of ​Rita's monsters. Now, I'm the only Ranger here, and to make things worse, my morphing coin is cracked." He focused his gaze on the ponies. "On top of that, we don't even know when or where it will be watching us."

A collective gasp filled the air as everyone saw ​Pinkie trembled with fear, her body visibly shaking. The fur on the back of her neck stood on end, and her once vibrant and lively hair turned into a wobbly mess, resembling jiggly jello. Waves of unsettling sensations flowed through her, accompanied by an icy chill that seemed to penetrate her very core.

​Rarity, concern etched on her face, addressed Pinkie with worry. "Pinkie dear, are you alright?" she asked, hoping to reassure her friend.

Pinkie whimpered, her voice quivering. "My neck fur is standing up, my hair feels like wobbly jello, and there's a cold chill running through me," she explained, her words filled with fear.

​Rainbow, her own concern evident, pressed for an explanation. "What does all of that mean, Pinkie?" she asked, her tone filled with worry. The others present had never seen Pinkie display such fear before.

Pinkie's reply hung in the air, unsettling everyone in the room. "Death..." she whispered, causing a shiver to run down their spines. "I... I'm about to die."

Suddenly, a breeze swept through the room, triggering ​Tommy's instinctive response. Acting swiftly, the ​Power Ranger lunged towards the pink pony, attempting to protect her from an unseen threat. However, before anyone could react, a scream of pain escaped Tommy's lips as four vicious claw marks tore through his suit, rending his flesh.

"Hmph. I missed." Camostrider said as he finally revealed himself while standing over the wounded ranger.

"I wasn't planning on carving you up but I'm sure my master will be pleased."

Tommy fought through the pain to reach for his power coin but hesitated when he remembered the damage and suddenly screamed out as his hand was crushed beneath Camostriders boot.

"What's wrong Green Ranger? Can't move?" To add more insult, the monster kicked him right in the claw marks and sent him rolling across the floor as he marched over to step on his head.

"Hard to believe Mistress Rita chose you to be her champion and now look at you." Camostrider gave a sadistic grin before digging his heel into Tommy's chest wound.


"LEAVE HIM ALONE!!" Dash screamed as she tackled the monster from behind and sent him flying out the nearest window.

As they tumbled along the ground, Rainbow Dash summoned every ounce of her strength and agility, delivering a barrage of quick and powerful strikes to Camostrider's body. With each blow, her determination burned brighter, her loyalty to her fallen comrade fueling her every move.

Meanwhile, inside the room, ​Applejack, ​Rarity, and Fluttershy rushed to Tommy's side. Concern etched on their faces, they delicately helped him up, supporting his injured body as best they could. Despite his pain, Tommy remained determined to regain his strength and rejoin the fight.

"I'm Fine" Tommy said to the others. "Where's Rainbow?"

"She's Outside" Fluttershy pointed to the shattered window

Outside, Rainbow Dash continued her relentless assault, her fists connecting with precision and force. The element of surprise, coupled with her unparalleled speed, gave her an edge against the monstrous opponent, leaving Camostrider disoriented and struggling to defend himself.

Sweeping her signature rainbow mane out of her fierce eyes, Rainbow Dash paused for a moment, her presence commanding and resolute. She glared at Camostrider, her voice filled with unwavering determination. "You're not laying a finger on any of us, you monster! We won't let you harm our friend!"

With a powerful push, ​Camostrider used all four of his arms to send ​Rainbow Dash tumbling backward, freeing himself from her relentless assault. Rising to his feet in one swift motion, he activated his camouflage. ​Camostrider's form began to distort, shimmering with an ethereal glow as he activated his camouflage. The air around him seemed to ripple, concealing his presence from Rainbow Dash and the ponies inside.

A malevolent chuckle echoed through the air as Rainbow Dash scanned her surroundings, searching in vain for her invisible adversary.

A chilling voice echoed from the hidden creature, its tone dripping with sinister confidence. "You may have landed a few lucky blows, little pony, but now you face a foe you cannot even see. Prepare to meet your doom."

Rainbow Dash, undeterred by the Monster's invisibility, stood tall, her determination unshaken. She focused her keen senses, honing in on the slightest disturbances in the air.

Undeterred, Rainbow Dash's voice held a glimmer of defiance as she shouted into the empty air, "No matter how invisible and fast you are, I'll find a way to stop you! My loyalty to my friends is unbreakable!"

She felt a sudden gust of wind behind her. Without any warning, Camostrider's swift strikes bombarded her from all directions, leaving her defenseless and struggling to keep up. Each blow landed with incredible force, driving Rainbow Dash further back.

"She's fighting against all odds," Applejack said, her voice filled with concern. "But we can't give up on her! We've got to find a way to help."

Rarity nodded, determination etched on her face. "You're right, Applejack. We'll find a way to even the odds, for Rainbow's sake."

Unyielding and relentless, Rainbow Dash pressed on, her voice cutting through the chaos. "You can't hide forever! We won't let you harm our friends, and we won't let you win!"

Behind Rainbow a Tree began to uproot itself, Seeing the danger, Tommy jumped into the garden before shoving the mare to the ground as the tree was hurled. The tree hit Tommy causing him to hit the wall of the castle, Rainbow rolled and saw what had happened to her friend.

"TOMMY!" The urgency in Rainbow Dash's voice pierced the air, echoing her deep concern for her fallen comrade.

"Don't worry about him pony!" Camostrider laughed as he effortlessly grabbed Rainbow Dash and hurled her across the garden, her body twisting through the air. "You'll join him later"

"Stay away from my friends!" Tommy glared in anger before Camostrider began to laugh.

"Friends? Them? You've grown soft green ranger." He smriked before putting his hand around Tommy's throat and hoisted him off the ground.

"Don't talk like you know him!" Rainbow grunted through the pain as they were joined by the others.

"Oh I know him better than you think little ponies." The monster smirked while tightening his grip on Tommy's throat enough to keep him from speaking.

"This pathetic worm is no hero! In fact, he was my Mistress Rita's greatest champion; a force of evil so terrifying, even the power rangers were barely able to hold him back!"

"LIAR! Tommy would never serve someone so evil!!" Twilight shot back.

"You know NOTHING!! He was a force for evil, an enforcer of darkness! My mistress granted him all the power he could desire and in return he betrayed her in hopes of redeeming himself but no matter what he tries, deep down he knows he's no better than me!!"

Rainbow's voice reverberated with anguish and determination. "No!" she cried out. "​Tommy Oliver is a good person who goes above and beyond to protect everyone, even if it means sacrificing his own well-being. He's strong, brave, selfless, and fiercely loyal to his friends. There's no way he would ever align himself with some evil old witch!"

​Camostrider sneered, his mockery slicing through the tension. "How endearing. Why don't you clarify things for your naive little friend?"

Tommy remained silent, his face contorted with pain as Camostrider's sharp claws etched across his chest, leaving behind trails of agony.

Camostrider's sinister warning rang out, a menacing tone filling the air. "Tell them the truth, or watch as I eliminate each of them, one by one."

Taking a deep breath, Tommy mustered the courage to speak, casting his gaze downward in shame as he relived the darkest chapter of his past. "It's true," he confessed, his voice heavy with regret. "The power of the Dragonzord wasn't given to me by ​Zordon, and I wasn't chosen to be one of Earth's defenders. ​Rita Repulsa chose me to be her Champion. She gave me the power coin and transformed me into the Green Ranger."

Tommy struggled to maintain eye contact with his newfound friends, haunted by the memories of his past actions. "Under her command, I brought destruction upon Angel Grove, defeating the Power Rangers whenever I had the chance. I was enveloped by darkness, evil to my very core," he confessed, his voice quivering on the brink of tears. "Even after the Rangers freed me from Rita's control, I couldn't escape the feeling that they never truly trusted me."

"See?" Camostrider mocked as he looked at the destroyed faces of Tommy's new friends. "Green with Evil, just like I said"

"Yeah...I did serve Rita but despite all that..." Tommy's grip suddenly began to strengthen as he slowly pried himself free from Camostrider.

"My friends gave me-A SECOND CHANCE!!"

With all his might, he sent the monster flying into the wall and without hesitating he grabbed his power coin and prepared to do battle.

"Tommy no!" Dash and the others could only watch as he prepared to morph.


Unfortunately, Camostrider swiftly recovered, utilizing its heightened speed to tackle Tommy with overwhelming force. The Green Ranger's morpher slipped from his grasp as the monster pinned his hands to the ground and wrapped its remaining two hands around his neck.

"Tommy!" ​Rainbow called out, her heart pounding with the need to save her friend.

"The Morpher!" Tommy managed to choke out, struggling for breath. "Use the Morpher, Rainbow!"

"I can't," Rainbow hesitated, her voice filled with worry. "It might..."

"Trust in the Power!" Tommy's desperation resonated in his words as his eyes began to droop, succumbing to the lack of air.

"Buck it!" Rainbow's determination soared as she unfurled her wings and swiftly darted across the garden, snatching the morpher from where it lay.

"No!" Camostrider bellowed, relinquishing his hold on the ranger.

"Trust in the Power," Rainbow whispered to herself, heart pounding with adrenaline as she activated the morpher. "Go, Dragonzord!"

A brilliant flash of light enveloped the area, causing everyone to shield their eyes. As the radiance faded, Rainbow revealed her transformed self – now adorned in the awe-inspiring ​Green Ranger Armor. However, there was one striking difference between her suit and Tommy's: her wings were gracefully encased in a sleek, armored material. Rainbow couldn't help but marvel at her altered appearance as she looked over her empowered body in awe.

[A/N: Sorry lost original picture]

"Unreal," she murmured to herself, a mix of excitement and wonder coursing through her. Eager to test her newfound abilities, Rainbow gave her wings a gentle flap, savoring the sensation of the enhanced power flowing through her.

"Fine. First the pony, then you!" Camostrider snarled as he threw Tommy aside and lunged at Rainbow.

"Look out!" Applejack called out to her when to their surprise, she was able to block his claws with ease before delivering a solid punch to his torso and sent him skidding across the dirt before sending him crashing through a tree with a more powerful flying kick.


With a low growl, ​Camotrider gradually rose to its wheeled feet, a touch of arrogance in its voice. "Don't think that power will save you!" The monster's wheels spun, emitting smoke and screeching against the ground. "I'm still faster!"

In a flash of blinding speed, the creature charged towards ​Rainbow Dash. But just as it reached her, she vanished, leaving only a trail of kicked-up dirt. A resounding smack was followed by a pained groan. Camotrider turned to see Rainbow leaning against a distant tree in the garden.

"Heh, sorry," Rainbow chuckled nervously. "Not used to being this fast right from the start."

Anger surged within the monster as it lunged at the mare once more. However, this time Rainbow anticipated its attack, swiftly striking Camotrider in the chest. The reptilian creature was forcefully thrown off its feet, while Rainbow struggled to maintain her balance.

"I think I'm getting the hang of this speed," Rainbow remarked, assuming a running stance with her wings flared in excitement.

In a burst of blinding velocity, Rainbow swiftly darted throughout the garden before gracefully sliding to a stop.

"WOW!" Rainbow exclaimed, unable to contain her joy. "I could get used to this kind of speed. I could definitely become a Wonderbolt with this!"

"Rainbow, focus!" ​Tommy's urgent voice broke through. "The Power Coin won't last forever."

"Sorry," Rainbow apologized, turning her attention back to the reptile. "Now, where were we?"

"You were about to lose," Camotrider growled, blending into its surroundings with the help of its camouflage ability.

"You know, the first few times seeing something like that freaks people out," Rainbow said, crouching down with her wings flared. "But after seeing it so many times, I've learned how to counter it."

With a powerful leap into the air, Rainbow spun at such tremendous speed that a whirlwind of dust and dirt enveloped the surroundings. The debris clung to the camouflaged monster, effectively giving away its location.

Rainbow Dash couldn't help but wear a mischievous grin beneath her helmet as she taunted, "I'd start running if I were you."

Overwhelmed by Rainbow's incredible speed and the neutralization of his greatest ability, fear slowly gripped the monster's heart. Swallowing his pride, ​Camostrider hastily turned tail and fled as swiftly as he could.

Rainbow soared higher into the sky, observing the massive dust trail left in the monster's wake. With a determined smile, she raced after him, effortlessly breaking the sound barrier and unleashing her signature move, the Sonic Rainboom. However, Rainbow's thirst for testing her own limits pushed her even further. She increased her speed exponentially, causing the air pressure to intensify around her. With an explosive burst of velocity, Rainbow shattered another pressure barrier, igniting a second Sonic Rainboom. But this one was different; it was a Double Rainboom.

Eager with her newfound speed, Rainbow executed a dynamic spin and directed her hooves toward the monster, combining her attack with a daring corkscrew maneuver.

"Rainboom Corkscrew!" Rainbow Dash called out triumphantly as she tore through the reptilian creature.

Landing gracefully on the ground, Rainbow skidded to a stop, while the monster froze in mid-stride, a colossal hole evident in its chest.

"Now, drop dead," Rainbow commanded with authority, her gaze not even bothering to meet the defeated foe.

Without warning, the ​Green Ranger armor vanished, leaving ​Rainbow Dash startled and confused. Her heart sank as the next sound reached her ears—a shattering noise. Looking down, she discovered ​Tommy's Dragonzord Power Coin lying on the ground in several broken pieces.

"No!" Rainbow cried out in distress, hastily gathering the fractured remnants. "No, no, no, no!"

"No!" Rita exclaimed furiously as she witnessed the defeat of her monster. "I told you it was too weak!" She clenched her scepter tightly. "I'll show you how to make it stronger."

Rita commenced channeling her dark magic, but abruptly halted as she noticed the worsening crack on her staff.

"I would advise against that, Repulsa," Drakkon warned, a note of caution in his voice. "Another spell may destroy your scepter."

Frustration etched on her face, Rita demanded, "Then what do you propose we do, Drakkon?"

"We must bide our time until Oliver finds the crystal," Drakkon replied, rising from his throne. "In the meantime, there are a few matters I need to attend to."

The enigmatic Mystery Ranger deftly flipped the Phoenixzord Power Coin into the air before catching it, vanishing from the scene in a teleportation flash.

Author's Note:

Holy Shit Balls! I think this chapter turned out better than I could have imagined. it was nice and sweet and then did a 180 and became action-packed!
Rainbow Danger Dash has Morphed into the Green Ranger! But now....The Dragonzord Power coin is broken, Tommy has no means of fixing it without Zordon's help. How will Equestria's resident Power Ranger manage to fend off one of Rita's monsters the next time they show up

Now there was a picture of Rainbow in the Ranger suit but it was old and quite honestly bad quality, I currently have employed the artist in The League to do a commission piece. And once it's done I'll attach it to this chapter.

[Edit!!] As promised I uploaded the picture hope you enjoy it

Your support is greatly appreciated - please leave a comment and show your appreciation by leaving a comment. With your help, Me and Valiant Charge hope to secure the number one featured spot."