• Published 6th Sep 2023
  • 1,993 Views, 114 Comments

Ranger in Equestria - Lady Umbra

​Tommy gets hit by one of Rita's spells, leaving the Rangers shocked and mourning his apparent loss. Meanwhile, Tommy wakes up in a strange land filled with talking dragons.

  • ...

Fossil Frenzy

Twilight and ​Tommy had been engrossed in their research, flipping through the pages of ancient books and discussing the potential of using a mystical crystal to send Tommy back to his own world. The atmosphere in the library was filled with excitement and hope.

However, their focus was abruptly interrupted by a series of panic screams that echoed throughout ​Ponyville. The piercing cries of fear and distress sent a shiver down Twilight's spine, immediately alerting her to the gravity of the situation.

Tommy, too, felt a surge of concern as the desperate screams reached their ears. Realizing the urgency of the situation, both Twilight and Tommy sprang into action. Without any hesitation, they made their way towards the source of the commotion, determined to investigate and offer their assistance.

As they hurried through the streets of Ponyville, the panic-stricken faces of ponies came into view. Their usually cheerful and colorful ​town was now filled with an air of fear and uncertainty. Twilight and Tommy exchanged concerned glances, their hearts racing as they understood the magnitude of the chaos unfolding around them.

As Twilight and Tommy continued to find the source of the ponies' fear, the panic screams only grew louder and more desperate, painting a grim picture of the terror that had gripped Ponyville. The urgency in their footsteps increased, fueled by a shared determination to confront the threat and bring peace back to the town.

Arriving at the scene, Twilight and Tommy witnessed the destructive power of a towering bone monster, composed of various dinosaur fossils, wreaking havoc in its wake. Buildings crumbled, trees were uprooted, and the terrified ponies scattered in all directions to avoid being caught in its path.

While Tommy didn't know of the creatures that inhabited this world, he knew one of Rita's monsters when he saw one.

"She found me..." Was all he said when he noticed several others rushing up to the library.

"Twilight what is that thing? and who is this?" A mare with blonde hair and a cowboy hat asked when Pinkie started to get everyone up to speed.

"Everypony meet Tommy and Tommy meet everypony! He's our newest friend and almost loves books as much as Twilight!"

Her introduction was cut short when the monster tossed a wagon down the street and injuring several ponies.

"GREEN RANGER!! SHOW YOURSELF!!" He roared out before smashing the wall of a house.

"Green Ranger? Who is he talking about?" Twilight asked when Tommy removed his cloak and pulled out his power morpher from his pocket.

"What in the hayseed is he doing?!?" The blonde mare asked when the monster noticed them.

"Hey fossil face!!" Tommy called out, answering his challenge. "You want me? you got me! IT'S MORPHIN TIME!!"


Before they could register what they had just witnessed, Twilight stood there with her mouth hanging wide open as Tommy leaped into action and began exchanging blows with the monster and seemed to have the upper hand.

"Tell me you all saw that?" She asked while watching him block a swipe from the creature's clubbed tail like it was nothing.

"I saw it but I still can't believe it!" A white unicorn said while marveling at Tommy's ranger suit. "That outfit is so flashy!"

"Really Rarity?" A rainbow haired mare said with her arms crossed before they saw Tommy get sent crashing into a street light.

"Aww that all ya got green bean?" Fossil Frenzy mocked while throwing his head back in a laugh.

"Arrgh...my suit must've been more damaged than I thought! I don't got enough strength to take him alone!"

Tommy quickly regained his footing and refocused his energy on the bone monster before him. With a clenched fist and a determined expression, he knew he had to rely on his own strength to overcome this formidable adversary.

Ignoring the pain coursing through his body, Tommy tapped into his inner reserves, summoning every ounce of power and skill he possessed. Drawing upon his years of combat experience as a Power Ranger, he analyzed Fossil Frenzy's movements, searching for weaknesses and opportunities to strike.

Using his agility and speed, Tommy expertly evaded the creature's bone-crushing attacks, dancing around its enormous frame. With each dodge, he studied the monster's movements, patiently waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

As Fossil Frenzy lunged forward, Tommy seized the opportunity. Channeling his training and harnessing the strength of his Power Coin, he unleashed a devastating series of blows upon the monster. Each punch and kick landed with precision, gradually wearing down the creature's defenses.

"SO COOL!!" A little dragon exclaimed as they watched him rain down blow after blow until Fossil Frenzies bones started to crack from the onslaught.



The monster screamed as he was sent flying into another streetlight and fell to the ground with a loud thud. At first it seemed like he was getting up for another round but after only a few seconds, the monster went limp and slowly began to crumble into a pile of dirt and bone shards allowing the green ranger to finally take a breather as his suit disappeared and he fell to his knees in exhaustion.

"That...was...AWESOME!!!" The pegasus cheered as the rest of the townsfolk joined in and began surrounding their savior to congratulate him.

From the portal, Rita saw the whole fight unfold and she was nothing short of furious while angrily pacing back and forth.

"ARGH!! Even in another dimension that green backstabber is a thorn in my side! Well I can fix that." She grinned as she hoisted up her staff.

"Magic wand! Make my monster-GROW!!" Rita hurled her staff towards the portal only to have it bounce off leaving her completely stunned.


"Your magic isn't strong enough to break the barrier." Drakkon said, looking amused at the infuriated sorceress.

With her staff damaged and unable to make her monster grow, ​Rita seethed with frustration. She knew she had to come up with an alternative plan quickly. Gathering her dark energy, she tapped into her cunning mind to devise a new strategy.

"Very well, ​Drakkon," Rita hissed through gritted teeth, her eyes flashing with determination. "If I can't make the monster grow from here, I'll have to find another way to crush that meddling ​green ranger."

Turning her attention to the deteriorating remains of ​Fossil Frenzy, Rita focused her dark magic to extract any residual powers that might still linger within the shattered bones. With a surge of energy, she absorbed the remnants, feeding on the ancient strength they once held.

"Now, I shall unlock an even greater terror!" she cackled with an unhinged glee. "Behold, the power of the ​Dragonbone Colossus!"

As Rita chanted an incantation, the ground beneath her trembled, and an eerie glow enveloped the pile of bone shards. Within seconds, a towering monstrosity rose from the ground, its body composed of hardened dragon bones fused together.

The Dragonbone Colossus loomed over the scene, its power emanating like a dark cloud, casting a shadow of fear over the town. The pegasus and the townsfolk, who were celebrating mere moments ago, now gazed up at the colossal creature in astonished horror.

With a wicked grin, Rita commanded her new creation to unleash its devastating might upon the green ranger. The Dragonbone Colossus roared, its voice thundering through the air, as it lumbered towards the exhausted hero.

But little did Rita know that the green ranger, even in his weakened state, was not one to give up easily. Summoning his last ounce of strength, he rose to his feet and prepared for a final showdown against this menacing foe.

"Alright dirtbag, round two..." Tommy growled, fighting through the pain when Twilight and the others stepped in.

"No Tommy, leave this to us."

"No! Twilight you've never faced a monster like this!"

With a determined look in their eyes, ​Twilight, ​Rainbow Dash, ​Applejack, ​Fluttershy, ​Rarity, and Pinkie Pie formed a tight circle, ready to take on the formidable Dragonbone Colossus. Each of them possessed unique abilities and strengths that would be crucial in this battle.

Twilight, being the natural leader, took charge. She focused her magic and conjured a barrier to shield her friends from the immense power of the colossal creature. Rainbow Dash, known for her speed and agility, soared into the sky, creating a whirlwind that aimed to disorient the Dragonbone Colossus and throw it off balance.

Applejack, the embodiment of strength, charged forward, delivering powerful blows to the monster's legs, attempting to weaken its foundation. Fluttershy, ever gentle and compassionate, used her connection with animals to calm the creature, hoping to pacify its rage.

Rarity, with her exquisite fashion sense, utilized her magic to craft enchanted weapons, each designed specifically to exploit the Dragonbone Colossus' weaknesses. She aimed for its joints and vulnerable spots, aiming to cripple its movements.

And then there was Pinkie Pie, the embodiment of chaos and laughter. With her unpredictable nature, she provided a much-needed distraction, bouncing around the battlefield, creating a lively atmosphere that disoriented the colossal beast.

The fight was intense as the Mane Six unleashed a flurry of attacks, working in harmony to defeat the Dragonbone Colossus. They dodged its colossal strikes, countered with their own relentless assault, and relied on each other's unwavering support.

As the battle wore on, Twilight called upon the power of friendship, channeling its magic into a spell that temporarily weakened the Dragonbone Colossus. Seeing this opportunity, the Mane Six gathered their strength for a final, coordinated attack.

With a synchronized effort, they unleashed their most powerful abilities simultaneously. Twilight cast a blinding beam of light, Rainbow Dash created a cyclone of energy, Applejack delivered a devastating final blow, Fluttershy's calming aura enveloped the beast, Rarity's enchanted weapons struck true, and Pinkie Pie's chaotic energy exploded in a spectacular display.

The combined might of the Mane Six proved too much for the Dragonbone Colossus. With a mighty roar, the colossal creature crumbled to the ground, defeated. The friends stood victorious, perspiration glistening on their brows as they caught their breath.

Breathing a collective sigh of relief, the Mane Six shared a congratulatory group hug, basking in the triumph of their friendship and teamwork. Their victory against the Dragonbone Colossus served as a reminder of the incredible power that could be achieved when united against a common threat.

As they made their way back to Tommy, Twilight, with a smile of pride, reassured him, "See, Tommy? Friendship is the strongest magic there is. You were never alone in this fight."

Back in the other dimension, ​Rita seethed with rage as she witnessed six ponies, devoid of the ​Morphing Grid's power, triumph over her formidable monster. Confusion and frustration gripped her as she questioned the possibility of their victory.

"How is this even possible?!" Rita's voice echoed through the air, mingling with her boiling fury. "They weren’t even Power Rangers?!"

​Drakkon, keenly observant, noticed peculiar glowing marks on the necks of these girls. "Hmm... it appears they wield unique powers of their own," he remarked, intrigued by the mysterious source of their strength.

​Tommy stood in disbelief, astounded by the remarkable display of power exhibited by the six girls. They had effortlessly overcome a foe that his own team would have required the combined force of their weapons to even stand a chance against.

Overwhelmed by the spectacle, Tommy's exhaustion caught up with him, causing him to collapse. As his power suit vanished, Fluttershy swiftly rushed to his aid, preventing him from hitting the ground.

"Oh my!" Fluttershy gasped, her compassionate nature kicking in as she assessed Tommy's condition. "Will he be alright?"

"He's just worn out, Sugarcube," Applejack reassured Fluttershy, stepping forward and draping one of Tommy's arms over her shoulder. "I reckon he needs some rest."

"Count me in too," Rainbow Dash chimed in, offering her assistance. She positioned herself beside Applejack, helping to bear Tommy's weight. "So, where are we gonna take him? The vet or Fluttershy's sanctuary?"

"The ​hospital, we must hurry," ​Twilight exclaimed, her urgency palpable. She swiftly retrieved her bag, her attention caught by the sight of a power coin slipping from ​Tommy's hand and onto the ground.

Curiosity piqued, ​Pinkie Pie inquired, "What is that, Twilight?" As Twilight carefully picked up the coin, a sense of intrigue settled upon the group.

Twilight examined the power coin with a mixture of fascination and uncertainty. "I'm not exactly sure, Pinkie, but once Tommy recovers, he will be able to enlighten us. For now, we must ensure its safety." With a wave of her horn, she levitated the coin, guiding it towards ​Spike.

"Spike, I need you to keep this safe," Twilight entrusted Spike with the precious artifact, acknowledging the dragon's reliability in safeguarding important items.

Understanding, Spike nodded, his reptilian eyes gleaming with determination. "You can count on me, Twilight. I'll keep it secure until Tommy is ready to explain."

Tommy's eyes widened as he processed the information. "​Ponyville hospital? Friends?" he muttered, his voice barely above a whisper. Reality began to sink in as he remembered the bizarre events that had led him here. He had somehow been transported to another world, a world inhabited by ponies.

His gaze shifted to the nurse, seeking confirmation. "How... how long have I been out?" he managed to ask, his voice still weak.

The nurse looked at him sympathetically. "You've been unconscious for two days, Mr. Oliver," she replied gently.

Tommy's heart sank as he realized that this whole experience wasn't just a bad dream. It was a reality he couldn't simply wake up from. He closed his eyes briefly, trying to gather his thoughts and make sense of everything.

Just then, a familiar voice caught his attention. "Tommy! You're awake!" The voice belonged to ​Twilight Sparkle, the pony he had encountered just before his world turned upside down.

Tommy turned his head towards the sound and saw Twilight standing at the entrance of the hospital room, a mix of relief and concern on her face. Despite the confusion and uncertainty of the situation, seeing her familiar face brought a flicker of comfort.

Twilight approached his bedside, her hoofsteps echoing softly on the tiled floor. "I'm so glad you're okay," she said sincerely. "We were all worried about you."

Tommy managed a weak smile, grateful for Twilight's presence. "I... I still can't believe any of this is real," he admitted, his voice filled with a tinge of disbelief. "I was hoping it was all just a bad dream."

Twilight's expression softened as she sat down next to him. "I know it's a lot to take in," she said empathetically. "But I assure you, this is real. You're in ​Equestria, and we're here to help you."

"Equestria...so that's the name of this place." Tommy said before he realized something was missing.

"My coin! Where is it?!?"

"It's alright, I asked Spike to keep it safe." Twilight said while calming him down.

​Tommy let out a sigh of relief, grateful that his precious coin was in safe hands.

"Thank you, ​Twilight," Tommy said, his voice filled with gratitude. "That coin is important. I'm glad it's in good hands."

Twilight nodded understandingly. "I understand how important it is to you," she replied, her eyes conveying a sense of understanding. "​Spike is very responsible, and he will keep it safe until you're ready to have it back."

"Howdy partners!" Applejack called out as she and Rainbow Dash walked in with some snacks for the patient.

"How's our hero doing?" Rainbow asked after seeing how beat up he was.

"Doctors said he'll be in here for a few weeks." Twilight said as Applejack showed them a freshly baked pie.

"Thanks for the pie but I need to find that crystal" Tommy said as he started to get out of the bed. "I need to get back to Angel Grove"

"The Crystal can wait Sugarcube" Applejack said, pushing Tommy back into the hospital bed.

"You're not moving a muscle until you're all fixed up! names Applejack by the way." Applejack introduced herself while keeping him from getting out of bed.

"But I have to-"

"You have to rest." Twilight insisted.

"Yeah, take a load off. It's what heroes do after kicking some major monster butt! Oh that was a sweet line you said in that fight! "BONEHEAD! CORNER POCKET!!" and then BAM!!" Rainbow said while imitating his spin kick while hovering.

Tommy let out a sigh, "You're Right"

He looked around the room at the mares standing before him. "Okay, let me see if I got this right," he said, addressing each of them individually. He pointed to the unicorn. "So ​Twilight Sparkle?" he asked, seeking confirmation.

Twilight nodded with a gentle smile. "That's correct," she replied.

Tommy then turned his attention to the farm girl. "And you must be ​Applejack?" he asked, hoping he had remembered correctly.

Applejack nodded, her hat tilted slightly. "Yep, that's me," she confirmed.

Lastly, Tommy pointed to the cyan pegasus, seeking her name. "And you are...?" he trailed off, waiting for her to introduce herself.

"The one and only Rainbow Dash." Dash said while puffing out her chest proudly.

"You may bask in my glory."

"Tone it down Dash." Applejack rolled her eyes just as Pinkie and another one of their friends walked in.

"We're here darlings!"

"Oh and this is Rarity." Twilight smiled as she walked up to Tommy and started checking his hair.

"Oh my stars darling, your hair is a mess!"

"I have no control over that," Tommy said to the white unicorn. "Been walking around surviving since I got here."

Tommy looked around as if looking for someone in particular. "Isn't there an over-excited pink one?"

"HERE I AM!!" Pinkie shouted, giving him a startle. "Surprise! I heard you were feeling better and rushed over as soon as I could!"

Tommy's heart skipped a beat as he spotted a pony hiding underneath his bed. Startled, he took a deep breath to calm himself and rubbed his eyes

So then who is that?" Tommy asked, pointing his thumb towards the window behind him.

Just as he gestured, ​Fluttershy, with her shy and timid nature, peeked inside the room. Startled by Tommy's sudden awareness, she let out a small yelp before quickly retreating out of sight.

"Oh! That's Fluttershy, don't worry about her, she's always like that." Twilight said as Fluttershy peeked out from her hiding spot to wave hello.

"Um n-nice to meet you."

"Tommy" Twilight said, gaining the rangers attention. "Can I ask what the coin and that suit you wore are?"

"Where do I start?" Tommy chuckled as they gathered around to hear his story.

When he finished his tale, Twilight and the others could hardly believe what they were hearing. Tommy was a hero chosen to defend the universe from all kinds of threats from monsters to space aliens and was able to do it all thanks to the help of a single coin.

"Wow, that's amazing!" exclaimed Rainbow, her eyes shining with excitement. "Does this mean I could harness the power of that coin and get to wear that awesome suit?"

Tommy turned to the cyan pegasus, carefully explaining, "The Power Coin relies on my Morpher for the transformation process. Its power was entrusted to me, so I kindly request that you refrain from attempting to use it."

"Aww you sure I can't just try it out?" Rainbow pleaded with puppy eyes but was roped in my Applejack.

"Come on Dash that ain't a toy, Tommy needs it to keep everyone back home safe."

"And I must say that suit of yours is so stylish, though I did notice it was a bit roughed up."

"Yeah the power suit got pretty banged up in my last fight against Rita and-OH GOSH! My friends!" Tommy said as a thought crossed his mind.

"They have no idea I'm here, they must think I'm dead!"

"Do you have a way to contact them?" Pinkie asked causing Tommy to shrink back

"I don't" Tommy said, dropping his head. "So far the only contact I'm had with my World was Rita's monster"

"Rest Tommy" Twilight said the Ranger. "me and my friends will comb though my books and we'll find the crystal"

"Thanks Twilight" Tommy sighed as he lay back into bed

"But wait. If that Witch knows Tommy is here and is able to send monsters after him doesn't that mean we can also use her magic to send him back?" Pinkie asked unknowingly, giving her friends a solution to their problem.

"Pinkie, you're a genius!" Twilight exclaimed teleporting away

“Does she always do that?”

Author's Note:

Chapter Three is now complete, now i have no idea where to go from here. but what every we decide on it'll be ...Awesome!

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