• Published 6th Sep 2023
  • 1,968 Views, 114 Comments

Ranger in Equestria - Lady Umbra

​Tommy gets hit by one of Rita's spells, leaving the Rangers shocked and mourning his apparent loss. Meanwhile, Tommy wakes up in a strange land filled with talking dragons.

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As ​Tommy Oliver made his way to the outskirts of ​Ponyville, he was dressed in a hooded cloak hastily crafted from sewn-together rags. A makeshift sack, secured with a rope, hung over his shoulder, serving as his pack. Pausing for a moment, Tommy gazed at the quaint small town before him, his weariness evident. Taking a bite of his dried meat, he contemplated seeking assistance from the locals instead of continuing to run on his own.

"Perhaps these people might offer their help," Tommy murmured to himself as he stepped into the town.

Upon ​Tommy's entrance into ​Ponyville, his unusual appearance created a ripple of unease that swept across the town. As if a wave had washed over them, the normally cheerful and bold ponies abruptly became skittish. Seeing him, a stranger dressed in ragged cloaks with a hefty bag slung over his shoulder, queued an unmistakable touch of fear into them.

One by one, their jovial voices stilled, replaced by anxious whispers. Soon, the vibrant hustle and bustle of Ponyville had quieted down, and the once-busy streets were deserted. Doors creaked shut, windows were hastily boarded, and even the bravest of the ponies retreated behind their picket fences.

Unfazed by their reaction, Tommy continued his stride, his eyes scanning the ghost town before him. Somewhere in the distance, a sign swung silently in the errant breeze, groaning under its unseen strain.

"I didn't mean to scare them," Tommy murmured to himself. Although he felt a pang of regret tugging at his heart, he understood their fear of the unfamiliar. His plan of seeking help took a detour, and now, Tommy had to figure out a way to reassure this town full of scared ponies who just wanted to protect themselves and their loved ones. Urged on by his newfound resolve, Tommy continued his journey deeper into Ponyville, hoping his intentions will soon bridge the gap their fear had created

As ​Tommy moved deeper into the quietened ​Ponyville, he crossed paths with the one pony who hadn't hidden away - ​Pinkie Pie. Known for her ceaseless optimism and irrepressible spirit, Pinkie Pie was virtually impossible to scare or deter. Seeing Tommy, a grim specter cloaked in tattered garb, she tilted her head in innocent curiosity rather than shrinking back in fear.

"Hi there!" she chirruped, a warm smile blooming on her face. "You're new! I'm Pinkie Pie!"

Surprised but grateful, Tommy pulled back his hood to reveal his face. "Hello, Pinkie Pie," he said, offering a wistful smile. "My name is Tommy. I mean no harm. I'm just passing through... and maybe seeking a bit of aid."

Pinkie Pie immediately bounced with excitement. "Of course! Of course!" she exclaimed. Her voice echoed in the now again silent streets of Ponyville, spreading a ripple of tranquility. "We're good at helping here in Ponyville, despite the... uh... first impression."

"I'm used to it," Tommy said with a weak chuckle. "Every town from here to the Dragon Lands has had the same reaction to me"

"Oh, dear!" ​Pinkie Pie responded, her brow furrowing in empathy. "Well, ​Ponyville ain't like any other town, mister! And we ponies certainly aren't as scary or 'fraidy as dragons." Then, she brightened visibly and bounced closer, a brilliant idea sparking in her vivid blue eyes.

"You know what?" She continued, pointing a finger at Tommy. "We should throw a party! A 'Welcome to Ponyville' party, with cupcakes and games and music! That'd show everyone you're not scary at all, and you'll get to know everypony in town! How about that, Tommy?"

With her signature optimism, Pinkie Pie was determined to turn Tommy's luck around. She believed in making friends out of strangers and understood that fear often came from misunderstanding. In her eyes, a warm get-together would be the perfect solution for Tommy's predicament.

"I appreciate it" Tommy said politely declining the party. "But I'm just trying to find away to get home and back to my friends"

"Maybe I can help?" Pinkie said offering a smile

"Not unless you know someone also a sorceress"

​Pinkie Pie hummed, her smile unfaltering. "Well, I might not be a sorceress, ​Tommy, but we do have some very magic-inclined individuals here in ​Ponyville. In fact, my friend ​Twilight Sparkle is a powerful magic user and I'm sure she would be more than happy to help you." Pinkie explained with her classic positivity.

While following the strangely bubbly pony, Tommy kept his face hidden from the rest of the populace and only gave them a glimpse when he reached into his sack for another piece of jerky.

"Hey are you hungry?" Pinkie asked after noticing his snack. "We can stop by the bakery on the way to Twilight's place."

A bakery was something he did not expect to find in this world and after months of traveling on the open road and scrounging for food in the wild, Tommy definitely felt like he could use a sweet treat.

"As long as you have coffee to go with it." He said as Pinkie cheered and bounced happily.

"Of course! Come on!!"

Without wasting another moment, ​Pinkie Pie led the way, her springy steps echoing down the streets of ​Ponyville. The quaint town was a far cry from the high-tech cities Tommy was used to, but somehow, he felt...comforted.

Bouncing through the door of '​Sugarcube Corner,' the bakery in question, Pinkie Pie’s vibrant demeanor seemed to light up space more brightly than the warm glow of the bakery lights. Rows and rows of delicious-looking pastries and cakes of all sizes and shapes lined the display cases.

"Welcome to Sugarcube Corner!" she announced with a hoarse voice, sweeping a hand dramatically across the room. "We got cupcakes, muffins, cakes, pies, brownies you name it! And ​Mrs. Cake makes the best coffee you'll ever taste, promise!!"

Taken aback by the aromatic smells wafting from the bakery goods and the sight of such a bounteous sweet feast, Tommy found himself slowly relaxing. The scents of freshly baked bread and rising yeast that mingled with the invigorating aroma of brewing coffee were undeniably familiar and comforting. He wondered if the coffee here could match up to a shot of espresso from back home.

“Just a black coffee for me, please,” he said, and added on a spontaneous whim, “And I’ll take an apple pie too.”

"Aye aye, captain!" Pinkie saluted before turning to Mrs. Cake to place the order. Despite being in a totally different world, Tommy found an odd comfort in this small bakery in Ponyville, with the chatter of Pinkie Pie as the background noise, his senses were filled with the welcoming scent of coffee and pastries. He couldn't help a small smile, looking forward to a new interesting journey in this world.

It was then that he had finally removed his hood and all could see his rugged appearance. His hair was long and a little unkempt and he was sporting a five-o-clock shadow but what was most surprising were the number of scars that were on his arms and face. It was clear that life on the road was not easy for the lone ranger as the ponies just stared on in a mix of awe and intrigue while others kept their distance from the strange being in their presence.

"Here ya go!" Pinkie said as she handed Tommy his drink and pie.

"Thanks." Tommy said as he reached into his sack for something.

"How much?"

"Oh no need, new customers get the first order free! Compliments of the cakes." Pinkie chirped just as Mister and Misses Cake came out from the kitchen and were a bit startled to see a new face eating in their bakery.

"Good heavens!" gasped ​Mrs. Cake, who was the first to react, her eyes wide with surprise upon seeing ​Tommy.

"What's all this, ​Pinkie Pie? Who's your friend?" asked ​Mr. Cake, his round face expressing befuddlement as he joined his wife behind the counter.

"This is Tommy. He's just passing through and wanted to try our food. Say hi, Tommy!" Pinkie enthusiastically nudged Tommy's arm.

He looked up from his pie, eyes momentarily locking with the curious gazes of the Cakes. Breaking the silence, he gave the faintest of nods, "Hello." His voice was deep, adding an extra edge to its gruffness.

"Well, Pinkie, you sure do introduce us to all sorts of interesting folks," Mr. Cake chuckled, seemingly relax regarding Tommy's presence.

"Indeed. Nice to meet you, Tommy," Mrs. Cake warmly added, maintaining her composure. "We hope you're enjoying your time in ​Ponyville, especially in our humble bakery."

Tommy took a sip from his coffee, seemingly mulling over the warm welcome, then took another bite from the pie. He nodded in silent approval. There was a delicious balance of crust and filling, the taste of home-harvested apples exuded a freshness he hadn't encountered in a long time.

"It's very good," he praised, finally managing another few words. "Best pie I've had in months."

He turned his attention back to the pie, leaving a small silence hanging in the air. Pinkie Pie gave a triumphant bounce while the Cakes exchanged pleased glances.

Whether Tommy realized it or not, he was fostering the beginnings of a bond with the denizens of Ponyville, sweetened by the slices of warm apple pie and cups of strong coffee.

"I don't suppose you have an inn around here?" He asked before taking another bite.

"An inn? No I'm afraid we don't have anything like that." Mrs. Cake said while going behind the counter to restock some treats.

"To be honest we're a small town and not many folks come to visit well save for the princess." Mr. Cake added just as Tommy finished his meal.


"Princess Celestia. Wait, you never heard of her?"

"No I can't say I have."

To this, all the ponies in the room gasped and stared at him with complete shock including Pinkie whose mane seemed to curl up even more.

"WHAAA?!? How how HOW do you not know who Princess Celestia is?!?" Pinkie questioned.

Seeing the ponies' aghast expressions, ​Tommy held up his hands in a placating gesture. "Sorry, sorry. I didn't mean to offend," he quickly apologized, feeling slightly out of depth. "See, I'm not from here or anywhere nearby. I'm actually from a place called ​Angel Grove."

He saw the sea of blank expressions that greeted his explanation and sighed. "Yeah, I figured you wouldn't recognize it."

Tommy paused, recollecting the strange events that brought him here. "I was, well... blasted by this magical spell. I ended up in a place called the ​Dragon Lands before I stumbled my way to ​Ponyville," he explained, his eyes looking distant as he recalled the memory.

"Dragons?" Pinkie gasped dramatically. "That's really far from here! And you made it all the way to Ponyville?"

She marveled at this, clearly impressed by Tommy's unintentional adventure. There was a note of sympathy too, for she knew well the challenges and dangers that ​Equestrian lands could present. Tommy had evidently been through quite an ordeal, something that made Pinkie more determined to help him. Despite the daunting task, she found comfort in knowing that Tommy was in good company, with kind ponies ready to lend a helping hand.

Just as the shock settled down, Tommy noticed something was digging through his rucksack and reached down to pick up a little unicorn filly nomming on one of his rations with a happy smile.

"Where'd you come from little one?"

"Pumpkin Cake! oh you naughty filly." Mrs. Cake said and rushed to retrieve her daughter. "So sorry Tommy."

"It's no trouble ma'am." Tommy smiled as he reached out a hand to ruffle the little fillies mane when a certain unicorn entered the shop.

As the doors of the shop swung open with a soft creak, a stunning vision stepped inside, capturing ​Tommy's attention. This was no ordinary unicorn. She stood tall and elegant, her coat a radiant shade of lavender adorned with sporadic sparkles, and her mane a mesmerizing blend of indigo, violet, and rose.

​Pinkie Pie couldn't contain her excitement upon seeing the newcomer. With her signature exuberance, she bounded over to Tommy, looping an arm around his shoulder as she eagerly introduced him to the mystical unicorn. "Oh my goodness, Tommy, this is ​Twilight Sparkle!"

Tommy's eyes widened as he was face-to-face with the enchanting unicorn. He couldn't help but be captivated by her grace and the air of wisdom that surrounded her. With a polite smile, he reached out his hand in greeting, his earlier shyness momentarily forgotten. "Hello, Twilight. I'm Tommy. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Twilight extended her hand graciously, her own smile warm and welcoming. As their hands met in a gentle shake, the connection was made, bridging the gap between an ordinary traveler and an extraordinary unicorn.

"Tommy this the pony I was telling you about" Pinkie said, bubbling with exhilaration. "She's unquestionably the most powerful unicorn I've ever known!"

"Oh come on Pinkie, I'm not that good." Twilight said before getting a good look at Tommy. "Hmm I've never seen anyone like you before."

"I get that a lot." Tommy smirked as they shook hands.

"So, you're capable of using magic?" he asked, a glimmer of hope appearing in his eyes.

Twilight nodded, responding, "As a unicorn, magic is second nature to me."

A sense of desperation washed over Tommy as he asked, "Do you think you could use that magic to help me get back home? I was hit by a spell and ended up in the ​Dragon Lands, far from my home."

Twilight's look of curiosity deepened at the unfolding situation, her lavender eyes shimmering with understanding and determination.

"Certainly," ​Twilight said, her voice filled with compassion. "Follow me. We should discuss this somewhere more comfortable."

She led ​Tommy through the town, the route winding towards a massive and extraordinary tree. The tree glittered under the daylight, its leaves a lush green and its bark gleaming as if touched by golden dust. It stood proudly amidst the cluster of ​Ponyville houses, instantly drawing Tommy's attention.

Astounded, Tommy questioned, "Is that a real tree? Or some sort of magic?"

"That's my home," Twilight replied, a soft, proud smile lighting up her face. "This is the ​Golden Oaks Library."

Tommy's eyes widened, full of awe and surprise, as they entered the tree home. Inside was a domestically repurposed library, the shelves brimming with ancient books and scrolls.

"It's far more than just a tree, Tommy," Twilight elaborated. "My home serves as a depository of immense knowledge of ​Equestria and its magic. This is where we will find a way to get you back home."

As they delved deeper into the library, Tommy couldn't help but feel a ray of hope piercing his earlier despair.

​Tommy's excitement grew as ​Twilight meticulously examined the shelves, flipping through the pages of various books. After a few moments of searching, her eyes lit up, and she pulled out a weathered book titled "Ancient Artifacts and Mystical Relics." She beckoned Tommy over with a smile, eagerly showing him the pages filled with illustrations of extraordinary crystals and enchanted artifacts.

"Tommy, look! This book talks about a crystal that possesses the power to grant and enhance magic," Twilight exclaimed, pointing to a particular chapter. "With its potential, I believe we can use it as a means to send you back to your world."

Tommy's gaze fixated on the intricate drawings of the crystal, shimmering with an otherworldly glow. The notion of a way back to his own reality awakened a newfound glimmer of hope within him.

As he studied the crystal in the book, Tommy's mind raced. His memories of facing Rita and her staff flooded back. "Wait a minute," he interrupted. "​Rita Repulsa, one of my adversaries, wields a staff with a crystal similar to this! If she possesses such a crystal, could it be the key to returning?"

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE'S STILL ALIVE?!? I blasted that traitor to pieces!!" Rita shrieked at Drakkon who seemed to be making himself at home.

"Not exactly. When you struck him with that spell his power coin took the brunt of it. The two energies collided and briefly opened up a portal to another dimension." Drakkon said while making himself at home as he sat on Rita's throne without a care.

"It will take time but I assure you, Tommy Oliver will return and when he does the rangers will come for you so if you wish to survive you'll do as I say."

"And who put you in charge anyway?" Goldar protested with an accusing finger pointed at Drakkon.

​Lord Drakkon, scarcely carved an inch of a smile, rose from his unlawful seat on ​Rita's throne. The chill in the room heightened tangibly, producing prickling teasers of fear along the spines of those present.

"And who put me in charge?" Drakkon's voice reverberated eerily, his eyes gleaming ominously at ​Goldar. "Who, indeed?" He then deeply chuckled, more to himself, a haunting echo etching itself in the corners of the chamber.

With a swift and calculated move, he was before Goldar, his grip locking onto the latter's accusing finger. Goldar bellowed in surprise, struggling against the sudden and intense force. Yet, it was in vain. Drakkon twisted his arm, the crackling sound of distress emitted echoing in the horrified silence. Goldar was forced to his knees, writhing in pain and bewilderment.

"I," Drakkon's tone was calm, yet deadly, as he hovered, peering ominously to the broken warrior beneath him, "put myself in charge."

A pause ensued, taut with the crisp tension, then he continued, "I've conquered countless dimensions... battered every ranger who has dared to cross my path." His haughty gaze drifted from Goldar to settle on the speechless Rita.

"​Tommy Oliver," He spat out the name like a venom, "or the ​Power Rangers... none of them are any different." Drakkon asserted, emphasizing his dominance, his hold over Goldar further cementing his authority.

"Goldar," His words dripped with mockery as he gazed at the kneeling creature, "Perhaps you, too, would like to know what it’s like to be on the receiving end of my wrath. Or perhaps you would rather not make it that far." His grim warning hung heavily in the chilling room, amplifying the palpable fear that was engulfing everyone.

"AAAGH!! F-FORGIVE ME MY LORD! I meant no disrespect!!" Goldar pleaded just as his arm was on the verge of snapping at the joint.

"Just so long as you remember your place and if you EVER defy me again."

**WHAM!! CRASH!!**

Without warning, Drakkon delivered a spin kick that sent Goldar crashing into a pillar as he cried out in anguish while Rita's other cronies rushed to help him.

"If Tommy is still Alive then find him" Rita ordered angrily

"Gladly" Drakkon said removing his Morpher and firing a blast of energy that created a hole in the room

"Give me that," Drakkon said with a sinister smile, ​Drakkon snatched ​Rita's staff.

He knew that the spell which transported ​Tommy would leave behind a faint trace, and he intended to use it to his advantage.

Raising the staff, Drakkon began channeling its magic through his portal. Dark energy crackled around him as he concentrated on detecting the residual spell signature that could lead him to Tommy Oliver.

As he focused his mind, a portal began to stabilize before him, swirling with a mixture of deep purple and black hues. The sheer force of this portal rippled through the air, causing nearby objects to tremble in its wake.

The image in the portal cleared revealing a ragged Tommy Oliver walking into a large tree with a lavender unicorn, Drakkon placed his hand on the portal and immediately noticed the portal start to break.

"We can't enter," Drakkon said, spotting the crack on the staff. "until you repair this we won't be able to go after him" the Dark Ranger then turned toward the monster machine. "but we may be able to send a monster after him"

"Now you're speaking my language!" Rita said with a wicked smile before turning to Finster.

"FINSTER!! I want our most vicious and ferocious beast ready to tear that ranger to shreds!

"At once Lady Rita!" Finster said as he just dropped Goldar back on the ground and rushed to his lab.

in a matter of minutes Finster returned with Rita's newest monster, the monster was a gigantic menacing composite of various dinosaurs, staggering at a towering height of 10 feet.

Its structure is armored heavily with fossilized remains, making it almost impregnable, and its formidable prehistoric presence is enough to incite terror. An elongated ​T-Rex skull is its head, with glowing red eyes that burn with a concentrated fury. Large ​Triceratops skulls act as shoulder guards, where the massive horned frill structures double as both protection and weaponry. Long, sharp ​Velociraptor claws furnish its hands, the monster’s tail, fashioned from the tail of an Ankylosaur.

"I call him Fossil Frenzy" Finster said with a bow

Drakkon approached the monster. "Step through that portal and eliminate the ranger and anyone who gets in your way"

"I'll Fossilize them!" Fossil shouted as he ran into the portal

Author's Note:

Chapter Two is now complete, setting the stage for an exciting journey ahead. However, this chapter starts with a slower pace, gradually building up anticipation before we enter the Dragon[zord]. Join us as the plot thickens and the tension rises.

Your support is greatly appreciated - please leave a comment and show your appreciation by leaving a comment. With your help, Me and Valiant Charge hope to secure the number one featured spot."