• Published 5th Mar 2012
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My Little Caboose: Blue is Magic! - DarkWing

What happens when the Reds and Blues finally get Church out of the Epsilon unit? Caboose decides he wants a turn in the unit, of course! What happens next? Well let's just say he always did say he wanted a pony, now he has a world full of them.

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Finish Him

The group quickly turned around to see dozens of cockatrices slithering out of each tunnel.

"They're everywhere." Fluttershy said meekly. "What are we going to do?"

"I don't know." Twilight said quietly, the stream of creatures not giving any hint of slowing.

"Well there's no use standing here." Tex grunted angrily.

A sudden, louder shriek echoed through the tunnels, causing the flow of cockatrices to stop. They began staring around with looks of uncertainty. Another shriek, this time even louder and closer echoed through the cave. This time a large amount of the cockatrices slithered back through the tunnels, though the twenty largest ones stayed planted in their spot.

"Where are they going?" Pinkie Pie asked. She gasped and started making their way towards them. "Maybe the loud one said that he's having a party and we're all invited!"

There was now a low hiss echoing through the cave. The sound bounced off the walls, confusing the group as to which direction the noise was coming from. A large cockatrice began to slither out of one of the tunnels, eyes glowing bright red. It moved slower than the other cockatrices, but it wasn't until it fully emerged that they saw it had no tail.

"Uh oh..." Tucker said quietly.

"What did you do?" Tex hissed, keeping her eyes on the hulking creature.

"I may or may not have cut it in half..."

"And it's still alive?" Tex asked with no sign of fear or concern in her voice.

The large cockatrice was now twenty feet away, eyes focusing on Tucker as it began to plan it's next move.

"Oh shit, I think he remembers me." Tucker said as he quickly started to back away.

The cockatrice noticed this and let out a deafening shriek before lunging towards Tucker. Rainbow Dash quickly sprung into action and tackled the cockatrice out of the air, pinning it to the ground. The cockatrice hissed and flapped it's wings, intending to slam Rainbow Dash against the roof of the cave. Rainbow Dash took this into account and quickly rolled off of it's belly just before it hit, but the cockatrice was too close to the ceiling to brake so it slammed into the roof, dazing it for several seconds. The other cockatrices then began to charge at the group, taking advantage of the fact that they were almost entirely focused on the larger cockatrice.

"We need to get out of here." Twilight said as she saw one of the creatures jump towards them. Twilight used her magic to grab it out of the air, then threw it towards a small group of cockatrices, knocking most of them down.

"Where is the way out?" Rainbow Dash asked sharply as she bucked a cockatrice in the throat. "There's like half a dozen paths!"

"I'm willing to bet that it's the way they aren't coming from." Tex said as she twisted a cockatrice's neck, killing it instantly.

Twilight looked around an noted the tunnels in which some cockatrices came from. Much to Twilight's frustration, each tunnel had a a few cockatrices blocking the path, making Twilight unsure which tunnel was the right way out. Her eyes shot open and she looked at the small puddle of dried blood and scales and began to look around frantically.

"What are you looking at?" Tucker asked as one of the cockatrices tackled him to the ground.

"That way!" Twilight said as she shot a bolt of magic towards one of the tunnels, knocking the cockatrices in it's path out of the way. "There is a small trail of cockatrice blood leading that way."

"You heard her! Move your asses now!" Tex yelled as she and the others began making their way to the tunnel.

The large cockatrice hit Twilight in the side of the head, causing her to fall to the ground. Before she could get back up she began to get dragged away by one of the smaller cockatrices. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash turned back and started making their way to her.

"Run!" Twilight snapped as she kicked the cockatrice off of her.

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy nodded hesitantly and followed the others through the tunnel. Twilight began to use her magic to fight the cockatrice, but it wrapped around her thigh and began to look into her eyes, causing her to lose focus. Twilight, realizing the rate at which her strength was diminishing, quickly began struggling to get free of it's grip, but every time she moved it allowed the cockatrice to tighten it's grip even further. Twilight looked back into the cockatrice's eyes and felt her a numbing sensation pass through her legs and up to her waist. Panic began to set in as she tried to shake it free one more time, but to no success.

"Oh no you don't." A voice said, tackling the cockatrice off of Twilight.

Twilight gasped and stared at the ceiling, happy to just be able to breathe. She slowly sat up and looked at her legs, which were now losing their stone like appearance. She looked up to see the figure wrestle the cockatrice to the ground. The hoof of the figure shot towards the cockatrice's throat, quickly followed by the sound of a sickening crunch. The cockatrice went limp and the figure began to walk towards Twilight, ignoring the large and tailless cockatrice. Twilight's vision came back to focus and she saw Tex staring at her uncertainly.

"Can you move?" Tex asked.

"Yes, I-I think so." Twilight said in a rough voice and began rubbing her throat. "Why did you came back?"

"If anybody is going to kill you, it's going to be me." Tex chuckled darkly as she helped Twilight up to her hooves. She turned around when the large cockatrice shrieked, calling the other cockatrices back to the cave. "Keep them off my back and I'll keep them off yours."

"Right." Twilight nodded, beginning to feel her strength return to her at an incredible rate as a large amount of cockatrices surrounded them. "And Tex?"


"Thank you."

"If you tell anybody I came back to help you I will literally slam your skull into the ground." Tex said quietly.

"I know." Twilight smirked.

Tex and Twilight stayed back to back for nearly half an hour, fending off the onslaught of cockatrices. Twilight knocked them away with precision, and while they were dazed Tex would finish them without mercy. Dozens of cockatrices retreated, knowing that they would be slaughtered if they remained. The large cockatrice remained with nearly a dozen other cockatrices.

"How are you holding up?" Twilight panted as she shot a weak bolt of magic at one of them.

"Barely." Tex grunted as she threw her hoof at the cockatrice.

The large cockatrice noticed their state and shot towards them, shrieking loudly at his soon to be victory. The creature shot to the ground by a red blur and maniacal laughter echoed through the cave. Tex, Twilight and the remaining cockatrices turned to see a red pony fighting, and winning, against the beast.

"O'Malley?" Tex asked, shocked.

"Hello Allison." O'Malley said as he stabbed his hoof though the cockatrices stomach.

The cockatrice began to writhe in pain, trying to throw O'Malley off of it's body, but O'Malley held on to the cockatrices insides so every time that it thrashed, it injured nothing but itself. After a few minutes of thrashing, O'Malley stuck his second hoof in and grabbed hold of it's heart. O'Malley looked at the heart, which kept a slow beat even after it had been ripped out. The cockatrice hissed once more and managed to shake O'Malley free.

"What are you doing here?" Tex asked nervously.

"Saving the day, it seems." O'Malley chuckled morosely. he looked over at the cockatrice, which was still somehow coming towards them. He tossed the heart on the ground and stomped on it. The cockatrice's eyes shot open and it fell limp, and once the remaining few cockatrices witnessed this, they quickly slithered away at an incredible speed. "Well that was fun. Wish it put up more of a fight though. Ah well, hopefully Sigma brings me more joy in the pain department."

"You want to kill Sigma?" Twilight asked as she slowly backed away from O'Malley, knowing how dangerous he is.

"What? Don't tell me you think I'm heartless." O'Malley said, booming with laughter. "Ah, my wit provides me with great amusement. But to answer your question, no, I do not want to kill Sigma. I wish to watch him suffer painfully, that is all."

"You and me both." Church said as he entered the tunnel. Twilight and Tex smiled weakly at Church. Twilight opened her mouth to greet him, but Church interrupted when she saw that she was having a hard time speaking. "As soon as O'Malley heard something he sprinted ahead of us to take part in the action. He loves seeing things in pain even more than Tex does."

"It's the little things." O'Malley said dryly, pretending to wipe a tear out of his eye. "Now let's leave this place, the others are outside."

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