• Published 5th Mar 2012
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My Little Caboose: Blue is Magic! - DarkWing

What happens when the Reds and Blues finally get Church out of the Epsilon unit? Caboose decides he wants a turn in the unit, of course! What happens next? Well let's just say he always did say he wanted a pony, now he has a world full of them.

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PSA #1 - "Interspecies Relationships"

"Hey Tucker." Rainbow Dash said as she turned to him in bed. "You still awake?"

"Yeah, why?" Tucker sighed, feeling exhausted from the food fight.

"I was just thinking about.. us... y'know?"

"What about us?"

"Well, I like you, and you like me, we said we loved each other, but we haven't really done anything about it."


"I think I'd like to."

"Great, let me know how that turns out." Tucker muttered, rolling back to his other side.

Rainbow Dash raised her brow and waited for a few seconds.

"Wait, you mean-" Tucker asked hastily, turning back to Rainbow Dash with bright eyes.

"Yeah, I mean you keep saying how great you are, just figured maybe I should put you to the test. That is, if you aren't too tired."

"No! No, I'm not tired at all!" Tucker said hastily.

"Great, no need for this then." Rainbow Dash giggled, tossing the cover off of the bed with her wings. "Since you're the master, I'll let you start."

Tucker leaned towards Rainbow Dash, ready to kiss her.

"Stop." A voice said from outside of the set.

Tucker continued leaning until he was within two inches of Rainbow Dash's face, where she promptly slammed her hoof into the side of his head.

"What the hell?" Tucker hissed as he rubbed his head.

"He said stop, smart one." Rainbow Dash said irately. "Come on in guys."

Simmons and Grif walked onto the scene until they were standing on either side of the bed.

"Hi, I'm private Dexter Grif, from the popular fanfiction 'My Little Caboose: Blue is Magic!'." Grif said suddenly after clearing his throat.

"And I'm private Dick Simmons from the same fictional piece." Simmons chuckled. "What you just saw was a small glimpse of Interspecies Relationships. Right now you're probably thinking to yourself; "What is an Interspecies Relationship?", and your questions can easily be-"

"I can answer that!" A flamboyant voice said from offscreen.

"Donut, shut up! You're not coming in until we're wrapped up with season ten of Red vs Blue!" Simmons snapped. He turned back to where he was looking and coughed awkwardly. "Sorry about that. An Interspecies Relationship is what happens when two beings from, wait for it, different species get into a relationship with each other."

"And we're not talking about regular old platonic love either. We're talking about moving into a more serious relationship with the other species."

"Right now you're probably thinking; "Two different species becoming more than just friends? That's disgusting!", right? You're probably also wondering what kind of sick, twisted fuck would want to do that? What kind of mentally retar-"

"What Grif means to say is that you might be saying to yourself; "Now hold on just a minute, aren't you horses too?", to which we would answer yes."

"And after we say that, you probably think; "Doesn't that make it okay?". While humans and the equines of this world are both sentient beings make it seem okay, it isn't. People fail to realize is that while our present forms are that of a cartoon equine, there are still certain repercussions in said relationships, and we're here to tell you each one. But first, let's talk about why the idea of Interspecies Relationships may be appealing."

"Certain fictional games are pushing the boundaries of relationships between two seperate species." Grif said as he pulled a small piece of paper out from under his wing. He squinted at it and cleared his throat abruptly. "Some of the games are as follows: Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Mass Effect Two, Dragon Age: Awakening, Mass Effect Three, Dragon Age Two, and many more."

"Soon enough they'll make a game called How Many Different Species Can I Bang?, and it will most likely be an instant hit."

"When these games were first released, they received a certain amount of negative feedback from the press. They claimed that these games were sex simulators. Why? Because that's what teenaged boys used them for, of course! But with these games edging into our society, more people seem to be accepting of these kinds of relationships."

"Captain Kirk would be proud."

"As he should be, private Grif." Simmons said before continuing. "And as such, since these relationships become more well known and more or less accepted, people tend to write more and more fiction involving said relationships. Like the one you're reading now."

"But just because we're ponies doesn't make us any less human."

"Or one eighth cyborg." Simmons chipped.

"Duly noted, private Simmons." Grif nodded again. "People tend to find these relationships interesting because of how taboo the subject is, thinking that their love can conquer all! Well it can't, so get that idea out of your head."

"Now you're probably thinking; "Okay, what is so wrong with it?". Well the answer to that one is obvious. It's kind of disgusting. What other reason do we need?"

"And we mean really disgusting. Even more disgusting than Simmons' wide collection of World of Warcraft themed porn. Well, actually it's probably significantly less disgusting than that."

"World of Warcraft is nothing to be ashamed of." Simmons muttered.

"Right." Grif rolled his eyes, but quickly began to smile. "Please keep in mind that even though we find it totally gross, we in no way discourage it, because after all, that's what the internet is for."

"To scar your innocence forever."

"Exactly, Interspecies Relationships is the least of your worries when it comes to the internet."

"Uh, guys, I think you time is about up." Rainbow Dash said testily. "Have to get ready for tomorrows chapter, and you guys still have work on season ten to do."

"But we're not done yet." Grif muttered.

"Don't make me go get Tex to come and convince you." Rainbow Dash said coyly.

"Well, that's all the time we have for tonight, on account of the write being extremely fatigued from walking for an entire two hours!" Grif stammered, trying quickly to wrap up.

"And the fact that he's probably drunk or high right now." Simmons commented dryly.

"Maybe even both."

"That is a possibility." Simmons agreed. "So we'll see you later when we perform our next PSA on Writing Advice."

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