• Published 5th Mar 2012
  • 35,385 Views, 13,447 Comments

My Little Caboose: Blue is Magic! - DarkWing

What happens when the Reds and Blues finally get Church out of the Epsilon unit? Caboose decides he wants a turn in the unit, of course! What happens next? Well let's just say he always did say he wanted a pony, now he has a world full of them.

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Snake in the Shelf

Twilight sat at the table in the main room of the library, paper laid out in front of her. The paper had a dark line going down the middle of it, making two columns. On the top of the left column there was a plus symbol, whereas the right column had a negative symbol. The right column also had several points and sentences, while the left one had a single line. On the top of the paper was a question with four words; do I stay quiet? Twilight had sat at that table since the sun began to rise, trying to convince herself whether or not she would tell Church and the others. Her eyes rested on the plus symbol, then slowly drifted down to her one and only positive of not telling him. Church would be free. She frowned as she dipped her quill in her bottle of ink, determined to try and find more than one reason to not speak up, but found it immensely difficult since her mind kept presenting mostly cons of staying quiet. With that thought, she sighed and began writing on the right column again. After she finished with her point, she began to read over the negatives to see if there were any ways she could cancel them out.

The first one being Delta had said there was a high chance of him being unstable, but maybe he did not know about what Sigma did. The next point questioned the fact that Sigma may have lied the entire time. Just because he was not deceit does not mean he was unable to deceive. What if he really does want power? The list went on for nearly a dozen more points, but to her surprise, none of those were the reason as to why she was still unsure as to whether or not she was going to tell him. What made her hesitant was her positive point and that it was the only point she could counter, bringing it to a possible negative. That was the thought that maybe she didn't know if she really want to give Church freewill so he could be happy, bur rather wanted to keep it a secret just so she had a chance to be with him. There was a reason the Director loved Allison, so she knew for the same reason that technically Church should love Tex. Thoughts continued bouncing through her head, knowing she should tell him. That she didn't have the right not to tell him. But the hope that Sigma wasn't trying to trick and that she had a shot for finding her held strong.

"What are you doing, Twi?" Spike asked quietly as he watched the quill with the lavender aura flick about on the paper, sitting at the table with her.

"I'm just writing a few things down, making observations." Twilight said absentmindedly, mind wrestling with itself.

"Observations about what?"

"The fragments, how they've been acting. Trying to find any patterns."

"They seem pretty one-dimensional to me." Spike laughed.

"They certainly do seem that way, don't they?" Twilight said with a strained smile.

"Well... yeah. That is what I said." Spike said, then resumed watching Twilight as she dipped her quill in the bottle of ink and went back to her notes. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

"You don't look fine..." Spike said, beginning to smile when he saw bags under her slightly bloodshot eyes. "Did you not sleep enough? You're always telling me I need my sleep, and then you go and do this?"

"I slept just fine." Twilight snapped irritably at her assistant's giggling, then quickly made eye contact with him. "Sorry. I guess I didn't get as much sleep as I should have."

"That's okay." Spike smiled, then cleared his throat. "So, what did Sigma tell you last night?"

"I'll tell you when you're older."

"I'm not a kid anymore, remember?" Spike mumbled.

"It's just really complicated..." Twilight huffed sadly as she turned away from him.

"Come on, they're living with a bunch of wild cards over there!" Tex grunted as she walked down the stairs, drawing Twilight's attention to their conversation.

"I wouldn't call the Apples wild cards." Church said sarcastically as he descended with her.

"You're a regular Kevin Hart." Tex rolled her eyes.

"I don't know, that doesn't really seem like his sort of joke." Church shrugged as he reached the bottom of the steps, seeing Twilight staring at him firmly. "What's up?"

Twilight opened her mouth to tell him about, but the words caught in her throat and she looked at the ground feeling a mixture of being ashamed, frustrated and confused. She shook her head and went back, trying to find more reasons as to why telling him would be the best route, hoping to convince herself.

"She doesn't know who he is." Tex said dismissively, going back to Church. "You just sort of dumped other parts of you onto her without really thanking her as much as you should. Don't you think that's kind of a bullshit move on your part? I mean, without Applejack doing anything almost everything probably would have gone wrong."

"I know." Church sighed deeply. "I guess I should go see if there's anything I can do to help out."

"Good. I'll come with you." Tex said with a satisfied smirk. "Want to make sure you don't whimp ou-"

"Wait!" Twilight yelped, knowing she had to make her choice now or never. She then coughed when both Church and Tex raised their brows at her. "Sorry, it's just that I need to tell you something."

"Sure, what is it?" Church asked.

"I'll... tell you when we get back. I think it can wait an hour or so." Twilight said meekly, starting off weakly but ending with determination. She realized that the real reason she wanted to go with him was to prevent Sigma from trying to convince Church or any of the other fragments to join him. "I need to talk to Applejack anyways."

"Can I come too?" Spike asked.

"Nah, watching Church beg for forgiveness is more of an adult thing." Tex said, patting Spike's head as she walked by. "Sorry, kiddo."

"What about me?" The Necronomicon asked from his usual spot on the bookshelf as Spike scowled and went to sit at the table. "Daring is attractive and she listens, but there is only so much I can tell her. And since you guys were so rude as to not bring me to the picnic..."

"There was a reason for that." Church muttered.

"Really now? Mind telling me that reason?"

"I can give you more than one, but I'll just stick to two. First off; you can't eat." Church said and the Necronomicon opened his mouth to argue. "Secondly... well, you're generally just not good company overall."

"I could say the same about you..." The Necronomicon muddled.

"Quit your arguing and come on." Tex said as she walked out the door with an anxious Twilight.

"Yeah, yeah. Hey, Spike, since you're not busy do you mind looking after paper stack over there?" Church asked as he trotted towards the door. Spike nodded reluctantly and Church nodded at him.

"Nobody sides with Ol'-" The Necronomicon began, but was interrupted by the sound and sight of the front door closing. "Darn it. You know, for ones who tell themselves that they're kind and understanding, they're pretty rude..."

"Tell me about it." Spike sighed, crossing his arms in annoyance.

"Say, you know what would be funny?" The Necronomicon asked with a small, foreboding chuckle. "If we pulled a small prank."

"No way! Twilight would kill me if I did that!" Spike said, turning away from the book.

"What, don't you want them to start taking you seriously? Because they never will if all you do is pout like a child."

"I guess..." He turned his head slightly to look at the Necronomicon. "But what kind of prank did you have in mind? I don't want them to be hurt."

"I can assure you that there will be no physical pain whatsoever." The Necronomicon coughed coyly.

"Okay, I'm game." Spike shrugged. "What do I have to do?"

"See that bottle of ink over there?" The Necronomicon asked curiously, eyes at the other end of the table where Twilight was writing.

"Yeah. What about it?"

"Pour a bit into my pages." The Necronomicon said quietly as his eyes began to glow a darker shade of red, mind drifting to the conversation Twilight and Sigma had last night, having been completely forgotten. "We're going to take a letter."

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