• Published 5th Mar 2012
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My Little Caboose: Blue is Magic! - DarkWing

What happens when the Reds and Blues finally get Church out of the Epsilon unit? Caboose decides he wants a turn in the unit, of course! What happens next? Well let's just say he always did say he wanted a pony, now he has a world full of them.

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Chapter 20 - "Stairs"

"Easy there Dash." Tucker said hastily as Rainbow Dash brought him close to the ground.

"Your wings better heal quick, because I don't like the idea of always having to carry you." Rainbow Dash muttered as she dropped him, watching as he barely managed to land on his hooves.

"I'm sure your opinion on that will change later." Tucker said, laughing.

"In your dreams." Rainbow Dash said. "C'mon, let's go try and find the others."

"You make me feel as if you don't want to be alone with me." Tucker said. "But I know you do. Nobody can resist Dr. Love for long."

"Have your balls healed yet?" Rainbow Dash asked, bending over and started putting on a fake, seductive demeanor.

"Yeah, they totally work now." Tucker said, excitedly walking up behind her.


Rainbow Dash then kicked Tucker in the balls and started to walk away.

"Oh fuckberries." Tucker groaned. "My fuck berries!"

"I warned you not to say anything. Now let's go before you dig yourself into an even deeper hole."

"I-I don't think I can walk." Tucker said. "Can you carry me?"

"No." Rainbow Dash said, still walking.

"Ah well. You can't blame a guy from trying." Tucker said.

Tucker then stood up, holding his manhood and started limping after Rainbow Dash. It took them several minutes to get to the market, mostly due to the fact that Tucker kept falling to the ground moaning. But when they got there, they spotted Applejack among the crowd.

"Hey, there’s some of them now." Rainbow Dash said.

"Fantastic." Tucker moaned.

"Hey! There's Rainbow Dash." Pinkie exclaimed. "Rainbow Dash! We're over here."

"Hey Pinkie." Rainbow Dash said, walking up to them. "What are you guys doing?"

"What's wrong with Tucker?" Caboose asked.

Rainbow Dash turned and looked at Tucker, raising her eyebrow.

"I fell down some stairs." Tucker said quietly.

"I hate when that happens." Caboose said. "I was thinking about getting one of those magic chairs that move up and down the side of the steps."

"No, I think I've done enough falling for now." Tucker said.

"Glad to hear it." Rainbow Dash said.

Sarge looked at Tucker and started laughing. "What's so funny?" Tucker asked.

"You didn't fall down stairs, did you Tucker?" Sarge asked, still laughing.

Tucker didn't answer, he just glanced at Rainbow Dash, which made Sarge laugh even harder.

"I think I'm liking her already." Sarge said, wiping a tear out of his eye.

"Want to know what? Fuck you Sarge." Tucker grunted.

"I'm willing to bet that that was an ironic choice of words there blue." Sarge said with a smirk.

"Calm down you two." Applejack said, walking between Sarge and Tucker, expecting a fight.

"Don't worry, I'm calm." Sarge assured her. "And I'm willing to bet that Tucker doesn't have much fight left in him at the moment."

"You got that right." Tucker said.

"What are you two tal-" Applejack started to ask.

Sarge just smiled and motioned his head to Tucker. Applejack looked at Tucker, who was cradling his crotch. Then she looked at Rainbow Dash who was glaring at Tucker. Applejack started to laugh.

"Why are you laughing?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"You don't want to know." Sarge said.

"Come on y'all. Let's go find the others." Applejack said.

"Okay!" Caboose yelled.

"Let's go check on Grif, I need to make sure I didn't hurt him." Sarge said. "Too much."

"Alright, Fluttershy’s place it is." Pinkie Pie said, starting towards the cottage.

It took just a couple minutes to make it there. Tucker started to feel a little better along the way and stopped groping himself. Applejack knocked on the door and Fluttershy answered.

"Hello Applejack." Fluttershy said, letting her in. "Oh, you brought everyone else?"

Pinkie, Caboose, Sarge and Big Mac walked into the room

"Everyone else?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Well, Twilight and Rarity are here with Church and Simmons."

Sarge looked over at Grif, and Grif glared back at Sarge.

"Nice to see you too soldier." Sarge chirped happily. "Feeling better?"

"Not particularly." Grif muttered, then looked around. "This room is fucking crowded."

"He has a point." Rainbow Dash said. "How about the guys stay in here and we go outside for a little privacy, I need to talk to you girls anyways."

"Oh alright." Twilight said.

The ponies then left the room, leaving Big Mac and the other stallions in the room.

"Who is the big guy?" Church asked.

"This is Big Mac." Sarge said. "He works on the farm with Applejack."

"He is tall and red." Caboose said.

"Yes Caboose, we can see that." Church muttered.

Tucker stood there awkwardly, trying to get in a comfortable position. "What's wrong with Tucker?" Simmons asked.

"I don't want to talk about it." Tucker muttered.

"Rainbow Dash kicked him in the balls." Sarge said, barely containing his laughter.

The others looked over at Tucker, who then gave an ashamed nod. They all started laughing. All of them but Tucker.

"I hate you guys." Tucker said.

"What the fuck did you do to her?" Grif asked, now sitting up on the couch.

"I sort of... maybe... walked in on her in the shower." Tucker said.

"Was she naked?" Caboose asked.

"They're always naked you fucking idiot." Tucker responded.

"Oh my gosh you're right." Caboose gasped. "Hey Tucker! You said I would never see a girl naked!"

"Caboose. Be quiet." Church commanded.


"Why did you go in the room?" Simmons asked. "Because if you didn't know she was in there then that’s not that bad."

"I knew she was in there." Tucker said.

"You're a fucking pervert." Church said.

"No dude, I knew she was in there, but I had left the room when she started so when I came back to the room I didn't hear anything." Tucker said. "I thought she was done."

"So you thought that the best idea was to barge in?" Church asked.

"I don't know!" Tucker said. "I wasn't thinking, you have to believe me!"

"Don't worry Tucker, we know that you don’t think." Grif said, laughing.

"Thank you." Tucker said, then glared at Grif. "Screw you Grif."

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