• Published 5th Mar 2012
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My Little Caboose: Blue is Magic! - DarkWing

What happens when the Reds and Blues finally get Church out of the Epsilon unit? Caboose decides he wants a turn in the unit, of course! What happens next? Well let's just say he always did say he wanted a pony, now he has a world full of them.

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"Well, well, well. If it isn't little Theta." Diamond Tiara said threateningly, watching tensely as Theta hopped onto his chair and tried to get comfortable. "When did you decide to try and pretend you aren't nervous?"

"I'm not pretending." Theta muttered, simply staring towards the front of the class.

"Sure you aren't." Diamond Tiara chuckled, but turned to face her teacher when she remembered Cheerilee didn't like interruptions.

"Okay class, does anypony remember where we left off yesterday?" Cheerilee asked, grabbing a piece of chalk with her hoof.

"Multiplication and division, Miss!" Sweetie Belle piped.

"Ah, thank you, Sweetie." Cherilee smiled and turned her back to draw on the chalkboard. "Well let's get right into it. As per usual I will write half a dozen questions on the board, and the first one to finish them all gets a gold star. Please keep your comments and answers to yourselves. This is a solo project."

"What's a gold star?" Theta asked out loud.

"A golden star is something awarded to the best fillies and colts in the class, and whoever has the most at the end of the month gets a prize." Silver Spoon mumbled, eyeing Theta angrily.

"What kind of prize?"

"I don't think you have to worry about that." Diamond quipped.

"Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, Theta, please focus on your assignment." Cheerilee said, trying to establish she was in charge, but did not want to appear mean to the new colt.

"Yes, Miss." They said together.

"And sorry." Theta added.

"No need to apologize, just get to it." Cherilee sighed as she took a seat at her desk. "If anypony needs paper, there is some up here."

Theta hopped out his chair and slowly walked up to the desk and grabbed a few sheets of paper with his teeth and trotted back to his desk and put them on it.

"Aw, you didn't have to get us paper." Diamond Tiara said thinly, grabbing the sheets off of his desk.

"But those are mine." Theta grunted. He glanced over at Sigma, who hesitantly shook his head. With a small sigh, Theta walked back up to the desk and grabbed more paper, but before he went back to his desk he turned to the Crusaders. "Do any of you guys have an extra pencil?"

"Sure." Sweetie Belle said, reaching into her bag then held a sharpened pencil up to Theta, who slowly grabbed it with his teeth.

"Thanks." Theta muffled through the objects in his mouth.

"No problem, might want to hurry back though."

"Right." Theta nodded, trying to smile, but gave up after a few seconds and went back to his desk. Once he took a seat, he wrote down the questions and went to work.

"Hey, what did you get for the third question?" Diamond Tiara asked Silver Spoon.

"I got a hundred and fifty-two." Silver Spoon said quietly.

"I didn't get that." Diamond Tiara rolled her eyes.

"What did you get?"

"I got-"

"You guys aren't supposed to be talking." Theta reminded them.

"Mind your own business." Diamond Tiara said then stuck her tongue out at Theta.

"Fine." Theta grumbled, going back to his questions.

As the class neared it's end, an unfocused Theta sat at his desk, staring at a half filled page of paper. Silver Spoon leaned over and began looking at his paper, then he threw his arm over it to block her views.

"Be that way. I just saw that you were only halfway done and I wanted to help." Silver Spoon huffed.

"Yeah, right." Theta rolled his eyes.

"Time's almost up." Cheerilee said, glancing at the clock.

"The answer to number four is sixty-eight."

"Stop." Theta said quietly, turning back to the questions.

"The answer to number five is a hundred and twelve." Diamond Tiara said loudly.

"Ms. Cheerilee, Theta is asking for answers." Silver Spoon said, hoof shooting up into the sky.

"What? No I'm not!" Theta yelped. "You just keep telling me your answers!"

"What kind of excuse is that?" Diamond Tiara asked curiously.

"Theta, please don't ask for answers from you're classmates." Cheerilee said sternly.

"But I'm not-"

"I'm not saying you are, I'm just telling you not to do it. There are only ten minutes left in class." Cheerilee smiled before going back to her marking.

"Why are you trying to get me in trouble?" Theta asked. "I didn't even do anything to you."

"Because we can." Diamond Tiara said, scrunching her nose to stifle a laugh.

"Oh yeah? What if I get Sigma to call you out again?"

"Get your brother to fight your fights for you. That'll totally show us not to mess with you."

"Leave him alone." Scootaloo said from the front.

"And what will you do if we don't?"

"I don't think Cheerilee will like hearing about you picking on the new kid."

"Aw, that's sweet." Silver Spoon cooed.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Scootaloo asked icily.

"Getting a crush on Theta?"

"What? No. He's just a friend. I just don't like seeing you two trying to play others like chumps."

"You keep telling yourself that, weak wings." Silver Spoon laughed quietly.

"What did you call me?" Scootaloo growled softly, hopping off her chair.

"Scootaloo, please take a seat. There are only a few minutes left, I'm sure you can wait."

Scootaloo glared at the pair of snobby fillies and returned to her desk, crossing her front hooves on the desk. Theta glanced back at Sigma, but he was not looking in his direction. Theta sunk into his chair and tapped the pencil on his desk, waiting for the class to be over. Last time he was in a class was with the Freelancers and other fragments, but here they weren't talking about defensive positions or anything of the like. Here they were learning about boring stuff. But soon enough the bell rang and the classmates jumped out of their chairs.

"Alright class, time is up." Cheerilee said loudly, but her voice was barely audible over the young ponies. "Please write your names on the paper, put the pencils down and put your papers on the corner of my desk."

Theta sat in his chair as the entirety of the class handed in their papers. Sigma paused when he saw Theta sitting at his desk, still working on the work. Theta smiled weakly at him and tilted his head at the door, telling Sigma to go. Sigma bowed his head and walked out the door with the Crusaders to wait for their friend. Cheerilee grabbed the papers and tapped at the pile's sides until it was neatly stacked.

"Theta, are you alright?" Cheerilee asked, just now noticing he was still in class. Theta shrugged and Cheerilee got out of her chair and looked at Theta's paper. She frowned when she saw that he had only done three of the questions and had made scribbles everywhere else on the page. "Having trouble with the work? I gave a small amount of work since you were new to class, hoping not to overwhelm you."

"I'm not overwhelmed, I'm just..." Theta shrugged.

"Do you need help? I'd gladly get you a tutor for math."

"I just have a little trouble focusing, that's all."

"Even so, a tutor could teach you to focus." Cheerilee said as she pulled out a small sheet of paper. "Tell you what, how about I sign you up for a tutor and you report to them after school. If you think you can benefit from their lessons, then you can stick with it. If you really feel like you don't need the help, then this will just be a one off."

"I guess that's fair." Theta mumbled.

"Great. The pony you'll be seeing occasionally substitutes here and often comes in to give lectures to my students." Cheerilee smiled and slid the paper over to Theta. "Don't worry, I have a feeling you know how friendly she is."

Theta unfolded the piece of paper and read the name, then stared at Cheerilee.

"Please bring that letter to Twilight Sparkle and tell her she has a new student under her figurative wing."

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