• Published 13th Oct 2015
  • 10,097 Views, 18,189 Comments

Utaan - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash endures many trials to reach the edge of the world.

  • ...

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Music Rasps the Savage Beast

Rainbow Dash slowly, pensively trotted across a wooden rampart of the lofty sanctuary. She came to a stop, squinting down at one of the lower balconies of the wyverns' palace. The mare craned her neck, ears twitching in the cold mountain winds.

"Hmmm?" Pinkie Pie peered over Rainbow's stubbled scalp. "What is it, Dashie?"

"Do you see something, Rainbow?" Twilight asked.

Her friends followed Rainbow's line of sight. Down below, through a set of open windows, a pair of figures stood in the dim shadows of a serene meditation chamber. A sliver of midday light caught graceful hooves lingering across from thick, muscular fetlocks.

"Anypony we should know?" Rarity asked.

"It's Remna and Mortuana," Fluttershy said.

"You sure of that?" Rarity asked.

"No, she's right." Rainbow nodded. "I could recognize Remna's fat hooves in my sleep at this point." She swallowed. "And Mortuana... seems like the type to stick to the shadows."

"What could they be meeting about?" Pinkie asked.

"Anything." Rainbow's nostrils flared. "Nothing. How am I to tell? So far, it seems that all things pertaining to Remna is a need-to-know basis where Austraeoh is concerned."

Pinkie looked at their anchor. "You suppose it's true?"

"Mmmmm... what?"

"That Mortuana used her last blood capsule thingy on saving Remna from her disease?"

"Is that a bad thing?" Fluttershy remarked. "These 'Sacred Seven' very obviously care for one another. Wouldn't we do the same for each other if a terrible affliction struck us?"

"Royal generosity notwithstanding..." Rarity cleared her throat. "...I think that what Pinkie Pie's getting at is that such blood samples would be priceless for the completion of our journey, and now Mortuana is narrowed down to just one."

"We can't blame her for that, though," Twilight said. "It's not like the Austraeoh could have arrived here at Wyvern Point any sooner."

"I'm sure I could have if I tried harder," Rainbow muttered.

"Oh, Rainbow..." Twilight sighed, giving the pegasus a weathered smile. "Don't start beating yourself up again. You're hardly in the opportune place for self-deprecation."

"Yeah!" Pinkie grinned from ear to ear. "These Heraldites practically worship you!"

"Except for Remna," Rainbow remarked, squinting down at the distant meeting taking place. "To her, this whole 'Sacred Seven' thing is all business."

"A true bounty hunter to the core," Rarity droned.

"I've seen my fair share of bounty hunters throughout my travels," Rainbow said. "They're a great deal more open to friendliness and emotional expression than one might think."

"You mean like Bard and Wildcard?" Pinkie Pie remarked.

Rainbow gulped. "Yeah. Bard and Wildcard. Those are who I meant."

Fluttershy blinked at her anchor.

"If what Kepler says is true, then Remna is the highest ranking mortal among the Herald," Twilight said. "Perhaps Mortuana is giving her an extra special briefing. We are due to start travelling east soon."

"Makes a great deal of sense," Rarity said with a slight shudder. "If Mortuana is as far gone as she claims, then Remna will likely have to bear the alicorn's torch."

"It's... just so sad." Fluttershy sniffled. "The only alicorn we've met out here—and a sister to Whitemane, no less."

"Yeah..." Rainbow gulped. "Still can't get over that."

Fluttershy gazed melancholically at the others. "Maybe... maybe if we can relinquish Verlax of her power before it's too late, Mortuana can still have a chance of enjoying a longer life?"

"I... don't think that's quite how the curse on her works, Fluttershy," Twilight said.

"Yeah." Rainbow nodded. "And Mortuana's made it clear that the only way to get past Verlax... is to end her... once and for all." She swallowed a lump down her throat. "Mortuana's very clearly prepared for the end of her journey. We owe it to her to carry the torch past the edge of the world."

"Yes, but do we owe it to her enough that we must end Verlax as well?" Twilight Sparkle remarked.

Rainbow stared limply at the unicorn. "What else would you have me do, Twilight?"

"I don't know. Just... yes Mortuana seems to know Verlax in and out. But it has been several eons since the two last met. Maybe..." Twilight shrugged. "I don't know. P-perhaps enough has changed to allow for a different option..."

"I don't like the idea any more than you do, Twilight," Rainbow said. "But do you honestly think that Verlax is the kind of dragon who will change her ways after doing the same friggin' thing for millennia?"

"Uhm... but she's in 'pony form,' remember?" Pinkie blurted. "Mortuana said so."

"Doesn't make a difference!" Rainbow growled, causing Pinkie to flinch. "Not every bad guy can be saved and... redeemed like Princess Luna was." She shuddered. "I just... don't know if there can be another option here..."

"I just don't like how obsessed Mortuana is with death," Fluttershy said.

"You must admit, darling." Rarity pointed. "It's in her nature. Just as Celestia is an alicorn of the Sun and Luna an alicorn of the Moon."

"Even still. Our Princesses have shown that they're more than capable of transcending the framework that binds them." Fluttershy turned to look at Rainbow Dash again. "Mortuana has been obsessed with the same task at hoof for lifetimes." She gulped. "But can't the same thing be said of Verlax?"

Rainbow blinked at that.

"What are you suggesting, Fluttershy?" Twilight said. "That Mortuana could be mistaken?"

"I'm just saying that the universe we live in is an incredibly complicated realm," Fluttershy added. "Kepler's information only confirms this. With so many factors at play... what makes Mortuana any more correct than Verlax when she insists that one and only one option is necessary for Austraeoh to finish her journey?"

"And free Applejack!" Pinkie Pie remarked. "Let's not forget that!"

"Believe me," Rainbow Dash muttered. "I haven't."

"Rainbow, you know where the girls and I stand on desperate actions and desperate measures," Twilight said. "But in Verlax's case—"

"What, Twilight?" Rainbow flashed her a glare. "What about 'Verlax's case?' Does our 'Equestrian moral center' suddenly have a wobble to it that I don't know about?"

Twilight winced, ears folding back. "I just..." She avoided Rainbow's gaze. "...I just think that, if Verlax has spent countless centuries setting up a horrible trap in the heart of Rohbredden... then what's to say that it isn't being made for her?"

Fluttershy and Rarity exchanged glances.

"A tragedy is a tragedy, no matter who suffers the most from it, Twilight," Rainbow Dash said. "The only thing I know with certainty is that..." She gulped hard. "...getting to Bleak's Plummet and beyond is not going to be easy." Her eyes twitched. "Only difference now is that I realize... none of it is really my fault... at least not yet."

Twilight bit her lip.

There was a wooden creak of a doorframe below, followed by heavy, heavy hoofsteps. Rainbow and her friends stared down from their lofty position.

Remna marched away from the meditation chamber. With a neutral expression, she briskly passed brazier after brazier.

"Hey!" Pinkie hissed, pointing to the left. "Look!"

Rainbow followed her gesture. She and the girls spotted Wildcard shuffling in from a long corridor. Upon seeing his mentor, the griffon stood dead still, holding up a metal hoof.

Meanwhile, Remna...

...simply walked past him without saying a word.

Wildcard stood numbly in place. Slowly, in a teetering motion, he turned to gaze after her. His headcrest lowered, and soon the Desperado was lowering his metal hoof, staring at the distant bounty hunter with solemn confusion. Adjusting his goggles, Wildcard exhaled, then resumed his walk to the meditation chamber to speak with the Mountain Matron.

"Now what was that all about?" Rarity murmured.

"She... didn't even look at him," Twilight breathed.

Rainbow frowned. "What kind of a mentor is that?"

"A lousy one, I reckon," spoke a deep, male voice.

"...!" Rainbow jumped in her skin. She spun about, her pendant glinting in the sunlight.

Bard leaned against a side of the ramparts, glaring down at the last position where Remna had been spotted. "A selfish soul with no sense of common courtesy. Ain't got the time to check up on Dubya or so much as write the fella." The stallion grunted, tilting the brow of his hat forward. "Builds him up from ashes and feathers to be a killin' machine, but dun teach him a single smidgen about savin' lives... just takin' 'em."

Rainbow cleared her throat. "I take it you're not a big fan of Remna."

"Hrmmmfff... is piss wet?" Bard huffed, trotting lazily across the ramparts with his guitar case in tow. "Well, maybe not so much around her. One of these she's gonna catch on fire and I'll be the last stallion to put her out."

"Wow..." Fluttershy blinked. "...I didn't realize this 'Bard' character was so capable of hate."

"He's hated Rainbow Dash before! That counts, right?" Pinkie said. Upon receiving several glaring faces, she rolled her eyes and sighed. "Right. Zipping up, Pinkie."

"Ahem..." Rainbow trotted after Bard. "Just what's so horrible about her? I mean... aside from being horrible, I guess."

"She ain't got no heart, is what."

"Didn't she save Wildcard?"

"Pffft. Barely. Ain't much of a lease on life if yer immediately turned into a weapon." Bard nodded into the mountain air. "Yer better off thankin' Flynn and Big Show for shapin' Dubya into somethin' closely resemblin' a sane citizen of Rohbreden."

"And Bard as well, I would imagine," Twilight said.

"What about you, scruffy?" Rainbow translated with a smirk.

"Hmmmfff..." Bard cracked his neck muscles and trotted on. The furthest edge of his muzzle curved slightly. "Guess you could say I'm the anchor that reins the badflank griffon in."

"From one anchor to another, I'll totally buy that," Rainbow said with a wink.

"You dun know the half of it," Bard grunted. "When I first butted heads with Dubya-Cee, he was a regular destroyer of worlds. Icy to the touch... especially the sharpest parts."

Rainbow squinted. "The two of you fought when you first met?"

"In my defense, I landed a few good hits in." Bard coughed. "But... yeah... he took me to the woodshed."

"What stopped the handsome fellow from gutting Bard like a fish?" Rarity asked.

"Rares..." Rainbow growled aside.

Bard twirled to face her. "Just what are yer fillyfriends askin', darlin'?"

Rainbow cleared her throat. "How come you... y'know... survived...?"

"Dubya saw somethin' in me that he had never met in an opponent since Remna salvaged him."

"And what was that?"


Rainbow blinked.

Bard turned around, staring into the mountains beyond the sanctuary. "He and I had a lot in common. He could see it in my eyes; all the tears were gone. Must have seemed like a reflection, really. Somethin' horrible had wrung the mirth clean out of both of us, and he stood to gain nothin' by extinguishin' my rotten life." Bard cleared his throat. "So... he gave his purpose in this world some mighty deep reevaluatin', then decided to stop clingin' to Remna's fat fetlocks."

"How did Remna react?"

"Who cares?" Bard grumbled. "She went off to her own corner of the world to die... only she didn't. And Dubya and I? We combined our two rotten halves and made a somewhat useful whole. I picked up the guitar again for the first time in years, and the chatty griffon found a way to be badflank and classy. A difficult combination to manage. Believe me. I've tried."

"Is that when you and the other members of the Herald formed the Job Squad?"

"Round about, yeah."

"So... like... why didn't you join up with the Sacred Seven?" Rainbow arched an eyebrow. "Not a fan of Remna being on the team?"

Bard was dead silent.

Rainbow blinked, waiting for a response.

Eventually, Bard muttered: "I understand that you've got a lotta questions on account of all this 'Austraeoh' nonsense." He turned to squint at her. "But I ain't no Kepler."

"Yeah...?" Rainbow squinted back. "That much is certain. Would be pretty hard to sing with sabre teeth in the way."

"Hrmmmfff..." Bard turned away. "So yer a joker now?"

"I'm a mare that you can trust," Rainbow muttered. She gulped. "Or at least... I was once."

Bard said nothing.

"Bard, whatever it may be that you regret in life... please know that I've been there. I really have. You and Wildcard aren't the only souls to have stuff like that in common."

"Yeah, well..." Bard sighed, resting a hoof on the edge of the ramparts. "...some of us never leave regret behind, now do we?"

Rainbow's lips pursed.

But before she could respond to that...

...the sound of shouts and a deep bass growling fluttered past their ears.

"Uhhhhh..." Pinkie shifted uncomfortably.

Bard's muzzle scrunched as he faced east. "The Hell...?"

"You hear it to?"

"I'd be damned if the whole continent didn't hear it," the stallion grunted.

The two ponies leaned against the east edge of the sanctuary. They peered past the ravine, eyeing a snowy plateau where several hairy figures surrounded a large dark shape leering about.

"What's up with those wyvern fellas?" Bard remarked.

"You asking me?" Rainbow blanched. "I'm totally new to this place."

"Girl, I ain't ever vacationed here myself. I only know about as much as Dubya and the other Jobbers are willin' to tell me."

"Guess there's only one way to find out what's up."

Bard gave her a look. "Is yer damned wing healed yet?"

Rainbow merely glared at him.

"Hrmmff... whatever." Bard spread his wings out and offered a spot on his backside. "Just dun poke me with yer pendant."

"Wow..." Rainbow climbed onto his shoulders. "...if I had a golden bit for every time I heard—"

"Hush, you." Fwoooosh!

Flynn and Logan stood on the western edges of the snowy plateau, facing east. Big Show leaned against his axe while Flynn constantly zoomed his mechanical eye in and out. Both stallions' jaws hung low as they gawked and gawked.

"Alright... I give in, Flynnster," Logan grunted. "What in shit's name are they doin' to the big lug?"

"What do I look like, an anthropologist?" Flynn adjusted the steam pack on his flanks. "My expertise is engineering... not zookeeping."

"Careful with the 'z' word," Logan belched. "These friends of ours are practically cousins to the thing... I mean... aren't they?"

The air thundered with a loud hiss. Within milliseconds, a bruised wyvern flew past them, crash-landing through a snowbank. The other monks hollered and shouted at one another as the bass growls intensified.

"Not for long, they aren't," Flynn stammered. "Should... should we intervene?"

"Nah. I think these motherbuckers got it." Logan turned to Flynn. "It's almost noon! You hungry?"

"Big Show..." Flynn face-hoofed with a sigh. "...I swear to Goddess..."

Fwoooosh! Bard landed with Rainbow Dash clinging to him. The two stood up, gaping at the scene.

"What in tarnation, guys?!" Bard wheezed.

"Seriously, Bard," Big Show droned. "Isn't it a tad bit early for the 'tarnations?' Save it for the journey eastward, ya one hit wonder."

"For real, y'all." Bard pointed at the scene. "I thought these folks were the peaceful kind. Why are they gangin' up on that big one?"

"Look harder, Bard," Flynn said. "You'll notice a great deal of anatomical differences."

"Rainbow, are you seeing this?" Twilight stammered.

"I am..." Rainbow Dash stepped forward, squinting. Her hooves crunched to a stop in the snow as she breathed misty vapors outward. "And I don't get it." She looked over her shoulder. "Fluttershy?"

"Oh my goodness... oh my goodness..." Fluttershy hovered in a nervous shoulder. "He's so distressed! The poor thing!"

"He looks positively ravenous to me!" Rarity exclaimed. "He must be attacking the sanctuary!"

"This far out, though?" Pinkie remarked.

Before Rainbow and her friends, a lumbering manticore stood in the center of no less than two-dozen wyverns. The hunched-and-hairy creatures closed in, wielding staves and poleaxes. With ceremonial grunts and hisses, they forced the manticore to stay put. The beast was not pleased about it—not one bit—and he swung razor-sharp claws at the gang, stabbing with his massive stinger, all the while growling and hissing up a storm.

The wyverns kept their distance, nevertheless putting the pressure on the beast, attempting to shove it back east towards the snowy wilderness beyond.


"Back! Back!"

"Not herre and not now, Big Brrotherr!"

"Back to the whites wherre you belong, Big Brrotherr!"

Rainbow squinted. "'Big Brother?'"

"Why do they keep callin' him that?" Bard remarked.

Swooooooosh! Kepler suddenly landed from a smoothe glide. "Because beneath his abrrasive exterriorr, he is simply a biggerr and morre confused verrsion of us!"

"You kidding?" Rainbow waved a hoof. "He's a manticore!"

"An astute obserrvation, Austrraeoh." Kepler shuffled forward, adjusting his spectacles. "Morre accurrately, he is ourr manticorre... and ourr rresponsibility by blood to deliverr back into the wilderrness!"

"You mean... you don't aim to hurt 'em?" Bard asked.

"Hah! Gods, no!" Kepler nevertheless cleared his throat, approaching the thick of the circling gang. "Howeverr, in his furry and confusion, a Big Brrotherr will not hesitate to hurrt us. Leave this to the Wyverrns. We shall escorrt him verrily frrom Sanctuarry."

Swooosh! Ariel flew in, hovering breathlessly above the scene. "Rainbow Dash! There you are! When I saw you missing, I was worried that—" She suddenly blinked at the wyverns encircling the large, hairy beast. "Holy shit. What the Hell's going on here?"

"The wyverns regularly deal with their next of kin, apparently," Flynn said. "It would appear that they have things under control."

"Right. Nothing to see." Logan smirked. "You can head back to your safe bedroom, Rainbow Dash."

Rainbow retorted, "Not all of us are a lazy bag of bones, Josho—I mean Big Show... dang it." Rainbow's eyes crossed and she face-hoofed. "Already? Eugh... might as well start keeping count, Pinkie."

"Okie Dokie Lokie!" Pinkie grinned proudly. A beat, and she blinked. "Wait... keep count of what?"

"Back!" Wyvern hollered, waving a claw at the growling manticore. "The glorrious wilderrness waits forr your mighty rreturn, Big Brrother!"

"Grreat hunts, Big Brrotherr!" chanted the other wyverns.

"Singing starrs and whistling winds!"

"The valleys of Rrohbrredden arre your kingdom! Leave the sanctuary to smaller siblings!"

Those few monks with feathered earrings signaled to one another and kept the pressure on.

"I see..." Fluttershy breathed easier, managing a smile. "They... they really aren't going to hurt the precious thing."

"Must you always call the most disagreeable of beasts 'precious,' darling?" Rarity squeaked.

"He's just grumpy and confused, Rarity. Nothing more." Fluttershy pointed. "Seems as though the wyverns here understand that. It's... comforting."

"Amazing," Twilight Sparkle cooed, her eyes glued to the scene.

"Mrmmfff..." Rainbow muttered aside. "If you say so, egghead. After all, life's not so surprising after you've personally watched a Durandanan milk a flying manta ray."

"No, I mean... if what Kepler's explained to us is correct... then not a single one of these creatures before us is an actual native to this plane." Twilight looked aside at Rainbow. "Nor the griffons nor the windigoes..."

"Yeah... so?"

"Just... this ceremony of theirs is so ancient... so pristine... and yet Urohringr is still incalculably older than all of it! How... incredible is it that so many unique cultures came to rest in the places where we now find them?"

"Hmmmm..." Rainbow Dash exhaled through her nostrils. "I guess you've got a point. There is a certain degree of... awesomeness to it."

"If your journey does what's expected of Austraeoh, then... just think about it, Rainbow," Twilight spoke breathily. "You're not only giving every civilization on this plane a new lease on existence... but you're reuniting all of us with our long lost neighbors of the past... and future." She smiled wide. "These wyverns... manticores... griffons... everyone—they'll actually have a chance to return home again."

"With all due respect, Twilight," Rarity said. "They are already home."

Twilight nodded thoughtfully. "I suppose you've got a valid point there."

"It's okay, Twi." Pinkie winked. "We're just as excited as you are."

"Let's wait until after we've freed Applejack before deciding when it's safe to be 'excited,'" Rainbow Dash muttered.

"Awwwwwww..." Pinkie pouted. "...since when were you such a party pooper, Dashie?"

Rainbow merely clenched her jaw.

Meanwhile, the manticore growled louder and louder.

"Yeesh..." Logan frowned. "Sure is taking them a friggin' long time to drive off their dirty uncle."

"Maybe..." Ariel shrugged. "...we should help them out a bit?"

"You heard that Kepler fella," Bard said. "They've got this in the bag."

"Yes..." Flynn stroked his chin in thought. "...perhaps." Nevertheless, he cleared his throat and spoke loudly: "Are you certain you have a handle on this, Kepler?"

"Aye! Frret not, pony frriends!" Just as he said that, Kepler had to lean back from a swiped set of claws. The air filled with gasps as he adjusted his bifocals. "Zounds! Big Brrotherr is parrticularrly stubborrn today! I think this calls forr some bitterr salts." Swiftly, he unsheathed a tall glass container from his bandolier and popped the cap loose. "Ho! Back, Big Brrotherr!" He waved the vaporous concoction before the ravenous beast. "The sanctuarry is a smelly place! Hah! Trrust me! You will prreferr the wilderrness—"

With a loud snarl, the manticore spontaneously bounded forward, headbutting Kepler in the chest.


"Oh no!" Fluttershy yelped.

"Ooomf!" Kepler slid back several feet.

The other wyverns dove in with their staves.

Enraged, the manticore swung its tail around in a high arc, knocking the monks collectively back. Bodies flew, falling to the snowy field with sporadic grunts.

"Grrrnnngh!" Kepler sat up, squinting in the absence of his bifocals. "What brrassh misforrtune!" He fumbled for his lenses. "Would a dearr brrotherr kindly assist me in gaining my eyes back?"

The manticore howled, then dragged its paw across the snow.

"Rainbow, look!" Rarity pointed. "You remember what that means?"

Pinkie squealed, her back bristling against her control. "It's chargiii-iii-iiing!"

"Oh no!" Twilight gasped. "Kepler!"

Th-Th-Th-Thud! The manticore bounded through the snow, making a murderous beeline for the collapsed and blinded Heraldite.

"Rainbow!" Fluttershy shrieked. "There's only one thing that can calm a wild beast—"

Fwooosh! Rainbow galloped straight towards the scene.

Bard gasped. "Rainbow! What are you—"

"Somepony stop her!" Ariel yelped.

It was too late. Rainbow met the manticore head on. She planted her rear hooves between it and Kepler, then reared up with a hoof outstretched. She took a deep, deep breath and...

...hummed a slow-tempo chorus.

More confused than anything, the manticore lurched to a stop. Its muscular girth stopped just inches from Rainbow's muzzle.

Powdery snow littered Rainbow's body. Nevertheless, she stood her ground, holding a hoof out towards the manticore and continuing to hum loudly. Her voice cracked between each raspy breath as she struggled to maintain a melody.

At last, Kepler found his spectacles. He took one look at the event unfolding before him and fell back with a frightful gasp. "Grreat galloping grrapefrruits!"

The manticore's bloodshot eyes darted towards the wyvern. It hissed, lurching forward.

"For Angels' sake, Kepler!" Flynn hollered. "Don't move!"

"Aye, brrotherr's!" Kepler waved at the other monks to hold their ground. "Stay back!"

"Shhhh!" Ariel insisted.

Once Kepler was silent, Rainbow's humming dominated the air once again.

The manticore growled, snorted, and pivoted its angry maw towards her yet again.

The wyverns all looked at one another, holding their staves in trembling claws.

Vapors poured out of Rainbow's mouth and nostrils as she hummed and hummed. Her eyes twitched as she stared at the gaping maw of the monster in front of her.

"That... that tune..." Rarity murmured.

Pinkie blinked. "Is Dashie humming what I think she's humming?"

"Probably the first thing she thought of," Twilight said. Clearing her throat, she hovered closer to their anchor, muttering: "Just like that, Rainbow. Keep humming. You're starting to calm him down."

Rainbow did her best to keep from trembling. She locked eyes with the beast, knowing that one tiny falter would invite instant impalement or decapitation, courtesy of the manticore's fangs. Despite her versatile lungs, her voice was starting to spread thin.

Suddenly, guitar cords lit the air.

The manticore snorted, his bat-like ears perking up even higher.

Rainbow's eyes glanced aside.

Bard calmly strolled in, his gaze similarly locked on the beast. He cradled his guitar and plucked away, matching the tune of Rainbow's humming with his feathertips.

"Reckon you've got some lyrics to go with that tune of yers, Rainbow?"

"I... I forgot 'em," Rainbow whispered.

"Well, now might be a dayum good time to unforget 'em," Bard insisted. "If not you, then one of them invisible other-you's."

Rainbow gulped. She glanced aside. "Fluttershy?"

"Just repeat after me, Rainbow."

Rainbow nod-nod-nodded.

Clearing her throat, Fluttershy filled the air with honey'd words: "'Hush now, quiet now. It's time to lay your sleepy head...'"

Rainbow opened her muzzle wide and did her raspy best to follow Fluttershy's harmonic example: "Hush now, quiet n-now, it's time to lay your sl-sleepy head."

Pinkie and Rarity clung to one another. They and Twilight watched intently as Fluttershy and Rainbow sang to the beast.

"Hush now, quiet now. It's time to go to b-bed..."

The manticore blinked rapidly. Slowly, it lowered its paws, leaning back in the snow with a curious swish of its tail.

"I think it's workin'," Bard whispered.

Rainbow slowly lowered her hoof, singing more calmly: "Drifting off to sleep. Exciting day behind you. Drifting off to sleep. Let the joy of dream land find you."

Tired eyes hung low on the manticore's face. It teetered slightly, its fangs disappearing into its relaxed maw.

"Huh..." Kepler grinned wide as he watched from behind Rainbow and Bard. "...how delightfully currious..."

Then, from behind the group: "Austraeoh!"

The manticore jolted.

Loud hoofsteps broke the scene, forcing Flynn and Logan to twirl about, gawking.

"Awwwwwww snap," Flynn muttered.

Bard did his best to strum the guitar peacefully, all the while turning his head around to glare. "The Hell...?"

Remna galloped up, breathless and furious. "What's the meaning of this?! Why is Rainbow out here?"

"How'd you get all the way up here—?" Ariel murmured.

"Answer me!" Remna snarled.

"A completely innocent coincidence," Kepler said, waving a claw. "I assurre you."

"Yeah..." Bard growled out the edge of his muzzle. "And you ain't helpin', neither—"

"And you are putting the Austraeoh in unnecessary danger!" Remna marched up, frowning. "Rainbow Dash... step away from the manticore this instant."

"Yo..." Rainbow managed an unmelodious whisper or two. "...I've got this. I'm helping these bro's out—"

A deep, rising growl issued from the manticore's throat.

"Your only business is in helping Urohringr out!" Remna clasped Rainbow's shoulder. "Yaerfaerda's waiting. Do you wish to perish in between here and your destination?"

"Remna, there's a time and a place for bossin' around..." Bard's notes grew more and more discordant.

The manticore's growl had evolved into a full-on hiss. It raised its paw once again.

"Watch it!" Ariel pointed.

"Whoah, therre, Brrotherr!" Kepler stretched his claw out.

"This is a waste of time." Remna reached to her satchel and pulled out a crossbolt. "If you must eliminate the threat... then eliminate it." She notched a bolt.

"Whoah damn—!" Logan blurted.

"Are ya plum crazy?!" Bard sneered.

"Yo, back off!" Rainbow grumbled, sweating profusely. "We can handle the manticore."

"You'll handle nothing once it's dead." Remna aimed. "Now step aside."

The wyverns gasped.

"No!" Kepler winced. "Rremna, I implorre you—"

It was too late. She fired the shot straight at the manticore's throat. Thwffft!

Fluttershy covered her eyes.

Swissssssh—Clank! A metal talon caught the projectile in mid-air.

Remna blinked, lowering her crossbolt.

"... ... ..." Wildcard hovered in place, glaring at her. Crack! He snapped the bolt in two with a fist. Then—without removing his gaze—he reached into his bandolier and pulled out his harmonica. Finally, his goggles pivoted in Bard's direction.

Taking a deep breath, Bard smirked and resumed his guitar strumming.

Bard joined in, adding a harmonic backdrop.

Pinkie Pie swiftly tapped Fluttershy's shoulders. Trembling, the mare looked up, blinked, then resumed quoting the lyrics.

Soon enough, Rainbow Dash was singing once again, with Bard and Wildcard providing instrumentals.

"Hush now. Quiet now. It's time to lay your sleepy head. Hush now. Quiet now. It's time to go to bed."

The manticore lowered is claws. Once more, it breathed calmly, teetering slightly.

Kepler smiled. He whistled to his brethren.

Flynn, Ariel, and Big Show watched in awe as the wyverns all gathered around the beast, waving their staves and polearms closer and closer. The beast provided no resistance this time. Ushered off by a gentle chorus, the manticore turned tail and lurched off for the snowy plains east of the plateau.

"Drifting off to sleep. Exciting day behind you. Drifting off to sleep. Let the joy of dream land find you..."

Once the manticore was a significant distance away, the wyverns all raised their staves and collectively whooped, hollered, and whistled.

"So long, Big Brrotherr!"

"God speed to you, Big Brrotherr!"

"May you hunt and feast well!"

The monks with feathered earrings bowed to their knees and gestured delicately towards the horizon.

One by one, the sanctuary monks took off, gliding back west to mind the ramparts of their mountain palace.

Rainbow and Bard slumped to the snow, catching their breaths. Wildcard pocketed away his harmonica. He patted each pegasus on the shoulder, then strolled through the collective Job Squad.

... ... ...he passed by Remna icily... without stopping to make a single gesture.

"... ... ..." The violet bounty hunter stood dead still, her crossbow hanging by her side. At last, the mare cleared her deep throat, then tilted her head up. "Well..." Hard green eyes narrowed. "It's a good thing I taught him masterful dexterity."


"Of course you know you're full of shit, right?" Logan droned.

Ariel and Flynn snorted, trying not to chuckle.

Remna frowned. At last, she huffed, eyes rolling as she trudged off through the thick snow.

Ariel was hovering above Rainbow Dash in a blink. "So... uh..." She winked. "...who knew you were such a crooner, huh?"

Rainbow coughed, then gripped her throat as she rasped: "Been a long time since I had a proper shower for it..."

"Mmmmm... we oughta fix that, huh?" Fwooosh! Ariel was gone in a black streak. In her place, Kepler stepped up.

"Well, rrainbow one..." He adjusted his spectacles with a smile. "...now morre than everr, I do believe you have prroven to us that the Austrraeoh is rready forr the jourrney."

"Dude, I was born ready." Rainbow smirked. "But... like... gimme a few hours of shuteye so I can be born again later." And she slumped onto the snowy ground with a grunt.

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