• Published 13th Oct 2015
  • 10,097 Views, 18,189 Comments

Utaan - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash endures many trials to reach the edge of the world.

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The Sun's Got Our Backs

"I'm afraid my sister Luna cannot speak to you at the moment, Rainbow Dash," Princess Celestia's voice echoed in the starry heavens. "I appreciate your desire to communicate, but you really must be continuing eastward with your friends."

"But what's got her so conked out, Your Highness?" Rainbow Dash asked with a nervous shiver. She wrung her fetlocks together from where she hovered high above the Princess Stardust. "She was fine just... a day ago?" Her muzzle scrunched. "How much time has passed?"

"I'm guessing twenty-four hours," Twilight droned.

Fluttershy looked at her. "How can you tell?" She pointed a ghostly hoof skyward. "There isn't a sun to rise or set in this part of the world."

Twilight replied with a deadpan gaze. "I watch the length at which Rainbow's mane is growing."

Fluttershy's eyes widened. "Wow... really?"

"No." Twilight's muzzle scrunched. "Who do you think I am? Pinkie Pie?"

Before Fluttershy could respond—

"It's been eightteen hours!" Pinkie Pie chimed.

Princess Celestia's voice echoed: "It's just been shy of a single day, Rainbow Dash."

"Woohoo!" Pinkie pumped a hoof. "Nailed it!"

"It would appear as though Princess Luna exhausted herself with the spell that she was channeling into your Element via her moonbeams," Celestia explained. "It taxed her a great deal more than she expected. She had to stop and rest in order to properly raise the sun for the coming morning."

"I see..." Rainbow Dash gulped. "And... like... I totally understand that n'stuff... but do you have any idea when she'll be up and at 'em?"

"No, Rainbow Dash. I do not."

"But... like..." Rainbow chewed on her bottom lip. "She's gotta come back around eventually!" She gestured at the distant flicker of Yaerfaerda. "After all, this is bat country!"

All of Rainbow's friends looked pointedly at Pinkie Pie.

Pinkie Pie blinked back. "What?" She shrugged. "I've got nothing!"

Rainbow continued: "I need her to... y'know... do her special cosmic whinny stuff so that Echo and Nicole can talk some sense into the sarosians!" She gulped. "I wanna take off as much as the Herald right now, but if Luna's magic-snoozing away, then where does that leave us? We've only got two days left of the moon juice, after all!"

"Shhhhh... please, Rainbow Dash. You must relax."

"Yeah, Rainbow Dash." Twilight nodded. "Don't be so nervous."

"My my..." Rarity fanned herself with a smirk. "When Twilight is telling Rainbow Dash to relax, then things must be dire!"

"Luna's not about to abandon us in our time of need," Twilight said with a smile. "And neither is Celestia."

"You've got friends from all sides, Rainbow." Fluttershy bore a warm smile. "It's going to be okay."

Rainbow glanced at them, then looked back at the heavens. "I've just... w-worked so hard... and flown so hard to get to this spot, y'know." A shuddering sign. "I really don't wanna blow it."

"Nopony is more aware of this more than my sister and I, Rainbow Dash. Fear not. Luna will be present and cognizant for your inevitable encounter with the sarosians. I will make sure of it." The shimmering light shifted. "Remember that much of this rests upon the magical connection that Luna spent the past several hours harnessing between herself and your pendant. Without such a buffered enchantment, it would be next to impossible for the Princess of the Night to wield the influence that is most sorely needed at this juncture."

"But... but..."

"Just relax, darlin'," Applejack said, snapping Rainbow out of it. She gazed at their anchor with a calm smile. "Everypony in Equestria has got yer back. So no more fussin'."

Rainbow Dash sighed. "Just... I-I guess I'm a little bit nervous about casting off into the great unknown like this again."

"I'm sure the members of the Herald have more than enough resources." Rarity nevertheless cleared her throat. "As terribly drab as they may be..."

"It's not that." Rainbow's ears drooped. "Just... the last time I had a vessel of my own..." She bit her lip. "...it wasn't always smooth sailing."

Her friends glanced at one another.

"You've triumphed over many an adversity before, Rainbow Dash," Twilight Sparkle said. "All in no small part because of the friends who traveled with you on such a ship... and who believed in you." She winked. "Who says that all of history's repetition has to be entirely dismal?"

"Verlax does!" Pinkie Pie said. A lavender hoof swatted her upside the head. She blinked. "Never mind!"

"Rnnngh..." Rainbow face-hoofed. "...Goddess help me if I even make it to the Sixth Seed..."

Before any of her friends could reply—

"Uhm... Rainbow Dash?"

Rainbow turned around.

Ariel hovered demurely. "We're... uh... ready to go if you are."

Rainbow squinted. "How long have you been fluttering there?"

"About a minute and a half," Fluttershy said.

Rainbow rolled her eyes, then smiled tiredly. "If the Herald's ready, then I'm ready."

"But are you, though?" Ariel cocked her head to the side. "Are you really?"

Rainbow blinked at that.

"I mean... it's just that..." Ariel glanced at the empty pockets of air around Rainbow Dash. "I don't know if... if your friends needed more time to cope. Especially Applejack." Ariel fought a lump in her throat. "Poor mare sounds like she's been through a lot. If... if she needs more time to compose herself before the big push east, then I'm sure I could go back down and stall time for you."

Rainbow Dash turned to look at Applejack.

The mare tilted her hat back and exhaled. "She's a mighty nice gal-pal you've got there, Rainbow Dash." Her freckles made room for a soft smile. "But tell her she ain't got nothin' to fret over. I'm ready as ever to skedaddle."

"Are... you sure about that, AJ?" Rainbow asked.

"Eeyup. Believe me..." The lines in Applejack's muzzle hardened noticeably. "Ain't nopony in this world that wants to get real and buck apple again more than this filly."

Rarity gulped. "Please believe her, Rainbow, darling. I shudder to think that the heavens could afford her glare any longer otherwise..."

Rainbow nodded. "Well, okay then." She lifted her voice. "Your Highness? We're heading out!"

"Very well then," Celestia said. "I shall keep a close ear to the proceedings."

"Uhm... Miss Princess?" Ariel waved a hoof towards the heavens. "Your Highness of Equestria?"

Rainbow blinked at her. "Ariel, what are you—"

"How may I help you, child?" Celestia's voice asked.

"Uhm... so sorry to bug you..." Ariel's cheeks reddened as she smiled nervously. "But... if it's not too much trouble to ask? There's something you could do for us—the Herald, I mean." She gulped hard. "Something that Mortuana—the Madame Matron—was planning to do if she got this far..."

"Very well then," Celestia said. "Name it."

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