• Published 13th Oct 2015
  • 10,097 Views, 18,189 Comments

Utaan - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash endures many trials to reach the edge of the world.

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All That Glimmers Is Gold

"Rainbow Dash?" Princess Luna's voice calmly entreated.

Rainbow stood at the bow of the Stardust. Muzzle agape, she slowly peered around and around. The bodies of her friends glowed faintly with fuzzy gold auras. Behind them—to the east—the same light rippled through the waters, bright and intense. Rainbow calmly weathered the turbulence of the waves while her ghostly friends looked on in concern. Even they had a faint glow to them, and the gold trailed after their spectral figures as they floated around their anchor.

"Rainbow Dash," Princess Luna repeated. "Perhaps now you might be able to explain to us precisely what it is that you are experiencing?"

"Yeah, Rainbow," Ariel said, nodding from where she hovered above Logan, Wildcard, and Bard. "What's going on in that head of yours?"

"I... I'm not sure..." She gulped, looking at Twilight, Applejack, and the rest of her friends. "Everypony's... leaving a faint gold trail..."

"Gold?" Bard remarked.

Rainbow nodded. "You. My friends. Even the sarosians." She glanced west at where Enix and the others led the procession by air. "I... I think I even sense the fish in the sea." She turned to face Remna. Her eyes relaxed... and soon she realized how dim the air around the violet mare was. "You... on the other hoof... have almost no aura about you."

Remna merely nodded. "Perhaps I should take that as a compliment."

"Did anything in your most recent vision explain what this extra-sensory-perception might mean?"

Rainbow clenched her jaw. "I'm afraid not, Your Highness. Only..." She gazed east. "I can see the path to the edge."

"The edge crosses a lot of distance, Rainbow Dash," Princess Celestia's voice said.

"Yeah, but, I see the path that I'm supposed to take."

"How do you mean?"

"I..." Rainbow grimaced, gazing east at the particular narrow beam. "I'm not sure... but I just know that it's the past we should be following."

"Perrhaps it is a surrrogate forr Yaerrfaerrda," Kepler said from behind.

Rainbow glanced up at the wyvern at the rudder wheel. "Huh?"

"Forr the past few Seeds, Yaerrfaerrda has dirrected you to the entrrance to the machine worrld, yes?" Kepler adjusted his glasses. "Maybe this is the next phase forr the Austrraeoh. Much like yourr invisible companions arre capable of sensing things, you have now been exposed to yourr sensorry perrception..."

"Oh my..." Fluttershy looked at Rainbow. "Wouldn't that be amazing?"

"Yes, but you guys' senses are obvious," Rainbow said. "Well... except for maybe Pinkie's."

"Yaaaay! I'm unique!"

"Perhaps... what you're witnessing is harmonic sensitivity," Twilight Sparkle said.

"I beg yer pardon?" Applejack remarked.

"Think about it." Twilight gestured. "She says she's been seeing a faint 'aura' about us and her companions. We are all vessels of harmony, in a way... so long as we're living things."

"And the path to the edge of the world?" Rarity remarked.

"It could be energy within Urohringr reaching out to Austraeoh," Twilight said. "Whatever happened inside the Sixth Seed, I think it's opened up a channel of communication between Rainbow Dash and the machine world itself."

"So... the world is talking to Dashie?" Pinkie Pie remarked.

"That sounds..." Fluttershy gulped. "...unnecessarily creepy."

"I wonder what's up with Remna, then," Applejack said.

Rainbow Dash glanced at the draconian mare. "She ain't exactly a normal pony."

"Yes, but didn't she get that way 'cuz of alicorn powers?" Applejack said. "And that's harmonic, ain't it?"

"Maybe the essence of Axan... cancels it out somehow?" Twilight Sparkle remarked.

"Grnnngh..." Rainbow Dash rubbed her head. "This is nuts."

"Mmmm..." Remna trotted closer. "I've got an idea."

"Should I be scared?"

"You sense where the gold aura is the strongest?" Remna asked.

"Uhhhh... yeah? Due east of us."

"Trace an opposite path," Remna suggested. "Starting from the edge towards the west."

"But... like... what's the point of—?"

"Humor me, Austraeoh."

Rainbow Dash sighed. She squinted at the bright gold light to the east. Then, with trailing eyes, she stared down at the waves, through the hull of the Stardust, past the hooves of many of her friends, then past the bow and into the waters where they last left Bleak's Plummet.

"See anything of note?" Remna asked.

"Okays..." Pinkie Pie made a face. "Even she is being too random for my taste. Can someone yank the dragon malarkey alarm?"

"Pinkie, just relax," Fluttershy insisted, then floated close to their anchor. "Rainbow? Do you sense anything?"

"I... uh..." Rainbow Dash was frozen in place, squinting. "It's h-hard to say..."

"What?" Twilight blinked. "What is it?"

Rainbow's lips pursed. She was staring through the deck of the Stardust, towards the stern. Somewhere... far beyond the boat... far beyond the surf and the depths of the ocean beneath...

...she saw a faint, concentrated hub of gold light.

"Rainbow Dash?" Princess Luna's voice echoed. "I sense that something has captured your attention."

Rainbow nodded. "And how." She pointed a petite forelimb forward. "I... see something... something golden..." She gulped. "It's hard to explain."

"Maybe..." Ariel fidgeted in mid-hover. "Maybe it is Bleak's Plummet?"

"No way..." Rainbow Dash shook her head. "If I was sensing the bodies of the ponies in that place—knowing how many that are there—I'd be seeing a whole lot of gold. But this?" She gulped. "This is far... far away..."

"Like how far?" Bard blinked. "Like... are we talkin' the bottom of the ocean?"

"I... it... m-maybe...?" Rainbow stammered. "Or... perhaps it's something inside the machine world itself."

Remna droned: "How about on the other side of the plane?"

Rainbow threw Remna a glance.

Remna calmy stared back.


Rainbow's ears folded.

"No way..." She glanced back at the waves, wincing. "I... I'm seeing the Midnight Armory?"

"Considering the size and curvature of this plane..." Remna calmly gestured at the choppy waters. "...it would not be too wild a possibility."

"How remarrkable," Kepler hummed.

"Yeah..." Logan grunted. "I call bullshit."

"I do believe Axan may be onto something," Princess Celestia's voice said. "If whatever force that empowers Urohringr is requiring the Harmonic Prism to restore energy and purpose to this piece of the ring, then it would stand to reason that the beacons that are granting the Austraeoh these visions would then direct her towards the Midnight Armory—where the Prism is located."

Wildcard whistled.

"Whoah dayum," Bard remarked.

"If that's true..." Fluttershy blinked at Rainbow. "...it could be very useful on the Dark Side."

"It's not like you would have Yaerfaerda to guide you there, darling," Rarity said. "But if you had a 'beam' pointing you to the Midnight Armory..."

"Fluttershy and Rarity are right," Twilight said. "On the Dark Side of the Plain, there is no conventional 'east' or 'west'... at least not like we know it here."

"Ugh..." Rainbow Dash rubbed her head, grimacing. "We haven't even gone over the edge. I'm n-not sure my skull is ready for all this brain drilling..."

Enix let loose several shrieks. The Bleakweed vessels escorting the Stardust slowed to a stop.

Wildcard gestured to the others.

"Dun look now," Bard remarked. "But I think we've just arrived back at the Plummet."

Sure enough, the waters due west of the Stardust began bubbling as the massive structure resurfaced.

"Perhaps it is for the best," Luna's voice said. "There isn't much time left in our communication. Let us see if Xarchellus has deliberated with her council."

"Yeah..." Rainbow nodded with a gulp. "No better way to ease the stress of an apocalyptic voyage than by dealing with the entire fate of yet another civilization..."

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