• Published 13th Oct 2015
  • 10,097 Views, 18,189 Comments

Utaan - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash endures many trials to reach the edge of the world.

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Those Whom You Leave Behind

"Come on..." Flynn jittered and jittered. Jittered and jittered. "Come onnnnn..." His mechanical eye glinted in a gold aura as he hoofy-kicked into the deluge's rising mists. "Come on come on come on come on—"

Then... at last...

It arose.

A blindingly smooth crown of gold pierced the eternally-falling waters. When it surfaced, it was with a brilliant splash. Moisture flew in every direction, splattering the golden spokes, the Emeraldinian granite, and the billowing waves surrounding the platforms. Then—as the last of the cold curtains of moisture receded—the Gondola was revealed in all its shimmering glory. It resembled a translucent geodesic sphere, with each portion of the shell separated by vertices of golden spokes plated in between with immaculate, crystal-clear glass. The spotlessness of the transport device was haunting—despite its age—with the alicorn metal seeming to glow in fierce platinum defiance of the twilight that had enshrouded it on its lengthy approach to the world's precipice. From afar, the huddled Heraldites could spot a criss-crossing set of support beams—twelve in all—reinforcing the shell of the otherwise hollow sphere from the inside. The "vehicle" was braced by two extending "wings" on the outer hemispheres that served as the shafts through which the endless chains drew the thing towards the surface. The group was—however—incapable of making out a door... that is until the sphere moved itself quite magically towards the very edge of the platforms built expertly eons ago by Whitemane's forbearers. There was a whirring noise as the entrance fluctuated with a harmonic hue. Then—as the last layer of moisture was shaken off—a glass lid to the ancient elevator yawned open, accompanied with a timelessly playful melody:


"It's here!" Flynn shouted, already dragging his equipment and tool bags over his shoulder. "It's here! Everypony get in! Get in!"

Logan was waving at three figures flying towards them from the distant west. "All aboard! Come on! Come on! We gotta go!"

"My my..." Kepler perched on the platform. His tusked mouth hung open as his spectacled eyes dazzled at the sight of the magnificent structure in all its glory. "What a most rravishing geodesic polyhedrron!" He hummed beneath his furry chest as Flynn hopped first into the hollow of the vehicle ahead of him. "And just look at the spatial grandeurr! Surrely you could fit an entirre battalion of Emerraldinian soldierrs inside this—"

"Dammit!" Logan kicked Kepler in the tail. "Get your nerdy ass inside, four-eyes!"

"Ha—" Thunk! "—H-Haaa..."

Flynn whistled, standing on a plate of gold and staring up at the support beams and rippling windows surrounding them. Beyond the crystalline sheets of glass, the storm raged and galactic eddies swirled forever and ever. "Look at how wonderfully crafted this all is!" His mechanical eye focused on the nexus of criss-crossing support beams. A large rectangular block with square door panels rested in the center. "That must be where the settlers of Darkreach placed their building supplies." He turned—lenses circling—and looked at a curved stretch of tiny pony-sized seat restraints lining the entire inner equator of the vessel. "And those are the passenger seats."

"How currious," Kepler murmured against the dull roar of thunder beyond the ancient shell. "Why arre they built in a perrfect cirrcle?"

Flynn gulped. "Because gravity must fail at some point along the trip." He pointed. "Notice the harnesses."

"Ah!" Kepler nodded, adjusting his glasses. "But of courrse!"

"Now... where are the controls?"

Kepler tapped his furry chin, searching and searching and—"Ah!" He pointed a winged claw at a spot along the sphere just a few glass panels away from the open door. "A leverr! See?"

"Great! Perfect!" Flynn levitated his equipment towards the rectangular compartment in the middle. All the while, he shouted over his shoulder: "Big Show! I found the controls—!"

"Right! More power to ya, popcorn fart!" Logan faced away from the sphere's entrance, cupping his fetlocks around his muzzle and hollering: "Get your flanks over here already! Show's over! Time to drop!"

Fw-Fw-Fwooosh! All three stragglers arrived in one accord. Wildcard passed on through the entrance first. He was silent as stone, and his goggles reflected nothing.

Logan blinked at that. "Hey... h-hey, where's Bard?" Ariel approached, so Logan gestured dramatically at her. "Yo! Where the Hell is Bard?"

Ariel stumbled. Her muzzle scrunched. She looked up at Logan—and as soon as she made eye-contact, the tears redoubled. Sniffling, she rubbed her cheek and dove inside the Gondola.

Logan blinked. His expression of shock lasted scarcely a second, replaced entirely with a snarl as hot as a furnace. He swiped his axe up off the ground and made to gallop towards the western edge of the platform—

Rainbow Dash blocked his way. "Get inside."

"Buck you, I'm getting inside," Logan growled. "After what those bastards did—" He stomped a hoof. "Who was it?! Tell me! Did you even see—?!"

Rainbow Dash was in his face in a blink. "Either you go over the edge with us or I'm kicking your butt off on your lonesome."

Logan opened his muzzle to protest—

"Big Show. Logan." Flynn stuck his head out of the sphere's entrance. "The Austraeoh needs you. We all do."

Logan fumed and fumed and—


—he turned tail and thudded his way inside the Gondola.

Rainbow Dash took a step or two. Then...

She lingered.

Her gaze fell from the angry sight of Logan settling inside the sphere. She stared at the rain-slicked stone beneath her. Ancient granite. Built by nameless bodies from a nameless time.

And another nameless soul had just joined it.

She clenched her eyes shut as the first of several sobs fought their way out of her lungs—

"Rainbow Dash..." Soft. Loving.

Rainbow squinted one eye open.

It was Fluttershy. "Most of us are still alive. Thanks to you."

Rainbow sucked in her breath... but could barely squeak it back out.

"Where's the dragon lady?" Pinkie Pie's voice spontaneously chirped.

"... ... ...?" Rainbow spun around.

A body was trotting away from the swinging chalices.

"Axan?" Rainbow stammered. She frowned. "Dang it, Axan—let's go already!"

Remna marched calmly towards her, fussing with the right bangs of her mane. "A thousand pardons, Austraeoh. I was merely—"

"The time for buckin' sight-seeing is over!" Rainbow pointed at the sphere. "Now get into the sphere! Move! Everypony inside!"

"Hrmmm..." Remna squinted as she climbed in. "...we appear to be short on company—"

"Shut up," Rainbow grunted, pushing her along. "For once in your immortal life, Axan, girl, could you just friggin' can it?" She braced herself against the harmonic metal of the door's opening. A moment's hesitation. She looked back at the Light Side... at the storms and the tempest that both defined and contrasted it all at once. Then—a tight exhale. "Zoop." And she removed her hoof from the earth and dashed inside.

"Is that everyone?" Keris asked.

"Uhm... uh..." A bruised soldier in battered armor shifted among the wounded and dazed Frostknifers lined up all along the top deck of the Rohbreddenites' remaining vessel. "We've... gathered all we could find from... the wreck and the two engagements to the west—"

"Is it everyone who is left?" Keris insisted, pressing the guardian.

The subordinate gulped, pointing off the ship's port side as it slowly turned around to face west. "We th-think that there might still be stragglers in the lower clouds... from when the second salvo of Blighted magic hit us."

"Then send out two detachments," Keris ordered. "Search the waves and mists from top to bottom!" He raised his voice, gesturing to the exhausted crew of the ship as a whole. "I want every living survivor on board this vessel for the trip back to Frostknife! We'll need all the forces we can manage to help the Council fend off the windigoes back home!"

Windburst shuffled up, leaning on a bulkhead. "Commander. What of Rainbow Dash?"

"Hmmm? Yes?"

"Don't..." Windburst shifted a bit where he stood. "I mean... maybe we should... erm..." He cleared his throat. "...go check on her? Make sure she and the Herald depart safely—"

"Sergeant, we've done all we can for Rainbow Dash," Keris said. "Just as she's done all she can for us. Trust me." He pivoted about, squinting along the tempestuous western horizon. "We'd be failing her if we didn't put all our energy into... returning home and..." His magenta eyes narrowed quizzically. "...protecting our loved ones."

"Sir?" Windburst—for the first time in as long as he could remember—failed to spot something before his commanding officer. So he stepped up behind Keris to crane his neck and gaze over his shoulder.

That's when he finally saw it... saw them. Two haggard shapes flew towards the vessel from the west. Their path was zig-zagged. Sickly. Desperate.

"Commander, it's... I think it's—"

"Sergeant!" Keris was already taking off. He flew west to meet the two figures. His headcrest lifted in alarm. "Starstorm... Raptr..." He hovered to a stop, grimacing. "What in the Spring Havens...?"

"Grrkkk..." Starstorm coughed, gargling blood. Her face was badly lacerated, and she clutched a deep wound in her shoulder. The Sergeant had to lean against Raptr for support. "Commander... grnngh... I am... I am so sorry..."

"What happened?!" Keris insisted, his voice raising. "Come on! Out with it!"

"Only... only sp-spared us because... because..." Starstorm's eyelids grew heavy as she fought unconsciousness and blood-loss. "...once... once comrades..."

"Once comrades?!" Windburst stammered. "What do you mean?"

"Sergeant... Commander... we tried everything we could," Raptr said, holding Starstorm steady. "I mean—just short of throwing ourselves in the way. But... as you can see, by the time we tried..." He grimaced, looking all around in a feverish tremor. Tears formed in his eyes. "So fast. She... she was just s-so fast and... and Starstorm..." He choked. "Starstorm and I..."

Keris was no longer listening. His feathers paled. In a stupor, he slowly turned around... facing east.

Windburst gaped at him. "Commander—"

FWOOOOOOOSH! Keris streaked east in an imperceivable blur.

"Dammit..." Windburst clenched his beak. "Goddess dammitRaptr!" He soared after Keris. "Take wing—!"

"Go... grkkk..." Starstorm patted Raptr's shoulder as she was lowered briskly to the deck. "Without m-me..."

"Shit shit shit shit shit!" Raptr shot skyward, swiftly surpassing Windburst in a desperate chase after Keris.

Starstorm collapsed on the deck, surrounded by countless wounded and battered defenders of Rohbredden. As crew ponies rushed to her aid, she covered a talon over her bloodied beak... tears streaming...

"Okay!" Applejack hollered, gazing all around the sphere's interior. "That's everypony!"

"This structure's positively amazing!" Rarity found the strength to coo, her eyes glittering from the spherical exoskeleton surrounding them. "And it's remained pristine like a gold encrusted diamond for countless generations—!"

"Save it, Rarity," Twilight said in a curt tone. She turned towards their anchor. "Rainbow Dash! There must be some way to operate this thing!"

"You tell me, egghead!" Rainbow snapped, then faced the rest of the Herald. "Guys! Stomach's growling for an update right about now..."

"Still... strruggling..." Kepler wheezed, gripping the gold lever with both claws and attempting to pull it. "...to ascerrtain the functionality herre..."

"Well stop yanking on it!" Flynn's voice cracked. "We didn't summon this baby through the double-crust of the earth just to snap it in two!"

"Well, somepony figure out something!" Logan exclaimed, struggling to hop over the glass plates of the Gondola—setting hoof on only the gold spokes. To his misfortune, he momentarily stared straight down, spotting an endless "horizon" of rushing water and sporadic vortices stretching into blackening cosmos. "Wooooooooo Susan, I hope this place has a lavatory—"

Just then, Wildcard's talon shoved him in the chest. Logan gasped as he was pushed into a plush seat. He felt the last Desperado fastening the passenger restraints around him.

"Now hold up! Until we get this damn thing moving, I really don't think I should be—" Logan protested.

His words were cut short by a firm claw held directly in front of his nose. Logan watched—beady-eyed—as Wildcard coldly and authoritatively continued fastening him to his seat. The belts were tight, quadruply reinforced, and obviously designed to withstand a tempestuous ride from one plane to another. Within the space of a minute, Wildcard finished, then awkwardly hobbled over to do the same for Ariel.

The mare had already seated herself in her harness. When the griffon came to strap the belts around her, she didn't protest. Ariel kept her melancholic gaze plastered to Wildcard's forehead. Then—at one strategic moment—she leaned forward and kissed him softly through his feathers.

For the first time, Wildcard lingered in place. His goggles fell to the harmonic metal between them. If it weren't for his grip of Bard's staff, he would likely have collapsed completely—

"Rrrrrgh!" Kepler's growling tone echoed against the support beams overhead as the wyvern fussed and fussed with the lever. "Confound this beautifully convoluted machinerry!" He leaned back, adjusting his spectacles as he exhaled in a huff. "Mountain Matrron, give me strrength..."

"Rainbow Dash?" Applejack leaned in. "Can't you help them?"

"Hmmmm..." Twilight gazed at the lever mechanism. "It's not like somepony activated it from inside the Gondola to begin with..."

"You're right, Twilight," Rainbow said, nodding. "I did."

Remna finished fastening herself in a seat. She looked over and spoke firmly: "Why not let the Austraeoh touch it?"

Flynn and Kepler looked at one another. They then glanced at Rainbow Dash.

"Rrainbow One...?"

"It's worth a shot, Dash," Flynn added.

Holding her breath, Rainbow fluttered over... and placed her fetlock against the handle of the lever.

Vrmmmmmmmmmmmmm! Almost instantly, the mechanism hummed to life. A gold glow emanated from deep within the base of the lever.

"OooOooOooh!" Rarity cupped her squishy cheeks. "So delightful!" Her eyes darted to Rainbow's Loyalty pendant—which was also pulsating with a ruby aura. "Heehee! Even better!"

"Well, will you look at that?" Flynn beamed at Rainbow. "I knew we weren't escorting you for nothing, girl!"

"Rein it in, shiny," Rainbow droned. "Lest you forget where we're headed."

Flynn gulped. "Right." He spoke over his shoulder. "Strap in, Kepler. As close to the controls as possible."

"Rrainbow gets the closest seat, I trrust."

"Absolutely. Rainbow?"

"Just one second..." Rainbow licked her lips, grasping the handle. "Now that it's glowing... how exactly do I work this thing?"

"Look for the way the sheath is positioned, Rainbow," Twilight suggested.

"Therre!" Kepler—while fastening himself to his seat—pointed at an open space aimed towards the base of the sphere. "I trrust if you move it in that dirrection..."

Ch-Chtunnng! Rainbow threw the lever down towards the lower cosmos.


Vrmmmmm! The whole Gondola shook, wobbled... then began an eerily glacial descent.

"Yes!" Twilight Sparkle cheered. "Rainbow, you did it!"

"Whew-wee!" Applejack tilted her hat forward. "Dark Side or bust, y'all!"

"Hmmmmm..." Flynn managed a smile as he sat into his harness, pulling at the belts. "Has a nice smell to it."

"Brace yourselves, darlings," Rarity said, gazing down... down at the obsidian horizon drenched in water. "It's a long... long way to our destination."

"Guhhh-uhhh-uhhh-uhhhh!" Pinkie Pie clutched her skull, eyes wide. "My ear lobes are going crazy!"

"Take it easy, Pinkie." Rainbow spoke over the rattling of golden chains as the sphere began its descent. Water frothed around the lower window panes, drowning out the thunder beyond. "You heard Rarity. We're going to be chugging away like this for a longgggg—"

"It's n-not th-that!" Pinkie Vibrated all over. "Something else—"

"RAINBOW!!!" Fluttershy suddenly shrieked.

All ghostly eyes flew to her.

"Fluttershy?! What—"

"Close the door!" Fluttershy screamed. "Close the door!"

Twilight Sparkle gasped. "Rainbow Dash! The ocean water—!"

Fluttershy curled up into a yellow ball. "It's not the ocean water!"

"...?" Rainbow Dash let go of the lever. Her wings flapped until she hovered in the center of the Gondola, on level with the door. As the platforms... the waves... the entire world raised out of view, she caught sight of a pale figure... a comet of bloodstained feathers burning towards them—carried by a scream. "Close the door..."

"...?!" Wildcard jerked her a look.

Rainbow's eyes flashed at him. "Close the door! Close the friggin'—!"

"What?!" Ariel and Logan craned their necks. "What is it—?"

Wildcard reached the frame, and he saw it too. "!!!" Headcrest quivering, he yanked at the door with all his might.

Creaaaaak! Thud! The glass lid slammed shut. Within seconds—


A wave of crystalline shards flooded the compartment, propelled by a razor-clawed figure plowing through at full force...

...and contacting squarely with Rainbow Dash.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" Seraphimus tackled the petite pegasus, slamming her into the cross-section of support beams. She sneered, snapped metal cords dangling from her talons and legs. Eyes flaring, she stabbed her beak right into Rainbow's neck.

"Httt!" Rainbow somehow managed to grip Seraphimus' mouth in both fetlocks, stopping her by an inch.

But the former Talon Commander expected this, and with Rainbow's forelimbs free, she jabbed both sets of claws into the mare's ribcage. Sl-Sliiink!

"Aaaaaaaaaaugh—!" Rainbow began screaming, but she didn't finish.

"Hrrrrrrrrrgh—!" Charcoal eyes caught aflame as Seraphimus threw Rainbow like a dead weight across the inner space of the Gondola.

"Holy—!" Flynn spat.

"Sonuva—" Logan gnashed his teeth. Anchored in his seat, he flung a hoof out to catch Rainbow.

He missed, and Rainbow's body went sailing violently into the golden vehicle's controls. WHUD! "Ooomf!" she grunted, eyes tearing from the pain. Bruised and bleeding, she looked up—

—and straight into Seraphimus' dive-kick. "Aaaaaaaaaaaah!!!"

Seraphimus' weight collided with Rainbow's weight and—


—the golden lever shattered completely. The broken remains of its alicorn metal jerked to the maximum depth of its sheathe. VRMMMMMM! The Gondola jerked violently...

"No!" Kepler hollered, flailing in his restraint as the entire sphere plunged. "That's too fast! We're going to—"

His words trailed after him—as did everypony's screams. The golden chains loosened like spiderwebs in a wild breeze, and the Gondola dropped, plowing through water and lightning as it followed its arcane course over the edge of the world and beyond.

"Commander?!" Windburst hollered after Raptr and Keris. He grimaced from his wounds, fighting to keep up with the other two Talon members as they soared east over platforms, granite, and a forest of dangling chalices. "Commander!"

Keris said nothing. Did nothing. Until he reached the very edge.

At last—with limp wings—he glided to a slow stop, perched on the last piece of earth.

The deluge roared. Water barreled into starlight and cosmic storms. Chains rattled, rolling at an incalculable rate, until they too disappeared amidst the moisture and mist.

The Gondola was gone. The precipice was barren.

"We..." Windburst huddled over, wheezing for breath beside his commanding officer and the dumbstruck rookie. "...we are too late..." He gulped, standing up and squinting into the otherworldly miasma. "Rainbow...? Seraphimus...?"

Keris's headcrest drooped. There was a slight tremble to his talons.

Raptr grimaced. "It's... it's our fault..." He fell to his knees. "We had her... one moment and then the next..." A whimper. "It's our fault. If only we—"


Raptr looked up.

So did Windburst.

Keris exhaled into the heavens: "It's my fault. I... I failed Seraphimus. I failed Rainbow Dash." A cold breath. Thunder. "And now... I've failed the world."

Windburst blinked... then gazed into the swirling eddies once more.

"What... what do we do now...?" Raptr shrugged wildly. "I mean... hell... forget the windigoes! How long does everypony on this plane have left if Rainbow Dash doesn't... d-doesn't..." His words failed.

For Keris was staring at him. "You didn't see Rainbow Dash at Red Barge, Raptr," he said. He looked at Windburst. "It takes more than death incarnate to stop her."

"Death is one thing..." Windburst droned, shivering slightly. "But our former boss?"

Raptr sucked his breath in.

Keris gazed at the chaos beyond... the darkness and the noise and the piercing flickers of lightning. "We just gave the Dark Side the two most righteous souls to ever live on our plane. Have a little hope, my friends."

His wingmates said nothing.

So Keris did. He closed his magenta eyes to the madness and murmured under his breath. "Please, Jordan, brother. Help her... help them both..."

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