• Published 13th Oct 2015
  • 10,097 Views, 18,189 Comments

Utaan - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash endures many trials to reach the edge of the world.

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Once and Always the Claw

"Who do you think she was referring to?" Raptr asked.

Keris drifted closer to his wingmates in order to hear them above the whipping winds. His magenta hawkeyes remained locked on Chandler, his chariot, and the thick formation of Central Guardians ahead.

"Who, exactly, Sargeant?" the Commander inquired.

Raptr looked aside in mid-flight. "That farmer. The distraught mare who was cradling the elder." His eyes narrowed beneath his wind-pelted helmet. "She mentioned a 'Johnny.'" The rookie shook his head. "I don't remember any 'Johnny' being in Rainbow Dash's group."

"Perhaps it was a given name," Keris said. "Something that only the locals would call him." He took a breath. "I suspect Bard."

Starstorm glanced aside. "Jordan's travelling companion? Why him?"

"'Bard' never struck me as a real name," Keris remarked. "And I was keeping my eye on him while we were with Rainbow Dash in Starkiss."

"I thought you kept your eye one everyone, Lieu—er... Commander," Raptr said.

Keris simply continued: "The pegasus seemed... detached. Both in spirit and in motive. I don't think he was following Rainbow Dash around for the same reason that most of the individuals from Wyvern Point were."

"He must have gone rogue, then," Starstorm said.

"How so, Sergeant?" Windburst asked aside.

"You heard the mare!" Starstorm exclaimed. "He apparently went ballistic on his own flesh and blood!"

"They weren't flesh and blood," Keris calmly remarked. "I managed to corner a few of the locals while Chandler's group was rummaging through the debris. I spoke to a 'Kelly'... and a 'Ray'—a unicorn and a griffon respectfully. Turns out the old stallion named 'Blue' is a foster parent, and he's adopted citizens from all Tribes across the Twilight Lands."

"You're thinking this 'Johnny' was one such foster child?" Starstorm asked.

Keris nodded into the wind. "According to 'Ray,' Johnny and his companions stopped by the ranch and asked for supplies. The mare we listened to—Marie—insists that the items in question were stolen." He shook his head. "I don't believe she's being accurate."

"Why's that?" Windburst cocked his head to the side. "Because Rainbow Dash wouldn't stand for that kind of a crime?"

Keris took a breath. "Actually, I was going to invoke Jordan's moral standards." He glanced back at his subordinates. "This 'Wildcard' may be different from the brother-in-arms that I know and love... but there's still an integral character about him. I witnessed it in Starkiss, and I can't imagine it would have faltered at all since what transpired in Frostknife. If Jordan chose to make such a faithful companion out of 'Johnny,' then I suspect it's for a legitimately good reason. The kind of pony who would rob his own kin would be abhorrent to the Jordan I know." Keris gulped. "No... No, I believe that the mare we listened to was exagerrating. Besides... the farmers I spoke with had nothing but good things to say of Johnny... if not somewhat melancholic."

"Then why would the mare who spoke to Chandler and Seraphimus make such exagerrated remarks?" Raptr asked.

Windburst glanced over his armored shoulder. "The last time you and your fellow nestlings had a family reunion... was every griffon honest with one another? Truthfully?"

Raptr grimaced.

"Goddess..." Starstorm rolled her helmeted eyes. "Families just kill me sometimes."

"Mmmm... no doubt there was a very ugly scene back at that ranch," Keris remarked. "I can only wonder what convinced Rainbow Dash to tarry there for so long." He blinked. "Surely she knows that Rohbredden sent a hunting pack for her."

"I've got an even better question," Windburst said.

"By all means, Sergeant."

"What caused the windigoes to attack that ranch?"

Starstorm looked at him. "Since we flew out of Frostknife, we've caught word of no less than ten windigo stampedes across the Twilight Lands. They all seem pretty random to me."

"Yes... but Rainbow Dash just happened to be there at the ranch when they attacked?" Windburst remarked.

Starstorm's beak rattled. "You don't mean to suggest that Rainbow Dash was somehow the cause of that attack?"

"Do I?" Windburst's eyes hardened. "We still don't fully understand just what control Verlaxion had over those monsters." He gazed straight ahead. "Or what control she still might have. For all we know... she's empowering them from beyond the grave."

"How?!" Ratpr remarked. "Are those things equipped with mental Rainbow-seekers?!"

"With Verlaxion, anything is possible," Keris said with a shudder. "And I... do not mean that in the same triumphant way that I once so gleefully believed."

The rest were silent. The starry heavens around then broiled with thunder as they pressed on towards the dim east horizon.

"If the windigoes are honing in on Rainbow Dash," Starstorm remarked, "Then we're going to be facing a bigger threat at Bleak's Plummet than just the Seventh Tribe. Whether Rainbow means it or not, we could be flying into a huge trap."

"Yes..." Keris droned. "We could..."

Starstorm looked curiously at their leader. "Commander?"

Keris was staring at Chandler and Seraphimus.

"Something... you want to share with us, Keris?" Windburst remarked.

Keris sighed. "I've been thinking." He gulped. "If any of these Central Guards perish under our watch... it's a tragedy. But..."


Raptor muttered: "If... Chandler perished...?" He let the thought linger as fragmented as it began.

Starstorm shuddered heavily. "Can we please not entertain such thoughts? We've broken enough ethics as is."

"At ease, Sergeant," Keris said. "I wasn't even remotely tempting that idea. And besides..." He took a somber breath. "I've come to realize that it wouldn't matter."

"How so?"

"You saw how quickly we were forced to abandon those poor farmers back there. What was the precise reason for our taking off in such a hasty fashion?"

"Chandler told us to take wing, didn't he?" Starstorm remarked.

Keris simply glanced back at her.

Starstorm's feathers paled beneath her helmet. "...Seraphimus took control." She gulped. "She forced the information to come out of the mare's mouth."

"It goes far deeper than that, I fear," Keris said. "I've worked with the former Commander for a long time. I know quite well when the atmosphere of the moment is being conducted by her and her alone." He gazed in the direction that they were flying yet again. "Nopony here in the Central Guard actually believes in the Defense Minister. He's a jester in a comically large suit of hastily-forged armor. He knows nothing of a proper hunt. But Seraphimus?" Keris slowly, icily nodded. "Everypony believes in Seraphimus. She is both the will and the anger that is empowering this pursuit. Even if Chandler was to drop dead of a heart attack, these soldiers will follow Seraphimus anywhere... even into the jaws of death."

The other members of the Talon exchanged nervous expressions.

"So... so what do we do?" Raptr stammered. "How do we take control of the situation?"

Keris exhaled heavily. "I'm not sure we even can at this point..."

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