• Published 25th Dec 2020
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Harmony of Heroes: Ultimate Multiverse Explorers - Lucar

Several months after her adventures on Popstar, Sweetie Belle decides it's time to start new adventures in new universes

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Chapter 110: Tournament Part 3

Apple Death and Samus entered the chosen arena and were immediately filled with an oppressive feeling of impending doom as they looked at the core of this freaky machine, the spherical thing dwarfing them. They both went through a lot of terrifying stuff, but they never felt like this, like they were simple little bugs facing an entity that could tear them apart without a second thought, and they could do nothing to stop it. Whatever was inside that machine was Powerful, and Evil. And the pipes of the machine itself were pulsating like veins, making the machine look like an organ (it looking like it was made of flesh not helping).

Things then became even more disturbing when the face of a child appeared on the surface of the core, staring emotionless at them. It was hard to distinguish, but the face looked like the one of Ness.

Even the spectators got chills.

"What is this place coming right out of Tartarus?" one of the Luna asked.

"That's the Devil's Machine," Ness answered. "It's where we fought Giygas. He is contained right inside this core. I hope for Apple Death and Samus that the machine won't be deactivated during the fight. I don't think that they could face Giygas if he is unleashed."

"So that's the machine you talked about," Sweetie Void said. "What even is Giygas? Just looking at the core of this machine is creeping even me."

"Giygas was an alien with very powerful psychic powers. His powers got so huge that they tore him apart, body and mind, to the point that he became, to use Porky's words, "an almighty idiot" and "the embodiment of Evil itself". But Porky somehow built for him this machine that keeps him and his powers contained while keeping his mind stabilized enough that he at least knows what he is doing. And as long as he is in this machine, he is invincible. There is a shield that will absorb anything that hit it and send it back at the attacker too times stronger."

At the same time, Master Hand was also talking. "Before we start this battle, I must say something. I know, Samus, that you could fight Apple Death even in her ghost form, but to make it more fair, I will make it so even attacks that usually wouldn't hit a ghost will be effective. So you will be able to punch and kick her if you desire, for example. This will also be the case for any other ghosts among the challengers."

Apple Death shrugged. "No problem."

Master Hand then began the countdown and started the battle, and right away, Apple Death turned into her ghost form and then turned herself invisible, but Samus immediately countered this by changing her visor to one that allowed her to still see the ghostly filly despite this.

"Sorry, I already fought ghosts. You won't get me with this," the bounty hunter said before she fired.

Apple Death removed her invisibility as she flew out of the way of the projectiles. "Ah should've known."

As Apple Death flew around, Samus didn't stop firing at her, not letting the filly out of her sight. However, eventually, one of the beams went toward the core of the Devil's Machine and was suddenly stopped by a psychic shield appearing around it. The beam was then sent back right toward Samus who, still being focused on Apple Death, didn't see it coming and got hit, much to her surprise. The beam thankfully didn't do much damage.

"Great. That thing has some kind of reflective shield," she groaned.

"Gotta watch out where we aim," Apple Death added.

Samus then resumed firing at her, and Apple Death resumed dodging while she began to attack by sending purple electricity from one of her hooves. Samus was quick to react and as soon as she saw Apple Death moving she rolled out of the way, barely avoiding the electricity. Apple Death didn't stop sending electricity however and began to make it chase Samus while sweeping the floor, forcing her to run.

The ghostly skeletal filly then began to make bones poke out of the floor on Samus' path to serve as obstacles, or even directly under her to hit her with them, but Samus expertly avoided all of them, even jumping above the ones forming walls to stop her in her course.

But suddenly, the core of the Devil's Machine, Giygas, sent a wave of psychokinetic energy that Sweetie Void, Ness, and the others recognised as Ness' signature attack: PK Rockin. However, it seemed to be the weaker version, the Alpha, as it only consisted of a small circular wave fired in a diagonal way so that it would hit both Samus and Apple Death despite the later flying. Still, the wave moved really fast, so the two barely had time to react and move out of the way.

"And gotta watch out for these psychic wave... So that thing can attack us and we can't attack back?" Apple Death wondered.

"Seems like it. I hate when I encounter something like that," Samus answered.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

A childish laugh suddenly resounded before some kind of giant bio-mechanical spider half the size of the core appeared out of nowhere in the air and slowly floated down to land in front of it. The spider-thing was entirely grey, had a single big eye, two weird little horns under it, and a huge glass dome on the top protecting its hollowed inside which was actually a cockpit with an overweight child in it.

Sweetie Void immediately recognised Porky, and rage filled her, the filly wanting to enter the arena to tear open this spider-walker and crush the child into a bloody pulp. But she was able to control herself as she remembered that this wasn't the real Porky, but a simple replica created by Master Hand. Beside, this Porky looked different from the one she remembered.

This Porky had bluish-grey skin and he had black hair instead of his usual blond. He was wearing a vertically-striped red and black (or very dark grey) fancy suit with a red tie, and his eyes...

His eyes (partially hidden under his hair like always) were simply filled with Evil and Madness, and he was smirking like the Mane-iac.

This was the Porky under Giygas' influence.

And he was eyeing the two fighters like they were preys... No... Like they were toys to play with and break. To destroy.

"Are you surprised?" he taunted.

Ness glared at Master Hand. "Don't tell me you are going to have him unleash Giygas!"

"Don't worry. One: it would be folly to recreate Giygas. Two: I don't have the power to recreate him anyway, not fully. Three, Giygas is already a big enough threat while inside the Devil's Machine's core and helped by Porky. Releasing him would be too much. And four: I don't want to traumatise half of the audience. Really, even I admit that this thing is fucked up. The Devil's Machine is already disturbing enough. And Porky's state, looking right out of a slasher movie."

Ness and his friends felt relieved.

"Is Giygas that bad?" Luigi asked.

"Worse," Jeff answered. "Much much MUCH worse."

With Porky now in the fray, the fight turned chaotic. The corrupted child was using his bio-mecha to randomly attack the two fighters with its legs or by charging, forcing the two fighters to constantly be on the look out. Now, Apple Death and Samus had to choose between attacking each other or attacking Porky, all the while being careful to not accidentally attack the core.

Speaking of the core, exactly thirty seconds after its previous attack, it sent another PK Rockin Alpha at the two fighters, not minding if Porky was in the crossfire. It wasn't a problem for Porky however as it seemingly saw the attack coming before it even started and moved he mecha out of the way. The mecha also revealed to be pretty solid so there was no doubt that a simple PK Rockin Alpha wouldn't do much damage to it.

Apple Death decided to end the battle right there and then and waited for Porky to make diversion before she charged at Samus. Thanks to her intangibility, the ghost entered the suit, touched Samus herself, transferred the intangibility to the woman, and pushed her out of the suit.

The now suit-less Samus recovered with a roll as she looked back at her suit, which Apple Death hadn't left as she took possession of it. The suit then floated up and surrounded itself with spinning scythes made of bones.

"Crap..." was all Samus could say before she grabbed a gun she always kept with her in case of such situations, but she didn't expect it to help much.

Thankfully for her, Apple Death was suddenly rammed by Porky's mecha, interrupting her as she had been about to send the scythes. This gave her some respite to decide on what to do next, and it didn't take her long to find something:

Going close and personal.

As soon as Apple Death got away from Porky and used the suit's cannon to fire charged beams and missiles at the mecha, Samus ran toward her, jumped to reach her height as she was flying, and kicked her in the face, sending her crashing on the floor. Upon landing, Samus then immediately went toward Apple Death and began to use the martial lessons she got with the Chozos to punch and kick her possessed suit without giving any respite. She eventually had to jump away however as Porky attacked them with his mecha's legs, the first swipe knocking Apple Death away, before Giygas used PK Rockin again, the wave being horizontal this time since the two fighters were on the ground. This forced Samus, Apple Death, and Porky to jump to avoid it, the filly barely succeeding as she recovered from the earlier hit and she wasn't that familiar being on two legs.

Apple Death then grabbed a Bob-Omb and threw it at Porky before she took a hammer as she saw Samus run toward her again. It didn't reveal very useful however against Samus' martial skills. Apple Death may be physically strong thanks to being an Earth Pony, but she didn't know how to fight that way. The best hunting ghosts helped her learn was to use a blunt weapon like a bat. But martial arts? Nothing.

So, knowing that she couldn't win this way, Apple Death flew out of the suit to ram Samus on the chest, sending the woman flying. She then turned to face Porky as the corrupted child approached and flew into the mecha, taking possession of it. She ejected Porky out of the arena and materialized bones that went to extend the mecha's legs, making it now look like one of these long-legged spiders, before giving it two bony pincers and a bony scorpion-like tail. A VERY long tail easily thrice the length of the body of the mecha. Tail into which a huge amount of energy gathered at the tip before it slashed at the approaching PK Rockin wave that Giygas sent again, destroying the attack.

Meanwhile, Samus recovered from Apple Death's attack and, seeing what the filly was doing, ran toward her suit in the hope of recovering it now that the filly had left it. Only for a huge bony leg to place itself in her way before pushing the suit out of the arena, ensuring that Samus will not be able to get it back.

So now, the bounty hunter was facing a huge bio-mechanical spider-turned-scorpion controlled by what was pretty much the Reaper armed with just a gun (that can function as a paralyzer and a whip) and her martial skills plus some other nice stuffs like jet boots to allow her to jump very high.

She didn't like these odds.

She looked around and saw a Poké Ball. No, a Master Ball! With a leap, she caught it and opened it to let out whatever Pokémon was inside. Since it was a Master Ball, she hoped that the Pokémon inside it would be a very powerful one.

And she got it right as out of it came Giratina in its Altered Forme.

Who was promptly caught by the bony tail wrapping strongly around its neck before Apple Death tried to repeatedly slam it on Samus who used her speed and agility to her advantage to avoid being crushed. She fired at the mecha with her gun but the projectiles didn't seem to have any effect, so she eventually decided to jump on the legs to reach the body, using her boots to propel herself and give powerful kicks. It barely made Apple Death flinch however as she used the tail again to destroy another PK Rockin wave.

The Giratina eventually disappeared in smoke and Apple Death changed strategy by using her pincer to catch Samus while she was midair. As strong as the woman was, she wasn't able to open the pincer to escape, so she could only look as the pincer brought her in front of the mecha's eye, before which energy gathered into a ball.

The ball of energy then turned into a beam that entirely covered Samus who yelled in pain.

When the beam ended, an unconscious, badly burned Samus was left behind, smoke rising from her body.

"KO! The victor is: Apple Death!"

"You are screwed, dude," Samus said to Fox once she was healed, making the fox gulp.

Apple Death, back to her normal appearance, chuckled. "And again, Ah could've taken possession of the Devil's Machine itself. Ah don't know how this would've gone however, with Giygas."

"Since this wasn't the real Giygas and this replica wasn't as powerful as the original, I think that you would have gained control over his power and become, to put it simply, invincible," Sweetie Void guessed. "Samus wouldn't have been able to do anything to you with that reflective shield, and in return, you would have simply spammed PK Rockin or used the bio-pipes to attack from everywhere, turning the whole arena against your opponent."

Samus actually got a chill at this, as well as many others.

"Let's start the next battle! The first fighter will be..." Master Hand punched the red button to select the fighter. "KIRBY!"

Kirby jumped in joy. "Poyo!"

"Good luck to whoever will be chosen next," one of the Rarity said, causing some who hadn't been selected yet to look at her with worry.

"And the second fighter will be... Serperior!" Master Hand shouted as the other fighter was selected.

"Very bad luck there, dude," Chromatic Dash said to Hilbert.

"I'm so sorry for you," a Fluttershy followed.

Then the stage followed, revealing to be the roof of the Sylph Co. building from Saffron City, in Kanto. The full arena actually seemed to be comprised of the roof of several skyscrapers of various sizes with the Sylph Co. at the center, and there were also small floating platforms visibles. The roof of the Sylph Co. had the particularity of having a door.

Kirby and Hilbert entered the arena, appearing on the roof of the Sylph Co. Hilbert appeared right above the door and let out his serpentine Pokémon.

"Five! Four! Three! Two! One! GO!"

"Leaf Storm!" Hilbert shouted, and Serperior sent at Kirby a real storm of sharp leaves.

Only for Kirby to jump before charging at the Pokémon while turned into a real fireball, the leaves burning when getting too close. Serperior quickly jumped down from the top of the door to avoid him, but then, Kirby teleported and appeared right above it with a hammer on fire, bonking it on the head. Kirby then spun and created a fire tornado that covered both him and Serperior.

"Serperior!" Hilbert shouted in worry.

The tornado disappeared after a few seconds, revealing a still conscious but burned Serperior who quickly moved away before looking back to search for Kirby, very angry, only to feel its tail being grabbed. Kirby then slammed it around several times before spinning. At this moment, he saw the door opening, an intense light hiding what could be inside. Having a hunch, he threw the Pokémon at it, and just as it was about to pass the door, an Electrode came out and stopped its course before its body began to glow.

Still being above the door, Hilbert looked in horror and quickly jumped on the roof of a neighboring building as the Electrode Exploded, the explosion sending Serperior flying only to be intercepted by Kirby teleporting before he clung to it and used the Crash Ability.

Needless to say, Kirby got a perfect KO not even one minute into the fight, and everyone understood that he was a real monster.

"I know I told you to avoid using the Stella Knight, but you could have at least held back more to let the fight go on a bit. The poor thing barely got time to act," Sweetie Void reproached to the puffball who looked at her innocently.

"When she said that she considered him as her rival, she wasn't kidding..." Sonic said, sweating.

"And you saw nothing," Magolor warned. "NOTHING!!!"

"Next battle!" Master Hand interrupted before he punched the red button. "LUIGI! Versus..." He punched the button again. "LULLA!"

Luigi didn't look reassured, but under the encouragements of Mario and some others, he gained more confidence.

"You can do it, Lulla!" Volta shouted at her friend.

"I'm sure that you can win, Lulla, but be careful," Sweetie Void warned her Pokémon. "Luigi may be a scaredy-cat, he knows how to fight."

"Don't worry. I know that I will win. Just you watch," Lulla confidently said.

Meanwhile, Master Hand selected the next arena which revealed to be the Great Fox flying over Corneria.

Before long, the two fighters entered it, appearing on the ship.


As soon as Master Hand started the battle, Luigi took his hammer and readied it. However, he didn't move from his place, preferring to wait and see what the Jigglypuff will do.

So he was surprised to see that, instead of attacking, Lulla began to sing.

Luigi immediately understood his error as he began to feel drowsy, but it was already too late. Barely a few seconds into the song, he fell asleep.

When Lulla saw this, it stopped singing and smiled victoriously before she calmly advanced toward Luigi. An Arwing passing above fired at it by surprise but it was able to avoid the beams with a leap before it continued to advance toward the sleeping plumber. When it reached him, it grabbed him by the leg before it dragged him toward the edge of the Great Fox while the ship was leaving Corneria and warped in the asteroid belt known as Meteo*.

Lulla then pushed Luigi beyond the edge and he fell down.

"Is this allowed?" Victor asked.

"Yes. You can put your adversary to sleep. You never know, your adversary may be able to continue the fight while sleeping, or something unexpected may happen," Master Hand answered. "By the way... RING OUT! The victor is: Lulla!"

Author's Note:

*As much as I love the stages with the Great Fox on Corneria, in Z Sector, or on Venom, I always thought "Why don't they do a stage where the Great Fox moves through the Lylat System following paths like in the game?" The way I see it, each planet/sector/whatever would have different events. Like, in Y Sector, the combat space suits encountered in this level would sometime come to attack the fighters. On Aquas, the fighters would fall into water and they would have a chance to climb back on the Great Fox if they are fast enough. In Meteo, meteors would crash on the Great Fox. And so on.

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