• Published 25th Dec 2020
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Harmony of Heroes: Ultimate Multiverse Explorers - Lucar

Several months after her adventures on Popstar, Sweetie Belle decides it's time to start new adventures in new universes

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Chapter 37: To Pewter City

As soon as the three were outside of Pallet Town, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo let out their respective Starter. The three Pokémon appeared in front of the girls and the Bulbasaur and the Charmander expectantly looked at their new trainers before they remarked the presence of each others and their old friend Squirtle now a Wartortle. They were amazed at his new appearance, and he proudly showed it off.

Scootaloo then took the Charmander in her arms and grinned excitedly while Apple Bloom petted Bulbasaur.

"I can't believe I finally have my own Pokémon!" Scootaloo exclaimed.

"Howdy little fella. Ah'm Apple Bloom, yer new friend," Apple Bloom introduced herself to Bulbasaur, and indirectly to Charmander.

"And I'm Scootaloo," Scootaloo said. "You and me will be the bestest team!"

"Bestest isn't a word," Sweetie Belle said.

"I don't care, you know what I mean."

Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes. "Anyway." She looked at the two new Pokémons. "You two already saw me when I took Tank, especially you Bulbasaur since we had a battle, but I'm not sure that you got my name. I'm Sweetie Belle." She then looked at Scootaloo and Apple Bloom. "You should give them names like I did with Tank and the others."

"I already know how I will name him!" Scootaloo shouts as she fixed the Charmander in her arms. "Torch!"

"Um... You're assuming their gender. What if they are female?" Sweetie Belle pointed out.

"I'm not!" the Charmander, Torch, corrected with a glare. "Can't you see?!"

"Sorry. I'm still not used to differentiate males from females among the Pokémon," the alicorn apologized with a giggle.

"Wait, you can understand me?" Torch asked in surprise.

"The three of us can," Sweetie Belle said while pointing at her friends.

Apple Bloom looked back at her Bulbasaur. "What about ya?"

"I'm female," the Pokémon answered.

Apple Bloom nodded, then thought for a bit. "Mmh... How about Ivy?"

"I like it!" Ivy said with joy.

"I'm not sure how to take mine thought," Torch said. "Yeah, my tail can be used as a torch but, seriously? Naming me after it?" he deadpanned.

"Don't be like that. Where we come from, Torch is the name of the most powerful dragon of the world. And I know that you will become the most powerful dragon Pokémon in existence!" Scootaloo said with a big grin.

"Excepted that Charizard is a Fire/Flying-type, not a Dragon-type," Sweetie Belle reminded as she showed the entry of Charizard in the Pokédex to prove her point.

"Which is stupid!" Scootaloo shouted back as she took the Pokédex and pointed at the image of the Charizard in the entry. "He looks like a dragon, so why isn't he a Dragon-type? That would be like saying that a timberwolf isn't a wolf!"

Sweetie Belle shrugged. "At least, he becomes a Fire/Dragon-type as Mega-Charizard X."

"He should be a Fire/Dragon-type from the start!"

Sweetie Belle shrugged again. "You can go complain to whoever was in charge of attributing the types. But right now, the fact is that despite looking like a dragon, Charizard is not a dragon. Deal with it."

"Well, in my eyes, he's a dragon. He's a lizard, he has wings, he can breathe fire, he is TOTALLY a dragon, and screw the types. Now Torch, let's go fight some Pokémon so you can become the best dragon ever!"

It was at this moment that Torch understood that this girl was the trainer of his dreams.

"Wait a minute," Sweetie Belle stopped her. "I have some stuff to give to you and Apple Bloom." Then, she tossed two bags with a Poké Ball symbol at them, which they each managed to catch. "Dimension bags linked to the common storage space where all the Poké Balls that Magolor produced are stocked."

"Nice!" Apple Bloom said as she grabbed a Poké Ball from the bag.

Curious, Scootaloo put the bag upside down, and a constant stream of all kinds of Poké Balls began to come out, quickly creating a pile of balls at her feet. "Woah..."

With a quick roll of her eyes, Apple Bloom stopped her.

Sweetie Belle then tossed two other bags at them, also with Poké Ball symbols on them, but one was in front of an apple and the other was in front of a scooter. Apple Bloom caught the one with the apple and Scootaloo caught the other one.

"These are your personal dimension bags. No common space. Use them to stock the Pokémon you will catch but won't send to fight. Remember, your teams must only have six Pokémon. If people see that you have seven or more on you, they may ask questions."

"Right," both Apple Bloom and Scootaloo said at this.

"They are temporary. Magolor is working on more effective ways to access the Poké Balls and Pokémon. With these bags, you can't see what kind of ball or what Pokémon you're grabbing. Finally..." Sweetie Belle showed two Pokédexes. "Your own Pokédexes, so you won't have to pester me each time you want to know something about a Pokémon, their attacks, and whatever else."

"Thanks. Anything else?" Apple Bloom asked as she took her Pokédex.

"Nope! That's all! Now let's go to Viridian City."

"And on the way, let's fight as many Pokémon as possible," Scootaloo said with a raised fist.

"Without forgetting to capture some," Apple Bloom reminded. Looking down at Ivy, she said, "Ya won't remain alone for long, girl."

It was barely a minute later that the first Pokémon was captured. In her eagerness, Scootaloo didn't lose time to enter battle with a wild Pidgey and captured him, naming him Hurricane.

Sweetie Belle also caught a Pidgey not long after while Apple Bloom caught a Rattata, respectively named Zephyr (female) and Remi (male). Sweetie Belle didn't bother to catch a Rattata herself since she already had Ratzo. Instead, she simply battled the wild Pokémon encountered with Zephyr to train her so she could catch up to the others. Wild Pokémon around here were far from being the strongest.

They also encountered a few beginner trainers, allowing Apple Bloom and Scootaloo to experience their first battles against trainers. They won some, and lost some. In both cases, they loved them, and Sweetie Belle was always here to heal the Pokémon. Some trainers also eagerly challenged her, but her well-trained team promptly rolled on them.

In the end, they spent more time than planed in Route 1. They encountered mainly wild Pidgey and wild Rattata, letting Apple Bloom to capture her own Pidgey (Windy, male) and Scootaloo to capture her own Rattata (Cruncher, also male), but there were also some other Pokémon such as some brown, round Pokémon with a striped tail called Sentret, or round owl-like Pokémon named Hoothoot sleeping in the trees. Speaking of the trees, inspecting them also let them finding many Bug-type Pokémon. Each new Pokémon was immediately captured by one of the girls, if said girl didn't already have the Pokémon in her team.

Eventually, as they were about to reach Viridian City...

"Guess who's here!" suddenly shouted unmistakable bubbly voice of Pinkie Pie as the pink-haired mare-currently-woman appeared out of nowhere between Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo and wrapped them in her arms.

"Hey, Pinkie! Why am I not surprised that you already caught up to us?" Sweetie Belle said.

"Well, we kind of took our time on the way," Apple Bloom remarked. "Where're AJ and Rainbow Dash?"

"Further behind. They shouldn't be long," Pinkie answered before she put a hand beside her mouth and fake whispered, "They're in another of their competitions. The one who wins the most fights. For once, I was not the one going all over the place."

This made the children laugh. Typical Applejack and Rainbow Dash.

"Which Starter did you choose?" Sweetie Belle eventually asked once she calmed down.

Pinkie answered with her usual big smile before she grabbed a Poké Ball and released the Pokémon inside, revealing a Charmander.

"I present to you Charmy!"

The three girls raised an eyebrow at the name.

"Ya do know that Charmy won't remain a Charmander forever, right?" Apple Bloom asked.

"She will remain 'Charmy' for me!" Pinkie Pie answered.

This earned a sigh from the children.

At the same time, Tank patted Charmy on the shoulder with a look of pity.

"You have no idea what you got for a trainer," he said.

"I'm already starting..." Charmy replied after a tired sigh. "She gave me at least five headaches since she took me."

"Just you wait, it's just the beginning," Tank chuckled.

"Hey! I think I see Rainbow!" Scootaloo then pointed at a figure in the distance. It wasn't hard to recognize the rainbow hair.

"And Applejack's with her!" Apple Bloom said when she spotted another figure with a stetson hat. She then waved at them and yelled, "Hey! AJ!"

Applejack and Rainbow Dash waved back as they approached, their Starters at their sides.

Not so surprising, Applejack had done like her sister and had taken the Bulbasaur, leaving Rainbow Dash with the Squirtle.

"So, who won?" Sweetie Belle asked with a smirk.

The annoyed look from Rainbow Dash and the grin from Applejack answered her question. Expressions that were quickly mirrored by Scootaloo and Apple Bloom, much to Sweetie's amusement.

"At least, you two had fun!" Pinkie said.

This brought a smile back to Rainbow Dash, and the smile turned into a smirk as she looked at Applejack. "Next time, I'll win!"

"We'll see," Applejack replied before she looked back at the children and waved at her Bulbasaur. "Ah present to ya Spring."

"And this is Iron Shell!" Rainbow presented her Squirtle.

Once they were done with the greetings, Sweetie Belle said," I can't wait to meet the rest of your teams. I'm sure you all captured a lot of Pokémon."

"Actually, the prof gave us only five Poké Balls to each of us, and we already used all of them," Rainbow Dash said as she showed the balls on her belt.

"Right. You don't have the bags. Did he give you Pokédexes too?"

"Eeyup," Applejack answered as she showed her Pokédex. "One to each of us. Speaking of, he remembered that he forgot to give one to ya two," she then said to Apple Bloom and Scootaloo.

"Yeah, but Sweetie did it instead," Apple Bloom informed as she showed her Pokédex.

"Well, here!" Sweetie Belle said as she then gave the bags and explained what they were. Although she hesitated giving them to Pinkie since she already probably had access to the Poké Balls somehow with her logic-breaking tricks.

"So! Now that everyone is here and has everything, we can go to Viridian City!" Sweetie Belle then shouted happily. "The prof said that Blue wanted to see me, so his gym will be my first stop. It would be a good occasion for you to see a Pokémon Gym, but if you want to continue without me, I won't hold you back."

"No way!" Scootaloo said.

"We'll remain with ya," Apple Bloom added.

"And we will come too! It's in the gyms that we get the badges, right? So we will fight this Blue and get the first one!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

"Sorry to disappoint you, but Blue only fights trainers who have already gotten the seven other badges of the region," Sweetie revealed, making Rainbow do a disappointed "Aww..." "The gym where we will get our first badge should be the one of Pewter City, further North, after the forest. If we don't lose too much time on the way, we should reach it before night. But remember, we still need to make sure that our Pokémon will be strong enough to face the Gym Leader's team. I don't think that he or she will go easy on us, even if he or she will use a beginner team since we don't have yet any badge. By the way, I read that Pewter City's gym specialises in Rock-type Pokémon, so you should make sure to have at least one or two Pokémon super effective against them."

"Uh... Which are they again?"

"Well, thankfully, they have a lot of weaknesses, but the Pokémon aren't really the easiest to find in this part of the region. The weaknesses are Water, Grass, Ground, Fight, and Steel. This means that me, Apple Bloom, you, and Applejack are already good." She looked at Scootaloo and Pinkie Pie. "However, you two will have a problem. Fire is weak against Rock. Flying too, so the Pidgey will be a big nono. And Normal-types like the Rattata aren't effective, made worse that Rock-types tend to be solid so they won't do a lot of damage. Finally, while Bug-types are effective against Rock-types, Rock is very effective against Bug. To be clear, pretty much all the Pokémon we caught until now are not recommended to fight the first Gym Leader. Either you will have to go fishing a Water Pokémon, or teach your current Pokémon super effective moves, certainly using TMs that you will have to buy in a local store."

"Darn. The first gym and it's already a headache," Scootaloo muttered.

"For the Water-types, there's that lake in Route 22, not far of here. Mmh... But you will need a fishing rod... Maybe they sell some in a store."

"Then while you three go see Blue, me and Dashie and AJ will search these fishing rods!" Pinkie shouted ecitedly before she grabbed Applejack and Rainbow Dash's arms. "Let's go!"

The next instant, she was gone, dragging the two mares behind her, their Pokémon trying to follow.

Sweetie Belle giggled. "Let's go too."

Sweetie Belle opened the door to Blue's gym, again as visitors so they didn't have to pass the various challenges to reach Blue, and she found him in his usual place where he was waiting for challengers.

"Hello Blue!" she shouted as she waved at him.

Hearing her, Blue turned in her direction. It took him sometime but he eventually recognized her.

"Sweetie Belle? I didn't think I would see you again so soon. Are they your friends?"


"Howdy! Ah'm Apple Bloom!"

"And I'm Scootaloo!"

"We're planning to challenge the Pokémon League, or at least to get the first badge before we have to go home," Sweetie Belle explained.

"So I assume that you're planning to go to Pewter City, right? Eh. Be careful. Brock is known to be a rookie killer. Whoever among you took the Charmander should try their luck in another gym instead, like Celadon City's gym which specialises in Grass-types."

"Or they can go fish a Water-type in the lake not far."

Blue rubbed his head, insure. "It's a good idea, but the problem is that there's a lot of Magicarp only knowing the move Splash in this lake. You will lose a lot of time before finding a more powerful Water-type such as Poliwag or Goldeen if you're unlucky."

"Darn... Well, if I have to, I can do like I did to get Drako: if the Pokémon won't get to us, I will get to the Pokémon. Or I suppose that I could just send Tank."

"Mankey can also be found in Route 22. They were much more numerous before, but they moved away. Still, one can still be seen from time to time. Or, if you prefer, there are some Grass-types, Seedot and Shroomish, that can easily be found in Viridian Forest if you search well. They aren't much, but they're still a good option against Rock-types. If you're lucky, you can also find Oddish and Bulbasaur, but they are rather rare, especially the last ones."

"And since Viridian Forest is on the path, it could be a better alternative. Anyway, the prof told me that you had something for me. What is it?"

Blue grinned. "Something that you will love very much. Wait here." He then walked toward the back door and passed it. Not long later, he returned, now holding what seemed to be a bracelet. When he reached Sweetie Belle, he showed the bracelet to her, revealing that it possessed a multicolored stone with a DNA symbol.

Sweetie Belle gasped. "A Mega Bracelet! With a Key Stone already in it!"

Blue's grin widened as he then showed in his other hand a big round transparent stone with some blue and brown in a pattern similar to the DNA symbol inside it.

Sweetie Belle was now smiling like Pinkie Pie. "Is that... a Blastoisinite?!"

"You got it right! I used my... position to get them. After your victory over me, and especially over Red last time, I supposed that you deserved one." His grin then turned into a sheepish smile as he looked at Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. "If I had known that you would have been bringing your friends, I would have also gotten two more Bracelets as well as a Charizardite and a Venusaurite."

"Erh... what are these stones already?" Scootaloo asked.

"Ah think these are the stones to Mega Evolve our Pokémon," Apple Bloom answered.

"Well, that's okay. They can wait. They just got their Pokémon, so it will be a long time before they will be ready to use these Mega Stones," Sweetie Belle reassured. "Maybe next time we visit?"

Blue nodded.

"Wait! There are two Mega Evolutions for Charizard, right? I want the one where he becomes a Dragon-type!" Scootaloo shouted.

Blue nodded again. "Mega-Charizard X. Alright. And I understand you very well. I, too, have a preference of X over Y. X looks much more cool."


"I think 'hot' would be the better word for a Fire-type, my friend," Sweetie said with a smug smile, getting some groans in return.

They exited the gym not long after, and quickly found the mares not far, each holding two fishing rods.

"With all the money we got from the trainers we defeated, we'd enough to buy one rod for each of us," Applejack said.

Once the rods were given, Sweetie Belle repeated what Blue told them. They decided to still try fishing for a time, even if it was just to get a Magicarp. After all, Magicarp's evolution would be worth the annoyance.

When they reached the lake, after a few more battles, they spent about one hour fishing. As predicted, they all quickly got a Magicarp, but eventually, Apple Bloom was able to fish a Goldeen that she let Scootaloo battle and capture. Rainbow Dash then got a Poliwag, followed by Pinkie who also got one.

Then, after looking around to see if there were any trainers, Sweetie Belle turned back into her pony-self and jumped into the water. A few seconds later, there seemed to be an explosion under the water, and a knocked out Goldeen flew out of it, followed by a knocked out Poliwag. Sweetie Belle then jumped out of the water and promptly captured the two Pokémon.

Once they stopped fishing, they explored around to capture a few more wild Pokémon, Pinkie getting lucky and finding a Ponyta while Apple Bloom found a Mankey, before they returned in Viridian City and resumed their journey to Pewter City. They quickly reached Viridian Forest, Sweetie Belle capturing a Nidoran male on the way, and they entered it.

Once in the forest, they began to search for Grass-types while traversing it, capturing some other Pokémon while they were at it.

They all ended up getting either a Seedot or a Shroomish, or both, and Scootaloo and Applejack both found and captured a Pikachu.

After spending some hours in the forest to train their new Pokémon, they exited it, finally entering Pewter City.

A small city that was at the base of the mountains that constituted the Northwest section of Kanto. Not far East, Mt Moon towered over the city, casting its shadow on it when the sun rose. It was far from being as big as Viridian City, so they had no problems finding the points of interest such as the Pokémon Center, the Pokémon Gym, and even a museum that Twilight would love to explore.

Time to get their first badge.

Author's Note:

The Pokémon Universe is probably the hardest for me so far. Constant back and forth in the pages of Bulbapedia, trying to find nice names for the captured Pokémon, working on their personalities... Working on this universe is very time-consuming. More than Kirby, Zelda, and Undertale.

Fun fact, I wanted to name Applejack's Bulbasaur after the green apples, so I searched in Internet what was their name. Only to find out that they are named Granny Smith... Don't judge me, I never bothered to learn the names of the apples.

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