• Published 25th Dec 2020
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Harmony of Heroes: Ultimate Multiverse Explorers - Lucar

Several months after her adventures on Popstar, Sweetie Belle decides it's time to start new adventures in new universes

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Chapter 90: Anomaly

Sweetie Belle didn't lose time in giving the Dynamax Capsules to the professors and Magolor so they could reverse-engineer them as soon as possible. Victor made sure to remain on stand by with his Eternatus to supply Dynamax Energy to store inside them without having to go to Galar. Meanwhile, Elio returned from the Ultra Space to rest a bit, reporting that he still didn't find the Rockets' HQ. He was shown by Dawn and her Palkia the area in the Ultra Space into which Ghetsis and his minions warped from the portal's island, but like expected, the HQ was already gone. But Elio still retook his researches from there and hoped to quickly find the HQ before it could move too far away.

It was quickly discovered that the assault on the portal served as a diversion as several reports came from here and there of Rainbow Rocket presence. No doubt they were able to retrieve a couple more Plates in addition of kidnapping hundreds of Pokémon and stealing many objects. Quite a few trainers were sadly killed by their Shadow Pokémon. Guessing that the Rockets only had a few Plates to find, Dawn went to guard the Spear Pillar, the ruins of a temple dedicated to Arceus at the summit of Mount Coronet which also served in legends as the entrance to the Hall of Origin where one could find Arceus. If the Rockets come, she will immediately alert the others and try to stall them as long as possible with her powerful Legendaries.

In parallel of all that, the big brains were putting a lot of resources in advancing the technology allowing to purify a Shadow Pokémon and return them to normal. As it currently was, purifying a Shadow Pokémon was a difficult process.

First, they had to catch the Shadow Pokémon. Since it was impossible to catch a Pokémon already caught, this pretty much meant knocking out the grunt and take their Poké Balls. There was a machine invented in Orre, the Snag Machine, that could turn a Poké Ball into a Snag Ball to snag an already captured Pokémon, but most copies had been destroyed following Team Cipher's last defeat and only one was kept in the local Pokémon Lab just in case. More were being produced now and it shouldn't be long before select trainers were equipped with the first ones.

Then, once the Shadow Pokémon was caught, they had to weaken the lock on its heart. There were two methods for that: keep the Shadow Pokémon in your team and treat it with love and respect so the Pokémon would try to return the feeling and fight against the lock and weaken it, or put it in a special machine called Purify Chamber that would slowly damage the lock using a difficult process of placing Pokémon into a set forming a loop. To put it simply, you placed the Shadow Pokemon in the center of the loop which was linked to one of the four emplacements of the loop itself on which you put four other Pokémon. You had to ensure that the type of the Shadow Pokémon was Super Effective to the type of the Pokémon in the emplacement it was linked to and then, you also had to ensure that the types of the four Pokémon in the loop were Super Effective to the types of the Pokémon in the emplacement after them, going clockwise. The more effective the type matchup, the faster the lock in the Shadow Pokémon was damaged, making this method the most effective. But even then, it still took some time before the Pokémon was ready to be purified. However, all of this only worked on imperfect Shadow Pokémon. Perfected Shadow Pokemon had to directly go to the last step.

The purification process itself. There again, there were two possibilities. In Orre was a mystical stone called the Relic Stone that allowed the Shadow Pokémon to remember their happy memories, breaking the lock for good. However, it didn't seem to work on Perfected Shadow Pokémon. It had been the only known method for a time, but then they invented the Purify Chamber which became the second possibility, and it could even purify Perfect Shadow Pokémon. However, purifying a Perfect Shadow Pokémon with the Chamber was much harder than with an Imperfect one. With an imperfect Shadow Pokémon, you only had to use one Set (so one loop) to purify it, and even then, the type matchup didn't have to be perfect. However, for a Perfect Shadow Pokémon, you had to use the NINE Sets of the machine, and each of them had to have a perfect matchup. So, in addition of the Perfect Shadow Pokémon that you wanted to purify, you had to use 44 other Pokémon while paying attention of their types to avoid any error. Needless to say that purifying a Perfect Shadow Pokémon was VERY difficult. At least, the Perfect Shadow Pokémon was immediately purified. You didn't have to wait for its lock to be weakened first.

There was actually a third possibility. It was said that the Relic Stone was where a Legendary Pokémon known as Celebi once landed, so the power of the stone came from the Pokémon. This meant that if they could find Celebi wherever it was hiding, they could ask it to use its power to purify the Shadow Pokémon right away, but good luck finding it... Celebi was known to be one of the most elusive Pokémon in the world. The highest chance of finding it was at Ilex Forest in Johto, of which Celebi was the guardian, but even then the chances remained very, very, very low. A Time Flute could call it but they were almost as hard to find as the Pokémon.

So, in absence of Celebi, the scientists were working on making the process to purify a Perfect Shadow Pokémon easier. The more ambitious were thinking of creating a Purify Ball that would immediately purify the Shadow Pokémon caught (after being turned into a Snag Ball, of course, unless the trainers wanted first to destroy the Shadow Pokémon's current Poké Ball in order to re-capture it with a Purify Ball), but they still had a long way to go before they would be successful.

Right now, they had managed to reduce the number of Sets needed to five, tested successfully on one of the rare Shadow Pokémon that someone managed to snag right out of the hand of a grunt after punching him in the face. And they were confident that they will be able to lower the number of Sets to three soon enough. They even managed to reduce the number of Pokémon needed in a Set to three (plus the Shadow Pokémon). They were advancing very rapidly, but they weren't sure if they will manage to create a method of purification as effective as they imagined a Purify Ball would be by the time Elio will find the HQ. It will entirely depend of how lucky he will be. But even then, the scientists working on it estimated that it could take them several weeks, maybe even months, before they would be able to develop something like a Purify Ball. That was a level of technology easily on par with the one of the Master Ball. But knowing that Team RR probably got their hands on a few more Plates and that people were getting killed, they were accelerating the pace.

All this to say that in the couple of hours following the assault on the portal, the tension around the world went up a notch. Again. But thanks to Sweetie Belle's victory over one of the most powerful Legendaries in the world, the moral was also higher. Despite their overwhelming power, the Rockets suffered a humiliating defeat at the hooves of a filly barely bigger than a Pikachu (when she didn't grow to giant size) before the eyes of most of the world. It was nice to know they had such a powerful ally.

And Sweetie Belle was glad to learn that the Pokémon World was more and more ready to counter Team RR. But now, the waiting game returned. She didn't want to leave. She wanted to remain to avoid another Cynthia. But they didn't know when the Rockets will attack next beside the now usual skirmishes and she had to return to her adventures in search of allies against the threats DD warned her about. And even before that, she had been adventuring almost nonstop since she returned from Samus' universe, and even when she hadn't been adventuring she hadn't stopped running around doing this or that. Despite her infinite stamina, even she had a limit so she needed to rest a bit.

But then she got an idea and quickly returned to New Halcandra. As she had hoped, the locals made five more of these dimensional phones and they gladly gave them to her. With them in her possession, she returned to the Pokémon World and gave four of them to Twilight (once the ponies stopped cheering her), keeping the fifth one to herself since she had given hers to E- Gadd so he could communicate with the Tails about the portals.

"Give them to anyone you feel should have one and call me if something happens," she instructed.

Twilight marveled at the devices. "They will allow us to talk to each others despite being in different universes? That's amazing! But... If you are in an universe where time is much faster or much slower than in the one we are, won't the words come out too fast or too slow? Is there something in them to prevent this?"

Sweetie Belle facehooved. "Right... Uhh... I think that these phones have texting. This should work."

"Mmh... Maybe I can try to find a way around this problem beside texting. I will have to look into these once I have the occasion. Who built them?"

"The two two-tailed foxes I briefly told you about is the one who first came up with this phone. These ones were built in New Halcandra."

Twilight nodded. "I will talk to these two foxes. I hope to work with them to improve these phones."

"And bring in others like Magolor and Susie. The more the better, right?"

Twilight agreed and was actually glad to get one of these phones. It meant that she and her friends will be able to return to Equestria too, to their life. Then, if the Rockets attack, then they will be just one text away to come helping. And now that the portal on this world was finished, they could simply use it instead of having to ask for Sweetie Belle. The best part was that since time was faster in the Pokémon World, then the ponies could take a hours or two to prepare themselves before coming and only a few minutes would pass here. As soon as she would return to Equestria, she would go look for these Tails and begin to work on improving these phones with them.

"So Ah guess this means we're leavin' this world," Applejack said once Twilight told all this to her friends.

"Yes, but I will remain behind a bit to pass the word and give these phones to... Mmh... There are three spares so... I think that I will give one to Dawn so she can warn us if the Rockets appear on Mt. Coronet, another one to Elio so he can warn us when he finds their HQ, and the last one to whoever is now guarding the portal so they can warn us if it is attacked again."

"They left this old man... Gordon I think he was called, to guard it," Sweetie Belle informed. "He is apparently a very powerful Champion."

"Yes, I know who you are talking about. I met him," Twilight said. "He's a good choice."

So, after some quick goodbyes to the friends they made in this world using phones, the ponies without Twilight and Spike (who remained with the lavender alicorn) gathered behind Sweetie Belle before she opened a rift to Equestria.

Sweetie Belle took a small break from her adventuring as the Spring vacation ended and school restarted. Twilight and Spike came out of the portal about half a day after everypony else had returned and immediately began to work on the dimensional phone with the help of one of the Tails and even of E. Gadd (while also working together on linking the portals that weren't already linked to each others), and many things happened as the day passed. The alliance with the Galactic Federation was formalized and, already, ponies were using the portal to visit this new universe they were now allied to. Many inhabitants of the Federation also used the portal to visit Equus, full of curiosity about a world so different of what they were used to.

Now that Magolor had finished with the portal of the Pokémon World, he started to work on building a second one in Equestria, this time in Canterlot, using the occasion to teach how to build one. This way, the ponies could build their own portals and could teach how to build them to the other peoples of Equus. Sweetie Belle also sent Ganduro and a few others to Future Hyrule so he can start to build a portal there too and also so he can start discussions with Future Zelda. Past Hyrule could wait for now, Future Hyrule desperately needed help.

Like the Mushroom Kingdom's Earth. The portal there was moved from Luigi's basement to New Donk City so the badly damaged city could directly receive the supplies and workforce that started to be sent from Floralia and Para-Equestria (such was the name Sweetie Belle decided to give to Apple Death's Equestria). Sweetie Belle's Equestria (she hadn't found a name yet for it) and Techno-Equestria (Phantom's Equestria) weren't ready yet. Speaking of Techno-Equestria, discussions had started there between the members of the planet's own alliance to decide about joining Sweetie's Alliance, and representatives were also sent to the three versions of Mobius (Past, Present, and Future), Corneria, and Past Hyrule.

As a result of all these worlds starting to mix, the translators also began to be sent from New Halcandra so anybody using the portals could have one to ensure that they could understand everyone and everything they interacted with. A big number of them had been made so they had enough in stock for thousands of beings. For a price. They needed the money to build supplies to rebuild New Halcandra.

Speaking of money, this was a major point discussed. An economy will have to start between the various universes, and this meant deciding of what to do with their respective currencies. For example, how many Galactic Federation credits was an equestrian bit worth? A pokédollard? A gold coin from the Mushroom Kingdom? An answer was already found between Equus and the Galactic Federation, but not yet for the others. The Mushroom Kingdom gold coins (and other currencies of their world) will be especially difficult considering that it was generally really easy to find them in the wild. Same for Hyrule's rupees once this will come up. There were already ideas of creating a new currency for everyone joining the alliance, or just using the Galactic Federation's credits which seemed to be the simplest, a totally artificial money which you just needed a card to use. Corneria had exactly the same currency, and even the Space Pirates, so it seemed that passed a point, most civilization resorted to credits (or whatever other name they used for the artificial currency).

So things were advancing very rapidly as the first day of school passed for Sweetie Belle and the two other Crusaders. And already, she felt rested enough to start another adventure. But this time, now that her friends were here, she would like to make it special.

So as soon as school was out, she opened a rift to see if her next adventure will take someplace too dangerous. She entered the new universe in what she immediately recognised was a deserted alley of a city, between two very tall skyscrapers. The exit of the alley wasn't very far and she could already see that she was in a very populated city judging by the huge number of people she saw passing. There were many humans, but among them were also robots, cyborgs, and aliens of all kinds, so Sweetie guessed that she was in another advanced civilization like the Galactic Federation and Corneria.

It seemed safe enough.

She quickly verified the time difference between this universe and hers and calculated that it was pretty close actually, two days in Equestria almost equalling three days here, if a day here was twenty four hours too of course but the point was here.

Seeing that she won't return to her friends being ninety years old, she turned herself invisible and flew to have a quick view of the city. It clearly was a big one, even bigger than Corneria City, and many skyscrapers measured easily several hundreds meters, not as tall as the Federation Meeting Assembly Hall, but the taller ones were probably half its size which was already huge. And as expected from an advanced city, there were many flying vehicles in the sky. With all this, Sweetie Belle was definitively in familiar territory from her time on Daiban.

The only novelty she spotted was the presence of racing tracks floating high above even the taller buildings, very high in the sky. That, that was new. Racing tracks in the sky? Well, if they had a racing competition, then alright. It could be nice to watch.

She returned to her Equestria to tell all this to her friends.

"So, I appeared in another futuristic city with robots and aliens and there doesn't seem to be anything too dangerous. If we can convince Applejack and your aunts, Scoot, we could go pass some time there the three of us. Or make it nine."

"Nine?" Apple Bloom asked.

"I would like to take the occasion to also bring the other CMCs I encountered in the alternate Equestrias."

"Uh... Won't it get confusing with three of each of us?" Scootaloo asked.

"Maybe a bit at first but we came up with alternate names. Well, we still have to choose one for some of us like for you two, but it shouldn't be too difficult. Phantom and Apple Death are different enough that they can be recognized immediately. Same for Apple Death's friends. You two and Phantom's friends, however, will need something to be recognized. It would be great to visit another universe all together, and it would be the perfect occasion to get to know each others better. They are very different from us after everything they went through so this will be nothing like befriending perfect clones of us like we would expect."

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo got very excited at the prospect of encountering alternate versions so similar and yet so different of themselves and agreed. They then both went to ask their families while Sweetie Belle went to the alternate Equestrias.

In a place outside of time, a gruff-looking middle-aged bald man with a dark one-day-old beard and a scar beside his left eye was looking at a folder that worried him. A folder titled "DEATHBORN". Probably one of the most worrying cases he got since he created the Time Patrol, in what was in his point of view two years ago (but the patrol technically existed since the beginning of the universe because time).

The Time Patrol was exactly what the name indicated. It was an universal-scale organisation charged of keeping watch over the timeline. It recruited agents from all over time and used time travel to hunt beings threatening the timeline itself.

And the threat after who the folder was named was probably the biggest one the organisation encountered. Already, in the two years since its formation, its agents had several encounters with him, and he was even killed a few times. But somehow, Deathborn always came back, with new mechanical parts, and even managed to kill a few agents in return. They didn't know where he came from. Everything about this guy was abnormal. It was very possible that he came from some place outside of space and time.

And now, it seemed that Deathborn was preparing something very ugly in the twenty-sixth century of the Earth's calendar. Already, it was suspected that he was the cause of the accident that caused the F-Zero to be suspended for three years before it was re-opened as the F-Zero X. This Accident never happened in the original timeline that Chronos remembered, but why would Deathborn do it? Now, it seemed that the target was participating in the Underworld version of the Grand Prix for the second time in a row. But why?

This worried Chronos terribly, and he hoped that the agents he sent, Phoenix and QQQ, two of the bests he had, will be able to find out what was Deathborn's plan and stop him. Whatever it was, it had to do with the F-Zero X Grand Prix so they will be participating in the normal version that will start in Mute City.

A humanoid bull-like agent then barged into Chronos' office with the most horrified expression the boss of the Time Patrol ever saw. He immediately feared the worst.

"Boss! Boss! It's... The timeline... There's..."

"Get a hold of yourself Agent Bull! What happened?!" Chronos yelled.

"An anomaly entered the universe!"

Chronos paled. He immediately understood what kind of anomaly the agent was talking about judging by his expression. "You mean...?"

Bull nodded. "All the timeline collapsed, excepted at one point."

Dejectedly, Chronos put his face in his hand. That wasn't just the worst. That was THE WORST.

The Time Patrol had studied many scenarios, and this one was the one that they had hoped would never come as they had no way to stop it. To be unlucky enough that their universe ended up being visited by something which the very existence was a... glitch. A glitch corrupting everything it interacted with. They hadn't even been sure that something like that existed outside, this had just been speculations.

And now...

"When?" Chronos asked.

"Exactly the same point in time that you sent Phoenix and QQQ to, sir."

Chronos groaned as he began to rub his head. An anomaly popping up at this time wasn't just a coincidence. "It seems that some being, either the anomaly itself or something above it, has decided to play with us."

"What should we do?"

"There isn't much we can do Agent Bull. Send a word to Agent Phoenix. He will have to try to find the anomaly if it is still in our universe and decide what to do with it, something tells me that he will find it in Mute City, but his current mission remains a priority. Even if the timeline is gone, Deathborn must be stopped at least for the good of the present he is in. Meanwhile... we will try to see if we can find a way to bring back the timeline."

DD wondered if They should do something about this but They decided to wait and see. This could be entertaining.

Author's Note:

For the ones who don't remember him, Gordon briefly appeared in Chapter 77. He's an OC, Champion from a region I made up, Ekusy. Ekusy is actually a region that I imagined based on Germany, all the way from modern Germany to the ancient German peoples from the time of the Roman Empire passing by the Holy Roman Germanic Empire. I sadly don't know much about the German history, but I thought that it would have been a nice continuation from Kalos (France) and Galar (England), basing new regions on European countries. And it seems that Gamefreak had the same idea since the region of the next gen is based on Spain.

For the ones who are curious, the other region I made up in the same chapter, Caloom, is based on Italia. As I see it, there would be a lot of Christian inspiration in this region in addition of references to the Roman Empire, Leonardo DeVinci, the Italian Renaissance, and so on. Heck, I see the League here in the equivalent of the Vatican.

Back to Gordon and Ekusy. As I stated, Gordon is the oldest Champion and the man who kept this title the longest, over 80 years! All this time and he was only defeated once by Red using his team made of the Legendary Birds and Mewtwo. He is a warrior, pure and simple, but he is not a brainless brute either, far from it. He is more... like one of these old generals who saw many wars. A prodigy strategist in Pokémon battles, sharpened after going through thousands of them. He could give the battle of their life to many of the Champions we know, even to Ruby and Elio despite their Mega Rayquaza and Ultra Necrozma. His Pokémon are all trained to perfection (translation: they all are level 100 and all have the best EV) and have a very good synergy To put it simply, he is someone like you find in the competitive battling scene. Also, he has a very no-nonsense attitude. You don't want to mess with the guy.

And now, knowing all this, I'm asking you guys to help me giving him a team. I'm sure that many of you know much more about how to make a team worthy of this guy than me. And even more since the Six Pokémon Limit was removed to better fight Team RR. Since he comes from a fanmade region, then this means that some of his Pokémon can be Fakemon. So, go wild! Types, abilities, appearance, stats, movepools, if they Gigantamax, and so on. And since the region is based on Germany, then you can come up with ideas based on what you know about this country and its History, customs, legends, and so on.

For example, I thought that one of his Pokémon could be an eagle-like one, based on the German eagle. So at least a Flying-type. Maybe a Steel/Flying-type. Or a Dark/Flying-type. That's all I have thought of for now.

Gordon won't enter in action before some time, so you don't have to hurry up. Just don't forget that we can work together. I suppose that coming up with a good competitive team made of both Fakemon and real Pokémon could be very complicated to do by ourselves.

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