• Published 25th Dec 2020
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Harmony of Heroes: Ultimate Multiverse Explorers - Lucar

Several months after her adventures on Popstar, Sweetie Belle decides it's time to start new adventures in new universes

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Chapter 173: Zerg Are Scary

Sweetie Void’s group stepped out of the rift before Dream Warper’s castle. She turned to Karax and Matt Horner and spread her forehooves.

“Welcome to Ponyville, Equestria, Equus! Well, my version of Equus, which we are calling Void Equus. Over there,” She pointed toward the portal. “is the portal that we use to go to other universes. Over there,” She pointed toward the Lor Starcutter. “is my dimensional spaceship, the Lor Starcutter. And behind me,” She pointed at the castle. “is Princess Twilight Sparkle’s castle.”

“A giant crystal tree?” Matt asked.

Phantom shrugged. “Magic. Get used to it.”

Sweetie Void giggled.

Karax looked at the tree. Impressive. I can feel the power radiating from this tree. It rivals our Nexus. Maybe it even surpasses them. So this is magic?

“If ya’re impressed by just this tree, then wait until ya see its source,” Apple Death said.

I can’t wait to study it and possibly incorporate it into our technology.

“And we can’t wait to see what your technology will bring to the Alliance,” Sweetie Void said. “Anyway. Let’s meet Twilight, or Dream Warper as we call her to differentiate her from the other Twilight Sparkles.”

As they entered the tree, Matt asked, “There are no guards?”

“Dream Warper isn’t comfortable yet with employing servants and guards,” Sweetie Void answered. “It was just a few years ago that she was just a lonely bookworm. She still has to get in her head that she is now royalty.”

“She wasn’t always?”

“Nope,” Apple Death answered. “In Equestria, when ya ascend into an alicorn, like Sweetie, ya immediately become a royal.”

“I’m kind of an exception because I already was the queen of another kingdom before I even ascended,” Sweetie Void specified. “So I’m not a royal of Equestria. But because I’m still just a filly, I have someone managing Floralia in my place, which allows me to go on adventures.”

Following Dream Warper’s magic, Sweetie Void was able to guide the group to her. To the fillies’ surprise, she wasn’t in her library, but in a large empty room with the Rainbooms.

Rainbooms who were training to use new powers they seemingly obtained. Dream Warper herself was taking notes.

“Uh? What have we missed?” Sweetie Void wondered.

“A whole battle,” Phantom said. “But what the heck happened in it for them to obtain new powers?”

“Is it even related? Why would the Rainbooms be in a battle in Hyrule?” Apple Death asked.

“I remember Dream Warper saying that she would give a tour of the different universes to them. I guess they were in Past Hyrule,” Sweetie Void said.

At this moment, Spike, who was beside Dream Warper, saw the group and gained the alicorn’s attention. Seeing them, Dream Warper stopped taking notes and approached them. One by one, the Rainbooms stopped training to look.

“Hello you three. I see that you are bringing guests. And… Uh… What is that?” she asked upon seeing Void Heart.

“A Zerg. A Broodmother Larva that their Overqueen gave to me so we will have a brood in the Alliance. Her name is Void Heart. Also, I present to you Admiral Matt Horner from the Terran Dominion and phase-smith Karax from the Daelaam of the Protoss. Both factions agreed to join our Alliance. Matt, Karax, this is Dream Warper.”

“Welcome! I’m glad to hear that we have new friends.”

“It’s my pleasure to be here, Your Majesty,” Matt said.

En Taro Adun, Princess Dream Warper.

Dream Warper looked at Karax in surprise. “Is that telepathy?”

Karax looked amused. As you can see, our race lacks what you call a mouth. We can’t talk the normal way. Thankfully, we are powerful psychics.

Before Dream Warper could say more, Phantom cleared her throat. “Ahem! Before you start Twilighting on us, what happened in Past Hyrule?”

“Oh right. Well, Bowser joined forces with the Gerudos and attacked the capital. However, it turned out to be a diversion to allow someone to sneak into the castle and free Ganondorf. They fled as soon as they received the signal that their objective was accomplished, leaving the town very damaged but with very few deaths. It went so fast that reinforcements arrived only after they left.”

“And so, we end up with Crazy Hand now with Ganondorf working for him, and also Past Eggman. Apple Death, you should go look at your museum just in case he tries to recruit Thanatos,” Sweetie Void said.

“Oh buck…” Apple Death opened a portal and left right away.

“I think that I should also visit Grogar and the others to make sure that they don’t get the idea to join him if he comes,” Sweetie Void said.

Phantom smirked. “Thankfully, I don’t have to worry. Grogar is still trapped wherever he is. The Changelings have developed too strong a friendship bond to betray the ponies, and Tirek is dead. It’s Apple Death who should worry, again. Her Tirek is still alive and her Chrysalis is still an enemy.”

Dream Warper nodded. “I will talk with Blackhole Sparkle once I have the occasion.”

“Who is this Crazy Hand? Anything to do with Master Hand?” Matt Horner asked.

“Certainly, but we aren’t sure how much,” Sweetie Void answered. “The two worked together when they fought Kirby, without forgetting that they are both giant hands, a right one and a left hand, so maybe they are brothers or something like that. But does this mean Crazy Hand is part of the Subspace Army? Not sure.”

“Since he just attacked us for the second time despite the non-aggression pact, we are even less sure,” Dream Warper said. “He could be a rogue element like K. Rool, but after the first time, Master Hand should have kept a leash on him.”

“If he can. If they are equal in power, I’m not sure if Master Hand would be able to do something,” Phantom said.

“So, in the end, we don’t know,” Sweetie Void said. “But it means that he is a more immediate threat than the Subspace Army, and we will have to find a way to deal with him if he continues his attacks.”

“And with how he recruited Ganondorf and Past Eggman, known enemies of the Alliance, I’m sure that we will see him again sooner than later,” Phantom said.

Matt and Karax exchanged a glance, then the Terran said, “Then I think that we should hurry to see the leaders of this Alliance so we can formalize our arrival in it and allow our armies to help you.”

Karax nodded.

“Right. Of course. Let me warn everyone,” Dream Warper said.

“No need to send a message to Chairman Keaton,” Sweetie Void said. “I intend to see him to ask him something. I can tell him about Matt and Karax on the same occasion.”

Sweetie Void came out of a rift on Daiban, before the Federation Meeting Assembly Hall. Before long, she arrived at Keaton’s office.

“Welcome, Queen Sweetie Void. To what do I owe this visit? Does this have something to do with what happened in Past Hyrule?” Keaton asked while he eyed Void Heart in curiosity.

“Actually, first I’m here to tell you that we have new allies. The Terrans and the Protoss. Representatives are in my Equestria, waiting to talk with you.”

“I see. Thank you for telling me. You said there is something else?”

“Yes.” At that, Sweetie Void showed Void Heart. “This is Void Heart, a Zerg from the same universe as the Protoss and the Terrans. She is a Broodmother Larva who will be able to build a hive once she reaches maturity. Once the hive is formed, they will be able to help us against the Subspace Army. But for that, she will need biomass. So I ask for a planet where she will be able to develop, with enough lifeforms, under the watchful eyes of the Galactic Federation. Don’t worry, I imprinted my telepathic signature to her so she will obey me. As long as I tell her to not attack anyone, she will remain docile. They won’t be like the Metroids.”

“I see. How much of a formidable ally will they become?”

“I haven’t learned much about Zerg, but they are pretty much insectoid, and like insects, I’m guessing that they can grow and spread very rapidly. Back in their universe, they are one of the three major races controlling their sector of the galaxy, alongside the Protoss and the Terrans. Yes, despite not having any technology, they developed space travel, and they can rival species who developed such technologies. They only care about growing, survival, and evolving however, so I wasn’t able to convince them to join the Alliance against the Subspace Army because the Subspace soldiers don’t offer any biomass. Their Overqueen still gave me this larva to do as I want with her.”

Keaton nodded. “I think that I know which planet to give to her.”

Planet Etera.

A very hostile planet entirely covered by jungles, full of huge, powerful predators.

One such predator attacked Sweetie Void who easily stopped it with her levitation. It was a Dertilga, a ten foot tall, four-armed gorilla-like creature with black fur. Considering that the trees on this planet were also huge, it had no problem balancing from branch to branch to drop without warning on unexpected prey.

And yet, when Sweetie Void placed Void Heart inside it and commanded it to feed, the larva devoured it from the inside in a matter of seconds, already giving her enough biomass to be able to grow into a not mature yet Broodmother, but mature enough that she will be able to lay eggs of the smaller Zerg.

“Ok, listen to me,” Sweetie Void began once the Broodmother was before her. Even if she wasn’t fully mature yet, she was still towering over her. “You are Void Heart, a Broodmother Zerg. Your mission is to feed on the lifeforms of this planet to develop a hive. Don’t attack anything else unless I say otherwise. Humans, especially, will eventually come to bring more biomass for you to spread your hive, so don’t attack them. Outside of that, do as you want.”

“Very well, my Queen.”

“Before you go…” Sweetie Void began to create a clone of herself, not of magic or energy, but of flesh and blood. She duplicated her own flesh, something like mitosis, causing a second Sweetie Void to sprout out of her body. However, she made sure that this Sweetie Void wasn’t alive. Also, she didn’t have her Cutie Mark. “Eat her. This way, you should gain magic. A gift from me.”

“Thank you, my Queen.”

Void Heart easily devoured the clone.

“Now go. Build your hive. And once the time comes, I will call for your help,” Sweetie Void said.

“Very well, my Queen.”

After that, the Broodmother disappeared into the jungle. Sweetie Void then flew and went to rest on a cloud, wanting to remain and watch a bit.

It was only a few minutes later that she saw trees being cut down, allowing her to see Void Heart, now fully mature, surrounded by a brood of a few dozen individuals of various shapes and sizes. Among them was a partially yellow Zerg that then disappeared inside a cocoon which rapidly began to grow. For the following minutes, the cocoon grew, grew, and grew, becoming very huge, until it hatched.

What came out of it was… hard to describe. It was a giant… spiked… mass of flesh. It looked like a volcano, but the chimney was a mouth with fangs and surrounded by spikes, or tusks, or bone-like mandibles. Very hard to say. From the top came what looked like tunnels out of which larvae came out almost right away. These larvae then quickly turned into cocoons which soon hatched into grown Zergs, including another yellow one, and more larvae came out to replace them. The yellow Zerg then moved away, then turned into a cocoon to form a new “building”.

Also, this… hatchery, released some weird purple organic thing that spread on the ground a large distance around it. The yellow Zerg forming the second “building” made sure to do it on this purple thing.

Sweetie Void continued to watch as the Zerg devoured, built more hatcheries, one of which evolved to eventually turn into the hive itself, hatched thousands of individuals, and all that in less than a hour. A huge part of the jungle was already gone, and a larger part of it was now covered in that purple organic thing.

It was… scary. Sweetie Void didn’t expect the Zerg to spread that fast. At this pace, they will colonize the whole planet in less than a month.

Also, she could see that Void Heart now had a horn on her forehead, confirming that she now had magic.

Sweetie Void decided that she saw enough, and she opened a rift, returning to her Equestria to rest. Another adventure awaited her tomorrow. After school, of course.

In school.

“So, how was the world you went to yesterday?” Shadow Speedster asked.

“Actually, where I went, I ended up in a civilization that developed space travel, so I was able to visit a couple of planets,” Sweetie Void answered. “I encountered three races cohabiting more or less with difficulty. One, of course, were the humans. The other two are known as Protoss and Zerg. I arrived in the Protoss world.”

She went on to describe the Protoss, their world, their technology, their architecture, and so on. Shadow Speedster and Black Apple were entirely focused on her words, fascinated.

“The Zerg, however, don’t use any technology at all. Everything with them is purely organic, even their “buildings”. They are very insectoid. They have a hivemind, and they are ruled by a queen, known as the Overqueen. They aren’t as friendly however. They only care about gathering biomass to multiply and evolve. I wasn’t able to convince them to join us because of that, but the Overqueen still gave me a larva so I can have my own brood. As for the humans, known as Terrans, I wasn’t able to see much of them, but their technology is slightly less developed than the Galactic Federation. Their guns still fire simple bullets.”

“Oh, they’ll love the Galactic Federation’s energy guns,” Black Apple said.

“Both the Terrans and the Protoss sent a representative with me to properly enter in contact with the Alliance. One is Admiral Matt Horner. The other is phase-smith Karax.”

“Phase-smith?” Shadow Speedster asked.

“It’s the Protoss name for engineers. They work on everything. Weapons, armors, and spaceships. You should see Karax. He has robot arms.”


“Cool! Uh. Where is Karax right now?” Shadow Speedster asked.

“He remained in Dream Warper’s castle, and right now, I think that he is exploring Ponyville. I saw him earlier before Sugarcube Corner. He is interested in moving to New Halcandra later today. You want to see him?”


“Then don’t worry, he should still be here when school ends. I can bring you to him before I start my next adventure.”

As soon as school was over, Sweetie Void did so. She easily found Karax’ psionic energy before Dream Warper’s castle and teleported to him with Shadow Speedster. She then said “Good luck,” to her friend before she teleported away, letting her talk to Karax.

After that, she gathered with Apple Death and Phantom, only to find that Phantom had two guests.

Phantom looked annoyed.

“They insisted on coming,” she said.

Present Sonic grinned at her. “Hey, come on, you aren’t the only one who loves to go on adventures. I’m really curious to discover a new world.”

Past Sonic nodded.

Sweetie Void shrugged. “The more the merrier. Alright then. But then, let’s cover more ground. Half of us go to explore a world, and the other half go to explore another.”

They all thought for a bit, then agreed, Apple Death saying, “Ok.”

“I agree,” Present Sonic said.

“Then, you, you, and you,” Sweetie Void pointed at Apple Death, Phantom, and Present Sonic. “You will go together. I will go with Past Sonic.”

“Sweet!” Present Sonic put an elbow on Phantom’s shoulder, annoying her even more. “I like to be with my pal.”

Phantom silently glared at him.

“Then time to go,” Sweetie Void said before she opened a rift. “Team One, it’s for you.”

But before the three could go through the rift…

“WAAAIIIIIIT!!!” A familiar voice suddenly yelled, gaining everyone’s attention.

Approaching them were Present Amy and her past self.

“Amy? What are you doing here?” Present Sonic asked.

“I heard that you and your past self intended to go explore a new world. And if you are going, then we are coming too!”

That made the two Sonics groan, making Phantom chuckle.

Sweetie Void grinned. “Like I said, the more the merrier. Welcome. Present Amy, you go with Team One. Past Amy, Team Two, with me and Past Sonic.”

Both Sonics found themselves hugged by their Amy.

“Me and Sonic! Exploring a new world!” Present Amy began.

“So romantic!” Past Amy finished.

Phantom laughed. Sweetie Void giggled. And even Apple Death was amused by the Sonics' misfortune.

The rift opened… and Apple Death, Phantom, Present Sonic, and Present Amy dropped right away into the ocean.

For Sonic, this adventure started really badly.

Author's Note:

Tell me if I do anything wrong with the Starcraft characters.

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