• Published 25th Dec 2020
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Harmony of Heroes: Ultimate Multiverse Explorers - Lucar

Several months after her adventures on Popstar, Sweetie Belle decides it's time to start new adventures in new universes

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Chapter 151: The S.S. World Eater

When exploring the flying saucer, the trio remarked that the hallways and the doorways to the rooms were all very large for some reason.

They found no map, so they settled to asking the direction from the Kremlings, after giving them a good beat down. Phantom also asked where the illusion disruptor was, and was answered that King K. Rool had it. Kremlings weren't that many compared to the Subspace creatures. About one to twenty, and often, hallways and rooms were empty of them, so the trio sometime had to wait to find one.

"The Kremling Krew isn't a big army, so that's normal," Diddy informed.

The Kremlings encountered were mainly beings known as Kritters, the bipedal dominant species of Kremlings. They were all wearing white futuristic armors, and the majority of them used laser guns of beam swords. Ones with electric brass knuckles and shields were a bit less common. And then, there were ones with rocket launchers or throwing grenades who were rarer. These two last ones were easy to deal with because DK could counter their projectiles by clapping his hands to create shockwaves, sending the projectiles away. Every now and then, the trio also encountered jetpack Kremlings who remained in the ship.

But the trio also encountered from time to time the Kritters' quadrupedal cousins known as Klaptraps, mainly used by the Kritters as attack dogs. Phantom quickly learned to hate these ones. They were fast, and at the first occasion, they jumped at you to bite your face off with their disproportionately huge jaw. They were particularly terrifying to encounter in packs.

"Welcome to the "we hate Klaptraps" club," DK said to Phantom.

But in the end, the Kremlings were the least of the trio's worries. The Subspace creatures really were the threats with their number and large diversity.

Primids were the main force, like always. All types were present. From the simple unarmed ones that could just punch and kick to the giant ones, passing by the metal ones and the ones that could breathe fire. They were easy to deal with, but their number always threatened to overwhelm the trio.

At the turn of a hallway, the trio discovered the annoyance that the trumpet-head creatures, apparently called Borboras, were. The Borboras blew air, forcing the trio to fight against the wind to advance. Since they were in closed space, no way to move around to avoid the blown wind, especially if they were numerous enough, they had no choice but to face it. So DK clapped his hands to create shockwaves that counteracted the wind, allowing the trio to advance. The shockwaves reaching the Borboras even stunned them. But while this happened, other enemies such as Primids and Kremlings armed of guns fired at will on the trio. Thankfully, DK had the idea of stealing a shield from a Kremling to use it as cover while Phantom and Diddy advanced behind him.

The hallways were particularly full of the wheel-like enemies. Glire for the ones that blew fire, Glunder for the electric ones, and Glice for the ice ones. Floating metallic spheres with four spinning blades known as Cymuls were also often encountered as obstacles. These ones had to be knocked either from below or from above, and DK was often left to deal with them. And of course, since they were in hallways, there were the one-wheeled motorcycles (Roaders) charging down them at full speed. The trio often had to plunge out of the way of these ones.

When the trio entered a room -not sure what it was for they didn't care-, they found themselves under fire by a living floating stationary turret with a skull-like face known as a Roturret. It was covered by quite a number of Primids, some clouds (Spaaks), and some ghosts (Floows), without forgetting that there were also some Kremlings. DK barreled right through the Primids to directly go punch the Roturret, making it spin around. While DK was busy with the turret, Phantom attacked the Primids and Kremlings while Diddy used his rocket barrels to fly toward the Spaaks and Floows to deal with them. Not long after DK destroyed the Roturret, metallic chicken-like enemies entered the room. The ape immediately targeted them.

Their destruction revealed that these chickens were actually some kind of mecha piloted by small yellow birds. DK made sure to punch them too to not let them escape so they could return with a new chicken suit.

Back in the hallways, the trio encountered two red armored robots on treads armed of a lance that Diddy identified as Autolances. These guys revealed to be quite troublesome to deal with because their armor was solid, and with their lance, they had a very long range. They could even launch the lances to attack from a distance. Thankfully, they revealed to have a weak point. DK knocked off the helmet of one of them, revealing a yellow emergency light. Destroying it destroyed the robot. Diddy was able to knock off the helmet of the other one, allowing Phantom to destroy it. DK had to protect them from a robot with a bucket (Buckot), and the trio had to destroy more of them afterward.

"We will have to warn everyone to be particularly careful of these Autolances. They are dangerous," Phantom said.

When the trio entered another room, they were almost impaled by some of the white birds, Auroros. While avoiding the diving birds, they also found themselves facing a real army of the multicolored balls that could multiply, Bytans. These balls were absolutely filling the room! Among these balls were some new floating enemies that looked like amalgamations of little black spheres forming a humanoid body around a red glowing core. These things, Shaydas, had two heads with small bright red eyes, and their arms ended in two-ended blades.

Seeing that there were too many Bytans to deal with all of them with just the three of them, the balls would multiply too rapidly, the trio decided to pass them and exit the room. The Shaydas followed them however, so the trio eventually fought them after exiting the room. The Shaydas revealed to be powerful enemies, probably elites of the Subspace Army, that were very deadly with their blades, and to top it off, attacks barely dealt damage to them. Thankfully, attacking the core revealed to be very effective. But it was very dangerous to reach it because of the blades.

"How I miss manipulating the sword with hands," Phantom said. "These guys would be no problem to me even without the ruby."

Once the Shaydas were eliminated, the trio continued, encountering more enemies. Countless of the stick figures (Mites). The fishes (Feyeshes). The ammonites (Armights). Some tanks every now and then (Armanks). Some pots on wheels (Greaps). Clawed wooden marionette puppets suspended on strings (Puppits). Black-and-burgundy enemies with a bomb as a head that threw the bomb and then ran away the time to regenerate a new one (Bombed). Some plants with a purple sack and large lips that attempted to kiss the trio to deal damage (Bucculus). Weird flying carpet enemies that attempted to force the trio on them to lift them and slam them hard on the ceiling (Trowlons). Large masks sitting atop four yellow bases (the bottom ones larger than the top ones), making them very tall enemies that fired lasers from their eyes (Gamyga). Despite their size, these ones were easy to defeat for Diddy who could fly to the head to attack it directly. The others had to destroy some of the bases to reach it.

The trio wasn't sure how far they were, and they were starting to feel tired, but they continued. However, in a hallway, they found themselves blocked by several blue and white enemies that had a rounded body. They revealed to act like sumos, attacking like one and even hitting the ground with their feet. They seemed easy to deal with, their attacks didn't hit hard, but they revealed to be rather resistant. But then, after receiving some damage, they rubbed their body and grew larger, turning yellow. They became slower, and they became easier to hurt, but in return, they packed more punch. Then, after they received more damage, they rubbed their body again and turned even bigger, becoming red. Now, the trio had to be careful to not be hit by them like that, but thankfully, they were very easy to eliminate in this form. Diddy identified them as Nagagogs.

Another new enemy followed not long after, something that resembled a large stag beetle, a Shellpod. It had a solid shell that took little damage, forcing even DK to hit hard. Eventually, the shell was destroyed, revealing that it was actually an aquamarine, banana-shaped creature. Without its shell, it was pretty much harmless.

And then, in a room, there was a large ram-like enemy with an angelic face, a Towtow. Despite what was going on, it was sleeping. However, it quickly woke up because of the noise of the fights, and its face turned more demonic. It then charged at the trio whilst emitting electricity. To defeat it, the trio had to wait for it to stop emitting electricity before they could attack.

The most important enemies were the Poppants, little black enemies with large red trousers full of healing sprays. The trio crossed them from time to time, healing the enemies while remaining in the back, away from the fights. If the trio approached, they tried to escape. So DK rolled through the enemy ranks to rapidly chase the Poppants and knock them out, getting their healing sprays. Thanks to these sprays, the heroes were able to continue to explore the flying saucer despite the many hits they took.

"I hope we aren't far from the core," Diddy said. "The jungle must be burning pretty badly below."

The trio continued to encounter every kinds of Subspace creatures. Roturrets were becoming more common as they advanced, and rocket launcher Kremlings also appeared more often. Real turrets appeared as they were approaching the core. DK had to use the shield he got from the Kremling against these, and to take them down, Diddy had to rapidly approach them by flying before he used his peanut guns to destroy them. It took many peanuts to destroy one however, so he eventually instead transported Phantom so she could destroy the turrets with her beam sword, more effective.

Then, after many more long minutes of fighting and advancing through hallways and rooms, they entered a large room and discovered why the hallways and doorways were so big.

Before them was a giant robot. Or was it a cyborg? Its purple hands, neck, and what could be seen of the head under a helmet looked organic. What was certain was that it looked like a giant ape covered from head to toe in a heavy mechanized arsenal. Some parts were purple-colored like the giant rocket launchers on its back, the sole of its feet, and the lines of its arm brasses over its bulky forearms. Its helmet was composed of a mask shaped like the head of an axe and had a spike on the top.

"Shit!" Phantom exclaimed.

"We just had to fall on a secret weapon!" Diddy said, shaking in fear.

DK growled at the robot and pounded his chest.

King K. Rool's voice resonated in the room.

"HAA HA HA HA HA!!! You have gone far, but let's see if you can pass THIS! I present to you the Subspace Army's super heavy assault infantry, the Galleom! It will pound you to next week! Galleom! Destroy them!"

With a metallic roar, Galleom began the battle by rising a foot to stomp on the trio (allowing the trio to see that there were jets under the feet). The foot was large enough to trample even DK, so the three quickly jumped away to avoid being crushed. They then began to attack Galleom, Phantom slicing the legs, DK punching the legs, and Diddy climbing it. Galleom being ape-like, it was hunched, meaning that Diddy could rest on its neck. He used his position to attack the head. Galleom attempted to grab him, but Diddy escaped its hands, using his small size to his advantage and moving all over the back.

Galleom's readied its fists and spun its upper body once. Again, Phantom and DK jumped away as Galleom punched the ground with its two fists. However, this created a shockwave that sent Phantom and DK crashing into a wall. Galleom then fired four missiles that targeted DK. The ape, recovering from the crash, used his shockwaves to send the missiles flying away.

Galleom attempted to punch DK when he got too close, but DK avoided it and, like against Gorimondo, he used the occasion to climb the arm to the back, joining Diddy. He then repeatedly punched Galleom's body until he was grabbed and Galleom tightened its grip to crush him in its hand. Diddy acted quickly and flew toward Phantom to grab her and throw her at the hand holding DK. Phantom then slashed the hand, making Galleom open it and release DK.

Still flying, Diddy began to use his peanut guns on Galleom, getting its attention as it tried to slap him like a fly. DK used the occasion to climb Galleom to attack the body again, this time bringing Phantom so she could also attack the body with her sword.

Galleom suddenly spun very rapidly, arms outstretched, almost getting Diddy who barely flew away in time. The spinning even created a vacuum that sucked Diddy in right toward its fists, and Diddy had to fight it to avoid a painful fate. Meanwhile, Phantom and DK tried to resist, holding on on Galleom's shoulders, but Phantom was rapidly ejected, and DK followed soon after.

Galleom stopped spinning afterward, and Phantom and DK rapidly recovered before they charged back toward the robot. But then, Galleom jumped high, and the jets under its feet activated, making it hover in the air. It moved right above Phantom, ready to drop on her with all its weight. She was saved by Diddy swooping in and grabbing her before getting away at the last moment.

DK approached Galleom, avoiding an attempt to stomp him, and resumed attacking the legs like at the beginning. If he could damage the legs enough, or even destroy them, it would be a huge handicap to Galleom.

But then, Galleom jumped and its body morphed. Its legs entered its body, its head entered its chest only showing the mask, the hands entered the arm braces which placed themselves against its sides, and the rocket launches retracted so they were smaller, glued on its back, and facing ahead. Landing (DK moving away to not be crushed), Galleom thus revealed its tank form, hovering above the ground. The jets then propelled it (revealing that the arms also had jets), and it rammed DK, sending him crashing into a wall. Phantom avoided the same fate by lowering herself against the ground so Galleom passed just above her. Diddy, still flying, thought that he didn't have to worry about it, only for Galleom to jump, taking him by surprise and successfully hitting him. After landing, Galleom went for another go at Phantom who, this time as the tank passed above her, pointed her sword upward. As a result, she left a big gash across Galleom's torso.

Galleom stopped moving and faced Phantom before it fired missiles at her. Phantom ran around to avoid them, sometimes using the tactic of avoiding them at the last moment so they passed beside her and continued their path, but Galleom continued to fire missiles. Meanwhile, DK climbed on Galleom's back and attacked the left rocket launched, quickly damaging it. He then grabbed it and pulled hard, ripping it off before he threw it away.

Galleom returned to its simian form, DK moving to be on its shoulder, and looked at where the rocket launcher was thrown. Getting angry, it roared, stomped around, let out smoke from various holes, and turned red.

It then spun while firing missiles with its remaining rocket launcher, missiles flying randomly in every directions by bursts of two. The heroes weren't locked on this time however, so the missiles didn't home in, allowing them to easily avoid them despite the randomness of their trajectories. But DK was still ejected from Galleom's shoulder.

Once Galleom stopped spinning, it ran toward Diddy and attempted to slap him again. However, it revealed to be faster in its angered state, and Diddy was eventually slapped and sent crashing into a wall. While Galleom had its back turned, DK ran toward Phantom, grabbed her, and threw her at the robot. She landed right on its back, and she went to attack the remaining rocket launcher, managing to slice it off. This disarmed Galleom who got even more angry.

Before Phantom could react, she was grabbed and slammed into the ground where Galleom threatened to stomp on her. But DK came and punched the foot, making it move aside so it stomped next to the filly instead of on her. DK then quickly grabbed Phantom and ran away as Galleom repeatedly jumped. Once it stopped, Phantom and DK returned to attack the legs, and Diddy also flew in to gain Galleom's attention by attacking its head. This failed however as Galleom instead attacked Phantom and DK with its fists, forcing them to adopt a hit-and-run tactic. It eventually punched the ground with its two fists, creating a shockwave. But this time, both Phantom and DK jumped above it despite it being more powerful.

Finally, with a last punch, DK damaged the right leg enough that it stopped working, smoke escaping it. This forced Galleom to balance on its remaining leg while dragging the other one. It decided to hop around, attempting to crush Phantom and DK with its remaining foot. Instead of running around to avoid being crushed, DK put Phantom on his back and jumped. Diddy caught him and used the momentum of the jump to throw him toward Galleom's back. The throw was a little short, but DK successfully clung to Galleom's shoulder and was able to climb. He and Phantom then resumed attacking the body.

Galleom quickly stopped hopping around and went to grab them, but to its surprise, Phantom changed target and instead slashed at the left upper arm which was pretty much just a stick linking the arm brace to the body. She successfully sliced it off, separating the left arm and thus stopping it from grabbing DK. The right arm still managed to grab Phantom and it began to crush her. DK jumped from the body and slammed his fists on the head hard, making sure to avoid the spike of the helmet. He hit the head with enough force to send it crashing on the ground, making Galleom open its hand and release Phantom.

Galleom recovered with some difficulty because of its damaged leg and destroyed arm, only for Diddy to attack its remaining leg, finally damaging it enough that it also stopped working. This pretty much immobilised Galleom until it decided to take its tank form. However, with only one jet remaining, the one of the right arm, it couldn't go far. DK grabbed Phantom and jumped on its back, and Diddy joined them before the three began to attack its body. Galleom retook its simian form to use its right arm to attempt to grab one of them, but Phantom sliced it off too.

Now, Galleom really was stuck, and the heroes were free to unleash their full might to destroy it.

It still took another minute of punching, kicking, and slashing before Galleom's body began to explode. The trio quickly escaped. As Galleom roared in agony, pieces of it were sent everywhere. Finally, the explosions stopped, and what remained of Galleom stopped moving, smoking heavily.

The three heroes were now breathing heavily, but they didn't have time to rest. They still had to defeat K. Rool before the flying saucer's cannon was repaired, and Phantom had to recover her powers so she could stop the fires on the island, destroy the Subspace Army's troops, and save the Kongs and the engineers.

"I hope we won't encounter another one," Diddy said.

Phantom glarred at him. "Don't jinx it."

"At least, I have some healing sprays I kept from the Poppants."

DK nodded. "Let's heal and go."

"It makes me think that we should start to bring potions from the Pokémon world, or mushrooms from this world. I never thought of it because I could just heal everyone with my powers, but in situations like these, it will save our lives," Phantom said.

DK and Diddy agreed.

"And you and Sweetie Void and Ness won't always be here to heal our butts anyway," DK said.

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