• Published 22nd Feb 2012
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Griffin the Griffin - BlackWing

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Farewell (37)


Once I was once again in private with Twilight, she started again.

"Can I ask you some questions?"

"Are they about magic?"


"Go ahead."

"What did Princess Luna mean when she said I had taken her place as 'Best Pony'?" I started to giggle.

"It's an alien thing. You see, well, okay, promise not to tell anyone? Seriously, if anyone else knows about this, it could spell ruin."

"Um, alright?" She replied nervously.

"You're a celebrity in my world. All six of you, and the princesses."


"Yes, I knew about you long before I came here. Lots of us do, although we didn't know it was real. We thought it was fiction. Anyway, fans have their favorite characters, and a lot of them argue and debate the merits of each. The phrase, (X) is best pony, is basically used as a way to declare who your favorite is. I happened to like Luna. She's no stranger to misery, and despite that, she works for a better tomorrow. Well, she WAS my favorite, until I learned that she had a pet spider."

"And that's a problem because?"

"Spiders are evil."

"You're afraid of spiders?"

"They're evil little demons, straight from the pits of Tartarus! There was one that was at least sixty feet long, and had fangs the size of my sword! It was her pet from a thousand years ago, although it was much smaller back then. Anyway, you can't tell the other's, or they'll be looking over their shoulders all the time. Fluttershy would feel like she was always being watched, and Dash would become even more of a showoff."

"I understand. So then, I'm your new favorite now?"

"Yep! Don't you just feel awesome?" She started to blush.

"Okay, and, I've been hearing a lot about this 'Echo', who is he?"

"Echo is a not-diamond dog, in the same way that I'm a not-griffin. He also happens to be a fan of you girls. Luna is his favorite. Anyway, he showed up in the jungle within a day, ahead or behind, of me showing up in the badlands. Instead of a griffin, he became an alpha diamond dog. Then he went around playing hero. Saved Daring Do, killed Ahuizotl, met Disarray, and saved Wethoof."

"Wow, sounds like he's been, busy. Wait, who's Disarray?" She asked.

"Well, all that stuff about Discord visiting my world, well, Echo is the human he brought here to cause chaos. He knew you were gonna beat him, so that was his last ditch plan, but it failed. Anyway, Disarray is a draconnequuis alicorn hybrid. He's the son of Discord and Princess Celestia......" Twilight just stood there for a second, listening to everything I had said, before her eyes rolled back in her head and she passed out. I carried her to the deck to her friends, and explained that she geeked out so much she passed out.

"Ugh, what a nightmare, you were talking about Discord and......"

"It was real Twilight, Disarray is the son of Celestia and Discord. Before he went on a rampage, they were in love, did the.... do wah diddy, as it were, and she had a son. He can take the form of either a draconnequuis or an alicorn like the princesses. When Discord went wild, he tried to stop him, and got locked up for two thousand years. Echo found him and freed him, so now he tags along with them."

All the ponies just looked at me, trying to imagine their princess and the fiend being together, and all of them getting woozy at the thought.

"Ya know how farfetched that sounds?" Applejack asked me.

"Well, he's the news article, with photo."

I pulled out the page from the post that was in the bar, showing them all. Tythus, Echo with his spear, Ginger Snap, Daring Do, and then the winged unicorn stallion standing next to them.

"See, that's him, right there, standing next to Daring."

"So, let me get this straight.... YOU met Daring Do?" Dash asked.

"Yep. You jealous? She actually looks just like you RD, except with a different colour scheme. Tan instead of cyan, and grey instead of rainbow. In a black and white photo, you could be mistaken for her. She's got the same attitude problems you do too." Rainbow crossed her forelegs and began grumbling about not having an attitude problem, but then Pinkie piped up.

"HEY! I just remembered! Griffy's all better, and we're friends now, and I never got to do it before, so you know what this calls for?"

"A party, without pranks this time......" Gilda suggested.


Meanwhile, In Canterlot

"Come on, he would have written a reply by now..... and here it is."

Dear Princess Celestia,

There's no need for such hostility. I couldn't hurt them if I tried, it's not in my capabilities. In fact, I spent the better half of the day being nursed back to health by them, after I risked my life to save theirs, so stuff it okay? She's here, right next to me, stop worrying so much. I told you before, they'll be fine. She's going to write the next part.

"Sister, what does stuff it mean?" Luna asked.

"He's telling me to fill my mouth with anything from pie to an old sock so I can't talk. He has literally NO repsect for us." Celestia scowled.

Hello Princess, it's me, Twilight. I am in good health, we all are, thanks to Griffin. He stood alone against six full grown dragons to protect us, and won. As such, he is currently beyond our capabilities to capture, and we are giving up the chase. We will return to Ponyville, where I will write to you again. I cannot tell you were we are, or else he won't send the letter, for fear of you coming after him.

Celestia and Luna spat out their tea, then just looked at each other in awe.

"Well, that IS my student's writing style, it's good to know she's alright but, that doesn't seem right. Six?" The older pondered.

"That is what it says." The younger replied.

"Then he is far more dangerous then I imagined. No wonder they gave up trying to capture him. After a display like that, only one of us, or the combined elements of harmony, would be able to stand against such a force. He must be captured at any cost. The problem is, I have no idea where he is."

See? She's fine. Quit worrying so much. You've got enough on your mind running a country, doing a fine job at that, you don't need to get stressed out over nothing. And Luna, spiders are evil, I killed your pet because it was trying to eat me. Don't raise monsters.

Sincerely, Griffin.

"So much for no respect." Luna stated plainly.

"He's afraid.... I understand now, he's afraid. He's playing it cool, but in reality, he DREADS the fact that my student is with him, because that means by association, so am I. He's being very nice to all of them, because he fears retribution from me. Then he throws the first compliment that I have ever gotten from him out there, just for good measure. He did agree with me on a couple points though. For one, he thinks it's foalish that Twilight left Spike home, and two, spiders really are nasty little things." Celestia took a deep breath then let it out.

"Well, at least I know they're safe, that's a load of worry off my mind. It's just been so much lately. Discord escaping, the Wethoof thing, although that was solved by Echo, and now my student and her friends being rescued from dragons, six of them. It makes me wonder, are these 'aliens' perhaps here to help us? While he is a criminal, Griffin only lashed out at those who wronged him. The guards in Stalliongrad, who tried to take his weapon for bits, Frost Snap, who endangered an entire village by trying to kill it's saviour, both of which he only injured minimally. Then, if his claim of discovering magic is true..... I still don't know what his goal is. I suppose my student will have some insights into that when she returns. Hold on, I need to change the wanted poster."

Wanted- ALIVE, Griffin the griffin, 4000 bits. While a criminal, he possesses information vital to the future of Equestria, and is not to be harmed. Caution is advised, as is known to have slain dragons on several occasions. Extremely dangerous and unpredictable. Abilities unknown.

"There, now I'll just send this out to every mail station, and we're set."

"You really should relax a bit sister. He has only killed in self defense at this point, and to rescue others. He would not harm them. Perhaps he is not as mysterious as previously thought."

"Well, I suppose this calls for a celebration. Another four days till we reach port, plenty of food, some new armor on it's way, enemies became friends. Ah, who am I kidding, let's party."

"But, I, don't have any party supplies, other than what I packed, and I used those a while ago....."

"Well, that's alright. It can be more of a relaxed party then. Say, does anyone have some tea?"

"You're joking, you drink tea?" Gilda scoffed.

"But of course my dear, it helps to relax at the end of the day, and clears the mind of worry." I say in a high class tone, which just brings laughter to everyone else. Fluttershy pulls out some herbal blends, which both the crew and mane six enjoy considerably. It's night, Gilda and Shimmer go to bed, as does Maria. Nadene, Twilight, Dash, Fluttershy, Selma, and Tiras join us out on the deck for some stargazing. It's not very good, since there's a massive armored balloon above us, but we can still see what's on the horizons.

"Oh, I forgot. Everyone, this is Selma, or Elder. She's the leader of the former Lemko tribe, and this is Tiras, the chief of the former Romak tribe. They're natives of the jungle." The ponies looked at the hag of the woman, and graceful man who almost moved like a snake would. Then they looked behind them, to see several of the cats on the deck, training, going over the motions of stabbing, blocking, and shooting bows. We had replaced their old weapons with scale spears for medium range, and bone swords for close. The bows were made of horn and dragon tendon. They also practiced formations unarmed, two groups clashing with each other and beating each other to a pulp. The flying V, flanking maneuvers, the works. Etch and Growl were directing them.

"They really work hard, don't they? Even at this late hour, they're still up and about." Twilight remarked.

"They're all from warrior tribes. It's their pride. That, and we're somewhat nocturnal." Nadene pointed out.

"So then, what's your role in all this? What position do you play?"

"Oh, I'm a potion maker. I don't know enough to be a doctor, but my village makes the best remedies in the jungle, maybe even the world, and my father was the chief. He was the best of the best, and taught me everything I know. Other than that, stealth. I'm fast, silent, and can get around obstacles the others can't. I ride on Maria when we need to travel, but when fighting, she stays behind."

"Yeah, she doesn't seem so tough." Rainbow said.

"Well, what do you expect? She's just a kid. She's full grown, but not quite mature yet. I've been teaching her how to hold her own. She probably won't see the front lines though. She and Shimmer are the kids of the group, we do what we can to protect them, and they're useful in their own ways."

"Yep, Shimmer is my best friend, because she's not afraid of spiders and is a source of fire for burning the vicious little....." I stop when I realize Fluttershy isn't very happy with the way I'm talking about spiders.

"Anyway, I'd rather not have something with eight legs, three times the size of a bunny, and venomous as a manticore crawling around on me, so fire becomes highly important. Webs are sticky, and you can't cut them. You have to burn them."

"Oh, oh my.... something that size could..... Angel bunny....." The yellow pegasus suddenly looked worried.

"Well, they're only found in the jungle, so you don't have to worry about that."

"Hey guys, nice work, looking good. Wrap it up. We're headed off to bed. We gotta be up early tomorrow for more practice. Gotta be ready for anything."

The rest of the week went by without incident. We arrived at Bitsburg, where we docked. I spotted the 'Hindentanic' off the bow. It was bigger than the 'Possibility', but our ship was by far more brilliant. Rarity seemed to be smitten with it.

"You like the look of it?"

"But of course, Equestria's most luxurious airship. On board spa facilities, five star hotel, and unsinkable. It's getting ready for a round trip over the Ring Sea."

"Yeah, you wouldn't catch me on that death trap."

"Do you know much of airships?"

"Only that the Hindenburg and Titanic were two of the largest, most opulent methods of travel to ever exist, and both ended in disaster. There is such a thing as 'too big'. Then again, things like that don't happen in Equestria, it's probably nothing. Just me being paranoid."

"You remind me of Twilight, always worrying."

"Tell me about it."

"See ya around." Rainbow flew off, glad to finally be off the ship. While she could fly around all she wanted, she couldn't just land anywhere, and she was probably missing her cloud home.

"I best be gettin home, else Big Mac'll hurt himself on the farm. It's been, interestin, to say the least." Applejack departed.

"Well, thanks to you, I have a new area of study. I can't wait to get started! And now I know that there's a whole other world out there. I have loads I want to try out. I guess, I'll see you around?" Twilight offered.

"Yeah, see you around." Joke's on her, I never told her any of the words. She'll realize that when she gets home. I anticipate screaming.

"I got to throw you all a party! See? It wasn't so bad. And I got to make it up to you for last time. Come visit sometime!" Pinkie said as she skipped down the gang plank.

"I will." She stopped and turned to look at me.


"You know I can't do that." She seemed a little sad, but kept smiling anyway.

"Well, it was..... nice..... meeting you...." Fluttershy squeaked.

"Oh! Hold on, I forgot, I would never be able to live with myself if I didn't do this."


I walked up to Fluttershy calmly, and gave her a gentle hug. She seemed surprised, then returned it.

"Wow, you really are soft." I thought for a second, then realized I wasn't the one who said it. She did.

"Yeah, so are you. Anyway, good luck out there. Oh, and don't let Angel push you around so much."

"Wait, what? How do you know about...."

"See ya!" I then flew back onto the ship and smiled.

We stayed docked for another day, as Steelhorn went into town to pick of the things he needed for his new designs. I had made a couple suggestions to him, like having another gem which could be used to alter the hull, either using 'protego' to shield it, or 'obscuro' to make it invisible, but the power requirements meant that if we were to do either, we'd have to give up all movement and magical weapons systems. He agreed the idea had merit, but we'd need WAY more gems than we had and were affordable to pull it off.

"Well then, I guess after we reach our destination, you'll just have to stick around."

We set sail again the next morning, away from shore a bit, towards the zebrican isles. The Hindentanic also took off behind us, headed on it's round trip of the world. We travelled for about five minutes before the luxury cruise ship's balloon started to deflate, making it slowly drop into the ocean. They had life boats, and everyone seemed okay. I just laughed.

"Called it."

"Well, here we are, the first ever laser cannon, installed on the deck of the ship. A rotating platform, with a gem mounted on it in a mirror chamber. Pull the lever, it seals shut, and the fluid from the conduit runs over it, charging it. Keep it there for five seconds to give it a full charge, then move it to the neutral position for a second to let it drain. Say the magic word, light fills the chamber and builds in intensity. Nothing is lost because any light given off that bounces back into the gem just gets turned back into a charge, and is let out again. Then, to fire, pull the trigger to open the iris. Light flows through the lens into a beam. Move the lever the other way, and the lens moves out from in front, making it a spotlight. Make sure to let go of the trigger when switching between beam and light, or else you'll damage it, and don't point it at the ship. Since it can turn all the way around, we can shoot at targets in front, behind, or anywhere around. There's a built in safety mechanism that shuts the iris if it's pointed at the support pillars for the lower half of the ship." Steelhorn seemed proud. Shimmer seemed equally as proud, considering she helped with it. They both looked at their creation and beamed.

"Well then, I think we need a test fire. Maria, would you like to give it a whirl? This is a beam weapon, so it doesn't have any falloff due to gravity that cannons do. It goes where you aim it. Hmm, see that rocky outcropping over there?" I pointed to some rock formations coming out of the sea, signalling our approach to the zebra isles.

"Well, okay." Ste stepped up to the platform, putting her claws on the handles. Looking through the built in scope, she spotted the rocky outcrop and tensed up. She gently moved the device so she could see the single tree on the rocks. She held steady, then pulled the trigger for but an instant. She missed by a fair bit.

"Good shot, although it'll probably take a bit of getting used to." I encouraged.

"Mind if I try my hand?" Tiras asked.

"Go ahead."

He walked up to the gun mount, and instead of placing his weight on it as Maria needed to, he moved it gently and smoothly. Looking through the scope, he recharged it, then fired. The tree burst into flames.

"Excellent. You seem to have the knack for this."

"I was the chief of a tribe of rangers......"

"Of course, you're a master at the use of long range weapons. Well, looks like you've found your post. Good work." The black cat beamed. Maria however, was a little disappointed.

"Hey, don't be so down."

"I'm not good at anything!" She was almost in tears.

"Hey, that's not true. You just haven't found your special thing yet. You'll find something you're good at, something none of us can do, a unique way to help us all your own. I happen to know of three ponies who are doing the exact same thing right now, trying to figure out who they are and where they fit in. Don't give up so easily, okay?"

"But, how am I supposed to figure it out?"

"Well, why don't you spend some time with Selma? She's old and wise, I'm sure she'll be able to help you figure out what you're good at."

"O, okay."

"Chin up kid, you'll figure it out."

"Well, there we go Steelhorn. We now have an anti ship weapon capable of firing anywhere on a horizontal area, 360 degrees, with four blind spots being the support pillars. Since it's a precision weapon, it has an extremely long range, and will mostly be used against other ships. Just pop their balloons. Cannons for siege, and the like. All it needs is a shield, and we've got ourselves a near unbeatable battleship. You've outdone yourself."

"Aye, I say this calls for a celebration! Everybody, meet below deck! We'll crack open the booze!" Gilda looked at me with a bit of a glare.

"Just one glass in celebration won't hurt, right?" Her gaze softened.

"Just one glass."

We headed down to the mess hall and into the wine cellar, although it housed far more than wine. Steelhorn opened the fridge, not the one that had the heads in it, that was elsewhere. Luckily, the ponies didn't find the bag of severed heads, and the minotaur was able to turn them, and all the gold we gave him, into bits which he had stashed away. No, he opened his 'special' fridge, the one containing all the alcohol.

"What the.... where's me scotch!" He bellowed.

"There, there's nothing here!" Nadene added.

"Why is the rum gone?" I asked in the classic Sparrow swagger.

Gilda walked over to the fridge and picked up something we didn't notice. A curly lock of pink hair that was stuck on the door. As soon as we saw it, we all yelled at the realization.


Dear Princess Celestia,

I've got a jar of dirt, can you guess what's inside it?

Sincerely, Griffin.

Ps: Twilight and them all arrived safely, just in time to watch the Hindentanic go down. What a waste of bits.

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