• Published 22nd Feb 2012
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Griffin the Griffin - BlackWing

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Negotiation (88)



"Marble Pillars. Just look at it. Hard to believe they made something this gorgeous." The aptly named warren had a multitude of columns that were placed in a style Grif said was 'greco-romanish' when he looked out the window from his bed. It seems that while most of them avoided the artistic, these hounds were the exception to the rule. It was set in a green valley, turned brown by fallen leaves, with little creeks and streams running through it, and a very thin layer of frost covering everything, as it was nearing winter. We don't know anything about this den, and couldn't tell too much in the dark of night, other than it's heavily defended if the multitude of ballistas that sat on the walls and pillars, and were packed with everything from harpoons with reels for pulling airborne threats down, to massive bundles of arrows that would split apart when fired for what Grif called a 'shotgun' effect. This was one den that we would not want to tangle with using mobile forces. Even with armor, they'd be ripped apart by the sheer force of the assault.

"So..... what do you think we should do?"

"You're the captain Gilda."

"And while you're in that bed, you're the tactical adviser. Gimme my options."

"Alright. Option one is we fly out and attack them head on, and we all die horrible deaths by their artillery."

"Clearly not picking that one."

"Two, we leave them alone,"

"We came all the way here, that's a no go either."

"Sneak in and assassinate the leaders."

"Possible, although they look like they have pretty tough security."

"Attack them from the ship, destroy their defenses then fly out to meet them."

"That's good."

"They're clearly not the standard dogs if they have weapons and architecture that require advanced design. Negotiate. Reason with them. Failing that, we can still attack."

"I think we'll go with that one. How do we go about doing it?"

"Drop the ship below the clouds and shout greetings?"

"Would that work?"

"We can try. The spell is 'sonor' by the way."

I stood on deck as the ship dropped out of the night clouds, and from my perch I could see a swarm of activity within the city. Dogs getting armored, loading the weapons, and a trio of dragons coming out from within. The strangest thing was, the flying serpents were NOT in chains. In fact.... I saw a couple griffins and ponies down there, walking around freely.

"The hell.......... Etch, Growl, Nadene, Tiras, Trixie, hell, everyone! What do you make of that?"

"Seems to me like they aren't slaves." The unicorn stated.

"Peaceful?" The smaller dog pondered as he tilted his head to the side.

"Well armed." The larger added. "Protects self, does not attack."

"Tiras, on the gun. Use the spotlight only and shine it on that building there, in the center of the city."

He did as I asked, and upon the light reaching the pavillion like structure, I spotted three dogs standing tall, all wearing different coloured armors, each one matching the scales of one of the dragons. They also held spears in their paws and wore golden circlets. They stood taller than all the others, obviously alphas, and were flanked by several in full steel, clearly betas. Donning my own rainbow armor and my bow, I turned to face the city below and concentrated on the gems set into the bow's grip.

"Sonor. GREETINGS. Well.... let's see if that worked...."

After a few minutes, the trio of large dogs climbed atop the dragons that matched their armor colours, who then flew up to the ship and surrounded it. All the warriors on board seemed on edge, and the cannons were let out to face the possible threat as we all threw protective spells on ourselves.

"You are not Captain Griffin." The one on the yellow dragon stated.

"He is currently indisposed, and by his authority, I am commanding the ship."

"And who are we speaking to?" The one on the red asked.

"Captain Gilda of the Griffin Pirates."

"We will not tolerate any raiding here. Leave." The one on the blue, a female, added. Female Alpha? that's unusual....

"Actually, we have questions that we would like answered."

"And why should we entertain such a conversation?" The blue dragon asked. This is getting us nowhere. I'm not sure what to do here..... Grif was always the one with the silver tongue....

"No reason at all." Came a voice from a window, the captains of course. "Do you need a reason for idle chatter?"

"Who is there?"


"Ah. The legendary pirate captain who has been laying waste to slaver troupes. Why do you not present yourself? Do you perhaps fear us and so hide behind your crew?"

"Actually, I'd love to come out and say hi. Just give me a minute."

After not a minute, but ten, he finally appeared at the stairs, struggling to get up them. Our guests didn't seem to mind the wait, although the looks on their faces when they saw the state he was in was surprising to say the least.

"What in the......"

"How did...."

"The dragonbane was defeated?"

"What is the meaning of this?" All six, the three dogs and their rides, asked as one.

"This is the end result of kindness."

"Why have you come to this place?"

"To negotiate."

"How? In your injured state you pose no threat to us."

"My crew is more than enough. And who said anything about threats? You all seem like reasonable canines, perhaps it would be to mutual benefit..."


"Gladly, but first, maybe you'd like to come in so we can discuss it over dinner?"

"And risk you poisoning us, being surrounded by your crew, on your home terrain?"

"Then, perhaps some neutral ground? The field outside the city. Bring as many guards as you like, and each side will eat what they brought so there is no risk of betrayal?" Trixie spoke up. Good thing she pays attention to Grif's rants. I really ought to, but I just don't have a mind for negotiation, if my time in Ponyville is any indication.

"Very well. One hour."

"Griffin, what the HELL ARE YOU DOING OUT OF BED?!??" Nadene started shouting. "In case you haven't forgotten, you're still recovering!"

"Hey, it's not like moving will hurt me any. Actually, okay, it might hurt, but it won't cause any damage as long as I don't overdo it. I need some fresh air anyways, and something about these dogs tells me they're going to be reasonable. For one, as far as I can tell, they don't have slaves. For two, they didn't just up and attack us. Let's try okay? I'll have Starlight come with me and make us intangible in case anything goes wrong."

"How do you plan on getting down? If we land the ship we could get swarmed."

"Forma versus. that's how." He suddenly switched to human again. Looking into his empty eyes was unnerving, but at least he's making use of his down time. The damage to his human body isn't bad at all, other than the eyes, so it's pretty viable. He put on a pair of sunglasses anyways, so as not to weird everybody out. He reached out with one hand and rubbed it along my neck feathers, bringing a blush to my face, before he stepped in close. I lowered myself to the ground and lifted him up with my wings to settle him on my back, which made me feel even more flushed.

'It's just a ride. We're just flying down to talk with some dogs. That's all we're doing. He's on my back and oooooooh he just rubbed my shoulders... this is gonna be harder than I thought. Damnit, I bet you planned this....'

"I see you have all arrived.... except the captain......" The one in yellow pointed out.

"I'm right here."

"You....... are not Griffin."

"Yes I am. Forgot to mention, I'm a shape shifter. Anyways, that body was too beat up to let off the ship, so I changed my form. Unfortunately, this one got it's eyes torn out, so meeting with you all will be an exercise in blind trust for me." Nobody laughed at the possibly unintended pun. "I do hope that you won't take advantage of my good faith." I helped guide him into a chair we had placed next to a large table. I sat to his left, with Shimmer on mine, followed by Etch. On his right was Wisp, in case we needed to go intangible, to her right was Nadene, Maria, and Growl. Across from us were the three alphas, and six betas, two for each, standing behind them as guards. Maria brought out the food which we all slowly picked at, Griffin being very careful not to spill as he blindly maneuvered his fork and knife to cut a slab of venison.

"The voice is the same, but the form is different, and not anything I recognize...... peculiar..... Now, what is the reason for you coming here?" The female alpha, who actually seemed to be the leader among the three as well as the most untrusting, asked before putting a couple emeralds into her mouth.

"As you know, we're waging a war on slavery, hunting down any and all who take others away from their loved ones and force them to work against their will. We noticed how your city seems a lot more..... refined than the others we've seen, and also that there were dragons, griffins, and ponies walking around inside the city walls, not bound in any way......."

"That is because we have no need for slaves. Why spend all those resources capturing slaves who don't want to work, then guarding them, then trying to keep them alive, all to do a job that we are for more effective at doing ourselves? I would say it was lazy, except that it takes far more effort to do that way. The dragons Riv'ak, Tol'ush, and Mer'na were orphaned five hundred years ago, and by the wisdom of our ancestors, were taken in and treated as family. In return, they protect Marble Pillars and it's people. The griffins you see came here after the fall of the dominion, looking for a better life, and the ponies are the descendants of escaped slaves who had nothing to return to in Equestria. The griffins change the weather as we need it, using snow from the mountain tops, and the earth ponies farm the land, keeping it vibrant and full of life, especially fertile after it is tilled by diamond dog miners. We have a good system here, in which all are happy. Why have you come to disturb this?" Explained the one in yellow, who seemed the most reasonable.

"We're not here to disturb at all." I pointed out. "The fact is, if you do not practice or allow slavery within your walls, we have no quarrel with you." They all seemed to ponder at that for a moment, quite confused.

"It seems there has been a misunderstanding.... did you not declare war on diamond dogs and Ruby Hollow? 'The day of reckoning has come. Those who follow shall find prosperity, those who resist shall be swept away by the tides of change. So says Griffin the cursed, captain of the Griffin Pirates, chief of the White Wind, kin of the Silent Wolf, and bane of dragons.' Those are your words, are they not?"

Grif sat there with a blank look before facepalming so loud that everyone, even the dragons, were a little bit startled. There was a visible red mark on his forehead when he took his hand away. "Of course all they did was relay the message and not give any context..... why did I expect any different?"

"What are you talking about?"

"The 'falling in line and experiencing prosperity' means stopping the slave trade, stop murdering the innocents and feeding them to dragons. When I said 'those who follow' I meant follow my example, not hand over leadership....... those being swept away by the tides of change is the ways of slavery......." His explanation brought a trio of face paws from the alphas.

"Stone Fang always was a moron, and a weakling at that. Besides being a foolish old coot."

"Given the fact that they knew what our mission was, yet the decided to only give some of the facts, it seems as though he was hoping to twist what was said to make it seem like our goal was genocide. It wouldn't be too hard to believe. A bunch of griffins going around and slaughtering diamond dogs just because they can.... So far this is the first time we've had to deal with opposing propaganda...."

"Well..... perhaps they are right, or, perhaps were were mistaken, that has yet to be seen. So, now that you know of our history.... what will you do?" They seemed confident. They knew they had us. Their guns on the ridge trained on us, three alphas in dragon scale armor, harvested from the shed skins of the three dragons they rode, and a dozen other warriors. They knew if things turned out badly, they had us, which is why they had no fear at all in this conversation.

"Since you operate within ethical bounds, we'd be content to leave you be should you desire. Other than that, by the fact that you have such extensive defenses, and by the speed and efficiency you were able to mobilize, it's safe to say you have to deal with invasion often?"

"You would be correct in that assumption."

"Diamond dogs refuse to be lead by any other than their own, or a kin, one who has proven themselves. As such, when we defeat warrens, would it be reasonable to direct them to your leadership that you can get them on the 'right' path?"

"That would be..... fortuitous, and appreciated, in return?"

"Marble pillars could act as a safe haven within 'enemy' territory, as well as a closer gathering point than Canterlot for those we liberate. Besides that, open trade with Equestria to the south, bringing prosperity to both, and an expansion of your hold, as well as relations with our own nation spread out along the isles of the ring sea, in conjunction with the zebras. Given how spread out we're going to be once we get set up, it basically means trade access with the entire rest of the known world. The cats of the jungle with their exotic exports of rare and valuable herbs and such, the isles with their rich bounty of food, both fruit, fish, and other meats, zebrican potions and ivory from the herophants they have roaming their lands, equestrian gem deposits, as well as access to the rest of Gem Fido and the Old Dominion." Their eyes comically turned to gemstones at that explanation, before turning back to normal and the dogs cleared their throats. They know quite well how important having open trade is. At least we've got their attention.

"So.... in return for this, all you ask is that we continue the way we have for the past six hundred years, and expand our empire which means more profit for us.... which you'll assist us in doing, followed by open and fair trade with the rest of the world, which you'll also spearhead?"

"Essentially, yes." They turned and began whispering to each other, although I could make out some of it as 'is he serious?' and 'fools not to do it', followed by 'test?' nods of agreement, and them turning back to us.

"Very well.... if you are serious, and are truly capable of doing what you claim, then we have a.... test.... to determine if you are a griffin of your words. To the northeast of here is Clay Pallor. They have been a thorn in our side for far too long with their near constant raids, then disappearing before we can retaliate. Any offenses we make are useless as they merely hide in their iron fortress, under a hill of clay baked by their captive dragon. Put an end to their alpha and convince our long hated foes to join us, and we will have a deal."

"Actually, this works out quite well. We were headed there anyways, and you just gave us valuable information. You have our thanks, so, perhaps we should offer you some information in return. There are two others that we know of who have begun assailing Gem Fido as well. One is heterochromiac, silver furred wolf swordsman who cries blood. Believed to be the lunar legend. He's quite reasonable as long as you don't bring up his past. If you see him, tell him you already talked to Griffin and have an accord. The other......." His face contorted with a look of rage and pain.

"The other is a black dragon named Ember. She is about one and a half my height in this form, but holds the power of several dragons. She has a horrible temper, and suffers from multiple personality disorder. She is the one who tore off my wing and crushed my ribs as a griffin, and ripped out my eyes as I am now. She is not to be trifled with, and may very well slaughter this hold if you so much as mention my name. Pray to whoever diamond dogs pray to that she doesn't come here, and if she does, one, you don't know me, two, don't ask her any personal questions, three, you already deal with Equestria and are under the princess's protection. That last one is not a lie, as I'm considered a knight of Equestria. I'll inform them right away of your status." The three of them gulped when Grif explained the situation, then nodded again.

"That information is quite valuable. Thank you for your time. We look forward to seeing you again, but be warned. Do not double cross us."

"So long as you show the same consideration, I have a feeling that we'll get along just fine."

With that, we all stood, shook on it, then headed back to our respective homes. As Grif rode on my back again, I felt that heat again and a tension in my stomach. Damn... he's not making this easy on me....... especially with his smooth skin and hands rubbing against my back as I flew him home.

"Say Gilda...." He started when we got on board.

"Yeah Grif?"

"I could tell you were pretty antsy down there. What's up?"

"You don't know?"

"Um... no?"

"I'm in heat damnit! Not only does your smell drive me bonkers, but with your hands and smooth skin rubbing on me that whole time, it's making me crazy!" He backed away slightly then tripped and fell on his ass on the deck. Right, he's blind, so completely defenseless, and I'm raging out on hormones.....

"Well..... while I admire the fact that you haven't been having Trixie and Nadene help you like you said you would, and I know because I talked to them about it, you shouldn't torture yourself."

"But it's not THEM I love damnit! It's you!" A tear came to my eye. "Do you think so little of me that you wouldn't even get jealous?"

He choked at that point, and I heard another slap of his hand hitting his head. "Why didn't you tell me you felt that way? Of course I'd be jealous! I'd be furious! But.... at the same time, it's because I trust you and I love you above all else that I can forgive anything you do while in your... altered state of mind." Suddenly, I got a wonderfully devious idea.

"Forgive me for ANYTHING eh? Say..... your human ribs got fixed a long time ago. Other than being blind, you're unharmed......."


"Forgive me for ANYTHING eh? Say..... your human ribs got fixed a long time ago. Other than being blind, you're unharmed......." As soon as she said that, I pretty much knew what was going to happen. I suddenly felt her claws around my arms as she pinned me to the deck, and shouted for everyone else to get out of her way as she clutched me to her chest and flew into the ship. Now, being blind is one thing, but being kidnapped and flying while blind is another thing all together. My heart raced as I was filled with fear, and a little exhilaration, and a LOT of lust from being pushed so close to her, feeling the warmth her body gave off, and the smell of her hormones that hung in the air driving ME a little crazy. Needless to say, Gilda was a lot more relaxed the next morning as I, still in my unclothed human form was clutched close to her chest as she slept.

"Well.... I better get back to my hospital bed and get feathered again so I can heal up. You gonna be alright?" I asked as I struggled to get dressed.

"Yeah. At least I don't have to worry about going crazy anymore, here, let me help you with that." Her breathing became a bit laboured as she helped me put on my clothes.

"You alright?"

"Yes!" She squeaked a little. "I mean, I'm alright."


'Oh come ON! Wait.... don't tell me he doesn't know about that? How can he not know? Did I not tell him? Putting clothing on, especially pants........ I want to just rip them back off and drag him back to bed! No... Gilda, control yourself.... I have a job to do. Just help him back to the medical bay and get him turned into a griffin again......'

Dear Princess Celestia,

We've found a diamond dog warren that does not participate in the slave trade, and are quite refined as well. We've managed to make a deal with them to help in taking over Gem Fido, and with their leadership, things will turn out better for everybody. This is a major step to opening free trade, freeing the slaves, and bringing a brighter future to everyone. As a 'Knight of Equestria' Grif offered Marble Pillars partnership with, and thereby, the protection of Equestria. How you intend to go about this is your own decision. Once the New Dominion is set up, we plan on having a partnership with them as well, but for the meantime will use the location as a waystation for freed slaves, trade, and supplies. So, that leaves only one thing left.

Why is it that putting clothes ON is seen as erotic? Shouldn't taking them off be more arousing?

Sincerely, Gilda.

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