• Published 22nd Feb 2012
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Griffin the Griffin - BlackWing

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Paperwork (77)


"Mrhrhm, stupid princess...... No, I don't like giant bees.......Why would I eat a horseshoe? ZZZzzzzzzzzz." Apparently, my dreams got much better during the latter half of the night. And by better, I mean just confusing instead of horrifying. Of course, I won't remember it when I wake up.....


"Hmm? Huh? Ergh, five more minutes....."

*Thump thump*

"Alright, alright, stupid squirrel. I'm up. I'll get you your damn peanut." I pull myself out of bed and walk over to the end table. I begin sifting through it to look for a bag of nuts to feed the persistent critter outside my window.

"Wait a tick........ airship. There are no squirrels. Then, window?"

*Thump thump*

I groggily walk to the window, and nearly jump out of my skin when I see Aoi there, hanging from one of the mooring lines, giving me a mock salute.

"Permission to come aboard?" Even though he's outside, I can hear him clearly. I open the window so we can have a proper conversation.

"Yeah, head up top, I'll be there in a sec..... damn early bird can keep his worm."

"Thanks." He replies simply before climbing up the rope, his companions behind him. I shut the window and nudge Gilda awake.

"Wakey wakey, got friends coming to visit, and I haven't cleaned the house top to bottom."

"You go meet em. I'm tired." She responded.

"Fine......" I grumble.

I head up to the top deck, opening the ship's door, and gently flap my wings to get the blood flowing, as well as pass over some of the crew members who slept out there to catch a breeze. I spot Aoi, tiptoeing over them, trying not to wake them.

"Welcome 'board the Possibility, finest airship anywhere...... make yourself at home, but stay out of the booze. We just restocked and I don't wanna run out of rum before I get any. For some reason, the rum is always gone, but nobody knows who drinks it."

"I don't drink rum anyway... so that won't be a problem..." He deadpans.

"Well, anyway, let's head down to the mess. Maria is usually up early cooking for us, and if we don't get there before these guys, we'll have to wait for our food."

"By the way, you might want to start setting sail....." He trails off.

"Huh, why's that?"

"Princess Celestia's insistent on having you attend the knighting ceremony....... Unless you want another segment added to your long name, better get going..." My eyes turn to pinpricks.

"Knighting..... there is a ceremony tomorrow morning that you WILL be attending, no excuses....... oh shit! Up and attem boys! We have work to do!"

"I thought you'd might react that way..." He gives a slight chuckle.

"Okay, Aoi, here's the deal, we gotta pick up our newest volunteers, but we can't let Celestia catch us."

"How do you suggest we do that?

"We show up to the ceremony so she knows we're there and is off guard, then bail when she doesn't pay attention. I'll have my crew go through who's joining while we're there."

"Then we go off, grabbing the mooring lines to the ship as she grabs the sword?"

"Nah, we'll be in the back room, 'preparing' for our public appearance, then go out the window while she's giving the speech. If we make a public exit, she'll just grab us, magic and all."

"You've got a point there..."

"Well, we can't do this on an empty stomach, let's get breakfast first, then get going." I see Eol and Ubi, Aoi's companions, looking around at the marvel of the ship, their attention suddenly snapping to me at the mention of food."

"I'll meet you down there..."

"If you don't know the way, just follow the signs. Heaven knows I got lost in here one too many times before I had directions put up." Then I walk off to go get some food while the getting's good. Maria, as usual, was already up and getting breakfast ready, along with several other cats and griffins working the kitchen. She was comically wearing a chef's hat, and barking out orders to the rest who were working frantically to keep up. The shy little griffin really knew how to be assertive in her own environment.

"The captain needs to recover his strength, so we'll only serve him the best. Does this look like the best to you? I didn't think so. Make sure to use fresh ingredients, and damnit, hurry it up, we have mouths to feed!"

"Hey Maria..."

"Oh.... um.... good morning captain." She took off her hat and bowed. It was adorable.

"Um......... as you were."

I sat and waited for my meal, not having ordered anything as I trust in Maria's judgement. Gilda slowly walked into the mess hall and took her seat next to me, while Nadene, Etch and Growl sat across from us. The three chairs on my right were empty, as I had them reserved for our guests. Aoi walks in with Shimmer and takes a seat next to me, while one of his companions sit by him, and Shimmer sits next to Nadene. The other diamond dog is nowhere to be seen.

"Where's Eol?"

"Two of the crew members took him to the sick bay. He threw up over the side." The one I'm guessing is Ubi replied. I'll never remember their names.......

"You know, he really ought to just chew on some ginger root. Tastes terrible, but he won't get sick then...." Nadene stated. That's right. Ancient Chinese sailors used that as a remedy for seasickness.

"I'll be sure to tell him that." Aoi replies.

"Maybe we'll get him some after we're done eating. Hey, Maria! Save a plate for our guest, he's not feeling so well and won't be coming to breakfast." She gives a salute as she walks out, bringing several servings of glazed rabbit.

"Here you go, full of nutrients and cooked to perfection."

"Thank you, Itadakimasu..." Aoi says as he folds his hands.

"Now eat up, doctor's orders. You need to get your strength back." I don't bother with the pleasantries or any of that crap, merely nodding my head in silence for a moment before digging in.

"You don't have to tell me twice." The wolf says as he and everyone else begins eating as well. Maria takes a seat and begins eating with the rest of us, quickly emptying her plate before getting back into the kitchen.

"Geez, where'd that girl learn how to eat? America?" The rest of us eat slowly, savouring the rich flavour of the meal. Aoi shrugs.

"I used to eat the same way."

"Well, I've already had Cable inform the crew as to what they'll be doing. Gal makes a great comm's officer. I've placed her on the bridge so she can work the intercom. She may be a kind mare, but something about her voice demands that you listen to it. Probably why she's able to keep Gear under control so well."

"You mean Geirmund?" Aoi clarifies.

I take a few more bites, then empty my mouth before continuing. "Yeah. We just call him Gear though. I'll introduce you to everyone later, when we have more time. Anyways, they all know what they'll be doing, so hopefully they can finish before we need to make our escape. I don't feel like being knighted."

"Me neither. Why do you think I gave you the courtesy of the warning before hand?" He pouts, not liking the idea of belonging to the state.

"I owe you one for that, by the way. But since I'm giving you a ride, I guess we'll call it even." With that thought finished, I burped, and a scroll appeared in green flame from my mouth. Aoi jumps up, drawing his sword on reflex.

"What the hell?"

"Letter. Hmm. Let's see...... Yes Celestia, I know. I'm coming, geez, let me at least finish breakfast." That should be sufficient explanation. I wrote a hasty reply, then sent it off. "Submito ad Celestia."

Aoi sighs and sheaths his sword, taking his seat again. "A letter from the Princess, about the knighting ceremony no doubt. But why did you... burp it out?"

"Beats me. Might be because I got dragon blood in me, but then why doesn't Shimmer have the same thing? I don't know. It's magic. I ain't gotta explain shit. That, and she didn't say it was a knighting ceremony. Probably because she thinks if I know, I'll bail. And she's exactly right."

Aoi shakes his head. "You can spend your entire life looking, but you'll never find the answers to everything..."

"Such as how ponies hold things without fingers?" I chuckle.

"I have a few theories, but what would be the point... can't prove them..." He says, taking the last few bits of meat off the bone.

"Best to let the scientists worry about that. Way I figure, I don't teach Twilight my magic unless she can answer that one simple question. That's the difference between us I guess. Not knowing doesn't drive me crazy." I finish my meal as well, then stand to clean up my plate. Aoi stands as well, and we place our dirty dishes in the bin to be washed later.

"Alright, now that that's out of the way, let's get going."

Before I leave, Gilda wraps her arms around me and gives me a quick nuzzle. "Hurry back, okay?"

"Will do."

As we reach the deck, my crew is working efficiently to try and get everything ready for the interviews, that way we can get them done and get out of here in record time. Hopefully we'll be able to pull it off.

"So, Griffin, mind telling me what exactly what she said?" Aoi asks.

"She said, 'Griffin, your presence is required in the atrium immediately. Don't even try to skip out or I will teleport you there myself.' Looks like she's not in the mood for any of my shenanigans. Too bad for her, I'm always a step ahead."

"Do tell...." He obviously wanted me to explain.

"Shadow manipulation and ghost clone. I had Trixie charge a couple gems with the spells before we even got here so I can activate them, even when she's burnt out. I'll set two of them, one for each of us, on stage, while we slip out as nothing but shadows. It really is amazing what you can do with magic and just a little bit of human ingenuity, although she was actually the one who thought of it. I swear, she may not be all that book smart, but on the field, she's a genius in practical magic."

"Brilliant, but will the princess fall for it?" He turns towards me, "Being millenias old, I'm not sure a simple shadow doppleganger would fool her..."

"Well, it was enough to fool you....." I smile as I walk out of the stairwell on to the deck.... a second time, the first me disappearing. "It's that seamless. Timing is everything. It won't last long, which means we need to be gone by the time it wears off. I'll plant them on the stage beforehand, then trigger them right before we bail."

"And you think her magic won't debunk it beforehand?" He raises an eyebrow as he moves towards the bow of the ship.

"That's the purpose of us showing up of our own free will. If she had to drag me there, she'd be on guard, but if I come of my own volition, and tell her I know it's a knighting ceremony, she won't see any need for the extra measure."

"Remember, as seamless as it might be, there's always room for a backup plan," He jumps backwards off the edge of the ship.

"I ALWAYS have a backup plan." I smirk.

He detaches one of the mooring lines and swings to the starboard. "Oh do you now? No wait, don't tell me, I want it to be a surprise."

I begin flapping my weary wings, stretching them, preparing to fly. "Hop on. We might as well arrive in style. Plus, if she thinks I'm your ride, that's even less reason to suspect that we'll leave. I need to give my wings a strength test anyways, to make sure they're healed properly."

He carefully climbs onto my back, not really sure of what he's doing, his feet too big for the pony sized straps. Instead, he grips my back with his legs to hold on.

"May as well try to fl---- WHOA!" He nearly falls off as I jump without warning, laughing all the way.

"Hold on! And don't touch the wings unless you want to know what a pancake feels like! Wooohoohoo!!" I do a couple simple rolls, then an inside loop, before finally straightening out. The wolf on my back is holding on for dear life.

"I know you do this every day, but ease up on the tricks...."

"Right, sorry. It's kind of a griffin thing..... actually, it's a pegasus thing too. You just..... need to fly you know? Ever wonder why birds sing, even when they're not looking for a mate? It's cuz they're happy. I mean, if you could fly, wouldn't you be?"

"Well, I don't know about flying... but whenever I make a great escape, falling from a skyscraper, or simply running across the rooftops...It feels..... liberating...."

"High up, wind in your hair, or, in this case feathers..... it's the whole world, right there at your fingertips. To be able to just...... go whenever you want. From up here, I can see forever. Can't believe I used to be afraid of heights."

Aoi snickers. "I learned not to be afraid. If fear is your only option, you've already lost."

"Well, I guess I wasn't really afraid of being high up as much as I was that someone was going to push me off, seeing as how they've actually tried a couple times." I gave a weak laugh. Aoi gives a sigh.

"... I always felt a little pleasure in pushing others off buildings. Seeing someone like a corrupt politician go from a great height, to the dirt of common ground... The irony of it all." He sighs again. Hmm, irony. He wouldn't hate me too much if I....... nah, it'd be cool.... totally. Yeah. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna do it! Here goes.

"Hey, Aoi. Have you ever heard of the express elevator to hell?"

"Took it a few times actually..." He gives a weak laugh.

"Well, I hope you enjoy the Tartarus Drop!" I flip myself upside down, flapping my wings in the reverse of their normal pattern so I stay up, and I feel the wolf slip off my back.

"Nani?" I've seen enough anime to know that's Japanese for 'What?'

"Not too much fun, is it?" I say, plummeting right next to him. He draws his sword.

"Actually, just like the old days. Ever try fighting like this?" He asks with a smirk.

"Not in a free fall..... I like your style!" I draw Hades and our blades meet mid drop, sending sparks off each other. He fans out the flaps of his clothing to create drag, then falls like a torpedo towards me from above. I bring my sword in front to block, then fan my wings, causing him to smash into the side of it and tumble off, but he recovers quickly and darts towards me. I open my wings, causing him to miss as I pull away. He straightens out, then rolls over. I look in his eyes and see his determination, then go into a nose dive, straight for him, holding my sword in a position to stab. He parries the strike, kicks me in the head and sends me tumbling as he darts below, then opens up again so I fall straight at his blade. I spin past the stab, grinding my sword on his own as I pass him. We've lost a lot of altitude, and we should probably stop goofing off at this point. I come up beside him and hold my sword out, not to stab, but to give him something to stand on.

"Ground is gettin close.... need a lift partner?"

"Oh yee of little faith." Wait, what? he's not seriously gonna just drop to the ground. He's got a parachute or something, right? To my relief, he removes his shirt and uses it as just that. He starts steering himself towards a nearby tower.

"I don't wear this just for looks you know...." Before he can reach it, I position myself under him and hover, causing him to land on my back, in his original position.

"Well, that's enough, let's get going before Celestia gets pissy. The ship is moving away from the castle as well. That way, it doesn't have as far to go when we make our escape, and it enforces that we're not gonna try and bail." We flew down to our destination, where the mane six stood there, ready to greet us. Celestia and Luna were there as well, somewhat surprised.

"What the hay was that all about?" Dash asked in a mix of being confused and impressed. I look to Aoi, and he looks back to me. We turn and answer as one.

"It's called falling with style." Toy Story nostalgia for the win........

"But, it looked so dangerous..." Fluttershy stated whimpering, flinching as she looked into Aoi's eyes.

"What? That? Naw. We do that all the time. That was just a bit of fun as a warm up." We both sheathe our weapons and approach the group.

"Y'all are nuts." The stetson wearing earth pony made her opinion known.

"A lot of people have said that about me..." Aoi returns calmly. Aj thinks for a moment, before making a retraction.

"Though, I can't say I disapprove of your eatin habits." She offers. We both accept with a smile, bringing her relief.

"Oh, by the way. Knightmare didn't get any because Chrysalis is a bitch, do you think you could get him something later?" I'm ignoring the fact that I was just as much of an asshole......... She nods.

"Griffin, I am glad you arrived in a timely manner.... for once. And you brought Aoi with you." Celestia said, glaring at me. The whole time I was wearing a boyish grin.

"I hear you wish to knight us?" Aoi asks looking around. I notice that a certain changeling isn't present. Probably inside the atrium already. It was a beautifully adorned building with a glass ceiling, several ornate sculptures and such along the walls.

"You are correct. I did not inform Griffin as I assumed he would not come if he knew....."

Without missing a beat, I responded. "What? And not get knighted? Being knighted is a huge honor. It means influence in the courts and everything. I would technically be a noble. As if I'd give that up, manipulator that I am." Aoi looked at me and blinked twice, probably a signal of some kind. Am I laying it on too thick?

"Anyways, the ship is over in the town square of the north section, going through the volunteer paperwork and junk. As soon as we're done here, we'll get on board and head out."

"You came to the knighting ceremony to get out of paperwork, didn't you........" Luna deadpans.

"Maaaaaaaaybe." I smiled innocently. They bought it.

'Haha! Thanks Lulu, I love it when they give me an alibi. Fatality! Flawless victory!'

"You are taking Aoi with you?"

"I'm simply hitching a ride with him to Gem Fido... It's important we get there as soon as possible."

"I see." she bowed her head in though, then looked back up. "Griffin, I'd like to speak to you privately, once we're inside, before the ceremony."

Celestia brought me inside to an office room, where Knightmare was seated, changed into a human form so he could eat.

"Dude, finally. I've been waiting for ever."

"I was eating breakfast alright? Gimme a break." Celestia cleared her throat and stomped a hoof, getting our attention as the door closed and she casted several spells. Likely wards for privacy.

"Now, you're no doubt wondering why I brought you both here....."

"Please get on with it..." She glared. "If you don't mind." She relaxed after I remembered my manners. "I'd like to set out as soon as possible, so the sooner we get through this, then the knighting, the sooner I can get out of your hair and start fighting the forces of tyranny."

"That is what I wish to speak with you in regards to. I would like you to take Knightmare with you."

The changeling and I both coughed and gave an exasperated, "WHAT?"

"Knightmare, your task in all this is to locate the other humans, and keep tabs on them through a tagging spell. Griffin, as you travel quite a bit and not only have an eye for spotting them, but also a way of showing them for what they really are, you would aid in uncovering them, determining the threat they pose to Equestria, and, if they are dangerous..... dealing with them. Other than that, you could most likely outfit him and train him far better than my own guard could." Celestia explained.

"Haha.... no."

"Agreed, no thank you princess." The changeling is agreeing with me? Oh what miracles will the world bring next? I'm serious. Does Equestria have a lottery? No... no.... I'm not gonna get sucked into the world of gambling.

"Why not? You are already bearing Aoi on your ship, are you not?" She asked.

"Major reason, I LIKE Aoi. I get along with him. Me and Knight are just at the point of not trying to kill each other."

"And what of you, Knightmare?"

"He scares me."

"Come now, it won't be that bad." She reasoned.

"Oh? Here is a list of reasons that are off the top of my head and I totally did not prepare beforehand *deep breath* for why Knightmare the changeling should NOT travel with me.

1. I don't like him. While I'm not just gonna kill him for that, I'm gonna be irritable the entire time, and I have enough to deal with already.

2. Love. Given that we're pirates, there ain't much, and what we do have isn't goinna be going to him to get nommed on. In fact, my presence alone would probably make him sick.

3. Trust. When people are hungry, they do crazy things. Desperate for food, he'd eventually try impersonating a crew member to feed on love that's meant for them. I find it VERY disturbing that Gilda and I could be doing certain 'activities', only for there to be a flash of green flame and I find myself in this guy... girl..... whatever, since changelings can change their gender at will to make it easier to feed. VERY DISTURBING." The bug looked disgusted that I'd even suggested that, then hung his head in acceptance that it was very well plausible. "On the flip side, if I go to my room and find Gilda in bed with another me, I will fucking keelhaul whoever it is, which would be a far lighter punishment to what she'd do. Same goes for my crew and their partners." This time he nodded in agreement.

4. Loyalty. I know he's your biggest fan, not to mention you brought him here to act out on your will. If he's on my ship, I need to know that he'll do what I say, when I say it. If something I'm doing goes against what's the absolute best for you personally, he won't do it. When crew members don't follow orders, bad things happen.

5. Let's face it, he's not the best in social situations. I mean, neither am I, for parties anyway, but I'm damn good at negotiation and diffusing hostility, as well as trickery and distraction. I've got a sharp, silver tongue, and communicate wordlessly what I'm really saying while spouting some other blather to keep the enemy distracted. He wouldn't pick up on it, and wind up either pulling a Leroy Jenkins or calling me out on what I said, so I'd have to explain it to him. The walls have ears, and the doors have eyes.

This concludes my oral report on why he's not getting on my ship." Whew. A well, thought out argument was really the best option here. And Celestia could definitely see the reasoning in that. So did the bug.

"Well, I know how to sit down and shut up, and if we're getting shot at, I'll either do what you say or hide in my room, but I don't like you either, I don't wanna starve, and yeah. I don't want to resort to sleeping with your crew members just to get a proper meal. Sure, this stuff tastes great, but I barely get any nutrition out of it." He said, waving a piece of hay bacon around.

The princess gave a groan, but relented. Our combined reasoning showed that the cons far outweighed the pros, and I doubt that she wanted to lose her little pawn so soon, after taking so much effort to bring him here.

"That was...... quite sound reasoning Griffin. I was not expecting that....."

"What, you thought I just went and did things all willy nilly? I've got Twilight level OCD and organizational skills. While I've never made a list specifically on how to make lists, I think things through a LOT. Weigh the benefits and disadvantages, and think up a number of plans and back ups. The only times I don't do that are when things happen suddenly. The dragon attack, Nightmare Octave... I didn't have any time to think up a plan, and I didn't have enough facts, so I just did it and hoped I got lucky. If my new scars are anything to show, I'm not lucky all the time. Most of the time, but not all. Which is why it is of the utmost importance that I keep the initiative, and press it continually. If I give any slack at all, I'll lose my grip and get crushed. Fortune favors the bold."

"Just when I thought I had you figured out..... you surprise me yet again....."

"Got to keep you on your toes. If the gala was any indication, with the opening of the Black Vault, things are just going to get worse. Here." I tossed her a scroll, which she caught in her magic.

"What is this?"

"Blueprints to the mark one laser rifle. My own crew uses these. Given that they need to be held, without adjustment they would be limited to use by pegasi who can fly and have their hooves off the ground, acting as sharpshooters with their enhanced vision, or unicorns who can levitate and charge the system simultaneously, using constant, sweeping attacks. These are what took out legions of changelings above Canterlot during the invasion, and I had Steelhorn adapt them for pony use at the start of our little tour in preparation for having unicorn crew members." Celestia seemed taken aback by what I had just given her, then gratefully packed the scroll into hammerspace, or wherever the hell these ponies put things. Invisible saddle bags?

"I suggest you start mass production and teach your guard how to use them, as well as ponies en mass. I think you'll find that they're quite a bit better than spears, given that you can bayonet them, and can provide offense for unicorns who aren't particularly skilled in magic, aka, regular citizens, who just use basic levitation. You should also be starting an emergency first response group consisting of both self defense and first aid, with established safe zones or bunkers capable of sustaining life for extended periods of time. That way ponies don't all run around screaming when disaster strikes, and have to wait for the guard to save them. Should also mean that they're less likely to get kidnapped if they have a proper defense, which makes my job easier because I'm not shipping pony slaves back to the capitol all the time. Puts pressure on the dogs, makes em more likely to see reason, and weaker if they try and fight."

Celestia... smiled? Not a warm smile, but that 'know it all' smile that pisses people off.

"Thank you for the generous gift, Griffin, I shall put it to use immediately. As for the emergency measures..... I have already been made aware of their apparent lack and have been working with my intelligence agency to devise and implement a proper emergency system." Someone already got to her about that? Oh well.

"I guess that concludes this meeting. Thank you again for coming Griffin. This means quite a lot. I suppose we should begin the ceremony, so you can be on your way. If you'll follow me please?"

The princess lead the two of us through several corridors to a backstage area where Aoi was waiting. Celestia motioned for me to stay there and walked through the curtains to the front of the stage, leaving Aoi and I behind it, Knightmare going with his beloved princess, loathed to be away from her form even a moment. This was the perfect opportunity to prepare our escape. We moved around behind the curtain as we heard the sun pony's voice on the microphone giving an introduction as we planted several gems at the corners of the stage, then took our places.

"Alright, that's the last one. Now, just stand with me behind the stage to let the gems read our positions." We waited for a couple moments....... "Aaaaand, we're good." There, we have a ten minute copy of us that will activate when I snap my claws together. I'll turn it on, then use a spell from my sword to make us appear as shadows, and we'll head out the back. Just have to wait for the right time. They won't move or say anything, they'll just stand there, and anything that touches them will pass through. It's basically a hologram." Aoi looked a little nervous, probably doesn't know whether it will work or not, but got himself under control as Celestia came back through the curtains after giving a speech about how the world is in turmoil and needs protectors, mentioning the elements of harmony, who were already out there.

"Alright you two, the bearers and Knightmare are already out front. Just, wait back here for the curtains to open, then come forward when I call your names."

"Got it." I smiled. She went back out on stage, and I turned to Aoi. It's time to use one of 'Umbra's' other meanings.

"Are you ready?" I asked.

"Ready." He replied.

I snapped my fingers, then stepped back as a perfect clone stood in my place. Unmoving, other than gentle false breathing, it would be indiscernible from me unless someone touched it or tried to talk to it. It's the same as Trixie's illusion, but is not controllable. Aoi looked impressed at his doppleganger as he took a few steps back as well.

"Climb on." I whispered the instruction to my fellow escapee. He did so, and I lightly flapped my wings, the sound barely reaching our duplicates.

"Umbra." The other meaning of the word, shadow, took it's effect as the darkness crept from the walls, covering our bodies and making us blend in with the void. "I am one with the shadows." I whispered the line of the Starcraft 2 stalker. With that, we left through the back. We passed right by several ponies, who paid us nothing more than a passing glance before blinking, shaking their heads, and dismissing it as a trick of the light or having worked too late last night.

Once we were out of the building, I clung to the shadows as much as possible before a stray beam of sunlight made the darkness leave us like mist before the wind. Since we were no longer obscured, I made sure to keep a wall between us and the atrium at all times, lest we be spotted. Once we were in the clear, I flew like a bat out of hell to the ship, where I ordered the crew, who had just finished getting the new recruits on board, to set sail due north to Gem Fido. Once we were on board, I swore I could hear the frustrated yell of Celestia from across the town.

"Too late princess...." I laughed as we sailed away in a cloud, hidden from the sun princess's vision. "For once. For fucking ONCE! I actually got to stick with plan A! I think you're a good luck charm Aoi, I've never had a plan pan out on the first try."

"Oh really?" He gives me a wise ass smirk.

"Yep. Every plan I've ever made, the first has always failed. I always had to go to plan B or plan C, and occasionally plan D. It's a good thing too, because I didn't have a plan B this time, other than just run our asses off."

He gives a slight laugh, then turns to the horizon, pulls a couple black pellets from his cloak and shows them to me over his shoulder.

"This was my plan B."

"Smoke bombs? Nice. And you said you weren't a ninja, liar."

"In all technicallity, They are the same thing.... I'm just the modern kind."

"Well, anyways. It's still way too damn early to be up after having such a late night. I'm gonna hit the sack. and try to get my sleep schedule somewhat back to normal. Welcome aboard."

"Pleasure. Hopefully it will be smooth sailing from here." He stares off the bow of the ship, towards our destination, while I head back to bed to get some much needed shuteye. Fighting a demon musician, a zoo, bleeding out, then a concert, and then carrying Aoi who, despite not being fat, it quite heavy, to and from the atrium in a mad attempt to flee a raging princess, I'm exhausted. I think I'll just sleep for a whole day now, then wake up the morning to reset my internal clock.

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