• Published 22nd Feb 2012
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Griffin the Griffin - BlackWing

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Get Off My Ship (82)

Get Off My Ship

Over the course of the trip, I trained a fair bit with Aoi, working out the kinks in my style, and figuring out new things I could do to protect against fast attackers, most of which involved me abandoning Hades for my claws. I taught the class as much magic as I could remember, and they taught me a great deal as well, such as different ways to combine words that I hadn't thought of. We also got pretty good at scaring one another, although by my order, nobody tried to frighten Aoi, Ubi, or Eol. I don't know about his two companions, but the wolf almost cut me in half when he was in his 'right mind' I don't want to think of what would happen to a pony if they startled him. It wouldn't be good for anyone involved.

"Alright, so, I've taught you all that I know about Latin based magic. I am by no means a master, and I'm sure there's more out there, but I don't have access to any references to build my repertoire any further. The rest of it will just be you practicing what you've already learned, and figuring it out on your own. I expect that you'll log any findings you discover. Eventually, I plan on putting a book together for the Canterlot Institute, and of course, anything you discover will be accredited to you, and I'm certain that even after you are no longer on my ship, you will continue to build on what you learned. As for that, since this is our last formal class, I want you all to tell me what you've learned. Starlight Wisp?"

"I've learned that the world may be scary, but with preparation and planning, a cool head...... and a tiny bit of crazy, you can take on anything that comes your way." The unicorn answered. She had essentially become a specter. Mastering her own powers of intangibility, the invisibility spell obscuro, and umbra, she could move like a ghost and lash out from anywhere. The perfect assassin.

"Dusty Trails?"

"I learned you're never too old to do something new, and when I eventually do get off this ship, I'm heading back out into the world as an adventurer again. I also learned that I can use my bare hooves to shatter solid rock!" We had built on his natural earth pony abilities, which is a high endurance, as well as large, previously inaccessible magic reserve, he can throw a plethora of buffs on himself. Combining speed for momentum, strength for force, and protect to harden himself, he was able to smash a boulder to bits. He figured that protect is like a shield, and since there's such a thing as shield bashing, by casting protect on yourself and hitting something, you'll hit it that much harder.


"I learned how to make a shadow mousy! Isn't he adorable! I call him whiskers!" The three dimensional apparition of darkness scurried all over her and rested in her mane, making it a literal rat's nest..... except that it was a mouse. I walked over to examine it, confused as I felt it run up my leg, around my head, then back to it's maker.

"Surprise....... you just gave shadows, the absence of light, physical properties......... how?"

"I dunno, just did. Look how cute he is!" She held up 'Whiskers' who looked at me with great, big, adorable eyes of white.... basically, a lack of darkness.

"He's really smart too! He knows all about baking and parties!"

"Well, you did make him... wait.... are you telling me it's sentient? I mean, you aren't controlling him to make him do that? He does it all on his own?"

"Ya huh. The other day he ran off and I couldn't find him, but he was hiding in the shadows in the corner the whole time. He can stay in the light fine, but then he get's hungry, so he just hides in the shadows for a bit and he's fine."

"It.... it can separate itself from you?" My eye twitched. Everything she described, according to what I know of magic, is fundamentally impossible. She gave the absence of light a physical form, knowledge, and as far as I can tell, a soul of it's own, in that it doesn't need her to sustain it. What's more, in direct sunlight from the window, it didn't disappear, or waver at all. For all intents and purposes, it was a real mouse, except it didn't eat or make droppings, and it could still become a flat shadow to protect itself, and as such, most likely could not die, and it draws it's power from darkness.

"Yep yep yep, although he doesn't like to. He loves his mommy." It then nuzzled into her mane and made soft squeaks of contentment.

"I..... I don't even know anymore. If you ever figure out how you did that, can I be the first to know?"

"Yuppers!" And then she bounced off merrily.

'She just made a fully self sustaining organism of pure magic, out of nothing more than a shadow. It's a pegasus Pinkie Pie, don't question it. Note to self, do NOT teach Pinkie magic. Actually, maybe I shouldn't learn how to do that. Knowing me, I'd wind up the host of 'The Darkness' and that wouldn't be good at all.'

The rest of the class other than those three, who had turned into my 'star pupils' during their stay, went over their lessons, what spells they learned, and how they could help. One pegasus was so skilled with water magic that he could quite possibly sustain a pony's bodily functions for an hour after their heart stopped. I also taught him how to use that in combat. He can freeze part of your blood into a needle and rip it out of you, all over. He basically activates 'aqua', and your body blooms into a blood explosion, as he takes all your body fluids and pulls them away from you in all directions. I had him test it on some meat we had in our freezer. Not pretty at all, and by that, I mean it was fucking beautiful. Little chunks of meat EVERYWHERE. He seemed horrified of it though. Sure, it's a powerful skill, but getting him to actually use it will be another matter entirely. Goes to show that a skill that can be used to save lives can also be used to end them. Pony blood bender. Yikes. I'll have to keep an eye on that one.

"Starlight..... what are you doing here? Class is over, everyone else has left."

"I..... I wanted to thank you. In the school for gifted unicorns, we learn specific spell for each situation but, there's so much missing. All the different ways to use one spell. Who would have thought to use my intangibility to reach into a body and remove something lodged inside......" She looked a little sick. ".....or yank out a foe's heart, all the while being untouchable by any physical means. I still have to deal with pure magic though. I can stand in the hottest flames and walk straight through walls, but I still have to watch for other magic, or else I'll get knocked out of it and wind up stuck halfway through something. Still.... to have come up with all those different uses for a single spell, you must be a genius. And Lyra told me you said humans didn't have magic. Looks like the rumors of your kind being masters at it weren't false after all."

"Heh, no problem. I'm not even that smart.... I suppose there's a saying. If you judge a fish by it's ability to climb, then they're all idiots. I'm just using what I have." I smiled warmly at the praise. I hadn't gotten praise back home, so when I started getting it here, I brushed it off. I finally learned to accept someone's thanks. "There must be another reason for this chat, other than bootlicking, am I right?" She knew it was a joke, having gotten used to my terms and such when I taught.

"Well, I have a confession to make. I'm Celestia's spy."


"And...... I've had nothing to report to her other than that you're a human, and that you're crazy... by pony standards anyways, which I have the nagging suspicion she already knows both."

"Yeah. It's still a shame that she doesn't trust me. I'm pretty much helpless in my human form, and I 'stripped down' to it right in front of her, but she doesn't even give me the benefit of the doubt. *Sigh* Well, there's not much I can do about that, other than to let you keep doing your job, which, given what I've taught you, you'll be even better at now."

"What I don't understand is what you expect us to do with these skills after. You already said, you've taught us, and after we do a tour of duty, we'll be free to go. What do you expect us to do with what we know after all this?"

"Bring it to Celesita. What I've taught you are the skills, and what I'l still teaching is the determination, to be able to kill something or someone to protect yourself and your loved ones. The first time I met ponies, it was on a beach in the Dominion, there were four of them, two stallions, two mares, all drunk. A squad of diamond dogs netted them, and they were completely helpless. I can't be everywhere at once. I can't do it all on my own. Even if I build a wall, things will slip through the cracks. So, the only way to stop it, it to teach those who are there. Have every innocent know how to protect themselves. That way, I don't need to be everywhere, and when things happen, you don't need someone to save you. You can save yourselves."

"I see...... this entire time, you wanted unicorns for communication only, so, these classes, they weren't so we could serve on your ship better... they were entirely for our benefit........."

"Not true. Sure, those on board will know how to fight, and it stops you from being a burden, but if I don't have to run to your rescue, that makes things easier on me. I'm helping you to help me to help you to help me, if that makes any sense."

"Well, I guess I know what to write the princess now."


I had learned from Etch that the Oblong Tomb, where Aoi is headed, was actually on the way to Masonry. It was night, and he was laying in bed, so I decided to tell him in the morning. Well, that was the original plan but.....







'What in the name of..'

"What the hell is going on here?!?!?" I asked, looking at Aoi and Steelhorn who were having an argument. Apparently a pretty heated one, seeing as how furniture was splintered and the wolf's door was knocked off it's hinges.

"Yoor blasted guest went bonkers an started smashin bit o the ship!"

"There's a rat infestation!"


"Oh! there you are Whiskers! Naughty boy, running away like that. You shouldn't sneak into other pony's rooms, even if they aren't ponies." Surprise scolded her construct in a loving and cheery way that did not at all reflect the gravity of the situation... which I did not yet understand. Aoi's eyes locked on the little shadow mouse sitting on her head and went wide with fear.

"What's this commotion all about? This little guy?" He scurried up my leg, onto my head. "He's adorable."

"What are you waiting for? Get rid of the little vermin!"

"Vermin? He's Surprise's pet. She went through all the effort of making him, I suggest you be a little nicer."

"I will NOT stay on the same ship as that thing."

"Well, looks like you won't have to. We'll be over Oblong Tomb tomorrow. That's when you'll depart. Now, I suggest everyone go back to your rooms and get a good night's sleep, and Surprise, try and keep Whiskers on a tighter leash...."

"But, he doesn't have a leash...."

"Figure of speech..." I facepalmed. She nodded and skipped merrily back to her room. I don't freaking believe this. Aoi is scared of mice. You've got to be kidding.....

The next morning I got up and stretched like a cat does, popping my back in the usual manner. "Mornin Gilda."

"Mornin Grif." Then, I heard some shouting, and the door got ripped off it's hinges. Gilda quickly covered herself with the blankets, although I don't know why since we're always naked anyways.

"... the hell. Aoi! i thought Steelhorn explicitly told you to STOP BREAKING THE SHIP."

"LAND THIS SHIP NOW! I WANT TO GET OFF!" He screamed. Is he serious?

"...... there are ropes. Just throw one over the edge and you're off. You can literally leave any time you want...."

"THIS ISN'T A DAMN JOKE GRIFFIN, TELL YOUR ENGINEER OR WHATEVER TO LAND THE SHIP!" Everyone else woke up and began staring at him.

"I'm not joking. Just go to the deck, grab a rope, and throw it over the edge, then climb down. It's not that hard. We're already at low altitude." He storms off, presumably towards the deck.

"I.... I think I should follow him. Make sure he doesn't break anything else....."

On the deck, I see Aoi taking a rope that's tied to one of the pillars, wrapping it around his waist, and leaning over the railing. "If you've got any friends to say goodbye to, do so now..." Everyone simply looks at each other awkwardly, till I feel something small scurry up my leg, across my back, and come to rest atop my head.

"Whiskers? Where are you?" Came Surprise's call from within the ship. Sure enough, the shadow mouse is sitting on my head. He came to see Aoi off.

"Aww, look Aoi, he came to say good bye. He must like you. Are you sure you won't give him a hug?" The wolf draws his blade and points it at me, his features twisted into a snarl.

"Griffin... Just grab the mouse, put it down on the deck, and walk away..." A sinister grin makes itself present on my face.

"Aww. Aoi afraid of the little mousy. It's adorable! Besides..... I couldn't grab the little scamp if I tried. He'll just go flat again."

"A flick of my wrist, and your head goes off, DON'T TEST ME GRIFFIN..." Damn, he's serious. Alright, fine, no more jokes.

"Yeah yeah, fine, I'm goin. Just get outta here before you break anything else..... sheesh, and he calls me the drama queen." I walked back to the white pegasus and passed her construct to her. I return, now mouse free, and look at the wolf hanging over the edge. "Welp, see you around. Or, maybe not. Whichever. "Hope you find what you're looking for. And may all the crypts you delve be spider and rodent free." Yeah right, half the time, that's all that's in there. He leaps off, flipping me the bird before he spins and slows himself by gripping the rope.

After he's gone, Whiskers looked up at me with big, sad eyes. "Seriously Surprise, I need to learn how to do that. This guy's adorable! Imagine if everyone in Equestria had their own little shadow pets..... Little familiars to help em out, snuggle with."

"So that explains it..." Eol snickers, realizing why his leader wanted off so bad, and not looking sea sick anymore. He turns to look at one of the cats, Elli's her name I think... "Well, I guess this is goodbye Elli."

"Alright guys, give em some room, they're having a moment." I can read the atmosphere perfectly. The rest of the crew backed off and gave them their space, and by that, I mean hid so they could watch.

"Elli, you know I have to go... besides, I could never leave him, he's the only family I have left..." She takes off a pendant she wears around her neck and gives it to him.

"Then keep this with you, so that you won't forget me..."

"Awwwwwwww." rings out from various places around the deck where my crew is hiding.

"Damnit guys! I said give em room!"

"But you're watching too...."

"Shut up!" I reprimand them. He turns, gives me a salute, then dives off as well. At least he was polite enough not to flip me off.

The third dog wals up to me and glares, saying nothing.

"Well......... I don't really know you, and we never spoke much but, good luck on your travels, and may you find whatever you're looking for Ubi." Hey! I remembered his name, finally.

"I still think you're a melodramatic, slack beaked, cloudheaded idiot...." He shouted in my face before standing on the railing. "Which is why you're gonna need all the luck you can get... so good luck to you too..." And then he dove off.

"And a big ol FUCK YOU to you too! You can walk next time you unappreciative pricks!"" I shouted after him. Honestly. I've been nothing but nice to those three the entire time I've known them, and this is how they repay my kindness? I gave them a free ride, meals, and beds for almost two weeks, and a week's supply for when they're traveling after they leave, and all they've done is mock me, break my things, and give me the finger. Little advice for the future, NEVER PICK UP HITCHHIKERS!

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