• Published 22nd Feb 2012
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Griffin the Griffin - BlackWing

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Resolution (54)


"Damn it. Damn it. DAMN IT!" Sitting in my room I pounded my left claw on my desk, then I stopped and looked at it.

'Think about how she feels, she just got maimed, and it's my fault. She's scared, and she's right, despite my knowledge, talent, and skill, I can't plan for everything. Sometimes stuff just happens. How would I feel if I lost MY arm?' I sat there, imagining taking my sword and cutting my hand off, what it would feel like, what it would be like after. I shook my head to rid myself of those thoughts.

"Hey Gilda, I'm going down to the town for a drink. Actually, more than one, probably till I pass out. Wanna come with?"

"You know how I feel about you getting drunk, but, since the fight's over and we're in a safe haven go ahead, but, leave all your stuff behind. We don't need you running through town plastered singing 'I can swing my sword', especially since you act it out. Sure, I'll come with. I think after that fiasco, we could all use a drink."

"Etch, Growl, you coming?" They nodded.

"You know what, screw it, everyone can come. The whole crew and tribe, and Trixie too. Till this week is out and she's made her decision, she's still one of us damn it."

The tribe and griffins who joined us, who became official members of the White Wind, decided not to come along, wanting to get more training in with their partners, Steelhorn was far too busy at the smith, and Shimmer was with him. If Gilda was the dragon's mom, that minotaur was her dad. They bonded so well, he was a really good father figure. Besides, she was too young to drink. I promised I'd bring him back some booze of his own, since Pinkie drank all his scotch. How she wasn't plastered the whole trip, I don't know. Then again, she can swallow an entire cake and not have diabetes, so when it comes to Pinkie, all logic is off the table. So, we took a mass of bits, Maria and Nadene went and picked the unicorn up from the hotel she was staying in instead of the ship. They didn't tell her where they were going.

"What, why did you bring me here?" Trixie asked.

"Hello everypony!" I jumped up to the stage in the bar. Everyone turned to look at me.

"Unless you were in here plastered nonstop for the past five days, you should all know about the changeling attack that happened at the royal wedding, and you'd all know about the brave ponies, Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Shining Armor, and Princess Cadence, who by their efforts, the swarm was turned away." Cheers rang out.

"But, that's not what I'm talking about here. I'm going to talk about all the other brave ones who fought the swarm to protect Equestria."

"Oh Celestia, he isn't...." Trixie face hoofed, then she realized she had done it with her prosthetic.

"The royal guard, Princess Luna herself who was injured trying to clear the way for the element bearers, and, our very own Trixie, who gave her leg fighting the changeling queen's very own personal guard. Come on, stand up, come up here!" I looked and watched her shrink, only to have Gilda pick her up and literally throw her at the stage. Considering she had gotten out of the hospital three days ago, it probably wasn't such a good idea, but, nevertheless, I caught her and put her in front of the mic. The entire pub went quiet.

"Go on, say something...."


"Whatever you feel like."

"Um, hello everypony."

"TRIXIE! TRIXIE! TRIXIE! One thing you can always count on for bars is to be easily riled up. So, you have a bunch of inebriated ponies who are celebrating their victory over the changelings, and here's someone who gave a limb in the fight against them. They're gonna cheer for her. Of course, this would appeal to the performer in her, and help her get her mood back up. I'm a manipulative bastard.

"Well, I can't really say anything about the fight so.... I guess I can show you?" She shrugged.

"Show! Show! Show!" This was perfect. If she showed what happened, it would also help her to accept it. To her, losing her leg was the worst thing that could ever happen, but if she showed it and had a crowd cheer for her, then it might change her opinion. Her horn began to glow as a 3d image of the fight appeared on the stage, both of us leaving it so they could watch the show without us in the way.

Trixie may have accentuated what the changeling reavers looked like. Giant, slobbering, lumbering but deadly fast, hideous things they were indeed, but with her talent for showmareship, they looked all the more ferocious when she showed it. She started off by showing me using my voice alone to send a mass of the black bugs flying off of princess Luna, Nadene and Maria bailing to get her to safety, and the airship hanging behind us blasting the insect ponies out of the sky in a literal rain of fire. Then she showed the two of them get up, and the other two crash through the wall, sending several guard ponies flying. That may have been a little addition on her part. Then she showed us melt the first one, Etch and Growl take down the second, and the third tackle Gilda after it had been scorched by her arrows. Finally, she showed the fourth smash her gun and rip her leg off with it, followed by Growl killing it, and taking her off me. And finally, me killing the last one as it stood over Gilda. With that, the illusion vanished, and the crowd just sat there speechless.

"Alright, and that's how it happened." She held up her fake leg, twisting it so it would pop off of it's mounting, showed it to everyone, then put it back on.

"Let's hear it for Trixie!" I shouted, getting them all to jump up and start hooting and hollering, she shrank back down again, but this time with a blush instead of embarrassment or shame. I went up to the bartender and ordered a few rounds, then jumped back onto the stage.

"And now, a toast to Trixie!" I took the microphone, and began to sing. The bartender passed Trixie a mug of ale, while I grabbed a bottle of whiskey.

"'Tis half past three and the chill is gone
It's the longest binge I've ever been on
Had so many pints, my mind's stupefied
But through all the haze I still hear the cry!

Drink, motherbucker, drink, motherbucker, drink!" At which point, the crowd began to sing as well, and everyone downed their beverages, only to be refilled, and me to grab a bottle of, you guessed it, Applejack Daniel's.

"A curse to you lads, a curse on your head,
Drinking pint after pint until I am dead
I just keep drinking and I don't know why,
But tonight is the night that I drink 'til I die!

It's quarter to five and I'm still goin strong
Is this the only place I truly belong?
To make it all end, I the good Lord beseech,
Lying on the floor with my drink out of reach!

Drink, motherbucker, drink, motherbucker, drink!
A curse to you lads, a curse on your head,
Drinking pint after pint until I am dead
I just keep drinking and I don't know why,
But tonight is the night that I drink 'til I die!

'Tis six in the morn, can't remember my name,
I see all those faces - they all look the same
And the puke on the floor makes a terrible stink,
What is this demon that makes me want to drink?

Drink, motherbucker, drink, motherbucker, drink!
A curse to you lads, a curse on your head,
Drinking pint after pint until I am dead
I just keep drinking and I don't know why,
But tonight is the night that I drink 'til I die!

(Drink, motherbucker, drink, motherbucker, drink!
Drink, motherbucker....)

Drink, motherbucker, drink, motherbucker, drink!
A curse to you lad, a curse on your head,
Drinking pint after pint until I am dead
I just keep drinking and I don't know why,
But tonight is the night that I drink 'til I die!

It's now almost noon and the spinning has stopped
There'll be no more drink, to the floor I do drop
And there's Ol' Nick offering eternal pain,
He smiles as he sings this infernal refrain:

Drink, motherbucker, drink, motherbucker, drink!
A curse to you lads, a curse on your head,
Drinking pint after pint until I am dead
I just keep drinking and I don't know why,
But tonight is the night that I drink 'til I die!

A curse to you lad, a curse on your head,
Drinking pint after pint until I am dead
I just keep drinking and I don't know why,
But tonight is the night that I driiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiink 'tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil I diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie!"

At the end of it all, most of the ponies were downed, lying on the floor, passed out. Gilda, Nadene, Growl, Maria, and myself were a bit tipsy as compared to plastered, as we were bigger than the others. Trixie hadn't gotten that much, but she did have the permanent heat in her face. She was at the point that you know what you're doing, but you just don't care, and you may not remember where you were. More commonly known as the last thing you remember before waking up the next morning in bed with a stranger. Etch was out cold. He and Growl's partners were still okay to fly, having been a bit more relaxed in their drinking.

"Ya know Grif.... maybe I wash a bit hashty in thinkin on quittin...." Trixie had a slight slur when she spoke.

"I know. You were scared. You know I was actually thinkin of cutting off my hand just so you wouldn't be the only one?"

"You woulda done that fer me?"

"Of course, we're all a family. I'd do anything for you guys. I love ya'll."

"Thanksh Grif." She gave me a peck on the cheek and a hug, not romantic, just, the way a family would. She tried to stand up and tripped.

"Whoa now, hold on there, maybe we should get you back to the ship?"

"Yesh, that would be a good idea, but you don't got ur harness, and I don't think I could hold onta ya."

"Don't worry, I'll carry ya." I swept her up like a parent would a child, and then we all walked out of the bar and flew back to the ship...... without paying.

"Tell you what Trix, we'll do our food run, make sure the village is doing well, and then we'll head to Bitsburg. When Sparkles was on board, she had her pamphlet and wouldn't shut up about how they have the best in mechanical limbs and stuff. What do ya say we go there, ditch the plastic one and get you something you like?"

"Like, a diamond hoof encrusted with rubies?"

"Yep, and it'll shoot lasers, and have a shield in it so you don't get hurt again, and it'll be shiny, and worth more than the ship!" Okay, so, a bit unrealistic, but we're both drunk, what do you want?


"Promise." I put her to bed and tucked her in, thinking to myself, 'Oh what shall I do with a drunken unicorn?', and told Steelhorn that unless he wanted to pay a several thousand bit bar tab to get us moving, which he did so immediately. I went and laid down in my bed, Gilda walking in after me with red cheeks.

"Ya did it again."

"Got drunk? I know, I'm sorry."

"No, not that, the other thing. Just when ya think we're about to tear ourselves apart, you turn around and put us back together, stronger than ever." She replied, coming closer to my bed.

"Is what I do." She hopped into my bed next to me, curling herself up for warmth.

"You know, I'm starting to think you might do it. All that talk about putting families back together, what I would do to see mom and dad again."

"If they're out there, we'll find em, and everyone else, and then there'll be smiles again. We'll have a great big happy world tour, making everyone happy and throwing a massive party for everyone who gets to see their family again, and birthday parties for everyone who didn't get one." Yep, I'm drunk, there's no way even Pinkie Pie could pull that off.

"That sounds nice. So, I've been thinking.... I've got dibs on you right?"

"Yeps..... till you decide you get sick of me, I'm yours."

"If you're mine, does that mean you gotta do what I want?" She smirked.

"Depends, what do you want?" She whispered something in my ear that made my eyes shoot wide open, something I can't say because then I'd have to rate this fic mature instead of teen.

"I think I can do that." I said with a smile.

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