• Published 30th Oct 2013
  • 5,181 Views, 507 Comments

My Little Pony: Isk is Magic - keyan88

A capsuleer exploring wormhole space finds himself trapped in an unknown system. After discovering the only other sentient species, other than humans, are ponies, adventures ensue. He soon learns there are more important things in the galaxy than Isk

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Chapter 8 (part 2)


The ponies stared in shock as the shuttle, containing one more passenger than intended, lifted into the night. WIth a burst of its engines its speed increased exponentially as it disappeared from sight.

Twilight froze and looked over her shoulder, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Bell were sitting there, not knowing what exactly it was they saw, but knowing something is definitely wrong. Their respective sisters were currently hugging them tight, comforting them as best they could.

“What are we going to do Princess?” Twilight asked Celestia.

Celestia didn’t say anything as she stepped closer to the distraught fillies. The two remaining crusaders looked up the Princess, not knowing if they were going to be punished or not. When Celestia spoke her voice was soft,

“Tell me what happened.”

Apple Bloom took a shaky breath before speaking,

“We were comin to visit Rainbow Dash. We heard she got hurt, and Scootaloo really really wanted to make sure Rainbow Dash was okay. We already had a sleepover planned at Rarity’s house, so we snuck out. Well, not really sneaking since Rarity wasn't there, we just walked out the front door. So we walked over to the hospital. And then we saw whatever that thing was, and before me or Sweetie Belle could do anythin’ Scootaloo went and jumped into it! There was nuthin we could do! Honest!”

Celestia turned to Sweetie Bell,

“Is this true?”

Sweetie Bell nodded solemnly.

Celestia looked back to Twilight,

“How do you think Keyan will react to another intruder on his ship?”

Twilight gulped before saying,

“He seems friendly enough Princess. But the one thing he made clear is that he is highly defensive of his ship. He let Luna off with a warning, he said the next pony who did this wouldn’t be so lucky. Maybe since Scootaloo’s a filly he will be more lenient. I really hope so, but he could go both ways.”

“So what do you propose we do Twilight?”

Twilight shrugged sadly,

“I guess we have to tell him. I’ll go get the radio.”

Celestia nodded and looked up, watching the shuttle make its way across the sky. It looked just like a shooting star at this distance.

“Twilight?” Sweetie asked hesitantly. She continued when Twilight looked in her direction,

“Is something bad going to happen to Scootaloo?”

Twilight tried to force a weak smile,

“No, Sweetie Belle, she’s going to be fine”

Keyan leaned back in his chair, the bridges HUD tracking the shuttles progress back to the ship. 2 minutes and counting till re-dock.

“Whats the damage Aura?” He asked.

“In a word sir, catastrophic. The statistical odds of her surviving to this point are nigh-impossible. The damage to her skeleton is 73% of her bones have at least one fracture, muscle system is 79% of muscles torn to some degree. Her head has remained relatively undamaged, this is likely the reason she has survived to this point”

“Can we help her?”

“My calculations a survival probability of 43% if she survives until treatment can be administered,”

Keyan thought for a moment,

“What are the odds if we use my personal med-bots? not the one for passengers.”

“They rise to 74% sir.”

“Do it.”

“Are you sure sir? The cost of replacing the materials that would be used is well into the hundreds--”

“Do it Aura. I’ll just have to ask for a favor in return.”

“Very well sir”

Keyan leaned back in his chair again, he would have to get up and go to the med-wing and watch Rainbow Dash go into surgery. His thought were interrupted when Twilight’s voice came through the speakers,

“Keyan are you there? Theres something I have to tell you.”

He rubbed his face,

“If another of your friends needs help they will have to wait.”

“No No, thats not the problem. Listen, remember how you said you don’t want any more “unexpected” guests?”

Keyan’s eyes narrowed,

“What are you saying Twilight?”

“Please don’t be mad! Scootaloo jumped onto your shuttle before it took off, shes still in it now.”


“Shes just a little filly, she doesn’t know any better!”

Keyan sighed,

“You know what I said Twilight. I don’t no pony coming onto my ship without permission! What part of that do you not get?”

Keyan heard Twilight start to respond, but she was quickly cut off by the sound of a being tackled. A few scuffling filled seconds later a young voice came through the speakers. She spoke in the same accent Applejack did, she must be her younger sister. He had heard more than a few funny stories about her.

“MIster Alien? Can you please not hurt our friend? Well do anything!”

A second voice quickly added,

“Yea! we’ll do whatever you want!”

Both of them had obviously been crying at some point in the past, their voices were hoarse. Keyan had dealt with very very few children in his time as a capsuleer. His only interaction with them was the odd transport contract where their families had decided to take them. The one thing he would never forget is the effect crying children had, they could get anything they wanted.

“Listen, I’m not going to hurt your friend okay? Twilight is just going to owe me another favor.”

“No hay no way Mister Alien. Its our problem,.and we’re gonna fix it!” Apple Bloom said, her mind made up.

Keyan smiled slightly,

“Alright, is a deal, and call me Keyan okay?”

“Mmhmm” Both Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle confirmed.

Aura interrupted the conversation,

“The shuttle is arriving sir. Docking bay doors opening now.”

“Listen girls, I have to go. Rainbow Dash is coming in now, and then I have a stowaway filly to deal with.”

“Thank ya mister!” Apple Bloom shouted, some of her normal cheer had returned.

“Yea! When you finally come to Ponyville I’ll make you breakfast!” Sweetie Belle added.

“I look forward to it.” He couldn’t see the looks of horror exchanged between the ponies.

“Keyan out ponies, peace.”

A beep signaled the end of the connection.

“Alright Aura, keep the filly in the hanger for no, don’t want her wandering around the ship.”

“Very well sir”


Keyan stood outside the med-bay, waiting for the gurney carrying Rainbow Dash to appear from down the hallway. Its telltale hum pierced the silent ambiance of the ship.

Keyan watched in silence as it came closer. The wince he let out when he caught sight of the poor pony was a big one. He had killed a lot of people before, only a few with his bare hands, but he was not prepared for the massive amount of damage Rainbow’s body had undergone.

The ponies had done their best to treat her, but even with their magic she was in very very bad shape.

The door to the med-bay opened with a hiss, the gurney hummed its way through the entryway. Keyan’s footsteps echoed throughout the ship as he followed it.

They passed a rather plain looking medical machine and went right into a door marked “Captain Only”. Inside of the room was a much much sleeker looking model. It had more than a dozen arms capped with all types of syringes and medical tools hanging from above a operating table.

The gurney stopped in front of it, and the top portion that Rainbow was laying on slid from the gurney to the operating table. Keyan watched as straps and braces began strapping Rainbow to the table. This was an expected part of the procedure, the unexpected part was Rainbow Dash waking up.

Keyan didn’t know what to do as he saw the pegasus begin to twitch, the monitors attached to her began to sound their alarms.

“Sir if she doesn’t stop moving we won’t be able to sedate her for the operation. If she doesn’t calm down immediately her heart will fail.”

Keyan bit his lip nervously as Rainbow began to cry out,

“Twilight! where am I! Help me! HEEELLPPP ANYPONY! HELP ME!” Her cries reverberated throughout the entire ship. Thankfully Aura was able to at least get some major painkillers into her system or they would be cries of a different kind.

Keyan walked up to Rainbow, keeping care to stay out of her line of sight. She did not need anymore surprises in her current situation. Even though Rainbow couldn’t see him she could still hear him.

“Whos there? Let me out of here or I’m going to buck you straight to the moon!”

Keyan tentatively reached out a hand and gently placed it on Rainbows head. She flinched from the initial contact.

“Calm down Rainbow, calm down or you’re going to die.”

“Key? is that you? Where am I?”

“You’re on my ship, I’m trying to help you but you have to calm down.”

Rainbow Slowly stilled, her small amount of energy was already depleted.

“Save my wings Key, please.” She choked out.

“I’ll try Rainbow, now relax. You’re going to feel a prick, and then you’re going to fall asleep. And then you’re gonna wake up in a while, all better. okay?”

Rainbow nodded, too far gone to speak now She jumped a little when a needle pierced her flank, but thankfully there were no more problems.

“So what are you going to have to do to fix her Aura?”

“As I said before sir the damage is extensive. She will require multiple injections of medical nanobots to repair her body so she could survive off life support. Further scans of her head have indicated it was more damage than previously thought. Her left ocular nerve was severely damaged, she will require a synthetic eye to regain sight. I can create one using components in the cargo bay.”

“What about her wings, can we save them?”

“That is another matter sir. They are beyond repair. In order to restore her flight we would have to create new wings from scratch. This is a problem as my scans show the same energy that gives the unicorn’s magic flows through her wings as well, they also show that the only materials able to do so are from the sleeper drones, no other material is conductive to the energy. The reason for this I cannot guess at this point. You have the needed components in your cargo bay. If you authorize me to use them it will cost approximately 103 million isk. And that is a low estimate, as this is an experimental process failures are a strong possibility.”

“Do it Aura, its not like they’re doing anything sitting there. Do whatever you have too, those damn ponies are just going to owe me a pretty big favor.”

“How long is this going to take Aura?”

“Roughly 14 hours sir.”

“Alright, now I have a filly to deal with.”


Scootaloo was scared. She had no idea where she was, all she knew was that Rainbow was getting into some sort of chariot and she had jumped in after her. It was a decision she had come to regret.

She was currently stuck in a large room filled with all types of boxes and whatnot. There was one other of the things that had brought her and Rainbow here.

She was all alone, the thing carrying Rainbow Dash had left the room before she could react and the door had locked behind it. She wanted to crawl into the corner and hide. Her frantic thought processes were interrupted by the sound of the door opening. She quickly jumped behind a crate as hoof steps clanked down the hallway.


Keyan walked slowly down the hallway, he had no idea what he was going to do but he had to do something. Leaving a kid in a hanger for 14 hours wasn't something he wanted to do, not to mention the princesses might not be to thrilled with that.

He stepped into the hanger just in time to see an orange and purple blur jump behind a few crates. He pursed his lips trying to think of what to say. Talking to adult aliens are one thing, kids were something else entirely. He cleared his throat,

“Hey, Scootaloo is it? You can come out I’m not going to hurt you.”


“You’re friends made me Pinkie promise to not hurt you. Please come out.”


Scootaloo didn't know what to do. The alien knew her name, and apparently what a Pinkie promise was.

She didn’t know what to do, she wished she could ask Rainbow Dash what to do. She would have a totally awesome plan already worked out. Obviously she wouldn't hide behind a box, she would get right up in the aliens face! And if it tried to do anything she would kick its flank! Thats what she would do, she would show the alien that she wasn't a chicken!


Keyan watched as the filly stepped out from behind the crate, soft hoof steps echoing throughout the otherwise silent room.

He took a look at the filly. Her bright orange coat and purple hair were certainly distinctive. She was small though, her shoulder would barely come up to his knee if he was standing next to her.

They looked at one another, each taking in the others appearance. She was taking this in remarkably well Keyan noted.

He quickly revised that thought though as he took a second look over the filly. Her eyes were bloodshot, her body and lips were quivering. This filly was nothing short of terrified. Keyan certainly felt like a dick.

“Listen, please don’t be afraid, I know you are confused and scared right now, but you have to trust me.”

The fill gulped before she responded,

“W-w-w-why should I t-t-trust you?” Her voice was quivering.

Keyan took a step closer, and the filly remarkably held her ground.

“I promised I wouldn’t hurt you. And I meant that.”

Scootaloo stared at him,

“W-wheres Rainbow Dash?”

“Shes been hurt really badly, Twilight asked me to help her, so I am. Shes in the med-bay right now in surgery.”

“Show me”

Keyan shook his head,

“I can’t. The door is locked until she comes out of surgery in 14 hours.”

Scootaloo licked her lips,

“Well what are you going to do to me?”

Keyan rolled his eyes,

“I already told you, nothing! What I want to do is take you to talk to your friends, you would like that wouldn’t you? Just follow me okay?”

Scootaloo shook her head,

“Pinkie promise to me, not my friends. Say “I am not going to hurt Scootaloo i any way shape or form.”.” Her voice had an air of intimidation to it.

Keyan raised his eyebrow,

“And if I don’t?”

Scootaloo stammered for a few seconds, she obviously thought her bluff wouldn;t be called.

Keyan chuckled,

“Just messing with you, I Pinkie promise.”




“Okay, I suppose I can trust you then.” Scootaloo said.

Keyan smiled and motioned for her to follow him. He waited for the filly to come closer before heading out the door.

After walking for a few minutes he learned that apparently his normal walking pace was a bit too fast for the filly. The clopping sound of her hooves increased as she had to break out into a trot, then into a canter.

He looked down to the side at the small filly.

“Having trouble keeping up?”

The filly had already started to lose her breath,

“No way, you can’t outrun me!”

Keyan chuckled,

“Wanna bet?”

Scootaloo glared at him, amazed that he could even think he could win.

“READY SET GO!” She cried out, surging ahead with a massive burst of speed.

Well,everything is relative as KEyan only had to break out into a light jog to keep up with the galloping filly.

“Follow the lights” He told her as Aura lit up the correct path.

Keyan couldn’t help but smile as he watched the fillies small legs working overtime to keep up her pace, After a few corridors the filly’s pace slowed down. After a few more steps she came to a stop.

Keyan laughed as he watched the filly sucking wind, he wasn’t even the slightest out of breath.

“Can’t outrun you huh?”

The death glare he received only served to make him laugh. He reached out a hand,

“Come on, I’ll carry you the rest of the way.”

His response was another glare,

“Oh shush. You’re tired and your friends want to talk to you.”

Scootaloo thought for a moment before accepting his offer. Keyan smiled as he lifted the exhausted filly onto his shoulders. She rested her chin on the top of his head with a contented sigh.


“Uh huh”

A short walk later he entered the bridge. He lifted Scootaloo off his shoulders and placed her into his chair. Pressing a few buttons he opened up a channel to the planet.

“Twilight you there?”

A few seconds later Twilight responded. Her voice was hoarse and tired sounding,

“Yea! Do you have any news about Rainbow? and Scootaloo?”

“I have Scootaloo right here next to me shes fine. Rainbow can still go either way now, she’ll most likely survive but Aura is going to have to build her a new set of wings, hopefully she’ll be fine but I’m not sure right now. Don’t ask about the procedure, I’d rather not explain it.”

“Okay. But can Scootaloo talk?”

“Yea, but don’t yell at her. Shes been through enough today. And I assume her friends are somewhere near you, put them on the radio. after you’re done.”

He turned to Scootaloo.

“Just talk, she’ll be able to hear you.”

Scootaloo nodded,

“Hey Twilight” she said hesitantly.


Scootaloo looked like she was about to cry.

Keyan interrupted Twilight’s rant,

“I said don’t yell at her Twilight. Go get her friends, you lost radio privileges tonight.”

Twilight grumbled,

“But I’m sorr--”

“No apologies Twilight, go get her friends.”

Scootaloo mouthed Keyan a thank you, he winked in reply. After silencing Twilight a few more times Keyan could practically feel Twilight fuming through the radio.Eventually she left and after a minute or so Apple Bloom spoke through the radio,

“You there Scootaloo?”

Scootaloo’s face immediately brightened up,


Keyan turned to Scootaloo,

“I’m going to go check on a few things, just talk to your friends I’ll be back soon.”

Scootaloo nodded in understanding. as he walked away he heard Scootaloo cry out,



Keyan walked back into the bridge an hour later, he really didn’t do anything of importance. He just did miscellaneous tasks around the ship.

He couldn’t help but chuckle at the sight of Scootaloo. She was dead asleep with her head on the control panel, drool leaking from her mouth. Her legs hung limply at her side.

“Aura, did you clean up the room Luna used yet?”

“Yes sir I did.”

He stepped over to the filly. Taking care not to wake her he picked her up gently. He cradled her light form in his arms, chuckling as she snored softly.

He started walked out of the bridge and made his way down the corridors of the ship. Reaching a door he stepped through it as it opened up. He continued walking until he was right next to the bed.

Pulling back the covers he gently placed the sleeping filly on the mattress. He chuckled as the filly stretched, tiny hooves searching for the missing blankets. He carefully placed the blankets over the sleeping filly, who curled up into a fetal position as she wrapped herself up.

He stepped back away from the bed, this must be the cutest situation he had ever been in. All his thoughts could be summed up with one word,


Author's Note:

Alright here is part 2 of chapter 8, longest update so far. Part 3 should be up by Friday, so look forward to that. I want to wish everyone a happy thanksgiving and I hope you are able to adequately stuff your face.

Keyan88 out, o7 pce

P.S 87 Likes as of this update. Thats about 67 more than I expected by this point. Lets get to 100! \m/ ( >.<) \m/