• Published 30th Oct 2013
  • 5,181 Views, 507 Comments

My Little Pony: Isk is Magic - keyan88

A capsuleer exploring wormhole space finds himself trapped in an unknown system. After discovering the only other sentient species, other than humans, are ponies, adventures ensue. He soon learns there are more important things in the galaxy than Isk

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Chapter 15

Twilight trotted through the Palace, Keyan’s syringe floating along next to her. The unicorn was on her way back to her room. She was staying in the same room she had while she was studying in Canterlot so it was equipped with an impressive array of scientific tools and instruments. Among those was a microscope, which she was eternally grateful for.

Keyan had told her twice now to look at the syringe under a microscope, but she was unsure why. To the naked eye, the liquid inside looked light slightly clouded water, nothing special about it. But the same could be said about a lot of things.

Humming a dainty tune Twilight rounded the corner to her room, she swiftly stepped inside and made her way to the door that led to her laboratory. She gently placed the syringe on a table and moved towards her supply closet. Being careful not to knock any of the expensive knickknacks dotting the counter Twilight managed to find some extra slides for her microscope.

With experience born from massive amounts repetition Twilight levitated the tiny glass planes and carefully placed them next to the syringe. A short while later she had a perfectly prepared slide ready. There was a small amount of the syringe’s solution in between the two small panes of glass. Still humming the tune, Twilight levitated the slide onto the microscope. A small flick of her hoof angled the mirror below to shine light up into the eyepiece. Without further ado she put her eye to the eyepiece and promptly froze.

Idly swimming about it the aqueous solution, was what looked like little bugs. They were very spider like in appearance, made out of a dull grey metal. Small legs propelled them around, deftly maneuvering around each other. Switching to the highest magnification she continued to observe them.

She knew that Keyan had extremely advanced technology. After all he could travel the stars, but this was on another level entirely. It was one thing to make things big, to make functioning machines this small was nigh impossible. And Twilight saw what these machines were capable of, they had healed the CMC right in front of her. And even though Twilight didn’t see it, they had repaired Rainbow’s body from basically scratch.

Twilight was awed. The implications of this were astounding. Previously life-threatening injuries would be a quick fix, ponies who had permanent disabilities could have them repaired. Paralyzed ponies could walk again! The entire thing sent her mind into a tail spin. There was one thing that she knew: she had to show it to somepony else. Without a second thought Twilight spun around and rushed out into the main room. Hardly slowing she threw open the door to the hallway and burst outside.

Only to find herself colliding straight into Rainbow Dash.

Twilight suddenly found herself on top of her prismatic friends, muzzles inches from each other. They each had matching looks of shock on their faces.

“Hey Twi,” Rainbow said softly.

“Hey,” came the diminutive response.

They watched as duplicate blushes crept up the others face, their warm breath dancing across the other. Neither of them knew how long they were like that, just reveling in the touch of the other’s fur on their own.

“So whats up?” Rainbow spoke, her voice little more than a whisper.

Twilight’s mind suddenly ground back into motion. Stammering out apologies the unicorn swiftly helped her friend back to her hooves.

“Oh I’m so sorry Rainbow. I wasn’t looking where I was going and--”

Rainbow waved her hoof,

“Don’t worry about it Twi. So what’s got you in such a hurry anyway?”

Twilight suddenly remembered the reason why. Her face suddenly broke out into a huge grin and she started pulling Rainbow into her room,

“Let me show you!” Twilight squealed, “Its so cool!”

Rainbow raised a skeptical eyebrow but allowed her friend to drag her into the room. Twilight swiftly bundled the pegasus into her laboratory. Rainbow didn’t have much time to process the massive amount of egghead in the room as Twilight pulled her over to a microscope. The prismatic mare watched as her friend looked through the eyepiece and fiddle with a few knobs and dials. In a short few moments Twilight pulled back and smiled at her friend,.

“Alright, go ahead and look.”

Rainbow obligingly did so and her mouth promptly opened up in shock when she saw the nanites swimming around. She pulled away and looked at Twilight with an uncontrollable smile on her face,

“Oh my gosh thats Awesome!”


Twilight was currently in another place entirely.

Rainbow was doing that face again. The same one she was doing when the two of them were stargazing together.The memory suddenly burst back into her head, in all its glory.

This was the mare she liked.

This was the mare she liked liked.

A thousand scenarios suddenly ran rampant through Twilight’s head. Should she tell her? How would she react? Would she not want to be friends anymore?

What if she liked her back?


Rainbow’s smile faded as watched her friend’s expression shift a through a myriad of different changes. She reached out a hoof and gently tapped Twilight,

“You okay Twi?”

This seemed to do the job as Twilight suddenly shook her head and re focused.

“Oh sorry Rainbow, I got distracted. But what do you think of these ‘nanites’?”

Rainbow smiled again,

“They’re awesome Twi! Not as awesome as me of course, but pretty close.”

Twilight giggled and rolled her eyes,

“Whatever you say Rainbow.”

Rainbow opened her mouth so say something but swiftly lost her train of thought. Twilight was standing right there, in all her adorkableness. Rainbow bit her lip as Keyan’s words came back to her,

“The ones that go out and make something for themselves, they’re the ones you hear stories about.”

Rainbow took a deep breath and summoned all the courage she could muster. And without further ado,

“I like you Twilight.”


Twilights already scrambled mind was once again blown apart when she heard Rainbow. And the thousand fantasies that she had previously smothered came back in full force. A small, rational part of her mind swiftly forced out a single word,


Twilight watched her friends brow furrow,

“Let me rephrase,” Rainbow took another deep breath, “I like like you Twilight. Alot.”

Twilight’s breath hitched in her throat.

“you like like me?”

Rainbow nodded.

Twilight’s face suddenly exploded in a wide smile. Without realizing it she broke into a spontaneous

“Yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes,” as she bounced around the room. Singing her joy to the scientific instruments around her.

Rainbow’s eyes followed the mare as she bounced around, putting Pinkie to shame in her excitement.

Twilight suddenly saw her friend, and the unspoken question in her eyes,

“I like like you too Rainbow!”

Rainbow broke out in a huge grin matching Twilight’s,

“Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh,” she said as she came to terms with what she just heard.

Twilight suddenly threw her legs around Rainbow and they bounced up and down together, each shouting out exclamations of joy. Eventually their mirth died down and they realized how close to each other they exactly were. Twin blushes once again crept on to thier faces.

“So what do we do now?” Twilight asked.

“We go on a date thats what,” Rainbow said with a smirk.

Twilight blushed even harder,

“I’ve never been on a date before.”

Rainbow comfortingly patted Twilight on the cheek,

“Don’t worry Twi, I’ll worry about the specifics. All you gotta do is say yes.”

Twilight smiled sheepishly,

“I’d love to Rainbow.”


The two ponies smiled at each other, still embracing each other. Sensing her chance, Rainbow slowly leaned in towards Twilight, pulling the unicorn to her with her iron legs. Twilight’s ears splayed back as she realized what her friend was about to do.

“Are you going to kiss me Rainbow?”

Rainbow gave Twilight a flat stare.

“Don’t ruin the mood Twi.”

Twilight gave a sheepish smile,


Rainbow rolled her eyes and leaned in once again. This time Twilight leaned forward as well. But sadly, it was not to be. The two mare’s foreheads collided with an audible thunk.

“Ow!” they both said simultaneously as they pulled away from each other, rubbing their foreheads.

Now a few feet from each other, the moment was completely broken.

“Can we try again?” Twilight asked sheepishly.

Rainbow shook her head sadly,

“I’m sorry Twi, but I want our first kiss to be something special. And the moment is kinda dead right now.”

Twilight sighed,

“I’m sorry.”

Rainbow waved a hoof,

“Don’t worry about it Twi, we’ll have another during our date tonight. Meet me at the top of the this tower okay?”

Twilight nodded,

“Okay Rainbow. Can I ask what we are going to do?’

Rainbow smirked,

“Actually no you can’t, its going to be a surprise. Don’t worry about dressing up, it won’t matter much where we’re going.”


A short while later Twilight was alone in her room, laying on her couch with a dreamy smile on her face. Her mind was filled with thoughts of what Rainbow was possibly planning tonight. She sure seemed excited about it, so it must be something good. Maybe she’ll take her flying again? Memories of the Rainboom that she had carried her through sprain into Twilight’s mind.

Twilight sighed dreamily.

Her eyes suddenly opened wide: she had to get ready! and she had no idea what to do. But she had a trump card, Rarity would know what to do. Twilight heaved herself to her hooves and immediately set on her way towards Rarity’s room.

How would she react? Twilight already knew that Rarity had no problem with a mare dating another mare, Twilight was just worried about if the fashionista would go on a whole tangent and make a whole new dress for her. Than he mind drifted to what her other friends would think. She swiftly drew away from that line of thought though, she knew if she started down it, it wouldn’t be a good thing.

She trotted down the hallway that lead up to Rarity’s room and knocked on the door.

“Coming!” her friends posh voice floated out.

A moment later Rarity opened the door to and gave Twilight a quizzical stare,

“Hello Twilight, can I help you?”

Twilight once again broke out into a massive smile,

“Rainbow likes me back!”

It took a second for Rarity to process what the unicorn said, but as soon as she did her face exploded in a grin. The two ponies jumped up and down in place, squealing with joy. Rarity pulled Twilight into her room and immediately sat her down on the couch.

“Tell me everything.”

And so Twilight did, she told the fashionista everything that transpired since she last saw her in the courtyard. But when she heard the outcome of their first attempt at a kiss she groaned loudly,

“Oh course that would happen to you Twilight,. No offense.”

Twilight sighed dejectedly,

“None taken Rarity.”

“So, do you know anything about this date Rainbow is taking you on tonight?”

Twilight shook her head,

“All she said is to meet her on top of the palace. And not to dress fancy, anything other than that I have no idea.”

Rarity rubbed her chin,

“Well that is rather vague. Are you sure there is nothing?”

“Mmhmm. I guess I’ll find out tonight.”

Rarity nodded,

“Well, even if Rainbow insists on being casual. I can at least do your mane up nice, come along darling.”


Hours later, Twilight was staring at the door that led to the balcony of the palace tower. She idly fiddled with her mane once again, Rarity had certainly done a good job of it. The hair was slightly more wavy than usual, and cascaded down her back elegantly. Taking a deep breath to gather her confidence, the mare pushed the door open and stepped outside.

Leaning on the railing was Rainbow Dash, staring up at the night sky. Her mane was straighter than usual, she had brushed it out smoothly. When the pegasus heard the door open she turned around and gave Twilight a broad grin,

“Hey Twi’ you’re looking good.”

Twilight blushed madly.

Rainbow stepped up to her friend and nuzzled her gently.

“You ready for tonight?”

Twilight smiled,

“Can’t wait.”


Rainbow turned around and on que Keyan’s shuttle silently floated up from below the balcony, the door opening to rest on the railing.

“Is that--”

“Keyan’s shuttle?” Rainbow interrupted, “yea. I asked if I could borrow this and he said yes,” she turned around and offered her hoof to Twilight, “Can I help you up?”

Twilight giggled and allowed the pegasus to help her into the shuttle. It obvious was modified since the last time she saw it. The seats that were along the sides were gone, in favor of bare walls. The metal floor was now covered in soft carpet, and a wicker picnic basket was tucked away in a corner. It was softly lit, not to bright but not to dark.

With a small flap of her wings Rainbow floated up next to her,

“I definitely owe Key something for this, he did good here.”

Twilight nodded dumbly.

The door closed with a hiss behind them and Twilight jumped as she felt the shuttle start to move. Rainbow swiftly placed a calming hoof on her shoulder,

“Relax Twi, I’m pretty sure this is the safest place in Equestria right now.

Twilight blushed,

“Sorry Rainbow.”

“Don’t worry about it Twi.”

Twilight smiled and looked around the shuttle one more time,

“This is nice Rainbow,” she said.

Rainbow cackled,

“No Twi, this is nice.”

Al of a sudden the wall in front of Twilight seemed to disappear, a window seemingly appearing in its place. The unicorn gasped as she saw the view.

Canterlot was far below her, night had fallen and lanterns were twinkling throughout the city. The soft lights flickering slightly as the flames within them danced around. A few lights were slowly meandering around the city streets, the guards making their rounds. A few flickered out, parents putting their foals to sleep.

A few minutes later even the lights in the cities were gone. But in their place Twilight could see the coastline of Equestria, and soon after the vast oceans surrounding it. The dark blots of land that were Equestria’s sister nations: Zebrica, Griffonia, Prance, soon rolled by. The great mountains of the world appearing as little more than bumps on the surface below.

Twilight slowly sank until she was laying down on the plush carpet.

“Its beautiful.”

Rainbow laid down beside her,

“Yea,” she nuzzled Twilight, “not as beautiful as you though.”

Twilight blushed and looked away from Rainbow.

“Stop Rainbow, you’re gonna make me blush.”

Rainbow chuckled,

“Too late for that.”

The two mares shared a comfortable silence as the shuttle slowly drifted across the planet below. Ponyville was little more than a small splattering of lights in the valley below. Canterlot was barely visible in the distance. Soon enough the curvature of the planet came into view, the atmosphere standing out from the vast blackness of space.

The view was nothing short of breathtaking.

“Kinda makes you feel small doesn’t it?” Rainbow said quietly.

“I’m sure its similar to flying isn’t it Rainbow?”

“Nah, I’d be lucky if I could get a tenth as high as we are now.”

Twilight shuffled closer to Rainbow, pressing herself up against the warmth of the mare. Their tails intertwined together. The pegasus reached out a hoof and pulled the basket to her. She peered inside it and a few seconds later pulled out a bottle of wine and two glasses.

“What are those for?” Twilight asked.

Rainbow smiled and looked at an blinking panel of lights.

“Because in about 45 seconds we are going to leave the last vestiges of our homeworld's atmosphere. Officially making us the first ponies in space.”

Twilight looked at Rainbow, completely in awe of what was happening. Rainbow pulled the cork out with her teeth, quickly filling the two glasses with the drink. She hoofed over one of the glasses to Twilight. Half a minute later a light lit up green and Rainbow turned towards the unicorn,

“To us Twilight.”

“Cheers,” the unicorn replied as they clinked their two glasses together. They exchanged smiles as they sipped, the wine flowing over their tongues.

“This is pretty good wine,” Twilight remarked.

Rainbow shrugged,

“The Princess gave it to me, but I don’t think she knows about this yet. All I said was I needed it for something important.”

Twilight smiled softly,

“In all honesty Rainbow, I don’t care if she does,” she turned to the mare and tenderly nuzzled her, “because right now all that matters is this.”

It was Rainbow’s turn to blush now.

“Thanks Twi,” Rainbow looked at the panel once again, she reached out a hoof and hit a button. The lights instantly dimmed down to nothing and she turned back to Twilight, “get ready for something special.”

All of a sudden the view changed, instead of the planet below, their vision was dominated by stars. Far far more than what could be seen from Ponyville, or anywhere for that matter. There were billions, just…. there. Twilight knew, hypothetically, of the infinite vastness of space. But seeing it here, right in front of her, nothing could of prepared her for this.

Twilight tried to piece together some familiar constellations, but every time she saw a semblance of something a billion other stars flooded into her vision. Drowning out every shred of familiarity.

“Here,” Rainbow said as she flicked another button.

Lines appeared on in front of them, connecting various stars. It took a while, but Twilight soon realized that they formed the constellations.

“Thats definitely different than Ponyville,” Rainbow said rhetorically.

The two mares watched space roll by together. The vast amount of stars belied the emptiness of space. The two mares could see interstellar clouds of dust block out some portions of the sky The stars behind them providing a ghostly black light to the massive nebulas.

Neither of the mares knew how long they stared at this. But it was something they wouldn’t forget for the rest of their life. A small beep from the side accompanied a red light.

“I’m sorry to ruin the view Twi, but its time for the grand finale,” Rainbow said as she hit a button once again, teh view changing back to the planet below.

A golden glow began to shine from behind the planet, great arcs of light piercing the atmosphere. The transcendent glow only grew greater as time slowly passed. And then Twilight saw it. The sun began to appear from behind the planet. Its first shred exploding onto the scene in all its radiant glory. The two mares could see the sunlight creep across the planet below, a literal wall of darkness receded against the onslaught of the sun. DIsappearing as the mare’s orbit continued.

Eventually the sun was revealed completely, and its glory was immeasurable The brightness of it was staggering, and if the shuttle didn’t filter it the mares would undoubtedly be blinded.

“Wow,” the two mares said together.

Twilight slowly reached a hoof out and laid it on top of Rainbow’s. The two mares looked at each other, trace amounts of tears in their eyes. Wordlessly they leaned towards each other. They paused, their lips centimeters from each others, and with a final push they met. There was no fireworks or 21 gun salute to signify this, and the only witnesses were the stars themselves.

Each mare poured their soul into the kiss, conveying through touch what they couldn't hope to through words.

It wasn’t grandiose, it wasn’t showy, it wasn’t flamboyant, and it wasn’t flashy.

But it was one thing:


Author's Note:

So I managed to write this over the course of the week during the breaks I took in studying. I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out, but seeing as it is the first time I tried to write a real romance scene I would love it if you guys could comment on it.

Thats about it, Keyan88 out, pce o7