• Published 30th Oct 2013
  • 5,182 Views, 507 Comments

My Little Pony: Isk is Magic - keyan88

A capsuleer exploring wormhole space finds himself trapped in an unknown system. After discovering the only other sentient species, other than humans, are ponies, adventures ensue. He soon learns there are more important things in the galaxy than Isk

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Chapter 13


“Twilight...Twilight!” A voice said as it jabbed the sleeping mare roughly with a hoof.

Twilight merely grumbled and rolled over as she was dragged from the tender embrace of sleep. She tried reclaiming it but was stopped when the hoof returned, burrowing in between her ribs. Twilight let out a yelp as she instinctively jumped away and fell off the other side off the bed.

Blinking her bleary eyes and shaking her head, the now awake Twilight tried to figure out how exactly she ended up on the floor. Her question was answered when a rather apologetic Rarity came peeked her head around the bed. Her normally perfect mane was not done up, something Rarity would never normally allow.

“Oh I’m sorry darling, but I just had to wake you,” she said.

“What for?” Twilight asked as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes.

Rarity broke out in a squeal,

“Oh saying it would ruin the surprise! Just follow me darling.”

After saying that Rarity helped Twilight to her hooves. After checking that Twilight hadn’t seriously damaged anything she led Twilight to the door.

“Do you think we should get Spike?” Twilight asked as she stepped into the hallway.

Turning with a smile Rarity responded,

“Oh believe me dear, I think Spike is perfectly happy asleep.”

Twilight stared at Rarity for a second, she knew more that what she was letting on. Twilight shrugged it off as she brushed her errant bed-mane with a hoof into some some semblance of order.

She followed Rarity through the palace, nodding politely to maids and guards as she passed them. Eventually they found themselves outside the door to Rarity’s room. Feeling a draft Twilight lit her horn and closed the one open window in the hallway.

“Do be quiet dear, Sweetie is still asleep,” Rarity said as she slowly opened the door and held it so Twilight could follow her in.

Twilight cocked her head as she passed Rarity, trying to figure out what exactly she was playing at. She followed her again as Rarity led her to one of the bedroom doors. After opening it with an extreme measure of care Rarity led her inside.

The only thing that Twilight could see that was out of the ordinary was a rather impressive looking pillow fort. She watched as Rarity took another peek inside and backed out smiling.

“Look inside,” she mouthed.

Still confused Twilight silently walked up to the pillow foot and poked her head inside. The wave of cuteness swept over her. Sweetie Belle and Spike were happily snuggled up to one another a midst a mess of blankets. Tiny snores drifted from both of them. Spike was protectively wrapped around Sweetie Belle, as much as his stature would allow, and Sweetie Belle’s head was happily burrowed into Spikes chest.

At first Twilight wanted to wake up Spike and give him a stern talking to about leaving the room without permission but quickly snuffed that out. She smiled as she backed away and motioned for Rarity to follow her out of the room. Once both mares were in the foyer and the door safely closed behind them Rarity let out another squeal.

“Isn’t that the cutest thing!” Rarity said, her voice pitching up on the last two words.

Twilight nodded,

“It is, but why is Spike here?”

Rarity led Twilight over to a couch and they both sat down,

“I’m not sure what Spike told you about last night, but apparently he was quite the hero.”

Twilight pursed her lips,

“I wasn’t able to get anything from Spike, he was asleep before I could ask.”

Rarity smiled,

“Well, when Blueblood,” she said that name with the utmost disgust a posh mare could, “sent his goons into Keyan’s shuttle they easily were able to overpower the girls and Spike. I think even Rainbow would have a hard time defending herself. So, from what Sweetie Belle told me, the goons were forcing them out of the ship, and one of them struck Scootaloo right under her eye, I’m sure you saw the cut. Apparently, this sent Spike into quite the rage, and he immediately breathed fire at the offending stallion. I’m sure they were surprised as Scootaloo was able to break free and run into the palace, we both know what happened after that,” her voice trailed off as she remembered the events of the past night.

Eventually she cleared her throat delicately and continued,

“Spike, Sweetie, and Apple Bloom ran, but unluckily found themselves trapped in a corner. The other henchponies followed them and swiftly surrounded them,” she suddenly broke out in a huge grin, “and this is where little Spikey-Wikey became Spike the dragon. According to Sweetie his normally darling eyes turned even more draconic than normal and he stood up in front of them and wouldn’t move no matter what. From what Sweetie told me, even taking a fillies exaggeration into account, he blew more fire and for longer than even I thought him capable of. He also frightened the poor dear though, because apparently he was growling and hissing like a monster as he was doing this. And then we came out, and you know what happened from there.”

Twilight leaned back the couch as she processed the information.

“But why is Spike in sleeping with her?” Twilight asked.

Rarity stifled a giggle and Twilight realized what she said.

“No no no no that's not what I meant!” Twilight cried as she waved her hooves around.

“Relax darling,” Rarity said as calmed the mare down, “I think that Spike was worried about her and came to make sure she was okay. Its just the cutest thing!” Her voice rose on the last two words again.

Twilight nodded,

“It is pretty cute.”

“Can you imagine Twilight? Its like the Knight protecting his princess! Oh the romance!” she punctuated her sentence by fainting dramatically onto the couch behind her. Twilight giggled at her friends antics.

“Oh come on Rarity, they’re both foals, they have no idea what romance is,” Twilight logically explained.

Rarity sat back up and stared at Twilight.

“But that's this the thing! Now they’ll grow up, and with this event binding them together, they’ll discover their feelings for each other and *squeal*! Its too perfect not to happen!”

Rarity was bouncing in place by the time she finished.

Twilight rolled her eyes,

“Oh calm down Rarity. That plot line is right out of a romance novel you checked out a month ago.”

Rarity blushed.

“Well, it could happen. And at least some of us have some experience with romance.”

Twilight rolled her eyes,

“Rarity, how much experience could you have with romance?”

“Enough to see the signs of your crush on Rainbow Dash.”

Twilight spit out her metaphorical drink.


Now it was Rarity’s turn to roll her eyes.

“Oh please darling its written across your face as we speak.”

Twilight tried answering but it she couldn’t force it through the massive blush on her cheeks.

Rarity giggled as she watched her friend. Eventually Twilight managed to control herself enough to respond.

“I do not have a crush on Rainbow. What even makes you think that?”

“Darling, where do I even start? You’ve both been dancing around each other for months! And since Keyan got here you’ve only gotten closer.”

Twilight’s minds began whirring, trying to logically piece together Rarity’s argument.

“I know what you’re trying to do darling. You’re trying to logically explain my argument so you can logically argue against it. But if there is one thing I learned from Romance novels its that you cannot explain love.”

“Who said anything about love!?” Twilight interrupted with a shout.

“Twilight, dear, you have to relax. I was just speculating,” Rarity cleared her throat and shifted on the couch, “Just imagine yourself with Rainbow Dash as your special somepony darling. Can you even see it?”

Twilight started sputtering again but Rarity quickly shoved a hoof in her mouth,

“Shhhhh… just imagine darling.”

Twilight took a deep breath and did her best to calm herself. Rarity withdrew her hoof when she saw her friend wasn’t going to start babbling again.

Rarity started to say something else but Twilight didn’t hear it.

In her mind she was back on her balcony the night she first saw Keyan’s ship, Rainbow pressed up against her side to ward off the night’s chill. She saw the adorable face Rainbow made whenever Twilight showed her something new and exciting. It was her usual smirk with a fair amount of awe mixed in with it. Looking back on the night she now remembered the feel of her tail intertwining with Rainbow’s... how come she didn’t notice this when it was happening? In her minds eye she saw Rainbow take her eye away from the telescope, it was glowing in the night. Wordlessly, Rainbow leaned forward, bringing her muzzle closer and closer to Twilights.

A soft giggle broke Twilight out of her daydream and she realized that she was unconsciously leaning forward to meet Rainbow’s dream kiss. Twilight shook her head and stared at Rarity.

“I think I have a crush on Rainbow Dash”


Keyan woke up without fanfare. He opened his eyes to see Scootaloo sitting at his desk. Her back was to him and the holo-display was open. She was watching an old video of a fleet battle Keyan was in a year ago. He remembered this one, after all he did technically die there. Scootaloo gasped as the display was suddenly filled up with a yellow glow and cut out, he had run into a stray dreadnought laser. It was even aiming for him, it was just bad luck, but it easily melted the frigate he was flying at the time.

“Watching some of my old videos Scoots?” Keyan said.

Scootaloo jumped when she heard the capsuleer’s voice. She turned around in Keyan’s extremely comfy roll-ey chair and smiled.

“Hey Key. These videos are awesome! All the explosions and lasers and missiles and explosions! its so cool!” she waved her legs around as she said this. And her reenactment of a laser was pretty cute.

Keyan chuckled as the filly went on to tell him the content of the video from start to finish and the capsuleer just smiled and nodded as he let the filly speak. Eventually he drifted off and was dragged back to the present by Scootaloo bopping him on the nose with a hoof.

“Can you answer my question Keyan?” She asked, her bravado gone. Keyan mentally facepalmed, what the hell did he miss?

“I’m sorry Scoots I drifted off there for a second, what did you ask?”

Scootaloo stared at the ground,

“I asked why you cared so much…”

Keyan licked his lips. He took a deep breath and moved to sit on the edge of the bed. He lifted Scootaloo up and placed her on the bed next to him.

“What do you know about capsuleers Scoots?”

Scootaloo shrugged,

“Just the basics.”

“Scootaloo, what I’m about to tell you, you are not allowed to repeat.”

Scootaloo nodded.

“Capsuleers, the vast majority of us at least, are orphans,” Scootaloo looked at him in shock, “Part of the deal when you are accepted to one of the universities in the New Eden is that they erase part of your memory. There are a lot of reasons. One is that isk, the currency I use, is insanely valuable on planets. The wealthiest planet side families may be lucky to even have a few isk. And if I remember my parents I would give them money, and a billion other capsuleers would, and that would effectively destroy planets economy. And no one wants that. And then there's politics, If I only know loyalty to one Empire, they don’t have to worry as much about me betraying them. And if one of my parents had differing views I wouldn’t remember that, I would only know that I support one,” Keyan sighed, “All I know is that I grew up on a planet in Gallente space. I can’t speak for everyone, but for most of us that is the case. So we don’t really talk about it.”

Keyan smiled and ruffled Scootaloo’s mane,

“And thats why I became an explorer,” he motioned towards one of the windows and the stars beyond, “because maybe, somewhere out there. I can find home. And right now I can give you something at least close to a real home, and I'm going to do it.”

Keyan felt a pressure on his side and he realized that Scootaloo was hugging him.

“Thanks Key. And that means we’ll have to work together to find it then.” Scootaloo said, her bravado returning.

“Thanks Scoots, now lets go get some breakfast.”


2 hours later Twilight, Rarity, the CMC, Spike, and Luna were watching as Keyan’s shuttle descended from his ship. A minute after that it touched down and the door opened revealing a very happy looking Scootaloo carrying a duffle bag on her back. She was immediately tackled by Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle and the three of them descended into a giggling mass of fillies.

“Is Keyan not with you young Scootaloo?” Luna asked.

Amidst her giggling Scootaloo managed to respond,

“Nah hes still on his ship. He said he’ll come down later though.”

Sweetie Belle sat up,

“Did he show you anymore of his ship?”

The question slid off Scootaloo as she saw the bruises covering the white filly.

“Sorry Sweetie, but one second. Keyan gave me these,” she said as she removed the bag from her back and rummaged through it a little bit. She soon came up with a black case which Twilight levitated out of her hooves. She saw the zipper and opened it to reveal 3 syringes and a note.

3 syringes of nanites for the kids. I know they’ll work on Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom, but I don’t think the needle will even get through Spike’s scales but its worth a shot. Just stick the needle in anywhere and push the plunger down, I’m sure you’ll be able to figure it out. And if you don’t use the one for Spike be sure to look at it under a microscope, you’ll love what you see.


Twilight looked at Spike who was uninjured, his scales took most of the beating. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom were a different story, dark purple bruises covered a significant portion of their bodies. She levitated two syringes out and walked up to the soon to be recipients,

“Keyan gave me a these to give to you,” she said motioning towards the floating syringes, “they’ll fix you right up okay?”

They both eyed the needles warily.

“Don’t worry girls, Keyan gave me one last night and I feel great now!” Scootaloo added.

The two fillies looked at each other and had a silent discussion before turning back to Twilight and nodding. With the utmost care Twilight brought the needles to the fillies flanks. She then slowly pushed the needles in and injected the nanites. Both fillies let out immediate groans and flopped to the ground. Everypony present immediately rushed forward in alarm but stopped themselves when they saw the bruises disappearing. A fresh chorus of groans came from the two fillies, except this time the others realized it as a roan of relief.

“Alright girls,” Twilight said, “Lets go get some breakfast.”


Meanwhile on his ship Keyan was walking once again to the guest rooms. He had been here more in the last month than in the 4 he had the damn ship. He stepped inside one of them, this one was primarily colored a bright orange. He hated the color, and wasn’t sure why he didn’t have Aura change it. But that was not what was on his mind. A figure was sprawled out across the bed with its back to the door, it was obviously not made for her. Upon hearing the capsuleer’s entrance it shifted its head to lay its slitted green eyes on the intruder.

“Hello Chrysalis, we have a lot to talk about.”

Author's Note:

Little cliffhanger eh?

So that's Chapter 13, hopefully I'll get one more chapter out by the 2nd as thats when I have to go back to school. As always comments and criticisms are welcome and I will do my best to respond to all of them.

The capsuleer's parents thing isn't exactly canon to the eve universe, but I never learned what the real cannon is so yea. I would like opinions on it, but know I will elaborate more on it later.

Keyan88 out, pce o7