• Published 30th Oct 2013
  • 5,181 Views, 507 Comments

My Little Pony: Isk is Magic - keyan88

A capsuleer exploring wormhole space finds himself trapped in an unknown system. After discovering the only other sentient species, other than humans, are ponies, adventures ensue. He soon learns there are more important things in the galaxy than Isk

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Chapter 16.5

Professor Hoofton leaned on his windowsill, his scraggly mane blowing in the slight breeze. His elbow was resting on a slab of metal that took the place of his normally marble resting spot. A stray changeling had smashed into his office the other day, taking a fair chunk of the window frame with it. One of the alien’s drones had cleaned up the mess, placing the patch job until the workponies could come in and replace the window in full.

What marvelous creatures those “drones” were. Their name implied a similarity to the changelings, smaller beings connected to a greater hivemind, which obviously was housed in the massive rust-colored starship hovering above Canterlot. They persistently and tirelessly slaved away, day and night in an attempt to repair the city, and most ponied were eternally grateful to them (the fact that most of the collateral damage was caused by the alien was conveniently forgotten).

Maybe the alien was in league with the changelings, sacrificing a thousand or two drones certainly seemed an acceptable loss for gaining control of Equestria, and the whole production was a ruse to gain the ponies trust.

But the rumour amongst the populace was that Twilight Sparkle herself had called the alien down from the heavens for help, meaning that they must have been in contact for at least sometime before this, most likely since the event down the valley in Ponyville.

The professor sighed and leaned further down into his hoof.

He sincerely hoped that the worst wasn’t true, the princesses themselves had vouched for the alien themselves, and if he managed to fool them than the Pony-race certainly didn’t have a chance. Either way, all they could do was hope and pray that their skies won’t be darkened by their new alien overlords anytime soon.

But what wonders this alien must have seen!

What secrets hidden between the stars must he know?

Mathematical and scientific theories not even dreamt of by the most genius of ponies would be common knowledge. Technologies straight out of science fiction would be obsolete! Millennia of art and culture just waiting to be experienced!

But what would all this mean for ponies? Would their own culture be swept away? Scientific pursuit turned into begging for the next scrap of hand-me-down technology? The ponies would be turned into the most powerful species on their planet to little more than cheap labor and a source of income. Radical political change could occur, revolution, civil war, coups. Sure the complex mixture between polyarchy and democracy that was unique to Equestria was over a thousand years old, but it was undeniably effective. Even the thousand-plus year old Celestia was remarkably progressive with reforms. The other species of the world would have to be appeased by sharing the information, assimilated into pony-culture, or enslaved in the wake of the new technologies. And when new technologies would have to be researched, ponykind will have forgotten how to do it.

Even now it was oh so tempting to go up to the palace and request an audience with the alien to ask for the secret behind warp travel. The bang the ship made when it appeared was exactly what was predicted when a warp bubble collapsed in an atmosphere. But what would that accomplish? Sure the ponies would have the technology, but they would be little more than foals with a crossbow. They wouldn’t know what to do with it, how to properly take care and manage it, and they would most likely hurt more than help themselves.

No… it would be best if ponies and the other species of Equus forged their own path to the stars. Blindly falling into the grooves of another civilization would prove disastrous in the long run, stagnation and entitlement would run rampant. The aliens, if they so chose, would be better to act as a teacher, making sure the ponies were ready,

Hoofton sat back and stared at the metal scarring his window. He could not deny how thankful he was for the aliens appearance. Canterlot and its citizens are safe because of him and for now, thats all that was important.

Maybe he should go at meet the alien, at least to say he did. Hoofton smiled as he realized just how jealous his students would be if he did.

Author's Note:

So yea. I'm back, but don't expect to frequent updates, as I am still rather busy with real life stuff. Hopefully I can get a real chapter out tomorrow.

Keyan88 out, pce o7

Comments ( 37 )

Holy shit...... You're not dead. Guess I was wrong.

You have no idea how glad I am that I was.

Oh, thank GOD you are back in action. I was honestly worried that you had either died, abandoned the site, or was put into a coma in a strange Pop Rocks-related accident. I'm glad that this story is back, and I can't wait for more!

HE'S ALIVE!!!!!!!

Holy mother of fuck... Thought I would never see another update for this...


I missed this story, and it's good to see another chapter. Good luck with your real life stuffs!

Just nice to know you're still around.

Whelp, didn't expect that.
Good to see you hadn't forgotten about this. :pinkiesmile:

YAAY :yay:
You're back!

Woo! Capsuleers never die! :yay:

Its good to see ya back Key and take all the time you need.

yay is alive and good luck with the life stuff.

Isn't Equestria's technology progress stagnant as it is?

5683101 5683103 5683117 5683177 5683185 5683522 5683637 5683655 5683988 5684065 5684066 5684153 5684352

Hello o7 thanks for all the comments guys!

Well, there are videogames and therefore some manner of computers. I imagine they wouldn't have been present hundreds of years ago. Same thing with skyscrapers in Manehatten. Ponies appear to be perfectly content with the status quo, but i think theres more to the ponies than what we see on the show. I thnk most of the technology, as well as the progress is there but not shown in the show.

5685576 Its probably an evolutionary difference. Humans are, lets face it, a lazy bunch and thus we always try to make our work easier usually by inventing new technologies.
Ponies are kind of different to assess. For starters, we don't now much about their progress due to the shows limitations (as Keyan said). That said their racial differences (Earth Ponies, Pegasi and Unicorns) makes things even more complicated.
Unicorns have their magic to help em out so they won't rely on tech so much, it also fits with the superiority complex of the Canterlotians. Pegasi have their weather manipulation skills and can easily build stuff with condensed water and for Earth Ponies we know that they have a hard time to adapt to something new (Just look at the Apples :ajbemused:).

Wait, if he went into a wormhole... oh lord, look out for sleeper drones, and even worse the jovian battleships! those things are terrifying

Once I seen you updated the story I almost jumped from my chair, I was so excited to see you didnt abandon your project, I read the entire story to this point in less than 5 hours and was disappointed to see you drop the story like that, if you are still inside the game often I would not mind dropping some isk your way.

5695785 talocan battleships :)

5796905 ya. i wasn't on eve for a little bit.... and i forgot the name. they are called Drifter Battleships, and they are acting a bit strange recently, check "The Scope" for more details. o7

5799788 Drifters dont hang in wormhole space, its only k-space, sleepers are a issue though.

Hmm... Gotta admit this was an interesting story. As someone who plays Eve, such thing always catch my interest. I have a few nitpicks though (and they are just minor nitpicks). As a Minmatar ship, the Loki should actually have the largest crew of any of the strategic cruisers. Crew Guidelines
Although I can understand why you would have it be a solo ship. Most people in New Eden are only too happy to exploit and/or stab you in the back and the ponies are ripe targets.

Tengu is better anyhow. :raritywink:

It seems like your pod is dry. The pods are actually liquid-filled. The Capsule and The Capsuleer

And while I don't like Blueblood, I'm not fond of seeing him made a complete Hate Sink either. Actually I don't like seeing any characters made into Hate Sinks... just seems like a waste of character to me.

Also, I am rather surprised that Keyan never noticed any "anomalous orbital behavior", considering Luna and Celestia control the moon and sun respectively, or at least the planets orbit. I would have thought that would be note worthy - the asteroids absorbing magic were.

The idea of Aura with a pony body amuses me. I'm sure Keyan would find it rather surprising as well. Aura's growing as an individual and can't be classified as a mass-produced AI anymore. Does she warrant her own, unique name then? Aurora sounds fitting.

I'm guessing that they have no mining equipment of any sort onboard? Depending on how long they're stranded in the system, they're going to need replacement materials eventually for used ammo and such.

Although Keyan and Aura are not REALLY stranded. Ships in New Eden can travel at 3 AU/second on average when in warp. Freighters and cargo ships are notably slower, and interceptors and such are much faster. But anyhow 3 AU/second is about 1,497 times the speed of light. At that speed, it would only take just a little bit longer than 1 day to reach the nearest star to Earth at 4.5 light-years distance if I did my math right. Most stars are closer than that to each other. Sol is just a bit isolated. The only reason star gates are so prevalent in Eve is for player convenience/game efficiency. So Keyan could travel out of system to the nearest star if he felt up to it. It depends on if the space he's currently in is charted at all or not. Still, he might find resources he could use before returning to Equestria.

I'm showing my nerd side, aren't I? :twilightsheepish:

Anyhow I do hope you continue this story at some point. Nitpicks aside, I have enjoyed it.

I read everything in one sitting, it has been a while since i last had a good story to indulge myself into. Thank you for the good work you are putting out. :pinkiesmile:

(Ah, and now caught up. I've enjoyed this, hope that someday you can make more. Whether you can or not, it's brought a smile to my face.)

I do sincerely hope that this has not died. Sorry that I'm late to the party either way Keyan. It seems I got lost in the wormhole space of college and working overnights.


I saw an alert that you had mentioned me in a comment, but I had no idea what story it was. Oh wow was I surprised when I read your comment. I had completely forgotten this story! It's literally been years since I looked at it.

hope to see more of this eventually, very few good eve/mlp crossovers

I only now read the "ending." I was a little scared it would be what I expected, but am quite happy that it was not.

Can't wait to what you've got installed for us in the next chapter.

No… it would be best if ponies and the other species of Equus forged their own path to the stars. Blindly falling into the grooves of another civilization would prove disastrous in the long run, stagnation and entitlement would run rampant.

More importantly, you would never get to say "we did that". It would always be "humanity did that". Even more importantly than that is it would be mooching off of the blood, sweat, and tears of hundreds of thousands or even millions of years of human struggle to survive and progress.

The aliens, if they so chose, would be better to act as a teacher, making sure the ponies were ready,

The problem with this is that the only faction that might make decent teachers is the Jove. The Empires would be pretty bad news, and god forbid the capsuleers learn of Equestria.

I could be remembering wrong, but didn't New Eden have to practically start over with technology and such after the Eden Gate collapsed? Or something like that. I skimmed such details years ago and can barely remember that. Anyway thanks, thumb up for you!

So, will there be another chapter coming along?


The author hasn't been online in 2 years, going on 3 at this point... so unlikely.

What a disappointment :fluttercry:


I agree wholeheartedly. I've re-read this story three times now.

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