• Published 30th Oct 2013
  • 5,182 Views, 507 Comments

My Little Pony: Isk is Magic - keyan88

A capsuleer exploring wormhole space finds himself trapped in an unknown system. After discovering the only other sentient species, other than humans, are ponies, adventures ensue. He soon learns there are more important things in the galaxy than Isk

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Chapter 10


Celestia and Luna were sitting in the formers sitting room, each sipping a matching cup of tea.

”So Luna, what do you make of Keyan?”

Luna set down her tea and looked at her sister,

“Dost thou mean other than the disrespectful knave he is?”

Celestia glared at her sister,

“That same disrespectful knave that saved one of the Elements of Harmony? One of your friends?” Her tone was angry.

Luna looked down ashamedly,

“Forgive us sister. It is different for us.”

Celestia cocked her head,

“What is?”

Luna sighed,

“The centuries you spent among our subjects ahst undoubtedly given you experience with ponies treating you as somepony other than a princess. We do not have that luxury. When Keyan treats us as he does anypony else, it infuriates us.”

Luna tried to keep her face straight as she said her answer but the memories were already being brought to the surface. Celestia’s anger fled her and she reached her hoof across the small table to place it on her sisters.

“I’m sorry Luna, I didn’t mean to bring that up.”

Luna waved a hoof,

“It does not matter sister. We will put this behind us in time. But let us return to your previous question.” She took a sip of tea and cleared her throat.

“Keyan is, strange sister. He is an interesting dichotomy.”

“What do you mean Luna?” Celestia asked with a raised eyebrow.

“He holds trust in high regard. He claims he does not trust us, but yet answers all our questions,.allows us to view his ship. He hast promised me a return visit to his ship, and even when young Scootaloo snuck aboard he took care of her as would a parent. He acts as if he is jaded to friendship, but when we extend our hooves towards him in its name he accepts them. As I said, he is strange.”

Celestia looked at her sister,

“You have been thinking about this haven’t you sister.”

“Of course I have been sister. How could I not? He had us prisoner, and then let us go free with nothing but a warning. He intrigues us.”

Celestia nodded.

“I understand Luna.”

The sister’s conversation was interrupted by the door to the sitting room opening,

Celestia’s face broke out in a smile,

“Good morning Captain, what can I do for you?”

Shining Armor strode stiffly into the room flanked by two other guards. His uniform was bright and polished, but its owner was decidedly less so. His eyes were bloodshot, and his main ragged. He nodded to the two guards and they turned around and walked out the door, closing it behind them.

“Princesses” He said bowing to them. After receiving acknowledgement from the two of them he stood back up.

“Permission to speak freely.”

“Granted Captain” Celestia responded.

All traces of formality left him,

“What in the hay is happening around here! First I here than an asteroid hit Ponyville, and you just happen to be there, and I may mention without my consent. Secondly, I hear that you take the asteroid away claiming “dangerous compounds” when all guards scanning the area have reported nothing. Thirdly, nopony else had seen this rock, where is it may I ask?” And fourthly. you and Princess Luna both disappear at times, going who knows where. I’m the Captain of your royal guard. And as such I expect you to tell me these things. ”

Shining Armor finished his rant breathing heavily. looking at two rather shocked Princesses. He cleared his throat and straightened his collar,

“If you wouldn’t mind that is.”

Luna and Celestia looked at each other, having a conversation with there eyes. Wordlessly they turned back to him,

“Captain” Celestia said, “What is your opinion on aliens?”

Keyan waited near the asteroid, his cloak concealing him from all ship scanners. He watched as the convoy passed mere kilometers from him.

2 fat cargo ships, carrying all manner of industrial goods. Being guarded only by a cruiser and 3 destroyers, an easy hit and run waiting to happen.

WIth nary a thought his ship moved forward, closing the distance between them. With another thought he targeted all six, his guns emerging from his ship. The convoy still had no idea of what was going to befall them.

The simulated mechanical whirring of his guns pierced his ears as the turrets spun up to speed. They locked onto critical components of the ships, warp engines, turrets and the like.

“Dropping cloak in 3…2...”

Keyan always loved this moment. RIght before a battle, the adrenaline coursing through his veins. Here it comes, time to kick some a--.

“Sir, Princess Celestia requests to talk to you.” Aura’s voice interrupted his thoughts. THe simulation paused.

“Fucking shit Aura! Do you not understand the concept of timing?” Keyan shouted.

“No sir, No such programming exists. Shall I relay to the Princess you’re busy?”

Keyan sighed deeply,

“No No, I’ll talk to her from here,”

With another thought the simulation fell away to be replaced by video feeds. He pulled up the ones focused on Celestia’s sitting room. He saw Luna and Celestia, and a third pony. Keyan groaned when he saw the uniform. Obviously he was in charge of something.

Keyan’s prior experience with Empire’s military consisted of either doing dirty jobs for them, getting blown up by them, blowing them up. Not a very good track record.

“Hello Princess, what can I do for you?” He said.

He chuckled as he saw the military pony jump before staring curiously at the radio on the table.

“Greeting Keyan, I hope we’re not interrupting anything.” Celestia responded.

“Nothing special, so whos the guy in the Monkey suit next to you?”

Apparently the pony understood the derogatory remark.

“This “guy in the monkey suit” is Shining Armor, Captain of our Royal Guard.” Celestia responded, hiding a smirk behind her hoof.

“Oh forgive me Captain.” Keyan said with a rather large amount of attitude.

Apparently Shining Armor had had enough,

“I will not tolerate disrespect from you. The Princesses tell me you are not a threat, but I remain skeptical.”

Keyan laughed,

“And what would you do if I am? Captain?”

Shining Armor immediately retorted,

“I would have to take lethal action.”

Keyan laughed again, and this time he let it transmit to Celestia’s radio.

“Last time a Captain in the military said that to me I ended up blowing his ass up. It wasn’t even hard.”

Celestia decided to head this off before it got any worse,

“Both of you quiet down! You are both more mature than this. Now apologize both of you.” Her tone matched that of a scolding mother.

Momentarily taken aback by the outburst both instigators were shocked into silence. After a few moments they both grumbled apologies.

“Now that that is out of the way, Let us do this the right way.” She looked at Shining Armor. “Introduce yourself, nicely.”

After a few seconds Shining Armor cleared his throat,

“I am Captain Shining Armor of their Majesty’s Royal Guard.”

“I am Keyan Charante, Capsuleer and explorer.”

They remained silent for a few seconds, neither knowing what exactly to say to the other. Thankfully the silence was headed off by Luna,

“Is it true that both of you have combat experience?”

“Well duh” Shining Armor stated. “I started as a frontier guard. I fought everything from pirates to minotaurs.”

Keyan was curious,

“You guys have pirates here?”

Shining Armor smirked,

“Well, not anymore”


A short while later Luna and Celestia were smirking as the two of them traded macho stories back and forth. Keyan had been forced to top Shining Armor’s story of when he single hoofedly took over a pirate’s galleon by telling him the story of the time he found a pirate groups shipyard and blew it up.

Then Shining Armor went on a huge rant of how he could beat anypony on a fight up to a 6v1.

Keyan said how a few times he had to fight upwards of 20v1 on a few times.

Shining Armor mentioned if all those enemies were equally as dangerous, and Keyan conceded that only 10 of them were battleships. Shining Armor let out a harumph at that.

Currently Keyan was telling Shining Armor about the battle of Asakai., who face was in a mask of awe as he imagined the scene. Keyan left out the fact that over half a million regular crewmen lost their lives in that fight.

“This hast gone much better than we anticipated sister.” Luna acknowledged with a chuckle.

“Stallions will be stallions sister.” Her face suddenly scrunched up, “I can’t but think I’m forgetting something.”

Shining Armor’s voice carried to them from across the room,

“You're not that bad for an alien. I’ll have to introduce you to my fiance at some point.”

“Of course! Hes getting married!”


Twilight and friends, including Spike, were trotting, flying in Rainbow’s case, to a small hill outside ponyville. A rather large picnic basket was hovering in Twilight’s magical field next to her. Twilight smiled as Rainbow corkscrewed through the air in front of them.

The only time she stopped flying was when she put Twilight back on her hooves and made sure she was okay.

“These wings are great!” Rainbow shouted as she barreled through the air.

“Don’t hurt yourself!” Twilight called out at her.

“Oh relax darling, I’m sure she going to fine. Don’t worry yourself.” Rarity said from her side.

“I know I know.” Twilight said, “But I can’t help it!”

Rarity and Applejack exchanged a glance.

The group walked for a few more moments before Applejack pulled up short,

“This here looks like a fine spot for a picnic sugarcube.” Applejack said to Twilight.

After looking around for a few moments Twilight concurred. A burst of her magic caused a flurry of blankets and foodstuffs to emerge from the basket. They coagulated on the ground to form a picture perfect (Twilight checked) picnic.

All the girls sat down, save for Rainbow who hovered a few inches off the ground.

“Doesn’t that make you tired Rainbow?” Spike asked.

“Yea, even I have to sit still sometimes!” Pinkie added. Needless to say, the rest of the ponies were pretty shocked.

Dash cleared her throat,

“A little bit. I don’t get any muscle burn like I used to. Perks of being part robot and all I guess.”

‘“But what about your magic? You’rebound to run out sometime.” Twilight asked.

Rainbow shrugged,

“When I start feeling it drop low I’ll stop flying. Now stop worrying lets eat!”

And so they did.

30 minutes later only Twilight and Rainbow were left on the blanket. The others had started up an impromptu game of hoofball, with Rarity acting as the referee.

“So Rainbow, Twilight turned to the mare, “Would you mind if I take a closer look your wings?”

“Not at all Twi.” Rainbow responded as she hovered over to Twilight. Rainbow’s brow furrowed in confusion when she saw Twilight give her a flat stare,


“You’re still hovering Dash. I can’t look at your wings if they’re still moving can I?”

Rainbow bit her lip,

“Do I have to Twi?” There was a noticeable quiver in her voice.

Twilight put a comforting hoof on the hovering mare,

“Are you okay Rainbow?”

Rainbow silently shook her head.

“What’s wrong Rainbow?”

Rainbow’s face drooped,

“I’m scared Twi” She said in a small voice.

“You’re scared?” Twilight asked. Rainbow immediately turned around and shoved a hoof in her mouth.

“Not so loud okay!”

Twilight nodded,

“What are you scared off Rainbow?” Twilight asked not so loud as before.

Rainbow looked around checking for anypony in earshot. Seeing none she continued in a weak voice,

“I’m scared if I stop flying these wings will disappear okay. This is tou good to be true, and I’m scared it is.”

Twilight immediately wrapped the quivering Rainbow Dash in a hug,

“This is real okay? On the count of three you’re going to land okay? I’ll be right here with you.”

Twilight felt Rainbow nod.

“Okay 1...2...3”

Rainbow silently let herself drop in the safety of Twilight’s legs. After a few tense seconds she touched the ground and her wings dropped to her sides.

“See?” Twilight said, “Nothing to be afraid of.”

Twilight pulled back so she could see Rainbows face, only to be surprised when she saw the tears running down her face. She let out an eep of surprise as Rainbows arms, being the corded bands of steel they were, drew her into a crushing hug.

Rainbow started sobbing into Twilight’s shoulder. Twilight gently started patting Rainbow on the back,

“Its okay Rainbow, just let it out.”

And she did.

Neither of them knew how long they sat there with Rainbow’s face burried in the crook of Twilights neck. But eventually Rainbow pulled herself together enough to pull back,.

“Thanks Twi” She said hoarsely.

“Don’t worry about it Rainbow.” Twilight responded.

The moment was broken when Spike came running up to them.

“Twilight! Twilight! Celestia sent a letter!”

He came to a screeching halt as he saw Rainbow and Twilight sitting so close together.

“Am I interrupting anything?”

“No no” Twilight said as she stood up. Walking over to Spike she levitated the scroll from Spike’s hand.

After reading it her face twisted in rage,




Author's Note:

First things first thank you for reading! And 102 likes as of posting this YAY!

Now secondly, eventually the ponies will be going to New Eden and instead of having OC capsuleers, I would rather have Cameo Capsuleers from you readers. The readers who have been more active with the story, commenting and messaging, will get the first "dibs" as it were, as well as bigger parts. I don't have a set number of available cameos and I'll keep track of what everyone sends me and i'll do my best to fit everyone in. But if it devolves into a list of names and ships I'm just going to stop. If you want this please message me with, your characters name, preferred ship, personality, and job. If you don't play eve and want a cameo message me and maybe we can work something out.

Thirdly, The Canterlot wedding chapter is going to be a bit shorter than I originally thought. My original plan was to basically re-tell the episode but that is boring and I don;t feel like typing it. So basically its going to pick up after Chrysalis reveals herself, with a brief summary.