• Published 5th Nov 2014
  • 26,779 Views, 5,268 Comments

A little loopy. - FaelaArts

Sweetie Belle gets stuck in a time loop.

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Opening her eyes, Sweetie stretched, licking her lips as the calming sun came through the window. It was a Monday, which meant she’d have to block out Rarity again. Sighing, she wished they’d leave her alone. Hugging her pillow, she tried to discard her suddenly morbid mood, and focus on more exciting things.

“So what do I have on this Loop?” Looking at her list, Sweetie was disappointed at the single item she had for this week. Sweetie was running out of things to do. But even this wasn’t even a lot of effort. Sweetie was certain she could do it. Wincing as a spark of pain went through her, she quickly put her shield on, removing the headache.

“Well, since that’s the only item, and it could end in a reset, I might as well spend the rest of the week trying to activate Rarity. I’m pretty sure she only...once or twice so...If it works then it means it works on people who I’ve...at least once.” There was the chance she could do it to ponies she hadn’t...but if that was the case, why had Twilight’s Mark been the first to show?

“Alright, let’s see…” Closing her eyes, Sweetie imagined she was a super fashionista, and knew everything about clothes. Sweetie imagined being a little stuck up, and forgetful of things pertaining to her sister. Keeping what she knew of Rarity in mind, Sweetie tried to copy the feeling of going ‘Twilight Mode’.

“Sweetie Belle, wake up, it’s time for school!” Had two hours passed already? Glancing to her Mark, no change had happened either. Pursing her lip, Sweetie decided she needed a smart pony’s opinion. While going Twilight Mode might work, Sweetie decided visiting the proper Twilight would be best.

“Read this,” she started, holding out the note for Rarity. As her sister read it, she visibly paled, and sat down in the chair meant for Sweetie. Waiting, Sweetie counted off the ten seconds in her head, giving her sister time to get her thoughts together.

“I’ll…need some time to-” cut off, Rarity blinked as her sister headed for the door.

“To come to terms, yada blada, I’ll be at Twilight’s.” Exiting, Sweetie made a beeline for Twilight's. Scowling, she hated having to inform Rarity. However, if she wanted to talk to Twilight, she had to inform her sister, or cost more time later in the week. Knocking on the door, she gave Twilight the note, going through the motions with ease.

“And you’re saying I wrote all this?” As Twilight eyed the note as Sweetie snatched it back, and moved inside. Breathing in, Sweetie turned to face Twilight as she went over the looping notes.

“So we’re up to Loop 60? Alright, remember to get me every Loop, so I can update my notes.” Glancing to Sweetie, Twilight was worried by how unaffected she seemed by the events of 58. There wasn’t much on Loop 59 except a brief message from Sweetie saying she spent it recovering from the string of failures.

“Ok Twilight, I’ve found out that for some reason I can sorta copy your abilities. However, I can’t do it with Rarity, so I’m pretty sure it’s because of well...So I was wondering if you had any ideas about it.” Getting Twilight off the book was important. Sweetie still hadn’t managed to copy Twilight’s handwriting perfectly.

“Well, it kinda sounds like you’ve already got it figured out. I don’t really have anything to add. If I had to guess, it likely has something to do with the draining effect that I feel without that shield on.” Holding out the book, Twilight watched as it was put away, and her ears flopped down as she looked to the window.

“I’m sorry Sweetie, but I honestly don’t have any leads. My special talent only goes so far.” As she spoke, Twilight sparked an idea in Sweetie’s head. Concentrating, she began the spell she used to see pony’s talents. As her vision blurred, she took a look at Twilight’s talent, and sighed, ending the spell.

“Sweetie Belle?” Turning, Twilight noticed the sad look on the filly’s face, and waited as she began to explain.

“I thought if I saw your talent, I might be able to bring it to its full potential, but your talent already is. I don’t know if it’s because of you being an Alicorn, or because of the Elements, but there’s nothing I could do to increase your talent.” Ears flopping down, she was incredibly disappointed at that. Someone like Twilight would have been perfect.

“Cheer up Sweetie, you’ve still got plenty to keep you occupied while I figure this out. You haven’t ridden a dragon yet, right?” Giving a smile as she closed her eyes, Twilight missed the flicker of emotion that passed over Sweetie. It was quickly brushed aside, and she pulled out an excited mask.

“You’re right! I better go practice!” Bidding goodbye, Sweetie trotted towards her home, scowling the moment she was out of sight. Useless, this entire morning had been useless! Nothing had come of it, and she couldn’t use anything but Twilight Mode and maybe the other Princesses. Closing her eyes, Sweetie supposed she could try using Twilight Mode to solve the problem of escape, but if Twilight herself couldn’t do it, what hope did she have for a fake Twilight?

And now she was bored again.

It was finally Friday. Pulling out the spell, Sweetie smirked. This was the spell Twilight used to shield herself from the draining sensation. The spell wasn’t likely going to work, which was why Sweetie had her stuff in a rough circle around her. If she focused, she should be able to include her items in the spell.

Casting the spell, Sweetie let her magic flow outward, capturing her items and causing a bubble to form around her. As she pushed more and more energy into the spell, she felt it become ready, and finished casting. Looking around, she-

Author's Note:



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