• Published 5th Nov 2014
  • 26,779 Views, 5,268 Comments

A little loopy. - FaelaArts

Sweetie Belle gets stuck in a time loop.

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And three, two, one...there!’ Watching the two from her hiding place, Sweetie felt the thumping of her heart. Sweetie didn’t understand why she wanted to see them, why they reminded her of that stallion from the night she couldn’t remember. There was some unspoken connection, and she wanted to find out what it was.

“Cheese? On a taco? Now you’re just being silly Snails.” Snips glared at Snails, who returned it with a glare of his own. Stopping in their tracks, they began to argue about it, all within earshot of Sweetie. Frowning, she regarded the two, feeling the strange fluttering in her body. What did it mean?

’They’re far from smart, and there’s no chance we’d have enough in common to hit it off to be more than just...just what? What is it you are thinking of Sweetie? RRrg.’ Sighing internally, Sweetie quietly backed away. Turning, she headed toward home. There was only one pony should could ask on the subject. For better or for worse.

“Rarity? Can you help me with something?” Sweetie had opted to tell Rarity about her looping status this loop. Mainly because she wanted to sleep with her for a few nights. Sweetie missed being able to be comforted, even if it was meaningless. There was a strange nightmare haunting her, and Rarity helped chase it away.

“Of course Sweetie Belle, what seems to be the problem?” Rarity put down her pencil, leaving the patterns on the table. Taking a seat on a cushion, she was now eye level with Sweetie. Pausing, Sweetie wondered if she was making the right choice asking about it. Well, it didn’t hurt to ask regardless. Wasn’t like she’d remember it next week.

“Well, there’s these two colts at school. And when I look at them, I get this...funny feeling in my chest. Like I’m nervous, but in a good way. It’s strange, because they’re fun to be around, but it’s hard to have fun with them because it’s just been getting stronger and-why are you looking at me like that?” Noticing the knowing look on her sister’s face, Sweetie stopped her sentence.

“Don’t worry Sweetie, that’s just your old run-of-the-mill crush.” Crush, what did Rarity mean crush? Like being smooshed? Rarity noticed her confusion, and brought her sister into a hug.

“Sweetie, do you love me?” The question Rarity was asking was ridiculous. Of course she loved her, they were sisters! Wisely, Sweetie opted to nod, trying to keep her incredulous feelings off her face. She failed to do so, if Rarity’s amusement was to be believed.

“Now imagine if you felt that way to someone that wasn’t family. And it was much, much stronger.” Watching her sister consider it, Rarity closed her eyes, smiling. Pursing her lip, Sweetie compared the feeling she was getting to her love for Rarity. They didn’t seem very alike, but it was true one was stronger.

“Why is it called a crush?” Hearing the sad chuckle, Sweetie knew there was something her sister wasn’t telling her.

“Poor, dear Sweetie; that is something you’ll have to figure out on your own.” A bittersweet smile on her face, Rarity stood up, and gently pushed Sweetie toward the door.

“But what do I do about this crush then?” Confusion about what was being hidden aside, Sweetie didn’t understand why she was being pushed toward the door. What reason could Rarity have behind forcing her to go outside?

“You go spend time with them, and see if they share the same feeling. See if it is more than a crush.” Rarity’s words filled Sweetie with fear for some reason. Tell them about her weird feeling? That sounded like the worst idea in history.

“But what if-” Getting cut off, Sweetie turned to look at Rarity standing at the door.

“No sister of mine is going to play the what if game. I won’t let you back inside until you go and ask one of them out.” Winking, Rarity closed the door. Gritting her teeth, Sweetie could hear her sister’s excited squee-ing from the other side of the door. Turning, she growled in irritation. There was no way around it. Sure, she could teleport inside, but Rarity would just find out.

Pulling out a bit from her bag, Sweetie marked one side. Flipping it, it landed on the unmarked side, and she sighed. Snails it was then. Teleporting, she made a beeline for the path they would be at. Thankfully the talk with Rarity had been short, she should be able to catch them just before-


“Ow,” winced Sweetie as she rubbed her shoulder. Well, she had found them, and they looked very embarrassed. The feeling passed over Sweetie, and she glanced away, feeling blood rush to her cheeks. As they apologised profusely, she tried to find her voice.

“..S’okay…” What was wrong with her? Why was she having trouble speaking? Sweetie noticed both blink, and then blush as well. Maybe they did feel the same. Gulping, Sweetie forced herself to look at Snails.

“S-Say Snails. I-I was wondering if y-you would like to come out a-and have milkshakes after s-school…” Looking away, the blood rose further on her face, and she couldn’t bear looking at them. Sweetie knew what a fool she looked like. An absolute and utter-

“S-Sure Sweetie Belle! That s-sound like fun.” Raising her head, Sweetie widened her eyes as Snails looked away. Disbelief on her face, she stood there for a solid minute, before shaking her head an stuttering an answer.

“O-Okay! Let’s head there t-together after school!” Giving a laugh, Sweetie didn’t understand why she felt like laughing. Snails joined in on it, and the silence stretched for a moment longer. Thankfully, the bell rang, and they all began to focus on other things.

“Oh no! We’re late!” Snips dashed off, and both Snails and Sweetie were quick to follow. Peeking glances at each other, the blush never left the other's face.

Author's Note:


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