• Published 5th Nov 2014
  • 26,762 Views, 5,268 Comments

A little loopy. - FaelaArts

Sweetie Belle gets stuck in a time loop.

  • ...

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“Scoots? Bloom? Can I talk to you quickly?” Sweetie called her friends to the side, knowing Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon would be out soon. Both turned and nodded. Sweetie bit her lip, and leaned forward.

“I think I can convert Diamond Tiara to our side.” Sweetie saw both open their mouth to object, and stuck her front hooves forward, closing their mouths as she growled.

“I know she’s mean, but I need you to trust me here.” Sweetie bit her lip as the other two frowned. Once more, guilt over her actions last loop sprung up, and she forced herself to focus as they nodded. Sweetie smiled, and turned to watch the door.

“Just follow my lead.” Sweetie closed her eyes for a moment, before covering her face with an innocent smile. On cue, Diamond and Silver walked out, laughing quietly together. Sweetie breathed in, and walked over to them.

“Oh great, what you you blank flanks want?" Diamond snickered, but blinked as Sweetie’s expression didn’t change.

“Diamond, you’re an expert on all things fancy and high class right?” Sweetie paused just long enough to give Diamond a chance to nod. Glancing to her friends, she smiled once at them and nodded as she turned.

“See? I told you she’s gotta be a better expert than my sister. I mean, all my sister does is design the latest trends endorsed by Fancy Pants.” Sweetie saw Apple Bloom raise an eyebrow, before blinking and glancing away.

“Yeah, you’re right. Ah'm sorry for doubting you.” Apple Bloom glanced toward Diamond, who was slowly digesting this information.

“Endorsed by... Fancy Pants? As in THE Fancy Pants, Fancy Pants?” Diamond stepped toward Sweetie, who shrugged as if it was no big deal.

“Well yeah, I met him myself. Seemed like a nice guy.” Sweetie was of course lying about this bit, but as Diamond's eyes widened, she knew it was working. Now just to let her mull it over...and…

“Why do you need me anyway?” Diamond frowned, and glanced to Silver Spoon. Blinking, she quickly smirked at Sweetie as she stuck up her nose.

“I mean, there’s just so many reasons for you poor pitiful blank flanks to want to need me, I just wish to clarify which one.” Diamond nodded to herself, that was better. Didn’t want them thinking she was going soft.

“Well, we’ve tried getting our Cutie Marks in almost everything, but we never tried anything relating to fancy. We were wondering if you might be willing to help us, for a price of course.” Sweetie leaned in and smiled, whispering quietly into Diamond’s ear.

“I can get you a signed autograph of Fancy Pants.” Rarity had quite a few items laying around the boutique Fancy has signed. It would take some convincing, but Sweetie was sure she could get her sister to part with one for a good cause.

“O-One moment.” Diamond pulled Silver away and both began to quietly discuss it together. After a moment, both nodded and smirked.

They’re totally going to try and swindle me of it.’ Sweetie watched them both walk over, and Diamond hold out a hoof.

“Give the autograph to us right now, and you have a deal.” Diamond smiled, faking a warm one. Sweetie looked down and let her ears flop.

“I can’t yet, Rarity’s gone to Manehattan and she won’t be back for a few days. And she takes them with her.” Sweetie waited as both shared a glance, and sighed.

“Alright, but we expect it by the end of the week. We’ll start your training tomorrow.” Diamond held out her hoof again, and Sweetie took it, both shaking and smiling pleasantly at each other.

“Excellent, we can’t wait.”

“No no no! That spoon goes over here!” Silver Spoon glared at Scootaloo, who numbly put the spoon where it apparently went. Silver nodded once, and glanced over to the other two. Diamond Tiara was overseeing their ‘Fancy cutlery setting up’ over the other side of the table. They were using paper plates, so nothing had a chance of getting broken.

“Ugh, you three are useless! You’re worse than blank flanks, you’re no-flanks!” Diamond pulled out the chair and leapt onto it, and then onto the table so she could look down at them. Apple Bloom met the glare, and opened her mouth to say something back. Sweetie put a hoof over the mouth, and shook her head.

“Seriously, you three can’t even set up a table right, how are you expecting to master this? This is servant work.” Diamond thumped her hoof on the table three times, and then turned toward the chair and made to step off the table. However, it suddenly creaked, and snapped on one end, sending her careening toward a window. On the second floor, it would most certainly hurt.

Sweetie closed her eyes and concentrated, dragging Diamond to the ground, causing her to skid to a stop just before the window. Puffing, she wiped her brow, holding living objects was a lot harder than books or paper planes, even if she had only held onto Diamond’s leg.

“Are you ok?” All moved around to make sure Diamond was ok. Sweetie reached out a hoof, but stepped back as it was swiped away. Diamond turned, and glanced toward the table.

“What was that noise up there?” It was Mr Rich, Diamond flinched and breathed in sharply. If her father saw the table, she would be so dead. Sweetie looked to Apple Bloom, who was looking at the table, and tilting her head.

“Think you can fix it?” Sweetie waited as her friend blinked, and gave a shrug.

“Maybe, but Mr Rich isn’t going to just wait down there while I try to fix the table.” Apple Bloom turned as Scootaloo saluted, and dashed for the stairs. Sweetie moved toward the table and helped Apple Bloom lift it up, grunting. Feeling the weight slightly lessen, she saw Silver was helping. Both glanced to Diamond, who blinked and followed suit.

“Ah need a hammer and some nails!” Apple Bloom raised her head and looked to Diamond, who quickly dashed away to get the tool kit. Sweetie groaned, and Apple Bloom pulled a chair over, bringing it to rest just under the lower end of the table.

“Y’all can let go now.” Apple Bloom nodded as the chair kept the table from hitting the floor, leaving her enough room to examine it while she waited for Diamond to get back. Below, Scootaloo was stalling Mr Rich, but it wasn’t going very well and he was already at the stairs. If he got to the top, the table would be in clear view of the stairs.

“Here!” Diamond came back with a large tool kit held in her mouth. Apple Bloom took it and nodded to Sweetie and Silver, who lifted the table back up to more or less horizontal. Apple Bloom quickly got to work, sweat beading on her head as she forced herself not to rush, despite the noise as somepony slowly walked up the stairs.

“Can I see your money collection? Tell me about stocks!” Scootaloo’s panicked cries were ringing through as Mr Rich ignored every one. Apple Bloom was sweating, hooves shaking. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath, and forced herself to work slowly, but quickly. As she hammered the last nail in with a loud thunk, Mr Rich saw them surrounding the table.

“What is going on.” Mr Rich looked as Apple Bloom rolled out from under the table. Looking between her and the hammer clutched in her mouth, he turned to look to Diamond as she strained to hold the table upright.

“You can let it go now,” whispered Apple Bloom through the hammer. All three gently lowered the table down, and let go. It was rock steady. Mr Rich walked over and tapped it, before putting some weight onto it and frowning, tilting his head. Turning to Diamond, he folded his arms.

“You were standing on the table again weren’t you?” Mr Rich was proven right, as Diamond lowered her head and gave a nod. He sighed, and looked toward Apple Bloom.

“Dun worry sir! Ah fixed it up all good an’ proper so ya dun have ta’ worry about it.” Apple Bloom put the hammer down and motioned toward the tools sheepishly, as he once more leaned onto the table.

“I can see that, this table used to have a wonky leg.” Mr Rich let his frown drop as he leaned down and examined the fixed leg of the table.

“Where did you put the nails? I can’t even tell what is your work and what was already there.” Mr Rich looked toward Apple Bloom and let his surprise show. Slowly, the filly smiled and began to point toward specific nails.

“Ya’ see, the table leg was wonky ‘cause this piece of wood wasn’t ‘ammered in properly. So ah fixed up tha’ piece and added some nails for extra support.” Apple Bloom felt hopeful, maybe they weren’t going to get punished. Mr Rich stepped back, and chuckled, shaking his head.

“Well I can’t exactly let a filly who just got her Cutie Mark be punished can I?” Sure enough, on Apple Bloom’s flank was a picture of two pieces of wood being hammered together with a nail. There was also a small clock burned into one of the planks.

“Ah dun believe it! Ah got mah Cutie Mark!” Apple Bloom and her friends celebrated while Diamond and Spoon stood off to the side, feeling awkward. After a moment Apple Bloom turned to them and smiled warmly as she walked over.

“Ah gotta admit, y’all are ok in mah book. Ah mean, if it weren’t for you, I may never have gotten mah Mark. So thank you.” Apple Bloom smiled warmly and brought the two into a quick hug. Diamond flinched and looked away, expression a whirlwind of emotions.

“C-Can you get off me?” Diamond glared at Apple Bloom, who scratched the back of her head, and turned toward her friends.

“Ah think we should let Diamond an’ Spoon become Crusaders. What do ya think? Ah mean, they helped me get mah mark an’ all.” Apple Bloom’s smile widened as the other two nodded, and turned back toward a confused Diamond.

“But I already have my Cutie Mark, what use does a club about finding one have for me?” Diamond glanced to Silver, who nodded. Chuckling, Apple Bloom pointed to her Mark.

“That’s the best part silly. Now we get ta’ help others earn theirs. An even if we all have our Marks, we’ll still spend time together, that’s what friends do.” Apple Bloom once more beamed a smile at Diamond, who looked away.

“You really want to be my friend, even after the way I’ve treated you?” Diamond’s voice was small, barely a whisper. Apple Bloom had to lean in to catch it all. Stepping forward, she met Diamond’s gaze, and smiled.

“The way ah see it, you more than made up for it when ya’ got me my Mark.” And then, once more, Apple Bloom hugged Diamond. Sweetie and Scootaloo nodded as Diamond looked to them. Diamond closed her eyes as a soft smile emerged on her face.

“I’d like that…”

Author's Note:

First part of L7

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