• Published 5th Nov 2014
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A little loopy. - FaelaArts

Sweetie Belle gets stuck in a time loop.

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“Alright kids, today we’re going to learn about how diamonds and sand are formed.” Cheerilee smiled warmly at her students. Sweetie looked directly at Diamond Tiara as she glanced in her direction.

“Why not get Sweetie Belle to answer, since her sister has a Cutie Mark about diamonds.” Diamond Tiara’s sneer was halted as Sweetie smiled warmly and turned to face her.

“You’re absolutely right Diamond. In fact, can I do your homework for you?” Sweetie smiled innocently as Diamond blinked, and then glanced back toward the other Crusaders, who mirrored her shock.

“Uh, sure,” she spoke as she looked to her friend, Silver Spoon. Silver shrugged, and Sweetie had to force herself to ignore the sharp pangs of guilt eating at her.

It’s for a good cause. If the loop ends you can explain it after.’ Sweetie could feel the wounded expressions coming from her two friends, and forced herself to pretend she really was fawning over Diamond Tiara. This was all for the plan. Luckily, her reply has shocked Cheerilee too, and she merely blinked, and continued the lesson.

After school, both bullies approached her, and smirked.

“Well, since you want to do work for us, you have to pass a test first. We need to make sure you’re high-class enough to look down on those lower than you. Pass this, and we will accept you into our group. Only then, will you be allowed to do my homework.” Diamond Tiara raised her nose and stuck it into the air, Silver Spoon copying the action.

“Oooh yes! Absolutely! Just tell me what to do.” Sweetie forced an eager smile on her face despite her turbulent emotions. They better not betray her!

“Sweetie Belle, what’s going on? Why are you hanging out with them?” Scootaloo and Apple Bloom hesitantly approached the group, and Sweetie stepped beside Diamond and smirked.

I’m a horrible filly, I’m a horrible filly’ Sweetie bowed once as Diamond look to her, and smiled even wider.

“What a coincidence just the chance you need to prove yourself.” Diamond stepped to the side and waited. Sweetie looked to her friends, and copied the evil smirk she had seen on the two bully's face multiple times.

“I’m hanging with them because they can give me what a bunch of blank flanks can’t, a life.” Sweetie saw both raise a hoof, eyes widened, tears springing to their eyes. For a moment, she almost cracked. This was too much, she couldn’t do this to them! Nothing was worth this amount of-

“Wow, nice one, look at them run away crying.” Diamond and Silver stood beside her, and leaned in, looking pleased. Sweetie gulped, and put on a hopeful smile.

I don’t deserve them, I’m a horrible filly. They’ll never forgive me for this, even if it is only for one loop.’ Sweetie saw both motion for her to follow Diamond back to her home, a large house with maids and golden statues, with a fountain to top it off.

“I hereby welcome you to my group. The induction will be in two days, and until then you will be expected to read up on fancy words like croissant and omle’t.(Omleh)” Diamond smiled, and then waved goodbye to them both, teaching Sweetie the cutie mark bump. As she left, she pulled over to a park and expulsed her lunch into one of the bushes.

Must...cleanse...taint!’ Later that night, Rarity would wonder why her sister was taking so long to have a bath, and lean her ear close to the door. Hearing that very mantra, she would carefully back away, and pretend she hadn’t heard a single word.

After very careful consideration over the fact Scootaloo would be teased today, and she would likely be called upon to do the same, Sweetie decided the best course of action was to fall deadly ill. Thankfully, this meant she now had time to go over what she had read so far.

Time loops

Ways to get out:
1: Death(sometimes).
2: Stopping the cause(usually).
3: Performing the right sequence of events to find the ‘true’ loop(sometimes).
4: Cleaning up the world, or scrubbing it with toothpaste(never, but sounds like fun).
5: Kill the mastermind(Sometimes).

Options 1 and 5 are obviously out, I’m not going to kill myself, and I’m not going to kill others. At least, not yet. These books say going ‘batshit crazy’ is only a matter of time, but surely I can prevent this if I just stay focused on figuring out either the cause or what 3 is. Still, I really want to try doing 4 one time. It sounds like fun, and hey; it might work.

1: Deal with DT and SS.
2: Get CM, and get friends said CM.
3: Learn every question going to be asked during school so I don’t have to listen during class.
4: Win snowball fight.
5: Get out.

I still have to test what happens at midnight if I’m outside, but I really want to test it on somepony other than me first. I believe anypony outside will just vanish back to their Monday positions, but what if they are in my room? Sweetie bit her pencil, and sighed. Either way, she didn’t want Diamond or Silver looping, so it would have to wait until the next one.

“I have to prepare a note as well, in case going outside wipes my memory and puts me back in here.” Sweetie stood up and walked over to her window, and looked out as the sun set over the horizon.

“Either way, objective one comes first.”

“And with the ceremony complete, welcome to my home. Daddy, are the cookies ready?” Diamond Tiara glanced away from Sweetie as she shouted into the kitchen.

Darn it, I need to get into her room to get more serious dirt. The fact her dad wears a pink apron isn’t juicy enough.’ Sweetie watched as Mr Rich poked his head out, a plate of cookies in his mouth. As he placed them down all three crowded around and began to munch on them.

“So, you ever tried getting your mark in something like attending dinner parties, or talking fancy?” Diamond looked curiously at Sweetie, and waited for a reply. Sweetie gulped down the rest of her cookie, genuinely shocked Diamond wasn’t sneering at her.

“Well, my sister Rarity sometimes does fancy dinners with prospective clients, but I never really...I mean sure it was a nice evening, but I just felt like another face in the crowd. I don’t think my talent lies in fancy either, I mean what sorta cutie mark would that be.” Sweetie cringed, and once more was shocked as Diamond giggled and pointed to her and Silver’s mark.

“Do you think I want my name to be my cutie mark? What about Silver? I mean gosh, what a life we’ve got, full of adventure and danger ahead of us.” Diamond rolled her eyes and Silver nodded, both sharing a sad smile. Diamond blinked, remembering Sweetie was there, wide-eyed and seeing her differently.

“Hey, maybe yours has something to do with your name. Le’see...Sweet Bells. Maybe you’re really good at ringing bells?” Diamond looked over to Sweetie and shrugged. Sweetie snorted, and then realised she had done so, pausing before continuing.

“We already tried that, back when I was a Crusader.” Sweetie saw both wince, and bit her lip. Looking down, she decided to breach the subject.

“Why do you dislike them so much anyway?" Sweetie raised her head as the other two shared a glance, and Diamond smiled.

“I’ll answer that, but only if you agree to a sleepover at my house. I’ve been waiting forever to have enough ponies for a proper Twister game, and daddy always gives up halfway through.” Diamond looked to Silver, who shook her head sadly.

“Sorry, my Mom still won’t let me leave the house at night.” Silver tried to put a hoof around Diamond, who growled and shrugged it off, and looked at her.

“Yeah yeah, I know alright? Not around the newbie.” Diamond turned toward Sweetie once more, and smirked as she opened her arms wide.

“I’d love to,” replied Sweetie, smiling sweetly.

“So this is the double bed we’ll be sleeping in. Unless you want your own bed, in which case there’s a smaller bed over there. Snacks are on the table, and I have some movies we can watch on my projector.” Diamond’s room was full of blues and pinks. Sweetie could tell she was a girl at heart, but there was evidence to the contrary too.

“Can I play the arcade machine?” Sweetie almost wanted to hug the many machines, decrypting various games, lined up along the back of Diamond’s room. Diamond stepped to the side, and Sweetie was on them in an instant. Diamond leaned over her shoulder, and watched with keen interest.

“Wow, you’re pretty good, woah!” Diamond walked over to another one of the machines, and began to play as well. Sweetie stopped her game soon enough, and came over to help Diamond.

“No, you gotta be more gentle with the controls. That’s it, see?” Sweetie grinned as Diamond started truly enjoying the game, and stood back to watch as she examined her feelings.

Could it be that she’s a decent pony?’ Sweetie eventually pulled herself to the snack table, and they sat down to enjoy a movie. Finally, she couldn't hold it in any longer.

“So why do you hate the CMC?” Sweetie glanced to Diamond as she cringed away, and then sighed and looked to her.

“Promise not to tell anypony?” Diamond waited as Sweetie promised, but stopped short of a Pinkie promise. That mare knew.

“Ok, well before Apple Bloom came to school, I was the newest kid.” Diamond turned herself to fully face Sweetie, who did the same.

“When she arrived, all the attention I used to get, got directed to her. That would have been okay except…” Diamond paused, and her ears flopped down as she looked away.

“Apparently the other kids decided I was a bully, and only Silver stuck by me. I was jealous of Apple Bloom, can you blame me? So I decided to become a bully to Apple Bloom. Teasing her makes me feel slightly better about myself, and it doesn’t help that you three ruined the one day that was supposed to be about me and my cutie mark.” Diamond stood up, and walked over to the bedside drawer, pulling it open.

“Here,” she spoke as she pulled out a bright pink book with the word ‘diary’ on it. Before Sweetie could object, it was forced into her hoof as Diamond took a step back. They met each-other’s eyes.

“Take it to your friends, tell them your whole plan was to get some dirt on me, they’ll believe you. It’s what you came here for after all isn’t it.” Diamond turned away as her head fell, and she wiped away something itching her eye. Sweetie took one look at Diamond, and dropped the book as she stood up and jumped forward, talking Diamond into a hug.

“No,” she replied, feeling Diamond stiffen, and then relax. Sweetie looked down and saw Diamond’s face scrunch up, and tears leak from her eyes. Sniffing, she wiped her nose as she spoke, turning around to return the hug.

“T-Thank you.”

Sweetie walked home, waving goodbye to Diamond as she left. Entering her room, she walked up to the piece of paper, and looked over her list. Drawing a line through one of the numbers, she then wrote a new one, before walking to her bed, grabbing her saddlebags, and heading to school.

1: Deal with DT and SS.
2: Get CM, and get friends said CM.
3: Learn every question going to be asked during school so I don’t have to listen during class.
4: Win snowball fight.
5: Get out.
6: Get DT and SS to become CMC.

Author's Note:

Would you believe I actually planned to have SB blackmail DT? Why did she have to be so darn not-evil?
Curse you!
Here is another poem made by: Divine Path

And with the distant past,
you find fondness in the realization;
that among the ponies dark and dour,
within the coldness of apathy and despair,
the warmth unites one and all
and there is light in all hearts under the Equestrian sun.

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