• Published 30th Jun 2015
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Astral Aegis - Silvak

Aether managed to help the princesses fix the dimensional barriers of Equus, but now she had taken the role of training a team of ponies devoted to dealing with any potential interdimensional threats that could come to Equus.

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Interlude I: Winter

My birthday ended well, no angry mobs crying for my head, no bratty Diamond Tiara showing her face to put a downer on the whole thing. Then things returned to a more regular pattern: I woke up, trained my recruits, studied magic with Twilight, and finished by going home to spend time with Pinkie and the Cakes before I turned in for the night. Oh, and spent a week answering Lyra's questions; who, upon upon receiving them, was ecstatic on a level comparable only to Pinkie. Otherwise, literally nothing special really happened to me; besides getting a crate of guns, which the researchers finally came up with a name for. Though as I heard it, it was more of the one weird researcher who had an epiphany of some kind and proved to be a large enough nuisance that the rest of the scientists let him be the one to handle the naming process. Celestia also sent over a few ponies to learn all the basics one would need to fire the guns, as well as general safety precautions so that no pony accidentally shot somepony in some fashion. Though I expected that it would still occur a few times before they truly set up some safety guidelines.

Weeks passed as things continued on as normal, well as normal as it gets for Ponyville. A pair of con artists passed through the town that Applejack had to handle; Pinkie and her friends went off to some town to trade some stuff; and later the Elements, the Crusaders, and some other ponies went to the Crystal Empire for some kind of national competition or something like that. I declined when invited, citing that I didn't have an interest in that sort of stuff. Though I was kind enough to let my recruits attend it, though when they came back I decided to pit half of them against the other half in a shooting match.

Things became mildly interesting when Celestia had me head over to the research facility to inspect some things. Turns out she really put some serious thought in keeping the place safe and secured. It was located in some underground bunker of sorts in the Badlands, with a good number of Royal Guard assigned to the protection of the facility. They were even armed with the guns instead of their archaic weaponry. Moving on, the researchers were making progress with shielding, creating enchantments that produced basic spherical protection and coverage like the one I showed them weeks ago. Though, they were wondering if they could perhaps start working on creating dimensional rifts with the Maralus core that they had on site, I emphatically told them no, even if they had an isolated room that was far away from and the rest of the facility. Turned out somepony had the same line of thinking, for they already built one such room in case I actually gave them permission to start the experimentation. It was designed so that if something happens, the contents of the room would be vaporized with magical fire, while everypony left the adjacent rooms before they and the testing room are filled with concrete. That last part was Luna's idea, which I whole-heartily approved of. Though, I would rather have something fire the room into the sun if possible, but I doubt they have anything close to a rocket in this world, much less a mass accelerator.

However, I quickly became aware that the trip was another one of Celestia schemes. While the trip took a few days, I learned that while I was gone some kind of magic stealing monster appeared from wherever Equestria gets its monsters and created havoc for everypony. The worst part was that her idea of fixing the problem was sending Discord to deal with it, only for that idea to go downhill in a hurry. She should have asked me and I would have picked up a railgun from the facility and blown the fella's head off, problem solved. Instead, most of Equestria ended up losing their magic and Cutie Marks for some time, along with some property damage occurring, which included Twilight's library. Though she was compensated with this giant eyesore of a crystal tree castle instead. I literally said 'what the buck' when I first spotted it and some other choice words which none of the ponies around me could understand.

Turned out it was only the start of a series of asinine things to occur. It wasn't even a week when Twilight ended up having to go to that other world through that mirror which so happened to be transported to her new castle. I was so tempted to find a sledgehammer and break it, except Twilight went into it before I could have found out about it. Though shortly after I heard she came back, I went ahead and tried that idea. Sadly Twilight caught me and made me Pinkie Promise not to harm the mirror. Though she had to make a Pinkie Promise to never use the mirror without letting me know first, along with some owed favors for giving me a new headache to worry about. Don't know what the consequences are if one breaks that promise, but it really must be bad if ponies took it seriously enough to sweat about the idea of breaking it. Thankfully, after getting into contact with Discord, it turned out the barriers were still standing strong. So there wasn't going to be an end of the world invasion for the latest dimension hopping incident, for now.

The next insane thing to occur was the Elements left on some adventure to some place cause a stupid map in the castle told them to go to some remote location in Equestria. As Pinkie was getting ready to leave, I voiced my skepticism in the wisdom of following this map without at least doing some research into its nature, but Pinkie said it was probably a friendship thing and that it was their duty to help ponies out. So I gave her my goodbyes and wished her the best of luck on her trip. Turned out she needed it since they came upon a village with an unicorn that can literally rip a pony's Cutie Mark off their flanks. Thankfully things turned out for the better, and I was relieved that Pinkie was fine after all that happened. However, I really want to meet this Starlight pony, since I need to know how well a pony can handle a stabbing; it is very important knowledge. Though, it only took me a few seconds of wringing my hooves to change my mind on that idea, as I instead settled with her being tied up in a closet for future target practice. A moving target would certainly help the recruits with their aiming, and she could always be caught and stabbed later.

The last crazy thing to occur was the onset of winter, which occurred with a bang. No, seriously, it happened with a mushroom cloud that made me freak the fuck out again. It also caused me to wonder if magic is somehow radioactive in some way, since this is the second time that cloud has been made. Also, I learned that the seasons were controlled by the pegasi; which really made me wonder just how much control the ponies have over, well everything. Pretty disturbing to learn that nature is mostly controlled by ponies, instead of nature dominating all that enters its domain.

Anyways, with the arrival of winter, I could go with a whole new plan for the my recruits. I'm just hoping that nothing crazy occurs anytime soon, but knowing my luck, something is bound to happen next week.

Data Log Recording: Species 3249 Investigation Report 19

Date: 14782 Sy. C. 212 So. C.

Report: No encounters have been made with Species 3249 since first contact on 14782 Sy. C. 109 So. C. in last known dwelling of Species 2782, which has been declared extinct on 14782 Sy. C. 142 So. C. Unknown Radiation samples taken at site has not been found in any other known location, suggestion that Species 3249 is capable of interdimensional transit. No transmissions received from Capture Drone 8472 since disappearance after contact with Species 3249.

Spy Drone Network has found an anomaly that was detected by the Kzalat Federation. Federation under unknown circumstances lost thirty eight exploration probes total due to said anomaly. Time of first drone lost during an exploration expedition was 32 Solar Cycles after encounter with Species 3249. Analysis indicates there is a possibility that the species and the anomaly are connected.

Species 3249 appears to be a quadrupedal species, with unusual bright coloration. All three observed species indicate possible subspecies based on physical differences: one possessed a horn, one possessed wings, and one possessed both. Smallest member mysteriously displayed knowledge of common language. Further observations indicates that the species knows about current economics and weaponry. Due to this observation period being the first recorded observation of Species 3249, only conclusion is Species 3249 have been observing other interdimensional species for an undefined amount of time. However, due to last observation of Species 3249 was in the dwelling of Species 2782, there may be a link between both species.

Report complete. Command Unit 924 awaiting new orders.

"What do you suggest sir?"

"...I am uncertain, there has never been an occurrence like this before. Every time a new species is discovered, regardless of them possessing the means of interdimensional transit or not, it results in established contact in some form as well as a means to track them to their point of origin. This is the first time we encounter a species that we can't track."

"Could this species interfere with our plans?"

"...Possibly. We need to take action."

"What are your commands sir?"

"Order Command Unit 924 to continue to monitor other species' communication networks for any hint of this species. Also order it to obtain the data from the Federation on the last destinations their probes. Once obtained, we will continue their explorations into that territory. We must find this species before anyone else does or before they make another 'appearance'."

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