• Published 30th Jun 2015
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Astral Aegis - Silvak

Aether managed to help the princesses fix the dimensional barriers of Equus, but now she had taken the role of training a team of ponies devoted to dealing with any potential interdimensional threats that could come to Equus.

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Chapter XXXIV: Chrysalis

After fuming for a bit at the revelation that there was a set of words that would apply to all species, and learning each one of them from Celestia, a changeling arrived to inform us that their Queen actually agreed to a meeting that would occur tomorrow. However, the arranged site was at the edge of White Tail Woods, along with the requirements that all the changeling prisoners would be present while the princesses and the Elements were not allowed to bring their own guard. This set-up reeked of suspicion, so I had my recruits hold a position nearby the meeting site, due to the fact that I could claim that they were doing so under one of my exercises. I also kept the changeling in their chains, though everybody was against it till I said that I had ulterior motives for it.

Hence, it was noon the next day when Chrysalis finally arrived, with about twenty changelings. Landing in front of us, she held an impassive expression until her eyes fell upon me. Cocking an eyebrow while bearing an amused expression, Chrysalis said, "I'm surprised that you actually brought along that foal I heard of, princesses. Wouldn't it be wi—"

"Oh stop the mocking, I thought we all came here to negotiate," I interjected, causing Chrysalis to glare at me.

"How dare you interrupt me! No pony dare's to int—"

"Except for me, apparently. Honestly, can you stop with the 'arrogant ruler vibe' thing already? It gets annoying quick and it just puts you in a bad light... well more in a bad light," I nonchalantly said, causing Chrysalis' face to redden in rage. As everyone else gaped in surprise at my rude interruptions, Celestia decided to step in before Chrysalis lost her temper.

"Aether, I thought you wanted the changelings as our allies? Why are you antagonizing Queen Chrysalis?"

"Well, she came here with a high and mighty attitude and was treating me like some weakling," I answered before returning my attention to Chrysalis. "I'm not one for political small talk and I'm the only pony here that is unbiased currently. So unless you want hostilities, let's just get down to business, shall we? Besides, I have a pretty abrasive personality to new faces, so unless you have excellent temper control, you may end up wanting to hurt me before this is over."

Blinking, Chrysalis just stared at me for a moment, upon which Celestia tried to say something only for Chrysalis to suddenly start laughing. "It's so refreshing to meet a pony that is as impertinent as you. Normally they are cowards or act all noble and such when I encounter them, but you are definitely a pleasing change to that," Chrysalis said before turning her attention to Celestia. "Since the filly is making sense, how about we cut the pleasantries and just cut to the chase?"

Shifting her gaze to me, Celestia replied, "Very well, it may be best with Dame Aether being impatient currently. At Aether's suggestion, we're only holding this peaceful meeting in hopes that both our species can come to a peaceful accord in hopes of leading to an alliance to protect Equus from potential dangers that may come from interdimensional forces. However, given the history between our two races, efforts must be made in order for our species to coexist peacefully."

"Efforts? Are you telling me that you expect us to pay some sort of reparations fo—" Chrysalis started to say till I decided to cut in.

"Yes and no. You have attacked several pony settlements in the past, including Ponyville and invading Canterlot during a wedding. But history says that Princess Celestia... left her mark on your species after one invasion. So we do expect some kind of reparation, however if we can come to an agreement, the princesses will make some effort to, how shall we say, present the changelings to ponykind in a better light. Maybe we can pull off that your kind just were misunderstood and desperate, or something," I said, causing Chrysalis to glare at me for a moment for interrupting her again. "Hey, just trying to get all the information out before we get a shouting match between everybody."

"Yes... as Aether promptly said..." Celestia replied as she gave me a look before continuing, "I'm simply have to say that regardless of what is done, all of Equestria will still be viewing the changeling species in a negative fashion. However if you and your changelings put in the effort to show that you are changing, then that view may begin to shift for the better."

Staring at us, Chrysalis appeared to be mulling what was said till her eyes landed on the changeling prisoners. "Forgive me for having a hard time believing what you say when you have some of my own drones in chains right in front me," Chrysalis said with her voice full of venom. "Care to explain that?"

"Simple, I'm cruel in my training methods," I answered with a grin, causing everypony to groan as Chrysalis and everyling just looked at me like I grew a second head.

"How... is that even training?" Chrysalis croaked out after she shook her confusion off.

"Various reasons, though we aren't here for me to explain my reasoning. But I will say that my training includes bees, cannons, hoses, giant rocks, and lots of pain," I explained, while keeping my evil smile.

As Chrysalis tried to process what I just said, Celestia decided to salvage the situation. "Aether's methods may be unconventional, but she is the only being on this world that knows of dangers we face. As harsh as her training regimen is, she only intended for it to prepare the volunteers for anything that could potentially happen, as well as the means of deterring... anybody that may not be up for the role. In the end, Aether means well with her strange ways."

Stepping forward, Luna decide to pitch in her bits as she asked, "Since you have heard of our initial proposal, is there a possibility of an agreement between our species?"

Biting down on her lip, Chrysalis narrowed her eyes in thought as she remained silent. Finally, she broke the silence. "Considering that the entire world may be in danger... it may be best that we do make an effort to end our conflict and finally make peace. However, I must make sure that all my changelings are still being fed."

Before either princess could say a thing, I interrupted; this was becoming a thing. "Oh, you have to explain that to me first. Having recruits that feed off emotion would be very valuable on long term missions, though everyone will be jealous of them since they would be eating paste in the same situation."

Sighing, Luna just looked at me as she replied, "While you have the least biased viewpoint here, maybe it is best for you to step out of the negotiations. I believe we are capable enough of reaching an agreement without your help."

"Fine, I'm not one for politics anyway," I responded as I headed over to the prisoners. "You lot, follow me."

Blinking in surprise, the changelings only stared at me before the loudmouth said, "Uh... why?"

"Why? Cause I said so... oh right. Hey Queen Chrysalis, mind if I bring this lot with me? I really need to test them out if they end up being my first set of changeling recruits. And I also need you to order them to follow my orders in the meantime."

Rolling her eyes, Chrysalis answered, "Fine, whatever gets you out of my mane. You seven, just do whatever she says."

"Thanks, now let's get going everybody. Oh, and you're coming too Rainbow."

Giving me a double-take, Rainbow asked, "What do you need me for?"

Cocking an eyebrow, I just answered her question with one of my own. "Do you really want to be here, listening to all this political talk?"

Looking at the princesses and the changeling queen, it didn't took her long to make a decision. "Yeah, you're right, let's get out of here."

It took a couple more hours for the meeting to come to a conclusion. Peace was finally achieved between ponykind and changelings, with all the matters of how to slowly change the changelings' image as horrible monsters to a misunderstood species taken care of. Though that peace was tested when Chrysalis saw Rainbow bucking clouds to send lightning down at the potential recruits, who were running around screaming for their lives while I was chucking large rocks at them. Thankfully it didn't phase her as much as it did everybody else, where instead of taking action, she just volunteered three more changelings to join my squad. I think I heard her chuckle as the ones with me groaned upon realizing that they were stuck with me. Though before she made her leave, I requested a favor from her. Since I was an important factor in achieving this peace, she agreed after taking a written description of a pony that I wanted her to find.

After Chrysalis left, I learned that the royal sisters were going to be real busy for the next few weeks. The process of going to every major settlement in order to start changing public opinion in regards to the changelings was going to take some time. This put Twilight in charge of administration over my military branch during the meantime, though that only filled her with glee at having something to make her mentor proud of. That joy didn’t last a week. Thankfully Luna was still able to keep up with our sessions since they only took a few hours a week, and I'm was going to need them after I finished sorting through the pool of volunteers.

"Do you really need a room? Don't you have one in the barracks?"

"Not really, it's mostly just built as quarters and storage for my recruits, and I'm not going to have an office in a closet."

"Couldn't you get one in the town hall?"

"I don't think the town folk would be comfortable with an alien pony interviewing changelings in the center of town. Besides, don't you have plenty of spare rooms anyway? It's not like you're going to need them all since it's just you and Spike in the castle. Also, think of this as a way to get more comfortable with the changelings." I countered, causing Twilight to let out a sigh in exasperation. Thankfully, the changeling recruits were far enough behind us that they couldn't hear this conversation. I didn't want to deal with more whining till the I started the interviews. "Third, aren't you curious about the nature of the changelings? Don’t you want to know more about their biology?"

Stopping in place for a bit, Twilight blinked for a moment at the realization of what I brought up. It didn't take long for her to start walking again, this time with a smile on her face and a skip in her trot. "You're right, I didn't think of that! I can't believe I almost passed up on that opportunity!"

"I find it surprising that you didn't think of that already. So does that mean I get a room to serve as my office?"

"Well... I don't see why not. Just don't do anything dangerous in there though."

"Now that's just silly. Why would I do something that could potentially destroy any paperwork that I may have to do in the future, which would only give me more work to do? Also, can I have another room for personal projects."

Narrowing her eyes, Twilight glared into mine. "I'm not going to give you a room for you to make explosives."

"Hey! I'm not going to make explosives!"

"And why I should believe you? You were the pony that suggested making explosive weaponry to the eggh—researchers."

"You just stated the why. There's no point in making explosives when someone else is going doing that for me," I answered while rolling my eyes, this princess would just not listen to reason.

"Then care to tell me what you’re planning to do?"

"Oh, just make some things with magic that would help my recruits with their training and make some stuff for personal use. Just really some surprises that I would like to keep to myself until I can reveal them, but nothing dangerous enough to cause any damage to the room."

"...Fine, you can have that room as well."

"Good, then we can start interviewing the changelings tomorrow."

"Wait, don't you need to test the new volunteers first?"

"Don't worry about that, I have in mind a few ponies that can take care of that. They'll be overjoyed to hear the job I have for them," I answered, while I suppressed my laughter at the thought of what the volunteers may face tomorrow. Twilight frowned out the side of her mouth.

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