• Published 30th Jun 2015
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Astral Aegis - Silvak

Aether managed to help the princesses fix the dimensional barriers of Equus, but now she had taken the role of training a team of ponies devoted to dealing with any potential interdimensional threats that could come to Equus.

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Chapter XLIV: Yaks

"Hey, Starlight, what do you know about yaks?"

"Why would I of all ponies know anything about yaks?"

"Simple, if you're going for equality, then you have to have some plan for the yaks in that ideal society of yours. Hence you should know at least something about them."

"...You are the worst pony I have ever met," Starlight said, as she glared at me so intensely that I would be surprised if she wasn’t imagining me suffering some horrendous fate.

"Though since I was an alien before, would I still count in the running for worst pony?" I asked, which caused Starlight to deadpan at me instead. She and I were waiting at one of the castle's entrance hallway, with my first recruits and Silver beside us, as we watched Twilight greeting the yaks. Who were big, and hairy, and loud. "Wait, did their prince just sa—"

"This no taste like yak food! Fake pony food make yaks mad!" the lead yak yelled, before he and his companions started to trash the place.

As the Elements simple stared in horror, as I just gawked at the scene for a moment due to being surprised that not only were the yaks destroying the place, but the Elements weren't doing anything to stop them. I looked at Twilight as she was about to panic as I asked, "Is this a regular thing for ambassadors to do in this world?" Receiving silence, I just frowned at her before saying, "Alright troops, we're leaving."

"Wait, what?" Twilight said, her voice finally finding its way back to her.

"Look, Twilight, as much as we need other nations to support a global defense initiative, we don't need... that," I replied, pointing a hoof at the yaks who were tearing up the place still. "They're acting like a bunch of brutes, which typically gets themselves killed in my line of work at a breakneck pace. Besides, there's a second reason for me leaving, that you should have realized by now."

"A second reason?"

"To put it simply, I have a feeling that if I hang around these yaks long enough, someone is going to be tased. Do you actually want to take that risk?"

After rushing my squad out of the palace, I sent them and Silver to the rest of the troops with the plans for today's training. I, however, kept Starlight with me, dragging her to Sugarcube Corner where we just sat down on a table as I tried to keep a headache from popping up. "All that preparation and in the end I just get to see another bunch of idiots," I said as I rubbed my forehooves against the sides of my head.

"Tell me about it," Starlight commented, as she looked over a menu that the Cakes provided.

This cause me to give a good long and hard look as I asked, "Are you trying to imply something about me?"

"Please, we both know that neither one of us are fools," Starlight replied. "I was talking about those recruits of yours. I already gave up on getting you to understand equality, but those imbeciles sti—"

"Whoa, wait, you're tired of trying to convert me to your way of thinking?" I questioned. "Now that is something I would really want to hear."

Giving me a flat stare, Starlight answered, "I finally accepted that you're an alien. There is nothing anypony can do to make somepony like that equal with everypony else. That and you're the most messed up pony in existence."

"Congratulations, you’ve finally come to the same conclusion that everyone else that spent at least a week with me came to: that I'm a twisted and cruel filly that won't conform to anything that I don't agree with," I responded, clapping my forehooves together slowly.

"Oh shut it already," Starlight snapped back, resuming her glare for a moment. I just smirked at her, causing one of her eyelids to twitch.

"Honestly though, I have no idea what makes you think that having no Cutie Mark and no special talent is supposed to help anyone. It just sounds like something that will make folk miserable, unless you think that when everyone is miserable, then they finally can get along."

"It's Cutie Marks and special talents that are the very thing driving ponies apart! When ponies don't have to focus on following their 'destiny', then they won't be ignoring their friends or thinking they're above others on the grounds that they're special! When everypony is equal, things like that won't come to pass!"

Looking around, I started to see that some of the customers were staring at us, or shaking their heads due to hearing this stuff before. "Yeah, I kinda see your point there," I said, causing Starlight's eyes to widen before I raised a hoof to stop her from saying anything. "However, I really think you're getting the wrong message from things like that if that's why you're so high up on your equality bit."

Narrowing her eyes, Starlight asked, "What do you mean?"

"Well, I see it like this: if a pony decides to follow their destiny, but in the process leaves their friends behind or starts getting a superiority complex, than that pony is a jerk. All in all, it seems like this destiny thing or their Cutie Marks may just help show what kind of pony they really are. Not that they should ignore their calling in life, but they really should have put an effort to remain connected to their close ones regardless of the path their destiny takes."

Starlight just stared at me for a moment, before blinking a bit as she replied, "Well… I never thought of it like that before..."

Shrugging, I responded, "It's all a matter of perspective. One person may see things differently than another, so I can't blame you if you only saw something in that kind of light. Though, by the sounds of it, there's a story behind your reasoning." Biting down on her lip, Starlight just stare at me before letting out a huff. "Eh, suit yourself, though I really recommend that if there is really a story behind all this, that you should talk to someone."

"Like who, Twilight Sparkle?" Starlight shot back.

"That's your call, though with her, I have a feeling that it would just turn into some long-winded lecture on friendship. Still, better to find someone to talk about it instead of letting it all build up until it finally explodes. I mean, look at me, I'm going to therapy for my anger issues."

Deadpanning at me, Starlight replied, "I don't think it's working for you."

"That's what you might think, but honestly it is working. Without it, odds are when I went to Canterlot a month ago, I would have broken some nobles' bones out of sheer frustration. That or zapped them enough that their coats would catch on fire."

"Oh really? Then what about the fact that you seem to single me out of all your recruits when you do your Tartarus-damned rock dodging exercises‽"

"Simple, you're a mare with a lot of magic potential, from what I’ve been told. It would be a waste to have you be a simple recruit in this new army. So I decided to raise the difficulty for you in the hopes that it would toughen you up sooner," I nonchalantly replied.

"Do you honestly expect me to believe that? When you threatened to kill me?" Starlight countered as she glared at me intensely.

"Eh, I'm just being honest to you. Up to you if you want to believe me or not," I said with a shrug. "If you weren't a threat to my family and friends, I say there might be a possibility that we could get along."

"Now that I don't believe. I won't be surprised that you'll toss me aside the moment I'm not of use to you."

That caused me to cock an eyebrow at her, as I replied in a leveled voice, "Don't mix me with those kinds of folk. I dealt with enough of them that I despise people like that." Starlight's pupils shrank, as she realized that she stepped on a nerve as I placed both hooves on the table to lean a bit closer to her. "I'm not a pony that is just going to abandon others on a whim. Buck! The only reason I'm even pushing my recruits so hard is so they have the best chance of surviving what may come! I could have simply live a simple life as a normal foal, but instead I'm putting up with all this stuff!"

I was taking a few calming breaths as Starlight stared at fear of the possibility that I may just attacked her for what she said. Her ears were folded down against her head, as she said, "I didn't know you would feel so strongly about something like that."

"You have your issues, and I have mine," I answered with a sigh as I got off the table. "In all honesty, you really need to abandon that equality idea, or at least rework it. It might have some value in the past, but with the changes that Equestria is going to face, it's an ideology that's not relevant anymore. Equestria can't afford to have everyone to be equal, it needs its people to be at their best. Besides, removing a pony's Cutie Mark won't change who they really are. If you lost a friend due to a Cutie Mark, then, no offense, but they weren't that good of a friend if they valued their perceived destiny over their friendship with you. What you need is friends that would value you regardless of what their destiny says. No matter what, everyone will be different from one another, but that shouldn't get in the way of friendship. Hay, I'm different on so many levels, yet I manage to make some friends in this world. Just cause you may have lost someone that may be close to you, that doesn't mean you should simply give up. Sometimes you just have to stand up and try again, instead of seeking what may seem like an easy way out. Friendship isn't an easy thing to achieve, but it's worth it in the end when you have true friends."

Starlight then bite her lip as she sat there, lost in her own thoughts. "I just... don't know if I can do that."

"It can't hurt to try. Better than being alone or driven to a path that put so many at odds with you."

Starlight looked down on the table for a moment, before looking up at me as she asked, "Do you really think we could be friends?"

"By the sounds of things, we’ve both felt the pain of loneliness, and hence we put our own special value on what friendship means to us. We have a sort of common ground to work with. So, hay, short of one of us doing something horrible to the other, I think we can eventually be friends."

"...How about everypony else? Like the Elements?"

"Well, if they can forgive and then befriend Discord of all people, than I suppose you can be friends with them too if you take the right steps."

Once again, silence returned as Starlight resumed her silent thinking, until I stick a hoof into my mane before pulling out a key and tossing it onto the table. That brought her out of her stupor as she asked, "What is that?"

"What do you think?" I answered, before pointing a hoof to my neck.

Her eyes widening, she replied, "You're really giving me that?"

"Sure, why not," I responded with a shrug. "If you're going to take a risk, I might as well. It's only fair after all."

Starlight hesitated at first, but she eventually took the key with her magic, levitating it to the lock on her collar. With a twist of the key, the collar popped off her neck to land on the table with a thud. Running a hoof over her neck, in a quiet voice she mumbled out, "Thank you."

"Yeah yeah, but don't expect me to start hugging you and stuff like that. We may become friends, but I'm not one for all that touchy stuff," I said, which probably killed the mood, if the frown Starlight gave me was any indication.

She then rolled her eyes as she replied in a frustrated voice, "No, I suspect that you'll still be the cruel psychotic filly that you are. And I won't be surprised if I find you blowing a trumpet into my ear tomorrow morning, you sadistic foal."

That caused me to give her a confused look at the sudden change in tone, until she smirked at me. I let out a chuckle as I said, "Heh, maybe we will be friends before long." I then spotted a bunch of angry yaks heading down the street outside. "Huh, the yaks look angry... well angrier than normal. I certainly hope that Twilight didn't do something to tick them off enough to declare war on us or something."

"Do you honestly think she would make a mistake that big?" Starlight asked as she watched the scene as well.

"Well, knowing her and based on how the yaks reacted earlier, I say yes. Come on Starlight, let's go round up the recruits. Maybe we can get some live target practice before the day ends."

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