• Published 30th Jun 2015
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Astral Aegis - Silvak

Aether managed to help the princesses fix the dimensional barriers of Equus, but now she had taken the role of training a team of ponies devoted to dealing with any potential interdimensional threats that could come to Equus.

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Chapter XLII: Preparations

After the discussion with the griffon ambassador, the meeting proceeded with me regaling the nobles about my interdimensional exploits. Well, they asked to hear my exploits, I just gave them my near-death experiences I had over my career. Which, by the way, were numerous, since, as a grunt-for-hire, I was considered expendable on almost every mission. By the end, I believe the nobility's opinion of me being an 'adorable filly' had shifted to 'horribly disturbing filly who belongs in a mental hospital'. In my defense, they did asked in the first place.

Blueblood was possibly showing a growth in his intelligence, as throughout the meeting and any other matters that involved the nobles and I, he just kept his distance and didn't say a word to me. He didn't even protest when the majority of the nobility came to the consensus that my military branch was an essential addition to Equestria's defense, along with expressing their desire to strengthen ties to the Griffon Kingdoms. Though I had noticed that most of the nobility tend to follow the most outspoken ones, which meant that if those few were to suddenly disappear, than the nobles would likely be utterly useless in a time of crisis.

Much to my displeasure, I wasn't thrown out of Canterlot, and had to spend the rest of the day and most of the next one interaction with the nobility. While none of them were cruel or bigots like Blueblood, they never talked about anything I found interesting. They spent too much time talking about public events or latest fashion trends or some other matter that only wealthy ponies could indulge in. Best part was, that since my title of Dame means that I'm part of the nobility as well—if only the lesser nobility—they insisted on calling me either 'Dame' or 'Madam', much to my annoyance. It left me wondering if Celestia truly gave me that title to have better standing with the nobles or as a kind of joke where she was inferring that I belong with a bunch of idiots. She's lucky that her sister is helping me with my temper, or the castle staff would have a lot of cleaning to do.

Moving on, after returning from Canterlot, I resumed the supervision and drilling of my recruits as normal, until seventeen days later, I learned that the Griffon Kingdoms have agreed to the alliance with Equestria. Irritatingly, I only learned this when about seventy griffons showed up on Twilight's doorstep. Which, after weeding out the undesirables, ended up as twenty-nine griffons who had the guts and humility to stick with the program. Though Twilight did end up being delighted at successfully creating a nutrient paste for the griffons to eat, to their misfortune.

The next day the uniforms finally arrive, fitted to all species including the griffons—evidently I was the last one to be informed—with plenty to spare for future recruitment. Along with the uniforms, the first batch of shield armlets arrived, though it only totaled at forty armlets. The training only became more complicated due to the armlets requiring manual activation, so after the first round of training with them a third of the recruits wearing them got stunned. It seemed like it would take some time for them to get used to activating shields, or they just froze in panic when a few stuns shots were fired their way.

Starlight, meanwhile, is proving to be the most stubborn creature I met in terms of hanging onto foolish ideals. So in an effort to counter her beliefs, I require her to explain the 'righteousness' of her ideals to the changeling recruits, and and the griffons too when they arrived. I even got a cow or a mule to show up time to time, while giving everyone that attended Starlight's 'speeches' bags of popcorn that Pinkie helped to provide. In the end of every speech though, Starlight returned to the barracks, rejected and grumbling in annoyance as she pulled popcorn out of her mane. Thankfully, Pinkie never caught wind of that daily occurrence, or she didn't care due to what Starlight did to her in the past. However, I believe it was more likely the former, she never seemed to be the kind to hold a grudge.

Moving on, spring eventually came around, though I just sat there in disbelief and gawked at all the ponies rather than participating in an event they called 'Winter Wrap-up'. This made me wonder if magic had a side effect of ruining a world's natural cycles to the point where it is completely dependent on outside intervention in order to continue operation. Regardless, training proceeded as normal, though Celestia and Luna had started questioning me on how long before I have any recruits that would finally be done with my training. My response was only if they can pass a certain test, which if I gave it to the first batch now, odds are they all will either die or be traumatized. They were shocked by my answer, but I did explain to them afterwards that I have to harden them up enough to the most extreme scenarios till I could believe that they could withstand the trauma of war. For if an interdimensional war came upon Equus, it would likely be the most brutal war they ever seen, so this new branch had to be as prepared as possible for it.

After spring, a couple more weeks idly passed by, with the most notable event being Applejack and the Crusaders going off to Appleloosa for some rodeo. Though a couple days after that, I received some very important news from Twilight that forced me to make some ‘special plans’, along with the surprise that I had some ticket to an event called the ‘Grand Galloping Gala’, with the option of bringing someone with me. Due to me not wanting to play favorites with the recruits, this left my choices to be Silver since he was still serving to help reinforce my authority, or Starlight if I could use the Gala as a means to fix that crazed belief of hers. At least I still had a couple more weeks to think that out as I plan on something much more important during the meantime.

"What... what is the meaning of this?" Starlight asked, as she eyed a desk that should belong in a schoolhouse with a stack of papers on it. It was early morning, and I was making some preparations when I decided to order Starlight to come to my office instead of training for the day, which would be overseen by Silver and the first recruits. They didn't really need my presence this time around, since it was another round of bee training for the entire lot.

"It's some basic military tactics," I idly replied, while reviewing a recent weapon design the researchers sent me. As effective as they are with their work, sometimes they come up with ideas that are more likely to be lethal to our own forces than the enemy. It makes me wonder about their common sense from time to time.

"Military tactics?"

"Yeah, though it is more of a mixture of Equestrian military tactics, and common interdimensional firefight tactics. I'm trying to get some basic instruction booklet started, so you're going to review it for me. And no complaining, at least you're having a semi-break off from training, unless you want another friendship lesson from Twilight," I answered, before hearing a tapping on my window. Looking towards it, I spotted the town's mail mare, Derpy, hovering in front of it while holding an envelop in one of her forehooves. Opening the window with my magic as I made my way to it, I said, "Thanks for the special delivery Derpy." She simply gave a short nod before having me the envelop, before flying off to continue her mailmare duties. I was opening a drawer in my desk when I spotted Starlight staring at me. "What?"

"What is that?" she simply asked with a neutral expression.

"None of your business," I replied before stashing it away in the only drawer that I put a lock on. With the fact that I could pick-lock with just magic, I normally kept the sole key buried somewhere around Twilight's castle.

"Oh rea—"

"Yes, ‘cause even if you knew what it is, all you can do with it is cause me a minor annoyance. One that may tempt me to throw you out a window, but overall it endangers no one and has absolutely no real benefits to you," I replied, causing the two of us to enter a short staring contest before Starlight let out a huff as she take her seat at the desk. Rolling my eyes, I was about to return to my paperwork when Twilight came into the room.

"Morning Aether," Twilight said, as she cast a glance at Starlight, who in turn gave her a flat stare. Even though it had been months, those two were still on odds with one another due to differing opinions. At least their hostilities ended a couple weeks before winter ended, because as amusing as it is to see those two arguing, the fun ended after the fifth fight.

"Morning Twilight, is there something you need?" I asked, as I reviewed a modified stun gun meant for the griffons. Since they did have thumbs, or opposable talons, that meant that they can use the standard trigger, which would also be useful whenever they had to use alien weaponry.

"Oh, I just wanted to ask you about something important, mind if we discuss it somewhere else for a moment?" Twilight asked, causing Starlight to look at her in suspicion.

"Um... sure?" I answered before I followed Twilight out of my office while giving Starlight a glare that told her not to get any wise ideas.

Once in a room that wasn't adjacent to my office, Twilight took on a slightly more serious expression as she said, "Aether, I have to inform you that in a fe—"

"Wait, I think I know what you're trying to tell me Twilight," I replied, interrupting her when I figured out what this short meeting was for.

"You do?"

"...Yes I do, and quite frankly, I'm offended. Do you really think I would be so distracted to notice that day of all days?" I asked as I gave Twilight an annoyed look.

"Oh, sorry... so does that mean you have something planned?"

"Yes, I actually do," I simply answered.

Narrowing her eyes, Twilight pressed on with her questioning. "It's not somethi—"

"Really now? I know I may be cruel, and sometimes apathetic, but cut me some slack. I can be nice too at times, besides, it's her," I replied, before we both quickly glanced around to make sure that no one else was nearby. "I'm perfectly ready for that day."

"Okay... I just wanted to make sure that everything goes as planned. You do have over a hundred recruits and Starlight to keep track of, so I took into the possibility that you may have forgotten," Twilight said, her forehooves idly rubbing against each other like she was caught stealing cookies from the cookie jar.

"Relax Twilight, I won't be causing you any problems for whatever you have planned," I responded, causing Twilight to let out a sigh of relief. "Though... don't get mad at me if there is a need to go to the hospital," I added, causing Twilight's pupils to widen in terror.

"What‽ I thought you said you were going to be nice‽" Twilight shrieked as anger became apparent on her face.

"I did and I plan to be, but don't blame me if I ended up being with my ribs crushed. I'm fairly certain that there is nothing anyone can do to prevent that from happening if it does occur," I answered, which caused Twilight to facehoof.

"That's not funny Aether."

"Who said I was trying to be funny? I honestly think that could really happen. Don't tell me you don't believe that may come to pass?" I asked, causing Twilight to drop her hoof as she thought about it for a moment.

"You're actually right about that... depending on whatever you have planned."

"Yeah... just be ready to teleport me to the hospital when I finally reveal it, I like living after all."

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