• Published 30th Jun 2015
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Astral Aegis - Silvak

Aether managed to help the princesses fix the dimensional barriers of Equus, but now she had taken the role of training a team of ponies devoted to dealing with any potential interdimensional threats that could come to Equus.

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Chapter XXXVII: Equality

"You would think being tied to a chair, with two changelings guarding you all the time while dealing with a filly that had threaten to kill you would make you reconsider your life choices," I said to Starlight as I was eating my lunch in front of her.

"I don't regret making the much needed action Equestria needed for everypony to achieve equality and harmony, you sadistic filly," Starlight countered, before grumbling as a changeling held out one of Twilight's nutrient tubes for her. It was the next day after her arrival, though from the changelings' testimony, she was already getting on their nerves. She started out by screaming, to get someone's attention, although I don’t know why she thought it would get her anywhere. Then she started to preach her ideals of equality to the changelings, which ended when they mentioned that her speeches seemed to apply more to ponies than any other species.

"You keep saying everypony, how about the other species? Griffons, dragons, donkeys, zebras, changelings?" I asked as the two changeling guards eyed Starlight. It seemed like she didn't had an answer for that, as her eyes just darted between her guards. "Hmm... such a shame, maybe your equality isn't as equal as you thought."

"And what do you know of equality? Hmm? Having changelings as your lap dogs doesn't seem to speak well on your part," Starlight countered as she glared at me.

Cocking an eyebrow, I replied, "They're just here to guard you, not be my 'lap dogs' as you put it. I don't know why you think they're some kind of servants off the bat, they could be just as easily be hired mercenaries, for example. Instead, you made an assumption, one highly unflattering of them. Do you think of this for anyone, or is it just for the changeling or non-ponies?" I smiled as Starlight’s jaw opened—and closed—without a retort, opening the path for me to push my argument even further. "So far, you’ve preached equality, but it seems like it’s only intended for ponies and no one else. I mean, I'm more for true equality than you are at this point."

"What are you talking about?" Starlight asked, her tone filled with indignation.

Waving a hoof around as I took a bite from my meal, I replied, "Well, for starters, I'm not bothered by these changelings, at all, unlike most ponies who aren't comfortable around them, and if you read the news, there were mass protests against the peace treaty made with them. I, on the other hoof, was partly responsible for the peace, since they had a vested interest in Equestria’s safety that coincided with my own role, even though it was for their own reasons. Another example is that I've harmed... a rather important pony for being tribalist. So I feel safe in saying that I’m very-much against anyone who judges based on race or species."

"You do realize that I'm not going to believe a word you just said, right?" Starlight deadpanned, eying the tube in disgust before her stomach let out a groan, to which she forced herself to eat more of the nutrient paste.

"Yeah, but hey, it's your choice not to believe what I claim about me, but you can’t deny the truth about what you’ve been preaching. The odds of you escaping are slim, and the most reliable way of leaving is getting me to let you leave. Which your current mindset is not helping you in achieving that possibility," I answered before I finished up my lunch. "Anyways, I have to tend to the recruits, enjoy the rest of your meal Starlight," I said before leaving the room as Starlight responded with a hateful glare.

"I won’t give in."

"You will soon enough."

"What makes you say that?"

"Cause you're not going to like this," I responded, pulling out a syringe from the bag that I brought with me. It had been four days now, and the mare wasn’t showing any signs of cracking.

"What... what is that for?" Starlight stammered out.

"I need some blood samples from you so I could get your blood type."

"...Why do you need my blood type?"

"You don’t need to know. Also, I never done this before," I dryly answered, before approaching Starlight as her pupils shrinking in fear.

"Can you get off my head now?"

"No, your mane is very comfy," I answered, as I sat on top of her head while reading a book. It was the eighth day by now and by the occasional twitching of her left eye, I think Starlight is starting to lose it. "And don't think about trying to shake me off or something like that, unless you don't mind losing chunks of your mane." I smirked to myself as Starlight just replied with a loud groan.

Glaring up at me as best she could, Starlight demanded, "Why don't you listen to my ideals? Equality will ensure happiness for all ponies!"

"Cause I will never be 'equal' to other ponies," I dryly replied as I waved a hoof around.

"Do you really think you're above everypony?"

"No, it's just that since I was an alien, it's really going to be hard for me to be considered a true equal with the rest of pony kind. Along with my past, I'm doomed to be outside the norm," I said as I lean back, imitating Rarity’s melodrama to the best of my ability.

Starlight on the other hoof just deadpanned, "You're an alien."

"Yup, though you're reacting better than most of the town did. They were, quite literally, calling for my head," I replied, only to smile as Starlight let out another groan.

"I bet you're getting tired of the paste by now Starlight. I mean, you've been eating it for fifteen days now," I commented as the disheveled Starlight just gave me a frown. "I'm betting you want something else for a change?" Seeing her eyes lit up with hope, I turned to one of the changeling guards as I asked, "Do you happen to know any recipes for cooking meat?" I smiled as the hopeful look on Starlight's face turned into the familiar look of nausea as her face started to turn green.

I was flipping a page on a book on enchanting when Starlight finally snapped. That or she got tired of me sitting on her after I laid her on the ground. "Why are you doing this to me? I just wanted to help ponies have better lives!"

"Cause you're a misguided fool that took on a horrible belief without taking into account the possible long-term consequences of all of ponykind having no skills," I idly replied. "Also, because I think you can be useful."

"Wait, useful?" Starlight asked as she looked at me with a confused expression.

"Well, yes, from what I heard you have a lot of magical talent. And probably a vicious streak based on your actions, namely ripping away ponies’ Cutie Marks against their will. So I thought that you could be useful if you stopped with the extremist tendencies. And conventional methods would both be less effective and take time that I don’t have."

"You think you can use me‽" Starlight yelled in anger.

"Yeah, cause the other choice is hoofing you over to the princesses to face their judgement. Do you like spending time in prison? Assuming that they don't do more drastic measures for what you did to the Elements. And you’ve more-or-less committed treason, since Twilight is a princess, which makes me wonder what the punishment is for that? Banishment to the moon? Petrification? Tartarus?" I mused out loud, causing Starlight to pale at the thought. "Hmm... it has been twenty two days... and I don't have forever to try to reform you myself, might be time to cut my loses and tu—"

"Please don't turn me in! I don't want to be turned to stone!" Starlight’s resolve broke under the weight of her fear. It was good to start making some progress.

"Oh? Are you sure? Because that means you have to actually start making the effort of abandoning your misguided ideals, as well as agreeing to be my subordinate. Though, I wouldn't mind having a statue in my office, with the right pose you would make for a great piece of decoration!" I cheerfully replied, causing Starlight's fur to pale even further.

"Yes! I’ll change! I’ll change! Just don’t give me to the princesses!!" Starlight begged desperately, I had to restrain myself from laughing at her plight. Whether or not their fear of the princesses' wrath is justified, it is a useful tool.

"I don't know... I just can't trust you yet... but with a magic-suppressant and a shock collar, there would be enough to ensure your compliance, and punish you if you were to... misbehave. I also suppose the Elements would also like to confront you over your past actions. I also suspect that they may make some actions to reform you as well, which you will have to agree to, or they’ll hoof you over to the royal sisters regardless of what I do."

Her eyes darting back and forth, she let out a groan before closing her eyes as she faced up to the facts. "Fine... I concede to all your demands."

"Good! Though I was hoping that you gave in earlier before I had to use force, that normally means that I won’t be able to trust you for a few months, or years, or perhaps ever," I replied, before spotting something passing by the window. "However, before we continue, we might as well get the next part over with," I informed Starlight before trotting over to the window.

"Get what over with?" Starlight asked, warily.

"This," I answered before opening the window and taking a deep breath. "Rainbow! I have Starlight Glimmer, tied up in this room! You know, the pony that stole your Cutie Mark!"

"No no no n—" Starlight stammered out before Rainbow charges into the room, yelling out a battle cry as she tackled Starlight. "Why‽"

"Well, Starlight, something like this was going to happen no matter what, that and you sort of deserved it. Now stop punching her face Rainbow, I don't want to end up having to cover her trip to a dentist."

"So let me get this straight: You got Queen Chrysalis to send some ponies to foalnap Starlight Glimmer, who you kept tied up in your 'project' room for twenty two days straight, without telling me or anypony besides Silver who you had swear to secrecy... because you wanted to recruit her‽" Twilight shrieked, causing me to rub a hoof against an ear as I looked at the shocked faces of the rest of the elements, excluding Rainbow who snickered at what is probably in her opinion Starlight's comeuppance.

"Sounded like a good idea to me. Otherwise you'll just have a pony that can steal other ponies' Cutie Marks running around, and this is better than just letting her rot in prison or something like that?" I countered, causing Applejack to raised an eyebrow at me.

"Is that all you wanted out of this sugarcube?" Applejack asked, which caused me to let out a huff.

"Fine, I also wanted some payback," I mumbled, only to get some disapproving looks from the mares. "Hey, she hurt you all, I couldn't just let that slip by without some kind of punishment."

"You should have left that up to the authorities dear. Vengeance is unbecoming for a filly to do," Rarity scolded.

"Not to mention that it's illegal," Twilight added with a frown.

"What can I say, I have plans for the mare, unless you want to shake her out of that equality nonsense yourself. Besides, I did get some results," I countered, only to get a few disappointed shake of the mares' heads.

"Aether, we're going to have a talk about this," Pinkie declared, which caused my ears to drop. While I could shrug off the scolding from everyone else, but somehow when Pinkie does it, it always seems to make me feel horribly guilty for actions that should be right considering the circumstances. Darn the peaceful nature of this world for making everyone so soft.

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