• Published 2nd Nov 2015
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Ponyfinder: Roots of Stone - David Silver

Tree Hugger comes to help the Pies with a tree that sprouted on their rock farm. It's in the way! Her attempt to move it peacefully propels herself and Maud Pie into the Ponyfinder world of Everglow, where they will have to learn to fight together.

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12 - Into Humanity

They drew to a gentle halt and guided their horses off the main path, setting up camp outside of easy sight from that same road. Fast nodded softly as she looked over her new adventuring band. "Let's get some rest. Today's been about as full as days get." She turned to Tree Hugger. "If you're not aware, druids must rest and meditate, and draw the spells they plan to have at the ready for the day. We've taken our share of injuries, so prepare to handle that in the morning. Alright?"

Tree shook herself out. "I'm just glad to be back on my own hooves. No offense to my larger cousins, but I'm not used to the idea of riding one." She directed an ear at Fast Shadow. "I'll do my best. The trees were never so... direct before. It's... far out."

Maud tilted her head a little. "I changed too."

Tree turned to Maud. "Did you? You seemed so natural about everything, I wouldn't have guessed at all, sister in stone. How?"

Paul's eyes wandered between the Equestrian ponies and the Everglow one. "Why do you look so different? Aren't you all ponies?"

Fast frowned a little. "We need someone a lot more learned than I to answer that. Where are you two from?"

Tree Hugger put a hoof over her chest. "We're both from the radical land of Equestria, land of ponies, ruled by the most righteous of mares, Celestia, and her groovy moon sister, Luna."

Flint snorted a little as he poked the fire he had coaxed to life with a stick before getting to preparing something in a pot over the flames. "Sounds like a faery tale."

Fast flashed a smile at him. "Fitting, seeing as we are fae. I hail from Everglow, also a land of ponies, or was once. There are other creatures there, and humans too, these days... We've seen better days, but I haven't lost hope, or loyalty to my people." She looked to Flint's pot, sniffing the air of the rich smell coming from it. "What are you preparing? Smells edible, and that's a compliment considering usual human fare."

Flint gave the pot a little stir. "Well, you're in for a treat. I just wish I had some butter..."

Tree Hugger shuffled closer and leaned in to peer into the pot. "Is that oats?"

"It is," said Flint with a little smile. "Helped out a farmer with a warthog problem. Got some bacon the old fashioned way, and a sack of grain for my trouble. The bacon's long gone, but the grain'll keep us going for a few days at least."

Maud glanced around before pulling over a sizable stone, freeing it from the earth, wiping it off, then sinking her teeth into it with a loud crunch as it splintered and shattered in her powerful bite. "Mmm, a bit of volcanic, with a sandstone dusting."

Tree Hugger stared with wide eyes as Maud made short work of the rock. "Gnarly... Is that good for you?"

Maud seemed confused at the question. "It's crunchy." Apparently feeling the question was answered sufficiently, she settled to sleep.

Tree wasn't satisfied. "You didn't answer my other question. How did you change, sister of stone? My meditation has, like, far out effects. The song of the trees courses through me and does things, like, radical things. I could always hear it, but I could never sing it back so clearly."

Maud looked back up at Tree a moment quietly. "It's hard to explain."

Tree smiled a little. "Try? I won't judge you, sister."

"You are not my sister."

Tree recoiled a little at that. "Not literally... But aren't we? We have to be cool with one another."

Maud let out a little sigh. "Sorry. I got a little emotional." Not that her voice had shown any of it. "I miss my sisters." She looked down, then settled again as if to sleep. "I miss my parents."

Tree's expression fell from shocked to neutral and onwards to despair. "Oh, sister! I've been so totally spaced out. Of course you miss them. You..."

Maud lifted a hoof. "Good night."

Tree's mouth opened and closed quietly a moment before she nodded. "Good night."

Flint coughed softly. "Well, puttin' that aside a moment, the oats are ready. We don't have bowls for everyone, so we're goin' ta have to be friendly 'bout it."

Fast nodded at him. "That is quite alright. If we're to fight for life or death at one another's side, sharing a meal should not be too much to ask." She inched in closer and sniffed lightly. "A druid's berries may leave you without hunger, but real food is a pleasure I don't plan to do without."

Tree Hugger tilted her head. "Is that normal? I wondered about that." She slid in between Paul and Flint, and all but Maud gathered around the fire to get their share of oats.

Friendly turned out to be an understatement. Woefully under equipped, the stirring spoon itself was passed around to each hungry mouth or snout to get a bite of the warm mush. As they ate, Paul spoke up, "so, uh, Fast? You said you were on a mission?"

She nodded softly before she took her bite in turn. "The elves, cursed be their kind, have stolen the pegasus' cloud magic, but that's beyond my reach to fix. I've turned my eyes to the east, to the human lands." She tapped a hoof on the ground. "Where we are now. We need to find the next Queen. Our people will rally behind her, and we can get our empire back."

Flint raised a brow. "Ya gonna find a pony princess here?"

She shook her head. "Unlikely, but an artifact that can find her? That's possible, and what I'm hunting. I was chasing rumors of a crypt that should hold it. It really shouldn't be this hard to find. A pony crypt in the middle of human lands? Hmmph, you'd think som--"

"What?!" Tree Hugger sat up sharply. "Wait! Really? I think... I think we've been there."

Fast rolled her eyes. "Author, you are too blunt at times. Druid, tell me more. How do you know of this place?"

Tree waved a hoof. "Tree Hugger, or just Tree if you like. Do you want to be called 'warrior' or something?"

Fast smiled a little. "I've been called worse, but as you wish. Tree, tell me how you know, and what you know."

Tree began to describe the crypt they first appeared in and scrambled their way out of. "It's not far from the village we just rode from."

Fast brought her hooves together as she settled in. "The forces of destiny are heavy in this. That has to be the place. Will you all accompany me in this? We must explore it fully, and find the artifact. It is like a tiara fit for a Queen, though it will reveal her, even if it turns out to be a King. I care little, so long as they can lead my people back to greatness."

Paul shuffled a little. "I don't know nothin' about that kinda thing."

Flint elbowed Paul. "Then learn fast, or at least die doin' something. I haven't been in a crypt before, but I'm a passing shot with a bow or a crossbow, and I know how to handle meself. I guess you could say I'm a ranger by trade."

Fast brightened at Flint's words. "Ah, a noble profession, and a fine addition to our party. Let Maud and I take the fight to whatever we face, and you will have ample opportunity to show off your skill with your bows." She paused, then frowned. "We should make our first destination a true city, to fetch you a proper weapon, and arrows to go with."

Tree's ears went up a moment. "They have, like, real cities?"

Paul shook his head. "'Course we do. I mean, I never got to visit one before none, but I guess now's a good time? Do we have any money?"

Tree pulled a pouch that hung around her neck free and unleashed a considerable pile of coins to the earth.

Fast tilted her head. "That answers that. Is that what you were doing while we raced to the roof?"

Tree smiled a little. "I looked for anything that might be useful. The guards Maud had thrashed had bags too, like you said. I put them all into the biggest bag I had to take with us. Did I do it right?"

Fast nodded quickly. "You did it perfectly. Maud may also have some to add to the pot. We'll have enough to outfit ourselves, and maybe enjoy a night in a real bed."

With the food devoured, the pot and spoon cleaned and put away, and plans made, they settled down for bed. The fire was put out, and they sprawled on the ground. Only Maud seemed comfortable there. For the rest, sleep was slow coming.

Fast squirmed lightly. "Mmmf, remind me to get camping supplies." Slow or not, sleep did come for them in time, and the night passed for them, bringing some needed refreshment after their harrowing day.

The sun rose over their camp, stirring them to wakefulness. Maud was the first to rouse and was found by Tree, gently batting around a small, smooth stone.

Tree tilted her head at Maud curiously. "Breakfast?"

Maud pulled the rock back, hiding it under herself. "No. He's my friend. His name is Boulder."

Tree nodded slowly. "Far out. Nice to meet you, Boulder."

Maud gently nudged Boulder back out. "He gets shy around new ponies sometimes."

Tree sank towards the ground. "Aw, don't be like that, Boulder. I'm sure we can be, like, total friends. If Maud says you're laid back, then you must be completely wicked." She offered a hoof to the stone. "Welcome to the party."

Fast ambled over, head tilted to the side a little. "Are you talking with that stone?"

Maud pulled Boulder under herself, out of Fast's sight. "His name is Boulder."

"I... see. Sorry to bother you two, but, Tree, can you please see to the rest of my wounds?" She turned half away. "Sleeping with arrow wounds is not something I'd wish on anyone. Please."

Tree licked over lips. "Sure thing. Just relax, chill, and let Tree Hugger take care of this." She reared up and placed her forehooves against Fast. "Righteous spirits of the trees, always growing in the spring. Let her feel the rush of renewal, turn away the chill of winter."

Fast tensed and shuddered as powerful healing magic coursed through her before she let out a loud sigh. "That is such a relief... You are truly blessed, Tree. Your 'song' of the forest is powerful and kind."

Flint and Paul were arguing quietly about something that Maud approached. She said nothing but simply looked at them. It was enough to gain their attention after a moment.

Flint nodded at her. "Mornin'. Big oaf here wants me to go out huntin' and catch something with meat on it, like we have time for that, or you ponies want to see us cutting up and cookin' something what used to be alive."

Maud tilted her head. "If that's what you eat."

Paul pointed. "See, she doesn't care at all."

Fast whistled sharply. "Let's mount up! We'll have some meat for you boys if we can reach Greegate before sundown."

Flint winced faintly. "Greegate, wonderful. City of witches, soul stealing wizards, and worse."

Fast shrugged. "You should have heard some of the words they had for 'country' folk. Let's focus on the task."

Paul looked excited. "Is she serious? The City of Runes? I never done been there... Is it half what they say?"

There would be a chance to see, if they made it there.

Author's Note:

The party gets to learn of each other a little more. Not an action packed chapter, no, but they can't all be. Beware the typos that lurk in the dark!

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