• Published 2nd Nov 2015
  • 1,714 Views, 933 Comments

Ponyfinder: Roots of Stone - David Silver

Tree Hugger comes to help the Pies with a tree that sprouted on their rock farm. It's in the way! Her attempt to move it peacefully propels herself and Maud Pie into the Ponyfinder world of Everglow, where they will have to learn to fight together.

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65 - River Ahead

After many days of sailing and keeping the local fauna at bay, they and their raft came within view of the river that separated the pony lands from others. Its spotting brought great excitement to the group. Fast sat up and pointed at it. "There it is. The end of our water travel's in sight. We cross that, and we're back on our hooves."

Paul chuckled softly at that. "Not sure if that's better or worse. Wish we still had our horses with us."

Tabitha rolled her eyes. "Can you imagine trying to keep them calm and settled on the raft this long, or how to handle them when they relieve themselves? No, we're probably better off on this trip without them however useful they'd be."

Tree looked confused. "Why wouldn't they... you know, like we do?"

Fast let out a little chuckle. "Horses are not as clever as ponies, and know little of propriety. Unless specifically trained, they will go when they feel they must, and not give another thought to it. Tabitha's right, it would have made this trip much more unbearable. I suppose the Author had it work out the way it must." She moved to claim an oar and get to paddling. "The sooner we're on to the next leg of this journey, the happier I'll be. I'm useless on this little thing."

Paul slapped her across her armored withers. "You're a lot of things, Fast, but useless isn't one of them. I don't want to cross arms with that lance of yours. Did you see the look on that sahuagin's face when you punched a hole through it?"

Maud nodded softly. "Even on this raft, you're a very experienced fighter." She took the other paddle, keeping the raft on course and pushing for the river. "I'm excited too." She sounded as she always did. "I prefer standing on rocks, dirt if we have to."

Tree reached down to the water, letting her hoof trail through it a moment. "It's not so bad. The lake has an aura all of its own. I don't know its song that well, but it's singing it anyway, a real radical tune." She turned to face the center of the lake, endless water to the horizon. "I feel it's stronger, and terrifying there. It's a good thing we're not going that way."

Fast raised a brow. "If we weren't tasked with a mission, that may be exactly where I'd want to go, as an adventurer. Where you feel danger, that's often the call of excitement and opportunity, if you don't get killed."

Paul turned his head towards the water. "Eh, I may be a real adventurer and all that, but I think I'll skip that fer now if it's all the same."

Tabitha grinned a little. "Afraid of a little water?"

"Afraid of a lot of water, and, I don't know, maybe something big enough to eat this raft and not notice it." He rolled a large hand. "No point pokin' trouble unless we're ready, which we ain't. What do you plan to do, throw snowflakes at it?"

Fast tilted her head. "Afraid I have to side with Paul on this. We're woefully unprepared to go crossing blades with anything living in the depths of a lake this huge. But being prepared..." Her tail began to swish. "It'd be something worth telling stories about, for sure, if we could pull it off."

Tree smiled gently. "You're in far better spirits, Fast. It's great to see you shining like you should."

Fast colored a little. "I'm an adventurer... Apparently that's part of my spirit, even if I avoided it a few times."

"Lay it on us." Tree rolled a hoof. "Tell us about it. I want to hear about how you weren't an adventurer."

Fast took a slow breath. "It's the damndest thing. When I was 'living' the vision, I only saw bits, snatches... It became much more clear over time. Are you sure you want to hear? Some of it gets rather violent. In fact, why don't I start with a nice one?"

Tabitha nodded quickly. "Start with the nice one then. I want to hear this too!"

Fast nodded. "Alright then. There was this one time I was born without the adventuring spirit. I didn't even have my usual brand of destiny. My mane was a much deeper red, and I was involved with the government." She waved into the distance. "This was early, as in years after the Battle of Bones."

"What was that?" Tree tilted her head. There wasn't a single soul on the raft besides Fast that had any idea what that might be.

She sighed softly. "Let's just stick to 'A really long time ago'. We're talking hundreds of years at this point. So, anyway, the Queen had just recently become the true empress, and I was on her side, as I always was. She wanted to make a university for adventurers, where they'd learn how to be good people, besides learning how to stay alive. She really wanted to emphasize that first part, and I accepted. I was the drill sergeant." She smiled. "I may have picked up some of her habits, from that life. It stuck with me. I press hard, but only because I want to see the people around me grow, and survive."

Paul put a hand over where he'd taken a nasty lance wound during sparring. "Damn right you do... But thanks. I'd rather take a few licks from you than one in a real fight."

Fast sat up and extended one of her hooves, doing the little twist to get the spike at the end to spring free. "She really favored these. She loved getting in and personal with the hoof claws. Anyway, I taught and instructed many classes there. I never went out looking for treasure, even though my brand said I should. It was a damn treasure chest! But instead of looking for those chests myself, I spent most of my life protecting the Queen, and instructing others how to find their own chests." She gave a wistful smile. "She died satisfied and content. Unlike many of my other lives, it was in her bed, with a few friends closeby, wishing her well on her next journey." She ran a fetlock over her eyes, a few tears escaping. "It was very nice, really."

Maud tilted her head a little. "Do you remember everything?"

Paul nodded. "Right, can't imagine that not be confusin' as all get out."

Tree rolled a hoof. "I'm more amazed that you remember that much. It blows my mind to think you have so many past lives so close. That's far out, sister. You are truly blessed."

Fast raised a brow. "Blessed?"

"Totally!" Tree sat up. "Even the bad ones. Each is full of lessons. Each is full of you. All the mistakes, and all the good parts, you can remember them. You can totally learn from them."

Fast frowned softly. "Why would I be given a blessing for defying the gods?"

Maud let go of the paddle, which Paul grabbed hastily. Maud trotted over and poked the crown in Fast's saddlebag. "You're doing what they asked. You're not very good at defying them."

Fast burst into a light laughter. "You're right about that. I'm terrible at this, except that one time..."

Tree raised a hoof. "Which they forgave. You told us, she reminded you of who you were. She wasn't harshing on you, she just wanted her happy and brave pony back. You're so much nicer to be around this way." She gave a slow nod. "No Fast Shadow, present, past, or future, should be dying alone like that. That was wrong. Let's not do it again."

Fast rubbed behind her head. "Will I keep on remembering? I can't imagine every life being like this. It's... It's good, I suppose... I needed it to fix things right now, but I don't think I can be... me just right if I have to keep reliving all of this every time. It's not natural."

Tree rose to her hooves and stepped up to Fast, reaching out to put a hoof on her head. "Things will work out just the way they should. Have faith, my sister. We're doing exactly what we should."

Fast felt the need to laugh return and let it free in a musical noise. "Are you sure you don't bow to The Author? That felt right out of her prayer book." She waved a hoof. "Fine fine. I won't worry about future lives. Let's focus on the here and now, alright? You sorry lot say you're happy having me at your helm? Fine. I'll do that, but remember, you asked for it." She rose up and touched her nose to Tree's. "Let's see this ride through."

Tree smiled, then inclined her head towards Maud, and Fast moved to give her a gentle nose bump before Tabitha got in on the action, kissing Fast on her broad snout. "I'm glad to be here, even if was under terrible circumstances."

Paul waved from where he was tending the oar. "Just pretend I'm giving a manly hug right about now. Hey, we're getting off center."

Maud hurried over to the other abandoned oar and the raft evened out.

Fast felt a presence on her head and looked up to see Bright looking down at her. She smiled gently at him. "You too, friend. We'll see this through."

Author's Note:

Man, I was promised blood and gore and exciting stuff! All I'm getting is talking. Is this the nature of the typos? They're getting crafty...

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