• Published 2nd Nov 2015
  • 1,715 Views, 933 Comments

Ponyfinder: Roots of Stone - David Silver

Tree Hugger comes to help the Pies with a tree that sprouted on their rock farm. It's in the way! Her attempt to move it peacefully propels herself and Maud Pie into the Ponyfinder world of Everglow, where they will have to learn to fight together.

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30 - Return of Runes

They set off into the forest, with Flint taking the lead and guiding the party. "'Least we're back in mah element. I'll get us there faster than you can even think about it." Following his steps, they could advance as easily as a road, despite being off of anything that even looked like a path.

Tree moved up beside him. "Far out, you're moving with the song of the forest, and sharing it with the others. The thorns and branches already got out of my way, but now they're doing it for everypony else. Totally amazing." She canted her head slightly. "Not as fast as the horses, but at least we don't have to feed them anymore. I wonder where they went..."

Fast snorted from behind. "Someone probably noticed them and decided to avail themselves of free horses. They're quite valuable, you know. No point worrying about that for too long, however. We have bigger worries than an opportunistic thief."

Maud looked aside at Fast. "Didn't you say the crown did things beside find princesses?"

Fast tilted her head towards Maud. "I did. It cured my blindness, and gave me sight in the dark, both fantastic properties. It undoubtedly does other things."

"Then why don't you wear it?" Maud walked along patiently, her tone as even as always.

Fast frowned. "There are several good reasons, starting with not wanting to advertise the fact that we're walking around with a bloody artifact whose price is beyond measure. You think horse thieves are bad? We haven't even begun to experience it if word gets around that we're transporting a relic of incalculable power through the human lands. Now secondly, the primary purpose is to find the new queen, and we won't do that with it on my head." She sighed softly. "Mostly the first thing. Let's get back to pony-held lands, then we can figure out what to do."

Paul shrugged as he ambled along, eyes wandering over the trees they passed. "Is it really worth so much? Why not get so rich ya never have to adventure again?"

Fast turned her head to him with her frown deepening. "Because there are things more important than my comfort. Blaze above, I could have sold my equipment and retired to a villa somewhere a long time ago if I wanted, but that's not the life I've chosen for myself." She pointed at Paul. "Do you intend to retire the moment you're able?"

He didn't look certain of a reply, and didn't offer one.

Flint called back without looking, "Get yer head out of yer ass. Yer not a farmer no more. Stop thinkin' 'bout how fast ya can find a comfy bed. Don't you want some songs sung 'bout you?"

Paul rung his hands. "Not really? Ah'm here cause ah gotta, and fer ya, Flint."

"Can't say I'm upset to have ya, Paul, and you're far from first adventurer started cause they gotta." Flint pushed aside some vines as he went. "But ya gotta get a reason after that. What 'bout our pony friends? They need help something bad, how 'bout that?"

They emerged from the dense cover into a small copse. Fast glanced around. "This looks like a fine place for a break. Let's get a quick nibble in, relax, and it's back to walking." She flashed a smile. "Assuming the city's done being sieged, we'll get more comfortable arrangements there, promise."

"Ah'll hold ya to that." Flint settled by a tree and pulled out some jerky to chew on. "You two alright?" His eyes were on Maud and Tree, sitting beside one another. "Ah reckon it's rough learnin' ya can't go home for a while. Ah know from experience."

Tree's ears fell a little. "Oh that's right. Sorry dude. I guess you know exactly how we feel, and we get to go home eventually... Do you want to meditate together?"

Flint laughed softly. "Naw, that's plenty kind of ya, but I want my eyes on the forest in case of beast or man. You enjoy yer peace." He pushed up to his feet and wandered the clearing slowly, still chewing on lunch.

Paul suddenly crashed down beside Tree and pulled his legs into a rough meditative stance. "Offer good fer me?"

Tree nodded at him placidly. "Sure thing, man. Now close your eyes and repeat after me." The soft soft neigh of her mantra threw him off, though at least the first part he could do, and they sang together quietly. A third voice raised to meet theirs as Maud spoke the mantra with them. "Ooooohm, Neeeigh" She was better at getting the actual neigh out, and the chorus filled the clearing.

Fast softly cleared her throat. "I hate to interrupt, but we really should be going." The three looked up to her. "What? It's been half an hour."

Tree smiled gently. "A good meditation really makes the time fly." She rose to her hooves, looking to Paul. "Do you feel rejuvenated?"

Paul pushed up to his own feet, looking uncertain at first. "Well... Ah guess so, yeah, I do. Thanks." He slapped her across the shoulders and moved off towards Flint, missing the momentary sour look she shot at him.

Maud tilted her head at Tree. "You're very brave."

"Hmm?" Tree turned to Maud. "Why do you say that?"

"You don't like being touched, but you're facing your fears." She leaned closer. "I wish I could face my fears."

Tree's eyes widened with surprise. "You have fears?"

Maud walked past Tree, saying nothing. Despite Tree's attempts to get her friend to open up, it seemed the moment had passed. "I'm sorry, sister. Please, I didn't mean it like that. You can tell me... Please?" Maud replied with the same stony silence she idolized.

Their journey continued, pressing through the forest. With Flint's guidance, they avoided trouble, and made good time. The city came into view just as they left the protection of the trees the next day. The ring of an army wasn't there. The city was free and gleamed like an alien bit of jewelry, with its great floating slabs of stone, covered in the runes that gave the city its name. Flint hiked a thumb at it. "Looks like we'll get a better reception this time."

Fast frowned a little. "Depending on how that was resolved. The city may be back to normal, or adjusting to a new regime. We don't know nearly enough to say with certainty. Let's keep our heads down and our eyes open." She trotted to the fore and began leading the way before pausing. "Actually..." She turned to Flint. "I have an idea. Flint, walk alongside me and keep a hand on my neck to guide me. We'll pass me off as a standard horse. Maud, let Paul guide you. Tree, you remain as you are. Some have already seen you, and your bird friend is a bit of a give away, not to mention your green fur, lovely as it might be."

Maud looked to Paul as he approached, and said nothing when he put a hand on the back of her neck. If she agreed with the plan, she didn't say, just walking forward alongside him.

Tree trotted alongside the line formed of her friends. "I wonder if my righteous nature friend's alright. He said he had important things to get to and went down close to that gnarly army..."

Flint chuckled. "You made a friend? Were they another horse?"

"Nah man." Tree Hugger shook her head. "He was a human, like you, dig? But the beat of the trees and the animals sung through him. It didn't matter what he was on the outside, we were the same, inside."

Flint raised a brow. "Was he a friend, or a friend friend?"

Tree looked confused a moment before it dawned on her. "No way, man. Give a sister some credit. We, like, barely met. I appreciated his gentle harmony, but we're not that kind of friends."

Flint rolled his free hand. "Sure sure, but if he offered, you'd take it?"

Tree began to go red in the cheeks and across the bridge of her snout savagely. "Flint! That's so not cool, man!" She looked away from him.

"You'll notice she didn't say no."

Fast casually stepped on his closer foot as she walked.

"Hey ow! Sorry." Flint was chuckling to himself despite the painful reprimand he received.

They approached the city, the stones that hovered and turned overhead dominating the view of the sky as they came closer. There were a few other travelers coming and going from the city. A good sign, or so Fast muttered in a faint whisper. As they came close enough to see the main road of the city, a yellow light shone down on them a moment, then faded away.

Paul looked around. "What was that? Did it jus' curse us or somethin'?"

Tree tilted her head. "I doubt that, man. They were probably looking for bad things that'd ruin the karma of the city. We're cool. See?" She stepped forward, unchallenged, and walked towards the city proper.

There were no guards in sight, and none walked the streets after they entered and began roaming the city. They could hear the noise of city life, with people calling, many footsteps, and the general hustle of a crowded life.

A figure approached with a smile showing beneath his thick beard. "Hello, new friends. I am told you have something you may need my services for."

Paul raised a brow at the figure. "Yeah? What services are that?"

He spread his gloved hands. "To know the true measure of an artifact, only truly skilled wizards have a chance to unearth its mysteries."

Fast swore, which drew the stranger's eyes to her. "You have a very talented... horse." He chuckled knowingly. "I'm not here to swindle or steal. See, I have a seal of the city." He showed a badge which looked like one of the stone blocks, covered in runes. "Greegate prides itself on its sorceries, and, for a proper price, they can be brought to your aid..."

Flint rolled a hand. "Let's skip the verbal dance. How much are ya talkin'? And just how assured are they?"

He clapped his hands together. "Now we are speaking sense. One hundred platinum coins. The spell will reveal a story relating to the artifact that should reveal its purpose and powers, and perhaps a tale of who used it most famously. A common identification is not enough, if the runes speak true, and they rarely make mistakes."

Flint flinched at the number. One hundred platinum? It was difficult to even comprehend such amounts, let alone to pay it. "Um, we should settle in first. Where can we find you, if we go an' change our minds?"

"I am always here." He bowed lightly. "I am a servant of the city, as I said." He pointed to the tallest tower. "Go there, and ask for Crucifex the Knowledged, and they will direct you to me. May your travels bring you insight." He moved off with that same knowing expression, leaving them to their own ways.

Passing through Greegate entirely unnoticed seemed out of the plans.

Author's Note:

I'm still in shock about that episode. But here's a chapter!

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